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Encounter Level: 5th - 7th called GoL) is upside down, and its colors are
Encounter Type: Combat, Social, Exploration inverted. The celebration happens at night, on a
full moon, instead of in the light. The mansion was
Encounter Overview: The party encounters a stolen, its former owners killed, their grounds
ritual sacrifice, disguised as a celebration/feast. desecrated. Even the flowers were picked from the
Encounters Location: Any wooded environment earth and hung there, dying... As the full moon
reaches its zenith, the dead rise and the real feast
BACKGROUND begins. A feast on the living.
On its way somewhere, the party stumbles upon a THE ENCOUNTER
mansion, where a celebration of an equinox of
spring is happening. There, a small cult of the god At some point during the party’s travel through a
of undeath takes place, in a sinister roleplay that wooded environment, read or paraphrase:
intends to mock the god of life. In truth, a servant As the sun sets calmly in the west, the fresh air of the
of the Demon Lord of Undeath intends to sacrifice evening brings the sweet scent of baked pie and boar,
the guests in a ritual. through the gentle wind. A well-maintained road
Magnus (he/him, NE human mage), is a servant goes slightly north, uphill. The vegetation itself
of the Demon Lord of Undeath (henceforth called seems to gradually change into a more dense, darker
DLoU). During his lifetime, he has experienced a green. Over the hill and far away, the tip of a
heavy load of trauma. Unable to deal with it, he’s chimney can be seen, venting out some thin smoke
turned his gaze towards doom and the extinction of that seems to be the source of the delightful smell
life itself as the final solution for the grievances of
living. For the past three years, as a way to A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Religion) check
strengthen the bond with his master, Magnus has reveals that the symbol belongs to a GoL.
staged a mockery celebration of the god of life that Any character can roll for an Intelligence
culminates in a sacrificial ritual, offering the lives (Investigation) check. A character who succeeded
of those in attendance to the demon lord of on the Religion check above to identify the GoL
undeath. The mockery is subtle, as is his trickery. It symbol has the opportunity to uncover an
consists of a feast that pretends to celebrate the additional piece of information, tagged as “*”.
equinox of spring and the bountiful harvests it Consult the table below to identify which DC the
brings, but it happens on the last day of autumn, character reaches. The information is cumulative,
beginning of winter, season of cold, death and meaning that reaching higher DCs allows learning
scarcity. The symbol of the God of Life (henceforth the information from lower DCs.

Battle Events If the party goes toward the house, read or
DC Reached Information paraphrase:
The road had been traveled
recently by a few people. A discreet Going uphill, the party continues unperturbed
10 through the silent night. As it approaches the
welcome sign can be seen 30 clearing, a well-kept mansion unfolds. Its doors are
meters ahead. wide open all the way a, revealing a huge table inside,
Around ten people traveled the where apparently a small feast is happening.
road, a cart/wagon too, a week or Although the windows have tasteful stained glass,
15 black velvet curtains are closed, revealing only the
so ago. The welcome sign has a
Symbol of GoL. wavering light of fire and candlelight. Crowns of
autumn flowers decorate the walls and windows. A
There are braziers kept alit barn can be observed around the back, through the
20 through the woods for no right side, with plenty of haystack piled around it. To
discernible reason. the left of the main door, a tall thin man stands
The symbol of GoL is upside- beside a simple wooden table, which has a silver tin,
* down and, coincidentally or not, clean towels, two woodcutting axes, a pitchfork and
three beautiful swords upon it. He’s unarmed, dressed
its colors are reversed.

in fine clothing with no jewelry, he smiles widely as The host invites the party to leave their weapons
he sees the group, opens his arms, bows reverently at the table, to ensure the “tranquility of the event
and says: and peace of mind of all present” (specially his
own). He insists on it, exemplifying that everyone
“All be welcome to the feast! Let us celebrate life, let who had tools or weapons left it outside, even the
us celebrate its bounty, for it is certain and it is for all “lord guest and his companions”. Invoking common
of us that live!” courtesy and reminding the party that they are
Check the table below and match it against the guests and he’s the owner, showing that it would be
passive Perception of the characters to see what extremely impolite and menacing to insist to be
they notice. armed in someone else's home is his preferred
strategy, but he won’t take action to force the party
Passive Information to comply. He does what it takes to drag the night
Perception until midnight, when the undead rise to sate their
One of the sheaths in one of the hunger. He claims he owns the house, not saying
swords, has a herald on it. An axe how he acquired it, which was by killing and
15 and an executioner’s hood. It stealing from the original owners.
belongs to a wealthy and The servant of the DLoU also doesn’t claim to be
important family of the region a priest of any sort, instead, he claims being a
The family in question is called grateful devout, wanting to show appreciation for
The Sullivans, keepers of the the bountiful cycle of life. He uses the fact that this
is an “unofficial event that he promotes every year”,
Whitehold. The family has been
20 to repel any argument or question about “why’s the
supplying the lord of the region symbol upside down” or anything that the party is
with executioners for the last 5 suspicious of. He has no official obligation to the
generation expectations of his guests and they are free to not
partake into the activities. If the party chooses to
accept the invitation however, he insists that after
10 o'clock, all must remain at the house until
DM Note midnight, when he serves the main course (the
The bounty of life, which is certain and for all of us, guests) before providing them accommodations for
is death. This and all of the subtle hints are part of a the night (their graves).
philosophy, not a litany or moto, it is up to the The noble guest (noble) at the mansion is
players to realize that, not their characters someone whose family wronged Magnus' father
and against whom Magnus has a personal score to
settle. Accompanied by two swordsmen
INTERACTING WITH MAGNUS (veterans), Magnus has manipulated them into a
Magnus didn’t expect a party of adventures as friendship with him, unaware of his intentions. All
guests, but it doesn’t matter. All living flesh tastes three are prone to side with and defend Magnus in
the same for the demon lord, and trying to keep case anything uncourteous happens towards him
them at bay would only risk warning the guests. during the feast, even taking up arms if necessary.
The more, the merrier. Magnus avoids directly THE MANSION
lying to the party, for he knows his time is short
and intends to fulfill his promise to his dreadful The house has a broad dining room, with a broad
patron. To be caught lying would be unwise, table for 20 people, a kitchen with a small storage
instead, he rather feeds them vague information room behind it and a bedroom (locked, the key
and half-truths, pretending to be concerned with remains in Magnus pocket at all times). The
the good continuation of the feast and comfort of bathroom is a small construction near the barn,
the guests. He’s pretending to hold a feast in honor outside at the back of the mansion. All the
of GoL, but if confronted about it, he says that he’s windows of the house, except for those in the
indeed celebrating the fulfillment of the promises living room are discreetly nailed shut by the inside.
of the glorious cycle of life–which always ends in Other rooms are hidden behind the mechanism on
death–though he leaves that part out. He makes a bookshelf, in Magnus' room. The mechanism
statements such as “glory to the one that grants us opens a secret door to his alchemical lab and stair
eternal peace, to the great one, which provides us for a tunnel that leads to a crypt underground.
with what we really need and covers the world As the party enters the mansion, read or
with what suffices”. paraphrase:
Very skilled in the use of euphemisms, Magnus is As you pass through the heavy doors, it reveals a rich
evasive, discreet, always appearing to be talking environment. The table is set for twenty-two people
about a good and merciful god, while dispensing and twelve of those seats are occupied. At the far end
his understanding of what in his belief is the real of the table, a beautiful set of full plate rests
benefit of mortality: death. assembled as if part of the decoration. The dark steel

has clearly seen better days. Around its chest, four THE RISE OF THE DEAD
arrow holes have a silver medallion intertwined,
forming some sort of weaving. Around two minutes to midnight, as the moon
approaches its zenith, Magnus calls upon the guests
At the right side, what seems to be a nobleman for them to observe the climax of the feast, going
drinks wine from an exquisite glass cup with two outside.
men of arms. The rest of the guests seem to be of As the party exits the mansion, read or
varied backgrounds. Some with rough hands and paraphrase:
poor clothes, others with embroidered silk. All seem
to ignore those differences, drinking and laughing All the guests and servants joyfully exit the mansion.
loudly. There are six people that appear to be In a drunk stupor, they stumble forward laughing
working as staff at the event, are all stunningly and singing, looking up in wonder to the beautiful
beautiful and dressed in provocative clothing, as if in moon that seems to be particularly closer, ruling the
a brothel. They come and go, flirting with the guests night sky. Myriads of stars and its constellations
and partaking of the food and drinks. Smaller tables make this one a very clear night.
and couches are spread throughout the room, with A strong gust of wind suddenly set all the guests in
caskets of wine and barrels of beer. At the table, silence, as Magnus lifts his finger towards the moon
bread, boar, fresh fruits and stew. The host remains and chants:
at the door, waiting for more guests.
“Behold my friends, behold the light that shines in
A detect magic spell reveals that the medallion has a the dark! It is not the end of the cycle, but the
faint light. It’s in fact a trigger that unleashed the beginning of the truest one! For not life or death is
incantation on the armor, making it a construct being celebrated here, but the life of the dead.
(animated armor, see “The Combat”). The phrase Undeath! That is not dead which can eternal lie, and
that triggers it is “That is not dead which can eternal with strange Aeons even death may die.”
lie, and with strange Aeons even death may die.” The nobleman, Lord Sullivan, points up towards the
If asked about the armor, Magnus responds that it moon while the remaining guests look at each other
belonged to his murdered father, that it saddens confused. He shouts:
him to talk about it and that this is his way of
“making his father partake on the feast from “What in the name of…”
beyond the grave”. He avoids to elaborate further.
In the sky, flying towards the group, four winged
horrors come down screaming songs of death.
Magnus backs off and lets the dead do his work. Aside from any XP from combat, if the party
While speaking the phrase that triggers the engages in roleplay situations with Magnus and the
combat, the armor at the table is animated and goes guests, award them XP equal to a Medium
towards its master to protect him, acting as a encounter. If the party risks themselves to help
bodyguard. The undead harpies will at first NPCs, award them XP equal to a Hard encounter.
randomly attack the guests, including the party. If
attacked, they focus their attention on the CREDITS
attackers. Five ghouls rise from the pumpin field
and silently move toward the party. Author: Ricardo Andrade, Christian Zeuch
The nobleman and his two swordsmen will also Editor: Ricardo Andrade
enter the fray, once they realize Magnus is not Cartographer: Jeremy Kemberling
their friend. All three of them attack Magnus and
his animated bodyguard. Art: Oliver Denker, SugaBom86, Corey Johnston
Magnus fully intends to live. Once the fight starts
to turn sour, he tries to flee to his room and uses a
spell scroll of teleportation circle. He can be back at a
later stage to get revenge from the party.
Find below the list of creatures involved in the
• Magnus, a mage
• His animated armor with the below modifications:
• It has 66 hit points
• It deals an additional 10 necrotic damage on a hit
with its slam attack
• It is CR 3
• A noble and two veterans, fighting Magnus and his
• Four undead harpies, with the below modifications:
• They have the Undead Fortitude trait.
• Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the harpy to
0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless
the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
success, the harpy drops to 1 hit point instead.
• They deal an additional 5 necrotic damage on a
hit with a claw attack
• Four ghouls with the below modifications:
• They can take Hide as a Bonus Action.
• They don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from a
creature they attacked in that turn.
Some of the possible outcomes are listed below:
• The party manages to kill the monsters and save the
nobleman, who promises them a handsome reward of
500 gp and an uncommon magic item for the heroic
• The party finds the spell scroll of teleportation, which
is linked to a specific place that Magnus planned to
escape, and find themselves in trouble after using it.
This opens up possibilities for future adventures.
• The characters take the corpses of the people to town
afterwards and get rewarded by the nobleman’s family
for bringing them back so they can be properly buried.
The reward consists of 100 gp.
• The group escapes the fight and leaves the others to
certain death.
• Magnus manages to escape and plots his revenge.

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