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4 The longer read

in the desert
When people think of the desert, they tents. Because they are round, the
think of hot, dry weather with lots of sun. wind goes around the yurt. So the
But some deserts are also very cold. For yurts are good in windy weather. In the
example, in the Mojave Desert in the desert regions of the USA, such as in
south-west of the USA, the average low New Mexico, houses are traditionally
temperature in winter is about −1 °C, but made of adobe. This is a special type
in summer the average high temperature of material made of earth. It’s a good
is about 34 °C. It often snows in the colder material because it helps the house
months. The Gobi Desert in northern China to be cool in summer. These kinds of
and southern Mongolia in Asia is even houses have thick walls, too. They are
colder than the Mojave Desert. Because usually not wooden because wood
it is very windy there, the temperature isn’t good in hot weather. Wood is also
can fall to around −40 °C. It is one of the dangerous in dry weather because of
coldest places on Earth in the winter! So, the risk of fire. The roof is often made of
people who live in these kinds of deserts metal. It needs to be strong because of
need special houses. It is important for the desert wind.
their houses to be cool in summer but
warm in winter. Windows in desert houses are usually
smaller and darker than normal houses.
In some deserts, like the Gobi, people If the windows are dark, the sun does not
live in yurts, which are large round come into the house. Desert houses are
often light colours like white or cream.
This is because light colours reflect
heat and stop it coming into the house.
Sometimes desert houses can be the
colours of the desert, like yellow or brown.
The roof is sometimes pink, like the sky in
the morning or evening.

The weather in the desert is very

extreme. The most important thing is
that these houses can last for a long
time. So, they need to be stronger than
normal houses.

Influence 1 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence A2


4 The longer read

4 Word work Match the definitions to the

Subskill: Understanding the main idea underlined words in the text.
Sometimes more than one idea is 1 make something go back the same way
mentioned in a text. Think about which it came
idea is the most important. This is
2 the thing that trees are made of
usually the main idea.
3 something hard, like gold or silver
4 you look through these to see outside
1 Read the text quickly. All of the ideas below 5 this is in the ground and helps plants grow
are mentioned. Which one is the main
6 something you use to make things
idea? Choose the correct option.
a A description of the desert climate 5 Would you like to stay in a desert home?
Why/Why not?
b Colours of desert homes
c What desert homes are like

2 Read the text again and complete the

summary with the words from the box.
cool freezing hot strong warm
Deserts can be very 1 in
summer but 2 in winter. So,
people in deserts need special houses.
These houses need to stay 3
in summer and 4 in winter.
They also need to be 5
because of the desert wind.

3 Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?

1 The Gobi Desert is colder than
the Mojave Desert. T/F
2 Wood is a good material for
desert houses. T/F
3 It is important to have a strong
roof on a desert house. T/F
4 The windows of desert houses
are different to normal houses. T/F
5 Desert houses are light colours
because they make the house warm. T/F

Influence 1 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence A2

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