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One evening, i was realaxing on my bed.It was a sauturday which meant that i took a
break from work. i started to get hungry, so i decided to go get a snack from any
market. I went down at like 1 am which was a mistake... I couldn't find any around
the place i lived, and i was new to to the country which meant i didnt know anyone
or anywhere. I got into my rented car and started looking. After a while of looking
i finally found one quite far from where i live. I got my stuff and headed home. I
had a feeling that something bad was going to happen i didnt know why tho. I
started to munch on some snacks on the way home from how hungry i was.

My heart started beating as i made a wrong turn which took me down a dark small
road. I then turned on my maximum brightness of my cars headlight which helped out
a little. I thought of going back but i couldnt since it was too small. About half
way throught the road i heard a fsssssssss sound. I got out to check my tires, and
it turned out to be my back left tire flat. I was so scared that i started
shiviring. Luckly i had a spare tire in the trunk. I changed it quite quick, and
got on my way.

After a while of driving throught this long dark road i found a person with a
flashlight in the distance. I slowed down and asked him "Are you okay?" He didnt
reply he just stood there. It was so dark i couldn't see what he looked like. As i
drove past him to started to run behind the car. He ran quickly so i sped up. Then
lost him or so i tought... After a while of driving i got back home, and ate and
went to bed. I looked out the window before i went to bed, and found the same
person with the flashlight. I called to the police and told them about the man. I
kept on looking at the window while talking to the police, yet he just dissapered.

I swore to myself that i am not going to sleep that night. The police arrived, and
took a look around the place. To my luck they found nothing. I tought it was the
end of me at this point. i stayed up all night, yet he didnt appear.

I countinued my life, and learned that whatever happend i will not go throught that
road again.

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