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Alex, an Amazon Delivery Driver

By Hayley Cotton

Alex can be played by any gender. Alex holds a cardboard box under their
arm for the duration of the monologue.

In a lot of ways I could say my job has become more difficult since the
pandemic began. At the same time, I’ve also had some of the most amazing
days during all this. Sure, wearing a mask all day can be challenging and the
number of packages I’m delivering is…unbelievable. But doing the actual
delivering has become…so much more rewarding. At least in my opinion. I
remember just a few weeks into quarantine as I was getting used to this “new
normal”, I was delivering what I thought was just another package. I pulled
up to a house with, what looked like, a white door with paint splatters all over
it. I just assumed it was a painted door, but when I got closer, I saw that I
was way off. The kids who lived in the house had covered the door with tiny
little drawings. I’m talking twenty…maybe thirty little pieces of paper, in all
different colors, of all sorts of different things. But everything was happy and
colorful and just filled with that childlike joy, you know? In the middle of all of
these drawings was a sign “Please take whatever makes your heart happy.”
And as I stood taking all of this in, I suddenly noticed two little faces in the
window next to me. When I looked over at these two adorable kids, they
smiled and motioned towards their drawings as if they were saying “Please…
take one…take two!” Of course, I did. I set their package down on their door
mat, (Alex sets the cardboard box down, removing a piece of paper that had
been on top between the box and their body) and I took the drawing that I
had been immediately drawn to. (Alex holds up the drawing to the audience.
It’s a drawing of the earth with the words “we will get through this”) I’ve
carried this with me every day since. (Tucks the drawing into their pocket and

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