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Tisdale Frontier: Sagas of North


Creativity has always been the compass by which I navigate my life, a boundless resource that has never
failed me. From the simple joys of drawing custom artwork for my peers in elementary school to the
complex worlds crafted in my short stories and digital art, creating has always been synonymous with
happiness for me. This innate drive, combined with a lifelong adoration of video games and fantasy, has
naturally culminated in the creation of my own campaign sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons.

My fascination with the D&D universe is deep-rooted and multifaceted, spanning the arcane lore to the
boundless possibilities of roleplaying. It wasn't until my late 30s, however, that I truly embarked on the
journey of playing and understanding the game that had long intrigued me. This exploration has been a
revelation, marrying my love for storytelling with the mechanics of gameplay in ways I had only dreamed

Growing up, I often mused about the thrill of experiencing a video game set in my hometown. Would it
be a gritty RTS, echoing the strategic depths of Command & Conquer, or perhaps an open-world
adventure akin to Grand Theft Auto? Or maybe, I speculated, it would take the form of an intricate RPG,
complete with stat blocks and inventory management. As it turns out, the RPG format was a perfect
match, and the setting couldn't be more fitting.

Choosing the largely uncharted continent of Anchorome within the Forgotten Realms was an inspired
decision. With Toril mirroring an alternate Earth, Anchorome represents our North America, providing a
rich and familiar backdrop for the fantastical. The Tisdale region, nestled within this vast continent, is
the fruit of my labor—a labor born of love, nostalgia, and an unquenchable thirst for creativity.

In crafting the Tisdale region, I have poured into it not just my skills and imagination, but my heart. It's a
reflection of my journey, a blend of the worlds I've loved and the experiences that have shaped me. As
you delve into this sourcebook, my greatest hope is that you find not only enjoyment in exploration and
gameplay but also a spark of inspiration to create your own worlds and adventures.

May the Tisdale region be a canvas for your imagination, a space where the boundaries of reality blur
with the boundless potential of fantasy. I invite you to explore, to play, and most importantly, to dream.
Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Enjoy every moment of discovery and adventure that

- Em Beaulieu
Welcome to Tisdale

The travelers arrived in the Tisdale region, a vast expanse of untamed wilderness and burgeoning
settlements. Towering trees whispered ancient secrets, while distant mountains loomed like silent
sentinels. In the heart of the region lay Tisdale, a bustling hub of mining and trade. Its streets teemed
with activity, echoing the dreams of fortune seekers and the songs of laborers. Beyond Tisdale, the
landscape unfolded in a tapestry of forests, lakes, and rivers. Each corner held the promise of adventure
and discovery, drawing travelers from far and wide. As the newcomers ventured forth, they felt the pulse
of the land beneath their feet and the whisper of destiny in the wind. Here, in the vast embrace of the
Tisdale region, their journey began anew.

A New D&D Setting

The region of Tisdale is a new setting for your Dungeons & Dragons campaign, originally
created by Em Beaulieu as the setting for their first homebrew campaign. Though it's just one
continent in the larger world of Toril, Anchorome is teeming with varied cultures, locales,
peoples, and monsters. It is home to both avatars of evil and paragons of good, but it is defined
by the common folk who exist in between these two parallels.
This book is for D&D players and DMs of all experience levels. It is for newcomers and for
hardcore fans of The Forgotten Realms alike. If you're a Dungeon Master, this book will help
you create a D&D campaign set within the region of Tisdale, with its rich and diverse history.
You will also find brand-new monsters and introductory adventures that can help you start a
campaign in the region of Tisdale. If you're a player, this book contains new options that will
help your character fit in neat with this brave new frontier. You can create a backstory that
firmly roots your character in the region of Tisdale.

Welcome to the untamed wilderness of Anchorome, where rugged landscapes and ancient
mysteries await intrepid adventurers. In the heart of this sprawling frontier lies the Tisdale
region, a vibrant tapestry of cultures, ambitions, and untold stories waiting to be written.
Tisdale Frontier: Sagas of North Anchorome invites you to embark on an epic journey into a land
of boundless opportunity and perilous adventure. From bustling mining towns to tranquil
villages nestled amidst towering forests, the Tisdale region offers a diverse tapestry of
environments ripe for exploration and discovery.
Venture forth as brave heroes, forging your own path in a world shaped by the deeds of those
who came before. Whether you seek fame, fortune, or simply the thrill of adventure, the
Tisdale Frontier beckons, offering endless possibilities for those bold enough to seize them. But
beware, for the frontier is not without its dangers. From marauding bandits to ancient curses
and malevolent forces lurking in the shadows, peril awaits those who dare to tread the path of
the adventurer. Only through courage, cunning, and camaraderie can you hope to overcome
the challenges that lie ahead. So, gather your companions, ready your gear, and prepare to
embark on a journey unlike any other. The sagas of North Anchorome await, ready to be
written by those brave enough to leave their mark on the Tisdale Frontier.

Adventure awaits!

Chapter 1: Welcome to Tisdale

Welcome to Tisdale, a land of boundless adventure and untold mysteries waiting to be uncovered.
Nestled in the northern reaches of the continent of Anchorome, Tisdale boasts a diverse tapestry of
landscapes, from dense boreal forests to towering mountain peaks, winding rivers, and expansive lakes.
It's a realm where the echoes of ancient civilizations mingle with the hustle and bustle of bustling towns
and rural villages.

Once the sole domain of the indigenous âhkihkaniw tribes, Tisdale now teems with human settlements,
interspersed with hidden enclaves of Evermeet elves, secluded havens of more intelligent creatures, and
other exotic locales. The region pulsates with life, each corner brimming with stories waiting to be told
and adventures waiting to be had.

Every journey through Tisdale is fraught with danger and excitement. Travelers brave winding paths that
cut through dense forests, marshes shrouded in mist, and treacherous mountain passes, where bandits
lurk and marauding humanoids prowl. Yet, amidst the perils lie treasures untold, hidden within ancient
ruins and caverns that delve deep beneath the earth's surface, awaiting intrepid adventurers to claim

At the heart of Tisdale's vitality lies its people, who thrive on the three pillars of mining, trade, and
agriculture. Across the rural landscape, farmers toil in the fields to produce sustenance, while craftsmen
and laborers ply their trades in bustling towns, ensuring the flow of goods and services vital to the
region's prosperity. Caravans and ships traverse Tisdale's routes, ferrying goods between settlements
and carrying news and gossip from one end of the region to the other.

Adventurers, too, play a vital role in the tapestry of Tisdale. Revered for their daring exploits and
valorous deeds, they tread where others fear to go, seeking fortune and glory in the face of peril. Yet,
their rise to prominence is not without its challenges, as some view their rapid accumulation of wealth
and status with suspicion and apprehension. Still, the allure of adventure and the promise of riches draw
both admirers and detractors alike to their cause.

Despite the dangers that lurk in the shadows, Tisdalians embrace diversity and acceptance, welcoming
people of all cultures, races, and creeds. From the cosmopolitan streets of Tisdale to the remote corners
of the region, a spirit of tolerance prevails, bridging divides and fostering unity amidst the myriad
challenges that beset the land.

In Tisdale, every step is a journey, every encounter a tale waiting to be spun. So, venture forth, brave
adventurer, and carve your legend in the annals of this storied realm. Welcome to Tisdale, where
adventure awaits at every turn.

The Region of Tisdale

The expanse of the Tisdale region stretches from the Tisdale Bridge to the Porcupine Bridge, nestled
within the embrace of the Tisdale District. Once under the dominion of Faerunian guilds and rulers, this
territory now proudly asserts its sovereignty through the Tisdale Pact. While formally bounded by
Tisdale in the west and Porcupine in the east, the district's influence extends far beyond these limits,
encompassing surrounding areas not beholden to stronger powers.

Delving deeper, the Tisdale region reveals a tapestry of diverse districts and notable landmarks. Among
these are Wiyahkawin, Mt. Jamieson, Biggwater, Dead Man's Woods, Wiyotayin, and Ironwood, each
lending its own character to the vibrant mosaic of the region.

Enveloping the landscape are dense boreal forests, shrouding the region in the untamed wilderness of
Anchorome's northern reaches. Within this verdant realm, communities, nations, and governments
coalesce into distinct categories, each contributing to the rich tapestry of Tisdale's society.

Foremost among these are the three principal communities and governments of the Tisdale District,
united under the banner of the Tisdale Pact alongside the Elves of Evermeet Island. The indigenous
villages of the âhkihkaniw forge a resilient alliance, rooted in shared heritage and mutual support.
Beneath the earth's surface lies the enigmatic Underdark, a labyrinthine realm intertwined with the
fabric of Anchorome, harboring mysteries yet to be unveiled.

While these categories provide a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of Tisdale, Chapter 2 promises a
deeper exploration of each facet, offering insights into their history, culture, and significance within the

The Tisdale Pact

The Tisdale Pact stands as a formidable alliance forged among the leaders of the pioneering settlements
within the Tisdale District and the venerable Elves of Evermeet. At the helm of this alliance is a council,
comprising not only the mayors of Tisdale, Fredericktown, and Porcupine but also representatives from
various guilds, factions, and the esteemed âhkihkaniw tribes. Among its esteemed members are the
captains of the guard from each settlement, ensuring both civilian and military perspectives are
represented in the council's deliberations. Currently, the Tisdale Pact counts these individuals as council

 Mayor Thaddeus Ironspear

 Mayor Roderick Thorne

 Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III

 Captain Amelia Runeforge

 Captain Elara Swiftblade

 Captain Valeria Ironclad

 âhkihkaniw diplomat

 FDX council member

 Shadow Vein Division council member

In addition to these key figures, the council includes delegates from influential entities such as the FDX,
representing the economic interests of the region, and the Shadow Vein Division, lending their expertise
in matters of security and defense. Together, these diverse voices form the backbone of the Tisdale
Pact, embodying the spirit of cooperation and unity that defines its essence.

Beyond its diplomatic and military functions, the Tisdale Pact serves as a bastion of commerce, drawing
upon the economic prowess of its member settlements to bolster trade both within the alliance and
with external partners. Through the facilitation of robust trade networks and the promotion of mutual
prosperity, the Pact not only ensures the region's economic vitality but also fosters bonds of mutual
interdependence that contribute to its enduring stability and resilience.

The âhkihkaniw Villages of the Tisdale Region

The âhkihkaniw communities of the Tisdale region represent an ancient and resilient presence in the
wilderness of Anchorome, tracing their lineage back to time immemorial. Despite the encroachment of
Faerunian settlers, these indigenous peoples have steadfastly maintained their cultural traditions and
deep connection to the land, forging enduring bonds with neighboring settlements through trade and
mutual cooperation.

Nestled amidst the majestic landscapes of the Tisdale region are the two thriving âhkihkaniw
communities: Wiyahkawin and Wiyotayin. The Wiyahkawin village, situated at the base of Mt. Jamieson
amidst the verdant Jamieson Forest, serves as a beacon of tradition and communal harmony. Here,
amidst the towering trees and babbling brooks, the âhkihkaniw people have carved out a sustainable
way of life, rooted in reverence for nature and ancestral wisdom.

In the eastern reaches of the Tisdale District lies the tranquil enclave of Wiyotayin, nestled within the
embrace of Crestwood Forest. Surrounded by lush foliage and teeming wildlife, the Wiyotayin village
embodies the essence of tranquility and resilience. Despite the challenges posed by encroaching
civilization, the inhabitants of Wiyotayin remain steadfast in their commitment to preserving their
cultural heritage and living in harmony with the natural world.

Together, these âhkihkaniw communities stand as living testaments to the enduring spirit of the
indigenous peoples of Anchorome, their villages serving as bastions of tradition, community, and
environmental stewardship in an ever-changing world. Through their ongoing interactions with the
settlements of the Tisdale Pact, they not only contribute to the region's cultural tapestry but also enrich
the fabric of society with their unique perspectives and timeless wisdom.

The Underdark
Beneath the rugged terrain of Anchorome lies a sprawling labyrinth of darkness and mystery known as
the Underdark, a vast expanse of subterranean caverns that extend for thousands of miles in every
direction. This hidden realm is not confined to Anchorome alone but spans across continents, its
intricate network of tunnels and chambers weaving a web of intrigue and peril.

Within the lightless depths of the Underdark, a myriad of bizarre and menacing creatures dwell, their
forms twisted by the eternal darkness that shrouds their domain. Among them are the duergar, grim
counterparts to the dwarves, who carve out their fortresses in the heart of the earth, wielding dark
magics and forging alliances with even darker powers. Similarly, the Drow, sinister reflections of surface-
dwelling elves, plot and scheme in the shadowy depths, their society steeped in intrigue and treachery.

Amidst the oppressive gloom of the Underdark, another race lurks in the depths: the svirfneblin, or deep
gnomes, who eke out a precarious existence in the face of constant danger. Skilled in the arts of stealth
and survival, these diminutive denizens of the deep navigate the treacherous tunnels of their
subterranean realm, ever wary of the lurking threats that lie in wait.

While most denizens of the surface world remain blissfully unaware of the terrors that lurk beneath
their feet, occasional forays from the Underdark serve as grim reminders of its presence. From sporadic
raids on surface settlements to enigmatic quests that defy comprehension, the creatures of the deep
occasionally emerge from the shadows, casting a pall of fear and uncertainty over the surface world.

Thus, the Underdark remains a realm of endless fascination and dread, its secrets hidden beneath layers
of stone and darkness, awaiting those brave or foolish enough to venture into its depths in search of
fortune or folly.

Among the lands of the Underdark beneath Tisdale are the duergar stronghold of Underdome, and a
Drow city of Duskrend. Also prominent is The Great Bazaar, a trade district within Duskrend for
Underdark merchants.

Time in the region of Tisdale

As with Faerun, the region of Tisdale has largely adapted to the Calendar of Harptos. Even the cultures
and races that don't favor this method of marking time are aware of it, with the result that it is
recognized across nearly all races, languages, and cultures.
A year on Anchorome consists of 365 days. In the Calendar of Harptos, this year is divided into twelve
months of thirty days, loosely following the synodic cycle of Selune, the moon. A month is made up of
three ten-days, also known as rides. Five annual holidays, falling between the months, complete the
365-day calendar. Once every four years, the Calendar of Harptos includes Shieldmeet as a "leap day"
following Midsummer. Individual days of a tenday have no special names. Instead, they are denoted by
counting from the beginning of the period ("first day," "second day," "third day," and so on). Days of the
month are designated by a number and the month name. For example, sages would record an event as
occurring on "1 Mirtul" or "27 Uktar." People might also refer to a given day by its relationship to the
current date ("two tendays from today") or the nearest holiday ("three days past Greengrass").

Special Calendar Days

Every nation, faith, and culture across Toril has its own special festivals and holidays, the observances of
which are governed by the cycles of the sun, the moon, the stars, or some other event. In addition, the
Calendar of Harptos specifies five annual festivals keyed to the changing of the seasons and one
quadrennial festival that are observed in almost every land, with particular celebrations varying based
on local traditions and popular faiths.

Midwinter. The' first festival day of the year is known

generally as Midwinter, though some people name it
differently. Nobles and monarchs of the Heartlands look
to the High Festival of Winter as a day to commemorate
or renew alliances. Commoners in the North, the
Moonsea, and other, colder climes celebrate Deadwinter
Day as a marking of the midpoint of the cold season,
with hard times s till ahead, but some of the worst
days now past.

Greengrass. The traditional beginning of spring,

Greengrass is celebrated by the display of freshly cut
flowers (grown in special hothouses wherever the climate
doesn't permit flowers so early) that are given as
gifts to the gods or spread among the fi elds in hopes of a
bountiful and speedy growing season.

Midsummer. The midpoint of summer is a day of

feasting, carousing, betrothals, and basking in the
pleasant weather. Storms on Midsummer night are seen
as bad omens and signs of ill fortune, and sometimes
interpreted as divine disapproval of the romances or
marriages sparked by the day's events.

Shieldmeet. The great holiday of the Calendar of

Harptos, Shieldmeet occurs once every four years
immediately after Midsummer. It is a day for plain
speaking and open council between rulers and their
subjects, for the renewal of pacts and contracts, and for
treaty ma king between peoples. Many tournaments and
contests of skill are held on Shieldmeet, and most faiths
mark the holiday by emphasizing one of their key tenets.
The next Shieldmeet will be observed in 1492 DR.

Highharvestide. A day of feasting and thanks, Highharvestide

marks the fall harvest. Most humans give
thanks to Chauntea on this day for a plentiful bounty before
winter approaches. Many who make their living by
traveling road or sea set out immediately following the
holiday, before winter comes on in full force and blocks
mountain passes and harbors.

The Feast of the Moon. As nights lengthen and

winter winds begin to approach, the Feast of the Moon
is the time when people celebrate their ancestors and
their honored dead. During festivals on this day, people
gather to s hare stories and legends, offer prayers for the
fallen, and prepare for the coming cold.


Most people don't keep track of the time of day beyond

notions such as "mid-morning" or "nigh sunset." If people
plan to meet at a particular time, they tend to base
their arrangements around such expressions.
The concept of hours and minutes exists mainly
where wealthy people use clocks, but mechanical clocks
are often unreliable, and rarely are two set to the same
time. If a local temple or civic structure has a clock that
tolls out the passing of the hours, people refer to hours
as "bells," as in "I'll meet you at seven bells."

A Brief History
The documented history of the Tisdale region spans several centuries, tracing back to the legendary
tales of Baldur's journey across the Trackless Sea. The details recounted in this section are primarily
preserved by scholars and historians, many of whom have dedicated their lives to studying the region's
past. However, for the ordinary inhabitants of the continent, these historical events hold little
significance or relevance to their daily lives. Despite this, news of distant happenings in places like
Faerun still manages to trickle down to even the most remote villages in the Tisdale region, albeit

The Present Age

The four and a half centuries since the establishment of the Lords of Waterdeep have been tumultuous
times for Toril. Throughout this period, civilization struggles against the savage forces of chaos, and life
attempts to persevere against the agents of death and strife, sometimes in places where even the gods
themselves have not been exempt from destruction.

The last one hundred fifty years have comprised one of the most cataclysmic periods in Faerun's history.
On no fewer than three occasions, Toril has been shaken to its core by forces that have repeatedly
rewritten the laws of reality.

 1363 DR: The Iron Throne, driven by a lust for Anchorome's rumored riches, establishes the
Shadow Vein Mining Division. They dispatched a well-funded expedition to exploit the
continent's untapped wealth. Simultaneously, recognizing the need for sustainable resource
management, the Woodsmen's Guild dispatches the FDX Corps to establish logging camps and
cultivate relations with any indigenous tribes, aiming for mutually beneficial cooperation.

 1364 DR: The Shadow Vein expedition, led by seasoned explorers and miners, braves the
perilous journey across the seas and establishes Tisdale as their primary base of operations.
Meanwhile, the FDX Corps, in collaboration with Evergreen elves known for their reverence for
nature, founds Porcupine village adjacent to the newly discovered Porcupine Lake. This strategic
location serves as a nexus for trade and cultural exchange between settlers and natives.

 1365 DR: With meticulous planning and skilled craftsmanship, the FDX Corps completes
construction of a state-of-the-art logging facility in the dense northern forest near Porcupine.
The facility's design incorporates eco-friendly practices, ensuring minimal disruption to the
surrounding ecosystem and fostering a harmonious relationship between settlers and the
natural world.

 1367 DR: Through patient diplomacy and mutual respect, the FDX Corps establishes fruitful
trade relations with the indigenous âhkihkaniw peoples. Drawing on their traditional wisdom
and reverence for nature, the tribes guide the Corps in adopting sustainable logging practices.
The logging facility transitions to stricter guidelines, emphasizing restoration and respect for the
environment, fostering economic growth in Porcupine village while preserving Anchorome's
pristine wilderness.

 1368 DR: Against all odds, Frederick Shoeslapper, a resourceful and determined gnome,
stumbles upon rich veins of gold in the rugged terrain near Porcupine. With ingenuity and
perseverance, he spearheads the establishment of Fredericktown, where the promise of wealth
draws prospectors and settlers eager to seek their fortunes. The completion of Frederick Mine
heralds a new era of prosperity, as the region's mineral wealth becomes increasingly evident.

 1375 DR: Recognizing the strength in unity, the leaders of Tisdale, Porcupine village, and
Fredericktown forge an unprecedented alliance. This alliance, known as the Tisdale Pact, marks
the birth of the Tisdale District, a beacon of cooperation and shared prosperity in the untamed
frontier of Anchorome. Together, they pledge to uphold principles of mutual aid, defense, and
governance, laying the foundation for a resilient and cohesive community.

 1380 DR: The dream of endless riches fades as the shallow veins of Frederick Mine begin to run
dry. Frederick Shoeslapper, faced with mounting pressure and dwindling resources, reluctantly
closes the mine to salvage what remains of his investment. The abrupt closure sparked unrest
among miners, culminating in the Miners Revolt of 1381. Led by the indomitable dwarf Theo
Greatrock, disaffected miners rise in protest, threatening the fragile peace of Fredericktown.

 1381 DR: The Miners Revolt erupts into violence, engulfing the Tisdale region in chaos and
uncertainty. Only through the valiant efforts of both Tisdale and Porcupine guards is the revolt
quelled, preserving the hard-won peace of Fredericktown. The scars of the revolt serve as a
stark reminder of the challenges faced by the burgeoning frontier community, inspiring
resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

 1383 DR: With the support of neighboring communities and the guiding hand of Tisdale's
leadership, Fredericktown embarks on a journey of rebuilding and renewal. Frederick
Shoeslapper, recognizing the need for change, steps down as mayor, passing the torch to his son
Frederick Shoeslapper II. Under Frederick II's stewardship, Fredericktown underwent a
transformation, harnessing the region's fertile lands to cultivate bountiful crops and establish
thriving ranches, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

 1383-84 DR: With backing from the Iron Throne, a new faction rises in the region of Tisdale
named the Iron Vein Clan. Headed by ex-Shadow Vein soldier Garret Grey, the clan sets their
eyes on the seemingly resource empty Old Fred Mine and the neighboring village of
Fredericktown, with rumors sweeping that Old Fred Mine isn't as dried up as suspected.

 1385 DR: While the Spellplague ravages distant lands, the northern reaches of Anchorome,
including Tisdale and its environs, remain untouched by the cataclysmic effects. The Tisdale
Pact, grounded in unity and resilience, stands as a bulwark against the chaos engulfing the
world, ensuring stability and prosperity amidst tumultuous times.

 1387 DR: The bustling port of Tisdale emerges as a vital artery of trade and commerce, serving
as a gateway to the riches of Anchorome. With the completion of the port on the Great
Mattagami River and the establishment of a bustling shipyard, Tisdale solidifies its status as a
regional hub, attracting merchants, adventurers, and settlers from far and wide. The steady
influx of goods and people fuel the region's economic growth and cultural exchange, shaping
Tisdale into a vibrant melting pot of diverse cultures and aspirations.

 1415 DR: Emboldened by decades of cooperation and shared prosperity, the leaders of Tisdale
District assert their sovereignty, demanding independence from external factions and
influences. The signing of the Tisdale Pact symbolizes a new chapter in the region's history,
marked by self-determination, autonomy, and a commitment to collective governance. With
newfound freedom comes the opportunity to chart their own destiny and forge a distinct
identity for the burgeoning frontier community.

 1420 DR: Never being one's to admit defeat, the Iron Throne sends a group of hardened
mercenaries lead by Katis A'Daroara, a mysterious and dangerous female Drow, disguised as
merchants entering through the port of Tisdale. After hiring skilled workers and mercenaries
from the region, Katis established Ironwood Stronghold, deep within the forests north of Mt.

 1422 DR: ACT 2 GOES HERE.

 1423 DR: In a show of solidarity and mutual defense, the Evergreen elves, renowned for their
ancient wisdom and mastery of magic, join forces with the Tisdale Pact. As a symbol of their
alliance, the elves bestow upon the region a mighty guardian: Eldranthor, an ancient steel
dragon of unparalleled power and wisdom. With Eldranthor's watchful gaze and formidable
presence, the Tisdale Pact stands ready to defend against external threats and safeguard the
peace and prosperity of Anchorome.

 1430 DR: Fifteen years after the signing of The Tisdale Pact, the peace and stability of
Anchorome are threatened as the Iron Throne seeks to assert control over the region. In a
daring bid to subjugate the Tisdale region, the Iron Throne launches a full-scale invasion, intent
on exploiting its vast resources for its own gain. Amidst the chaos of battle, Eldranthor, the
region's guardian, valiantly defends against the invaders. Though slain in dragon form,
Eldranthor's sacrifice does not go in vain, as Bahamut himself intervenes, resurrecting the noble
dragon as a winged platinum guardian, swiftly ending the invasion, and ensuring lasting peace
on Anchorome.

 1485 DR: While the War of the Silver Marches rages in distant lands, the northern frontier of
Anchorome remains relatively untouched by the conflicts of the wider world. Shielded by the
natural barriers of the wilderness and the vigilant defense of the Tisdale Pact, the region enjoys
a period of relative peace and prosperity, allowing its inhabitants to thrive and flourish amidst
the untamed frontier.
 1487 DR: In the aftermath of the Second Sundering, a celestial phenomenon unfolds in the
northern skies, illuminating the darkness with the vibrant hues of the aurora borealis. From the
heart of this ethereal display emerges Luminara, a radiant being of pure light and energy. Taking
the form of a majestic white moose, her fur shimmering with the colors of the aurora, Luminara
becomes a symbol of hope and renewal for the region of Tisdale. Her presence heralds a new
era of peace and stability, inspiring courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.

 1489 DR: The Tyranny of Dragons casts a dark shadow over Tisdale and the surrounding region
as cults worshipping the dreaded Queen of Dragons, Tiamat, threaten to unleash chaos and
destruction upon the land. In response, followers of Bahamut rise to defend, their valorous
efforts becoming legendary tales of courage and sacrifice in the face of impending doom.
Though the conflict is devastating, it forges an unbreakable spirit within the Tisdale region,
strengthening bonds of fellowship and solidarity in the fight against tyranny and oppression.

 1490 DR: In the aftermath of The Tyranny of Dragons, Tisdale District emerges as a renowned
center for trade, mining, and forestry, rivaling established hubs in Faerun and asserting its
dominance in Anchorome. The region's unique blend of cultural diversity, economic
opportunity, and natural abundance attracts settlers and adventurers from far and wide, fueling
a period of unprecedented growth and prosperity. As the two factions born from the region's
rich history vie for influence in this dynamic frontier, the future of Tisdale hangs in the balance,
poised on the brink of greatness and uncertainty.

 1492 DR: Rumors of infernal activity and sightings of demonic creatures send shockwaves
through the Tisdale region, prompting adventurers to embark on a perilous journey into the
heart of darkness. As they delve deeper into the abyss, they uncover a sinister plot orchestrated
by forces beyond comprehension, threatening to unleash unspeakable horrors upon Toril. With
courage and determination, heroes from the Tisdale region set sail for Faerun, determined to
thwart the machinations of fiendish forces, and protect their homeland from the looming threat
of catastrophe.

 Winter, 1492 DR: Amidst rumors of infernal activity and the brave departure of heroes to
counter demonic threats, the Tisdale region witnesses the birth of the punk movement. This
cultural revolution, emerging in the winter of 1492 DR, embodies the spirit of defiance,
community, and self-expression. As Tisdale's adventurers confront darkness beyond, the youth
ignite a light within, challenging societal norms and embracing individuality. The punk
movement, with its vibrant energy and bold ideals, offers a beacon of hope and solidarity,
inspiring a new era of cultural renaissance in the Tisdale region.
Religion and The Gods
In the diverse tapestry of belief systems within the Tisdale region, the influence of Faerunian deities
stands prominently alongside indigenous spiritual practices.

Faerunian Influence:
In Tisdale, Fredericktown, and Porcupine, the rich tapestry of Faerunian deities weaves its influence
deeply into the fabric of daily life. As settlers and traders traversed the vast seas to Anchorome, they
carried with them the traditions and worship practices of their homeland. Among these deities, none
holds as prominent a place in the hearts of the faithful as Lathander, the Morninglord, whose
benevolent light casts its rays upon the settlers of Fredericktown in particular, illuminating their path
with hope and renewal.

Throughout these pioneering settlements, temples and shrines dedicated to a myriad of deities dot the
landscape, serving as sanctuaries of solace and beacons of guidance for the devout. From the
resplendent halls of Lathander's temple in Fredericktown, where the warm embrace of dawn heralds
new beginnings and spiritual awakening, to the quiet sanctuaries tucked away in the bustling streets of
Tisdale and Porcupine, where worshippers seek solace and divine counsel, the presence of Faerunian
deities permeates every facet of life.

Within these sacred spaces, devotees offer prayers and supplications, beseeching the favor and
protection of their chosen deities in times of joy and adversity alike. From the quiet contemplation of a
solitary worshipper to the joyous celebration of communal festivals and rituals, the faith of the settlers
in the divine pantheon of Faerun remains unwavering, a steadfast beacon of hope amidst the untamed
wilderness of Anchorome.

The Ăhkihkaniw's Spiritual Connection:

For the Ăhkihkaniw, spirituality intertwines deeply with nature, where they revere the natural world and
its spiritual inhabitants. Among these revered spirits is Luminara, the Aurora Guardian, whose radiant
presence illuminates the night sky with the vivid hues of the northern lights. To the Ăhkihkaniw,
Luminara embodies the essence of the wilderness, residing within the ancient trees, flowing rivers, and
towering mountains that define their homeland.

Rituals and ceremonies conducted by the Ăhkihkaniw are dedicated to honoring Luminara and the
elemental deities, seeking their blessings for fruitful harvests, successful hunts, and the preservation of
ecological harmony. Offerings of sacred herbs, feathers, and other symbolic tokens are presented as
tokens of reverence, forging a sacred bond between the Ăhkihkaniw and the spirits of nature.

Through their spiritual communion with Luminara and the elemental deities, the Ăhkihkaniw find
guidance, protection, and a profound sense of belonging within the wilderness that sustains them.
These rituals not only serve as acts of devotion but also as expressions of gratitude for the abundant
gifts bestowed upon them by the land and its mystical guardians.

Bahamut Temple in Tisdale:

Tisdale boasts a grand temple dedicated to Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. This temple
serves as a beacon of hope and justice, attracting followers who seek Bahamut's
protection and guidance. It stands as a symbol of righteousness and honor in the
community. Inside, an intricate shrine is devoted to Eldranthor, the legendary Platinum
Dragon, embodying virtues of courage and nobility.

Church of Lathander in Fredericktown:

Fredericktown is home to a magnificent church devoted to Lathander, the Morninglord.
Bathed in the warm glow of dawn, this church is a place of renewal and spiritual
awakening for its worshipers. It embodies the themes of new beginnings and growth that
Lathander represents.

Abandoned Church in Porcupine:

In Porcupine, there lies an abandoned church that once served as a house of worship for
Lathander. However, it has fallen into disrepair and now harbors a secretive cult devoted
to Tiamat, the Queen of Evil Dragons. Hidden from prying eyes, this cult conducts dark
rituals and schemes to further their malevolent agenda, posing a threat to the peace and
stability of the region.

Temple to Eldranthor in Mt. Jamieson District:

Nestled amidst the serene beauty of the Mt. Jamieson district lies a small temple dedicated to
Eldranthor, the legendary Platinum Dragon. Perched atop a verdant hillside, this humble sanctuary
serves as a tranquil retreat for pilgrims and worshippers seeking communion with the noble ideals
embodied by Eldranthor. Here, amidst the whispering winds and rustling leaves, devotees gather to pay
homage to the guardian spirit of the region, finding solace and inspiration in the presence of the revered
dragon deity.

Magic and Technology

In the vast expanse of the Tisdale region, the interplay between magic and technology
weaves a tapestry of innovation and tradition. Magic thrums through the very essence of the
land, deeply ingrained in the spiritual practices of indigenous cultures like the âhkihkaniw.
Here, shamans, druids, and mystics harness the natural energies, forging a deep connection
with the world around them.

Amidst settlements influenced by Faerunian civilization such as Tisdale, Porcupine, and

Fredericktown, the convergence of ancient mysticism and modern arcane arts is palpable.
Here, wizards and clerics stand shoulder to shoulder with tribal shamans, blending
traditional rituals with newfound magical techniques. It's a realm where spells of old meet
the cutting edge of magical discovery, creating an environment rich with possibility and

On the frontier of technology, North Anchorome is a land of contrasts. In the secluded

villages of Wiyahkawin and Wiyotayin, craftsmanship reigns supreme, with artisans honing
their skills in woodworking, Stonecraft, and leatherworking, preserving age-old traditions.
Yet, in bustling hubs like Tisdale, Porcupine, and Fredericktown, imported technologies from
distant lands mingle with local ingenuity. From rudimentary firearms to intricate clockwork
devices, these settlements embrace the march of progress while retaining a deep respect for
the craftsmanship of yore. In this ever-evolving landscape, the past and the future collide,
shaping the destiny of the region in ways both profound and unforeseen.

Government Systems
Wiyahkawin Tribal Confederacy
Governed by a council of tribal leaders, elders, and spiritual guides, Wiyahkawin embraces a consensus-
based decision-making process rooted in tradition and community involvement. Leadership rotates
among the member tribes, with each tribe having representation in the council. The confederacy places
great importance on preserving cultural heritage, protecting ancestral lands, and fostering cooperation
among its member tribes.

Wiyotayin Tribal Confederacy

Like Wiyahkawin, Wiyotayin is governed by a council of tribal leaders and elders, with decisions made
through consensus and dialogue. The confederacy values unity and mutual support among its member
tribes, recognizing the strength that comes from collaboration. While Wiyotayin may have its own
unique customs and traditions, it shares common goals with Wiyahkawin, such as safeguarding the
rights of indigenous peoples and promoting sustainable development.

Despite their separate governance structures, Wiyahkawin and Wiyotayin maintain a close
alliance, bound by shared cultural heritage, mutual respect, and the recognition of their
interconnectedness. This alliance fosters cooperation on matters of mutual interest, such as
trade, defense against external threats, and cultural exchange, strengthening the bonds
between the two Tribal Confederacies.

As a bustling mining town and trade hub, Tisdale could be governed by a council of influential
merchants, guild leaders, and noble families. This council, known as the Tisdale Council, oversees the
city's affairs, including trade regulations, city planning, and law enforcement. The Lord Mayor, elected
by the council members, serves as the head of government, and represents Tisdale's interests in
regional matters.

With its strategic location and prosperous mining operations, Fredericktown could also have a council-
based government similar to Tisdale. The Fredericktown Council, comprised of prominent citizens, mine
owners, and military leaders, manages the city's administration, defense, and economic policies. A Lord
Commander, chosen from among the council members, leads Fredericktown's military forces and
ensures the city's security.

As a mining town with a rich history and diverse population, Porcupine may have a more democratic
government structure, akin to the City of Splendors, Waterdeep. The Porcupine Assembly, consisting of
elected representatives from various districts and interest groups, governs the city. A Masked Lord,
selected from among the Assembly members, acts as the chief executive and presides over council
meetings, enforcing laws, and coordinating city initiatives.

Laws and Norms

In the Tisdale region, a robust legal framework underpins the societal norms and standards
that govern daily life. From property rights to civil liberties, a comprehensive system of laws
ensures order, fairness, and justice for all inhabitants.

Property Rights
Individuals and businesses alike enjoy legal protections over their property, encompassing land,
buildings, and possessions. Trespassing, theft, and vandalism are met with swift and decisive legal
action, imposing fines, or imprisonment upon offenders.

Environmental Protection
Stewardship of the region's natural resources is paramount, with regulations in place to safeguard
against pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. Sustainable practices are enforced in industries
such as logging, mining, and fishing to maintain ecological balance and preserve biodiversity.

Trade and Commerce

Fair competition and consumer protection are cornerstones of trade and commerce laws, ensuring
market stability and integrity. Businesses must adhere to licensing requirements and regulations, with
fraudulent or monopolistic behavior strictly prohibited.

Labor Laws
Workers' rights are upheld through legislation that guarantees fair wages, safe working conditions, and
protection against discrimination and exploitation. Employers are held accountable to labor standards
and are obligated to provide benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans.

Criminal Justice
A robust legal system administers justice and upholds public safety through investigation, prosecution,
and punishment of crimes. Courts, law enforcement agencies, and prisons work together to ensure due
process and the right to a fair trial for all individuals.
Civil Liberties
Anchored in principles of freedom and equality, laws protect individual liberties including freedom of
speech, assembly, and religion. Discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation is strictly
prohibited, with citizens afforded the right to express dissent peacefully and engage in civic activism.

Community Standards
Upholding mutual respect, tolerance, and cooperation, community standards foster a cohesive social
fabric within Anchorome. Residents are encouraged to contribute positively to society, support their
neighbors, and engage in local initiatives that promote communal well-being.

Cultural Preservation
Anchoring its identity in rich cultural heritage, Anchorome endeavors to preserve and celebrate the
traditions of its indigenous peoples. Cultural exchange and dialogue foster mutual understanding and
appreciation of diverse perspectives, enriching the fabric of society.

Chapter Two: The region of Tisdale

Nestled within the expansive wilderness of Anchorome, the Tisdale region beckons with its
captivating blend of untamed landscapes and burgeoning settlements. As far as the eye can see, the
horizon is dominated by the rugged silhouette of Mt. Jamieson, its snow-capped peaks piercing the
azure sky like sentinels of the frontier.

From the foothills of Mt. Jamieson to the tranquil shores of Porcupine Lake, the landscape unfolds like a
painter's canvas, a rich tapestry of boreal forests, meandering rivers, and rolling hills. Here, amidst the
pristine beauty of nature, lies the beating heart of the Tisdale region— the bustling mining town of
Tisdale itself. Tisdale stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the frontier, a hub of activity
where prospectors from far and wide converge in search of their fortune. Amidst the clamor of pickaxes
and the clang of mining equipment, traders ply their wares, and adventurers swap tales of distant lands
and legendary treasures. But Tisdale is just the beginning. Beyond its bustling streets lie smaller
settlements like Fredericktown and Porcupine village, each carving out its own niche in the vast expanse
of Anchorome's frontier. In Fredericktown, fertile fields stretch as far as the eye can see, while in
Porcupine village, the tranquil waters of the lake beckon weary travelers to rest and rejuvenate.

Yet, for those with a spirit of adventure, the true allure of the Tisdale region lies beyond the safety of its
settlements. In the depths of the untamed wilderness, ancient secrets lie waiting to be uncovered, and
untold dangers lurk in the shadows. From forgotten ruins to hidden valleys, the frontier is ripe with
opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Welcome to the Tisdale region, where the spirit of exploration thrives amidst the untamed beauty of
Anchorome's frontier. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a wide-eyed newcomer, there's no
shortage of excitement to be found in this land of opportunity and peril. So, gather your gear, rally your
companions, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. The Tisdale region awaits, ready to
be explored and conquered by those brave enough to seize its challenges and embrace its wonders.

This chapter details many of the points of interest and locales of the region of Tisdale, as seen through
the eyes and recollections of a person living in Anchorome. Rather than being exhaustive descriptions,
what follows are snippets of information drawn from the experience of several individuals who have
traversed, lived in, and explored these areas. Like any other narrators, they have opinions and biases,
and may be drawing conclusions from incomplete information. No one in the Realms knows everything
about any subject, even its oldest and most learned sages, and the views formed from such incomplete
information can often suggest an inaccurate conclusion. This is not to say that any of the information the
narrators provide is false, only that they may not be entirely knowledgeable in their declarations. The
details given here only begin to scratch the surface of the adventuring possibilities in the Tisdale region.
Although some of these locales are virtually unknown to outsiders, entire books longer than this one
could be written about others. If the descriptions leave you wanting to know more, consider them an
inducement for you and your companions to visit these places and experience them firsthand. Be aware,
also, that there is a great deal more to the region of Tisdale than what is presented here. There are ruins
without names, and settlements so small as to not even warrant mention in this tome. What lurks in the
uncharted areas, waiting to tantalize or perhaps terrorize, is all the more formidable because it can't be

The Tisdale Pact

The Tisdale Pact stands as a beacon of unity and cooperation amidst the untamed frontier of
Anchorome. Formed by the pioneering settlements of Tisdale, Fredericktown, and Porcupine, along with
the Elves of Evermeet Island, the Pact represents a commitment to shared governance, mutual defense,
and economic prosperity. Through the tireless efforts of its council members and the support of allied
factions, the Pact has fostered stability and peace in the region, weathering challenges and emerging as
a formidable force in the frontier landscape. With its foundation built on trust and collaboration, the
Tisdale Pact stands ready to confront any threat and forge a brighter future for all who call Anchorome

-Some dude, Porcupine.

The Tisdale Pact stands as a formidable alliance uniting the pioneering settlements of Tisdale, Porcupine,
and Fredericktown, alongside the Evermeet Elves of Evermeet Island. It serves as a beacon of
cooperation and mutual support in the untamed wilderness of Anchorome, striving to promote
prosperity, security, and stability across the region.
In recent years, discussions have emerged regarding the indigenous tribes' potential full membership
within the Pact, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and recognizing their vital role in shaping the
frontier's destiny. This move highlights the Pact's dedication to fostering strong relationships and
collaboration among all its members.

Notably, the city of Tisdale has seen a significant rise in influence within the alliance, gradually emerging
as a leading voice among its counterparts. With its growing power and strategic location as a bustling
trade hub, Tisdale plays a pivotal role in shaping the Pact's decisions and initiatives.

It is challenging to define a singular character for each member of the alliance, as they encompass a
diverse array of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. However, collectively, the agents of the Tisdale
Pact share a common goal: the preservation of civilization in the North. They collaborate closely, sharing
vital information and standing united against threats to further this overarching objective.

Among the dedicated agents contributing to the Pact's endeavors is Some Dude, a native of Porcupine
with a background in mining. Now serving as an emissary and active agent for the Tisdale Pact, Some
Dude traverses the region, advocating for the interests of the alliance and gathering essential
intelligence to support its mission. His role extends to engaging with potential recruits, including
adventurers who may contribute to the Pact's cause or support its member settlements.

Situated amidst rugged mountains and lush forests, Tisdale stands as a
bustling mining town, its streets alive with the clatter of pickaxes and the rumble of
ore-laden carts. Famed for its rich veins of precious metals and gemstones, Tisdale
boasts a vibrant economy fueled by the mining industry. The town's rustic charm is
complemented by sturdy wooden buildings adorned with colorful banners, while the
air carries the scent of freshly mined minerals and hearty meals served in bustling


Tisdale District
Mainly Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Tieflings, Gnomes, Elves, Half-Elves

Lathander, Bahamut

Nickel, Cold Iron, Gold, Skins, Agriculture, Trade Goods, Pipeweed, Cannabis

Gov’t Type
Council Governance

Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III

Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper II in 1383 DR
Frederick Shoeslapper I in 1368 DR

Fredericktown stands as a testament to the pioneering spirit, nestled in the Tisdale region and
flourishing with a vibrant community. Its history, marked by the discovery of gold, mirrors its residents’
resilience and drive for prosperity.

Founded by the adventurous gnome Frederick Shoeslapper I, Fredericktown emerged as a beacon of
hope and opportunity in the rugged Tisdale region landscape, sprung from the discovery of rich gold
veins, quickly transforming from a modest encampment into a bustling hub of prosperity. Its evolution
from a mining frenzy into a vibrant community is marked by colorful buildings, a lively marketplace, and
the unbreakable spirit of its residents. Overcoming challenges such as the Miners Revolt and adopting to
the closure of the Frederick Mine, the town, under Frederick Shoeslapper II’s guidance, embraced
agriculture and ranching, ensuring its sustainability. Today, Fredericktown exemplifies resilience,
innovation, and the pioneering spirit, standing as a testament to its people’s commitment to a
prosperous and cohesive existence in the Tisdale District, embodying the essence of life on the frontier
while navigating its path towards a flourishing future.
Fredericktown is strategically located in the very center of the Tisdale District, along Tisdale Road,
serving as a crucial hub within the region. The climate in the Tisdale region experiences significant
variations throughout the year. Spring welcomes a gradual thaw with melting snow and occasional
showers, leading to a warm and sunny summer, with temperatures often reaching the high 30s Celsius,
ideal for outdoor activities and adventures. Autumn transforms the landscape with vibrant colors, while
winter introduces cold temperatures, dropping as low as -40 Celsius, and heavy snowfall, creating a
picturesque winter wonderland.

Fredericktown operates under a council-based government, similar in structure to its neighboring town,
Tisdale. The governance is entrusted to the Fredericktown Council, an assembly comprising the town’s
most influential figures, including prominent citizens, merchants, and military leaders, reflecting a blend
of economic prowess and strategic foresight. The council oversees the myriad aspects of town
administration, from economic policies and defense strategies to city planning and upkeep of law and
order. At the helm of the military forces stands the Lord Commander, a position of great honor and
responsibility, chosen from among the council members. This role is pivotal in maintaining the town’s
security and ensuring its readiness against threats. The council’s governance model underscores a deeply
rooted commitment to collective decision-making and shared leadership, aiming to balance the diverse
interests and welfare of Fredericktown’s residents. Through this governance structure, Fredericktown
has navigated its growth and challenges, securing its place as a prosperous and stable community within
the Tisdale District. This system not only facilitates efficient governance but also embodies the town’s
values of unity, resilience, and progress, ensuring that Fredericktown remains a beacon of prosperity and
a model of effective local governance in the region.

The economic backbone of Fredericktown is diverse, incorporating farming and ranch lands, a robust
mining industry, and skinning. The transition from mining to agricultural prosperity under Frederick
Shoeslapper II’s guidance ensured sustainable growth. The fertile lands of the region support a thriving
agricultural sector, while the remnants of the mining industry continue to contribute to its economy.
Skinning, a trade reflective of the town’s adaptability and resourcefulness, further diversifies
Fredericktown’s economic landscape, ensuring its resilience and prosperity.
Fredericktown History
Early History
Fredericktown’s story begins with its founding in 1368 DR by Frederick Shoeslapper I, a gnome of
remarkable ambition and resourcefulness. His discovery of rich gold veins in the rugged terrain near
Porcupine catalyzed the establishment of the town, attracting prospectors, adventurers, and settlers all
eager for wealth and a new life. This period marked the start of a mining frenzy that not only shaped the
town’s early economic landscape but also fostered a community spirit defined by hard work, optimism,
and a shared sense of purpose. The completion of the Frederick Mine heralded an era of prosperity,
transforming Fredericktown from a modest settlement into a burgeoning community centered around
mining operations.

The Fall of Mining and Rise of Agriculture

The prosperity brought by mining, however, was not to last forever. The shallow veins of the Frederick
Mine began to run dry, leading to the Miner’s Revolt of 1381, a critical juncture that threatened the
town’s stability. The closure of the mine marked a turning point for Fredericktown, prompting a shift in
the town’s economic focus from mining to agriculture. Under the stewardship of Frederick Shoeslapper
II, the town underwent a significant transformation. Recognizing the fertile lands surrounding the town,
efforts were redirected towards cultivating crops and establishing thriving ranches. This shift not only
ensured the town’s sustainable future but also marked the beginning of a new era of prosperity,
grounded in the bounty of the land rather than the uncertainty of mining.

Rule under Frederick Shoeslapper III

The legacy of innovation and resilience was carried forward by Frederick Shoeslapper III, who assumed
leadership with a vision to blend tradition with progress. Raised on tales of adventure and
entrepreneurship, he brought a fresh prospective to governance, striving to honor his family’s legacy
while navigating the town towards a prosperous future. Under his rule, Fredericktown continued to
thrive, balancing the preservation of its rich history with the embrace of new opportunities. His
leadership saw the strengthening of community ties, the expansion of the town’s economic base beyond
agriculture to include trades such as skinning, and a commitment to the welfare and security of his
people. The rule of Frederick Shoeslapper III is characterized by a period of peace, growth, and an ever-
deepening sense of community, securing Fredericktown’s reputation as a vibrant and resilient
community in the heart of the Tisdale region.
Locations and Inhabitants of Fredericktown
Inns and Taverns
The Miner’s Lantern Inn
The Miner’s Lantern Inn, prominently situated on Tisdale Road, welcomes visitors to Fredericktown as
the first building they encounter upon entering from the west. This inn stands as a beacon of hospitality,
drawing travelers with the warm glow of its lanterns and the promise of comfort after their journey.
Known for its cozy accommodations and hearty fare, the inn captures the essence of Fredericktown’s
heritage, both in its décor and the spirit of camaraderie that fills its common room. The Miner’s Lantern
Inn serves not only as a rest stop for weary adventurers but also as a gathering place for locals, where
tales of the day’s work and dreams of the next big find are shared over ale and good food. Its location
makes it an essential landmark in Fredericktown, offering a first impression that encapsulates the town’s
welcoming nature and storied past.

 Bareth Stonebrew
Bareth Stonebrew, the hearty dwarf owner and barkeep of The Miner’s Lantern Inn, stands as a
pillar of Fredericktown’s community. With a robust laugh and hands accustomed to both the
miner’s pick and the ale keg, Bareth has turned the inn into a nexus of warmth and camaraderie.
His dark beard, flecked with grey, is as much a symbol of his wisdom as it is of his dedication to
his heritage. Bareth’s inn serves not just ale and comfort food but also a hefty dose of dwarven
hospitality, making it a beloved gathering spot for miners, adventurers, and townsfolk alike.
Known for his generous spirit and no-nonsense attitude towards trouble, Bareth Stonebrew
embodies the resilience and communal spirit of Fredericktown.

 Thalia Brambleheart
Thalia Brambleheart, the gnome cook at The Miner’s Lantern Inn, is a whirlwind of culinary
talent and creativity. With her bright eyes and curly hair often escaping from beneath her chef’s
hat, she embodies the joy of cooking. Thalia turns every meal into an adventure, blending
traditional recipes with unexpected twists that delight the inn’s patrons. Her kitchen is a hub of
warmth and laughter, where the scents of baking bread and simmering stews mingle to create
an inviting atmosphere. Renowned for her ability to make anyone feel at home, Thalia’s dishes
are not just food but a heartfelt expression of welcome and community in Fredericktown.

 Lila Featherdown
Lila Featherdown, the devoted caretaker, and maid at The Miner’s Lantern Inn, is the
embodiment of warmth and meticulous care. With her gentle demeanor and chestnut curls, Lila
is a familiar presence, ensuring that every guest feels at home. Known for her infectious laughter
and readiness to lend an ear, she navigates the inn’s halls with efficiency and grace, her apron
pockets always filled with the tools of her trade. Beyond her cleaning duties, Lila stands as a
pillar of support for both staff and patrons, her deep ties to Fredericktown making her a font of
wisdom and local lore. Her commitment to creating a welcoming atmosphere makes The Miner’s
Lantern Inn more than just a nice place to stay – it’s a home in the heart of the Tisdale region.
Shoeslapper’s Rest
Shoeslapper’s Rest, the beloved local tavern of Fredericktown, is located on Tisdale Road, directly across
from the tranquil Sunset Ridge Orchard. This tavern is a cornerstone of community life, offering a warm,
welcoming space where townsfolk and travelers alike can unwind. Known for its hearty locally sourced
meals, fine handcrafted meads and ales, and lively atmosphere, Shoeslapper’s Rest is imbued with the
spirit of Frederick Shoeslapper I, the town’s founder, celebrating his legacy of exploration and
camaraderie. The tavern’s rustic charm and friendly service make it a favorite gathering spot, where
stories are often shared, friendships are forged, and the sense of belonging to the vibrant community of
Fredericktown is reinforced.

 Brona Stoutale
Brona Stoutale, the dwarf proprietor of Shoeslapper’s Rest, is celebrated for her culinary and
brewing skills. With deep mahogany hair, and a smile as welcoming as her tavern, Brona has
turned Shoeslapper’s Rest into Fredericktown’s communal heart, blending her family’s brewing
legacy with delicious fare. Her tavern is more than a business; it’s a testament to her belief in
community and her commitment to ensuring no one in Fredericktown ever feels alone. Known
for her generosity and quick wit, Brona has made Shoeslapper’s Rest a warm, inviting hub where
all are treated like family.

 Mira Quickfoot
Mira Quickfoot, a spirited halfling, is the dynamic force behind Shoeslapper’s Rest, serving as
both bartender and waitress. Known for her unending energy and hospitality, she navigates the
tavern with a smile that lights up the room, making every patron feel like a part of the
community. Her knack for remembering personal details and her central role in the tavern’s daily
life make her an invaluable source of news and camaraderie in Fredericktown. Mira embodies
the essence of Shoeslapper’s Rest, turning it into a hub of warmth and belonging for all who

Temples and Shrines

The Radiant Vein Sanctuary

The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, dedicated to Lathander, the Morninglord, stands majestically atop a tall hill
in the southern part of Fredericktown, its silhouette a beacon of hope and renewal against the skyline.
This church, bathed in the first light of dawn, reflects the deity’s domains of birth, renewal, and the
spring, embodying the promise of new beginnings. Its location on the hill ensures that it is one of the
first structures to greet the morning sun, casting a warm, inviting glow over the town below. The
sanctuary is designed to capture and amplify the beauty of the sunrise, with stained glass windows that
come alive with vibrant colors at dawn, and open spaces that welcome the light into its halls. The church
serves not only as a place of worship but also as a community hub, offering guidance, support, and hope
to all who seek it. The Radiant Vein Sanctuary stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of
Fredericktown, drawing both the faithful and those simply seeking solace in its light.
 Father Aelar Sunsworn:
Father Aelar Sunsworn, the revered human priest of The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, is a beacon of
hope and renewal in Fredericktown. With sun-kissed skin and golden locks reflecting his
devotion to Lathander, the Morninglord, Aelar’s presence is as comforting as the first light of
dawn. His vibrant robes mirror the colors of the sunrise, symbolizing a new beginning and the
promise of a brighter day. Known for his gentle demeanor, unwavering optimism, and strong
conviction, Aelar inspires the community with his teachings on hope, redemption, and the
power of light to dispel darkness. He plays a pivotal role in the town, offering spiritual guidance,
supporting local initiatives, and leading ceremonies that celebrate life’s milestones. Father
Aelar’s commitment to the town’s welfare and his vision for a united and prosperous community
make him a beloved figure and a guiding light for all who seek solace and inspiration at The
Radiant Vein Sanctuary.

Steel Dragon Sanctuary

The Steel Dragon Sanctuary, atop Fredericktown’s highest hill, is a commanding tribute to Bahamut.
Larger than The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, it is strategically located in the south, with its winding path
starting near the blacksmith, symbolizing a journey toward divine wisdom. A tranquil fountain welcomes
visitors, symbolizing purity and reflection, while a path to the left reveals a shrine to Eldranthor, marked
by a majestic statue and a tale of his sacrifice. Inside, a grand statue of Bahamut dominates, suspended
from the high ceiling, embodying protection and divinity. This sanctuary is a beacon of faith and justice,
reflecting Bahamut’s and Eldranthor’s legacy within the community.

 Sariel Flameheart
Sariel Flameheart is the High Priestess of The Steel Dragon Sanctuary, a copper Dragonborn
known for her wisdom, compassion, and infectious humor. She wears robes of deep blue and
silver, symbolizing her devotion to Bahamut. Sariel is respected in Fredericktown for her
unwavering faith and dedication to justice.

 Tharivol Nightbreeze
The Vice-Priest, Tharivol, is a half-elf with an ethereal presence, silver hair, and dark, silver-
embroidered robes. He is introspective, intellectual, and a source of calm and wisdom within the
sanctuary. Tharivol is deeply involved in teaching and ensuring the legacy of Bahamut’s

Shops and Businesses

Kandice’s Provisions
Nestled in the west end of Fredericktown, this charming establishment is known for its variety and
quality of goods, catering to adventurers, locals, and travelers alike. The shop is run by Kandice, a curvy
female Wood Elf, whose keen eye for detail and knack for sourcing rare and high-quality provisions has
made her store a must-visit for those preparing for journeys or seeking unique items. Her friendly
demeanor and expert knowledge of the wares she sells, ranging from foodstuffs to adventuring gear,
ensure that every customer leaves satisfied. Kandice’s deep connection to the natural world, inherent to
her Elven heritage, is reflected in the quality of goods offered, emphasizing sustainability and

 Kandice:
Kandice is the spirited heart behind Kandice’s Provisions in Fredericktown’s west end, known for
her radiant smile and deep, emerald eyes that reflect her wood elf heritage. Her passion for
nature and the well-being of her community shines through in every aspect of her shop. Kandice
meticulously selects every item on her shelves, ensuring they meet her high standards for
quality and sustainability. With medium-length auburn hair often adorned with wildflowers, she
embodies the spirit of the wilderness in the heart of the town. Kandice’s warmth and extensive
knowledge make every visit to her shop a delightful experience, turning first-time customers into
regulars. Her shop is more than just a business; it’s a reflection of her love for Fredericktown and
its people, making her a cherished figure in the community.

Sunset Ridge Orchard

Sunset Ridge Orchard, a picturesque cherry orchard, is nestled on Tisdale Road in the eastern part of
Fredericktown, conveniently adjacent to The Mule and Carriage. This lush orchard is renowned for its
bountiful cherry trees, which bloom spectacularly in spring and yield rich, succulent cherries as the
season progresses. The location on a gentle slope allows for stunning views of the town’s sunsets,
painting the sky in vibrant hues that enhance the natural beauty of the orchard. Sunset Ridge Orchard
not only provides the local community with fresh, delicious cherries but also serves as a serene spot for
picnics and leisurely strolls, making it a cherished part of Fredericktown’s landscape.

 Amara Bloom
Amara Bloom is a dedicated Tiefling druid with a profound connection to nature, believing
herself to have been a tree in a past life. Her unique ability to communicate with plants guides
her stewardship of Sunset Ridge Orchard. Amara is deeply committed to protecting the orchard
from a mysterious blight, viewing it as a battle against an ancient curse. She prefers the company
of plants over people, often engaging in whispered conversations with the trees, listening to
their silent wisdom. Amara’s life, intertwined with the natural world, makes her a vital guardian
of the orchard’s legacy and a beloved figure in Fredericktown.

 Lyra Willowshade
Lyra Willowshade is an adept herbalist and healer, married to Amara Bloom, with whom she
shares a deep bond and a life dedicated to the well-being of Sunset Ridge Orchard and its
surrounding community. Her expertise in the medicinal properties of plants enables her to craft
remedies and potions from the orchard’s harvest, providing healing and relief to the inhabitants
of Fredericktown. Lyra possesses an uncanny talent for diagnosing ailments at a glance, a skill
she attributes to her intuitive connection with nature. Her work not only compliments Amara’s
efforts in protecting and nurturing the orchard but also reinforces her own commitment to
discovering new plant species and concocting innovative potions to cure previously incurable
diseases. Lyra’s presence in Fredericktown is marked by her profound impact on the health and
vitality of its community, making her an indispensable figure in the town’s fabric.
Brambleheart Vineyard
Located near the eastern entrance to Fredericktown, along the bustling Tisdale Road and in close
proximity to both The Mule and Carriage and the Town Guard, lies Brambleheart Vineyard. This hops
farm, managed by the gnome Jorjie Brambleheart – Thalia Brambleheart’s brother – and his diligent
farmhands, is renowned across Anchorome for producing top-tier hops. These hops are distinguishable
by a unique flavor profile, a testament to the region’s distinctive terroir. Jorjie, with his meticulous
approach to agriculture, ensures that each crop receives the utmost care, from planting to harvest. The
vineyard has an exclusive arrangement with Shoeslapper’s Rest, providing them with the essential hops
needed for brewing their acclaimed ales, further cementing the vineyard’s reputation in the local
brewing industry.

 Jorje Brambleheart
Jorje, like his sister Thalia, possesses a keen sense of taste and an eye for quality. This might stem
from their family’s long-standing tradition in farming and a deep connection to the land. His
venture into hops farming is inspired by a desire to blend traditional agricultural practices with
the craft of brewing, influenced by Fredericktown’s evolving economy from mining to agriculture
and trade. Jorje has a meticulous attention to detail, patience, and a somewhat reserved nature,
contrasted with Thalia’s vibrant personality in the kitchen.

Greenbriar Pipeweed Farm

Located in the northwest of Fredericktown, north of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers, the Greenbriar
Pipeweed Farm specializes in a unique, locally adapted version of Maztican pipeweed, known in Maztica
and the Tisdale region as tabacco. This farm, renowned across Anchorome for its premium pipeweed,
leverages the unique climatic conditions of the Tisdale region to cultivate a product with a distinct flavor
profile. The farm’s output is primarily sold at The Puffing Pixie, a prominent smoke shop within
Fredericktown, and is distributed to various other locales in the Tisdale region. This operation not only
diversifies Fredericktown’s economy but also showcases the innovative spirit and agricultural prowess of
its residents, enhancing the town’s reputation as a center of prosperity and entrepreneurial success.

 The Greenbriars
Run by the Halfling family, the Greenbriars, who have a long-standing tradition of agriculture and
a special knack for cultivating the finest pipeweed. The head of the farm, Eldon Greenbriar, is a
well-respected figure in the community, known for his jovial nature and deep knowledge of
pipeweed varieties. The Greenbriar’s pipeweed is famed throughout the region, which is sought
after for its rich flavors and smooth smoke.

Whisperwind Cannabis Garden

Tucked away in the northwest of Fredericktown, just beyond The Miner’s Lantern Inn, lies the
Whisperwind Cannabis Garden. This pioneering enclave specializes in a rare subspecies of pipeweed,
celebrated for its dual medicinal and recreational virtues. The garden thrives under the meticulous care
of its cultivators, who harness the region’s fertile land and unique climate to nurture these distinctive
strains. Legally sanctioned within the region, the garden stands as a testament to Fredericktown’s
progressive stance on herbal remedies and recreational enjoyment. The Whisperwind Cannabis Garden
not only diversifies the town’s agricultural output but also serves as a beacon of wellness and leisure.

 Ellion Whisperwind, a visionary half-elf with a pioneering spirit, is the dedicated owner of the
Whisperwind Cannabis Garden, located in the northwest of Fredericktown. Born from the union
of an elven herbalist and a human farmer, he harmoniously blends his elven connection to
nature with human resourcefulness. Ellion’s life, deeply rooted in the cultivation of a specialized
subspecies of pipeweed known for its medicinal and recreational uses, has positioned
Whisperwind as a beacon of innovation and healing. His slender frame, keen emerald eyes, and
hands perpetually tinged with the scent of earth and cannabis embody his dedication. Known for
his easygoing demeanor and sharp intellect, Ellion advocates for the responsible utilization of
pipeweed, making Whisperwind not only a flourishing garden but also a center for learning and
community engagement in Fredericktown.

Kingleigh Crafted Leathers

Kingleigh Crafted Leathers, situated on Tisdale Road directly across from Prospectors Park and Goldrush
Plaza, stands as a testament to the artisanal excellence of Fredericktown. Specializing in high-quality
leather goods sourced exclusively from the renowned Kingleigh Acres, this shop offers a range of
products that blend functionality with finesse. From sturdy boots and belts to exquisite bags and
saddles, each item is handcrafted with care and precision, embodying the spirit of the town’s rich
heritage and the unmatched quality of Kingleigh Acres’ leather.

 Rowan Kingleigh
Rowan is the esteemed owner and master leatherworker of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers in
Fredericktown. A descendant of the founding family of Kingleigh Acres, Rowan combines
ancestral wisdom with modern sustainability practices to produce exquisite leather goods.
Known for meticulous craftsmanship and a warm, inviting demeanor, Rowan is deeply
committed to the art of leatherworking and the prosperity of their business. Their hands bear a
lifetime dedicated to their craft, and they are always seen wearing their signature leather apron,
embodying the legacy and resilience of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers. Rowan’s primary motivation
is to honor the family tradition while innovating within the craft to ensure the shop’s lasting
success and relevance.

 Elsie Bramblefoot
Elsie Bramblefoot is a vibrant halfling and the eager apprentice at Kingleigh Crafted Leathers. Her
passion for leatherworking led her from her halfling community to the bustling town of
Fredericktown, where she now learns under Rowan Kingleigh. Elsie’s enthusiasm and curiosity
for the craft are infectious, making her a favorite among locals. Despite her small stature, her
hands are skilled and strong, always busy with tools and leather. Elsie wears an oversized leather
apron, a symbol of her apprenticeship and her aspirations. Driven by a dream to craft a
legendary leatherwork masterpiece, Elsie dedicates herself to mastering the trade, hoping to
continue the shop’s tradition of excellence and perhaps one day, take up the mantle herself.
Anvils Echo Forge
Anvil’s Echo Forge, positioned in the eastern part of Fredericktown near the Town Guard, is renowned
for its exceptional craftsmanship and the deep-rooted history of its blacksmith within the community.
This forge, known for producing high-quality tools, weapons, and armor, benefits from a close
relationship with the local authorities, underscoring its status as a respected and integral part of the
town’s fabric. The blacksmith’s Expertise and connection to Fredericktown’s heritage make the forge not
only a center for commerce but also a vital link to the town’s past and present.

 Durgen Steelheart
Durgen Steelheart is the esteemed owner and master blacksmith of Anvil’s Echo Forge in
Fredericktown. A figure of strength and dedication, Durgen comes from a lineage of skilled
blacksmiths and has devoted his life to honing his craft. He is characterized by his deep
commitment to quality and tradition, often working tirelessly to forge weapons and armor that
are not only functional but also works of art. Despite his serious demeanor and focus on his
work, Durgen is deeply loyal to his community, always ready to lend his skills to benefit
Fredericktown. His ambition is not only to maintain the high reputation of Anvil’s Echo Forge but
also to ensure its legacy through teaching and inspiring the next generation of blacksmiths.

 Mira Quickforge
Mira Quickforge is the energetic and ambitious apprentice at Anvil’s Echo Forge, under the
mentorship of Durgen Steelheart. With a passion for blacksmithing and an insatiable curiosity,
Mira left her home to learn from the best, quickly proving herself to be a valuable asset to the
forge. She combines her natural talent with a desire to innovate, constantly seeking new
techniques and ideas to bring into the traditional craft. Mina’s appearance – often covered in
soot and always with a spark of determination in her eyes – mirrors her fiery spirit and
dedication. Her ultimate goal is to master the art of blacksmithing and create legendary weapons
and armor, making a name for herself in the annals of crafting history.

The Mule and Carriage

The Mule and Carriage, a reliable stable and carriage service, is conveniently located near the eastern
entrance of Fredericktown, along Tisdale Road. This establishment offers travelers and locals alike a
range of services, from boarding and caring for their mounts to renting carriages for both short and long
journeys. Its strategic position ensures it’s the first stop for visitors seeking transportation within the
town or guidance on the roads ahead. The Mule and Carriage is known for its well-maintained animals
and vehicles, friendly service, and knowledgeable staff, making it an essential component of
Fredericktown’s hospitality and commerce.

 Gareth Ironhoof
Gareth Ironhoof is the owner and stablemaster of The Mule and Carriage, an essential
establishment in Fredericktown known for its excellent animal care and carriage services. With a
background in horse breeding, Gareth has built his business on a foundation of respect for
animals and quality service. He is characterized by his practical approach to work and life,
coupled with a genuine care for both his animals and customers. Gareth is often seen in his
signature leather hat and boots, symbols of his many years dedicated to stable work. His primary
motivation is to ensure the welfare of his animals and to promote the importance of animal care
within the community.

 Piper Greenfield
Piper Greenfield is a spirited and ambitious stable hand at The Mule and Carriage, where they
work under the guidance of Gareth Ironhoof. Originating from a small farm, Piper came to
Fredericktown with the dream of becoming a stablemaster. They are known for their boundless
energy, curiosity and a positive attitude that makes them a beloved figure among colleagues and
animals. Pipers’ appearance – often clad in work clothes and covered in signs of their labor –
reflects their dedication to their work. Piper is driven by a deep passion for animal care and the
aspiration to one day manage their own stable, viewing every task as an opportunity to learn
and grow closer to achieving their dream.

Other Locations

Mayor’s Office
The Mayor’s Office, strategically located near the heart of Fredericktown and just behind Kandice’s
Provisions, serves a dual purpose as both the administrative center of the town and the residence for
Mayor Shoeslapper III and his family. This proximity to the town’s center of commerce and daily life
places the mayor in a prime position to stay connected with the citizens and the pulse of the community.
The building itself is a blend of functionality and homeliness, reflecting the mayor’s role not only as a
leader but also as a resident deeply invested in the town’s welfare. Here, Mayor Shoeslapper III conducts
town business, meets with constituents, and, alongside his family, welcomes visitors and dignitaries,
embodying the spirit of hospitality and governance that defines Fredericktown.

 Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III:

Continuing the legacy of his esteemed grandfather,
Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III leads Fredericktown with a blend of tradition and
innovation. Raised with tales of adventure and entrepreneurship, he brings a youthful
energy and fresh perspective to the town's governance. With a keen eye for business
opportunities and a deep-seated love for his community, he strives to uphold his family's
name while guiding Fredericktown into a prosperous future.

 Secretery Jessamine Jewelcrest:

Jessamine Jewelcrest, the efficient and graceful half-elf secretary at the Mayor’s Office, is known
for her impeccable organization and warm demeanor. With hazel eyes and auburn hair, she
seamlessly blends professional efficiency with Elven elegance. Jessamine is the heartbeat of the
office, adeptly managing schedules and ensuring the mayor’s initiatives proceed without a hitch.
Her background, bridging two cultures, has endowed her with exceptional diplomacy and
patience, making her an invaluable liaison between the Mayor and Fredericktown’s residents.
Her role extends beyond administrative tasks; she’s a key figure in the town’s governance, deeply
invested in its success and harmony.

Town Guard
The Town Guard’s headquarters, strategically positioned to the east near the northeastern entrance of
Fredericktown, serves as a critical point of defense and law enforcement. The compound comprises a
barracks, an office, and a training field, ensuring that the guards are well-prepared and responsive to the
town’s needs. The barracks provide accommodation for the guards, fostering a sense of camaraderie and
readiness among the force. The office functions as the administrative heart, where strategies are
devised, and justice is administered. The training field is a testament to the guard’s commitment to
maintaining peace and order, with regular drills and exercises to keep the guards sharp and effective in
their duties. This setup not only enhances the security of Fredericktown but also symbolizes the town’s
dedication to law, order, and the safety of its inhabitants.

 Captain Valeria Ironclad:

A seasoned warrior and skilled tactician, Captain Valeria
Ironclad commands the Fredericktown town guard with discipline and efficiency.
Her unwavering dedication to duty and commitment to protecting the town have
earned her respect and admiration from her subordinates and the townsfolk alike.
With a keen eye for strategy and a strong sense of justice, she ensures
Fredericktown remains safe and secure.

Prospectors Park
Prospector’s Park, situated in the vibrant heart of Fredericktown, serves as a lush, green oasis amidst the
bustling town. Central to the park is the statue of the town’s founder, Frederick Shoeslapper I, a tribute
to his pioneering spirit and the prosperity he envisioned for Fredericktown. Located directly across the
road from the mayor’s office, the park provides a scenic and reflective space for both townsfolk and
visitors. It’s a place where the community gathers to celebrate, commemorate, and continue the legacy
of exploration and discovery that Frederick Shoeslapper I set forth. The park’s location and historical
significance make it a focal point of the town, symbolizing its rich past and hopeful future.

Goldrush Plaza
Goldrush Plaza, positioned near the vibrant center of Fredericktown and directly next to Prospector’s
Park, is a bustling day market that serves as a hub of commerce and social gathering. This lively
marketplace draws inspiration from Fredericktown’s rich history of mining and exploration, embodying
the spirit of opportunity and fortune that once drove prospectors to the region. Vendors from all over
town and beyond set up stalls offering a wide variety of goods, from fresh produce and artisanal crafts to
mining supplies and local delicacies. The plaza not only facilitates trade but also fosters community
interaction, making it a vital part of daily life in Fredericktown. Its proximity to Prospector’s Park allows
for seamless flow between the leisurely enjoyment of the park’s green spaces and the energetic
commerce of the market, creating a dynamic and engaging environment for residents and visitors alike.
Blackthorn Manor
Located just north of The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, the remnants of Blackthorn Manor stand as a somber
silhouette against the backdrop of Fredericktown’s wilderness. Once a symbol of affluence and power,
the manor now lies in near total ruin, with only portions of its walls and the foundation offering hints of
its former grandeur. Nature has reclaimed much of the estate, with vines entwining what’s left of stone
columns and walls, and wildflowers blooming amidst the rubble.

The Cellar Gateway

The manor’s most intact feature is its cellar, accessible via what was once a grand staircase now reduced
to rubble. Hidden beneath layers of decay and overgrowth, the cellar doors are cleverly camouflaged.
Those who know of its existence – marked by the symbol of a black thorn etched discreetly into one of
the remaining wall segments – can navigate the ruins to find this entrance. Inside, the cellar opens into a
labyrinth of tunnels that lead to the Understone Exchange, a bustling black market thriving in the
shadows of Fredericktown’s underbelly.

Understone Exchange
Shrouded beneath the ruins of Blackthorn Manor, Understone Exchange serves as Fredericktown’s most
elusive black market. What once was a symbol of opulence now masking a clandestine network, its
grandeur lost to time, leaving only whispers of its past amidst the overgrown and crumbling stone. The
manor’s dilapidated state belies the vibrancy of the illicit commerce thriving in the caverns below.
Through a concealed entrance within the manor’s remains, those in the know navigate ancient cellars
that descend into the market – a sprawling bazaar of the forbidden and rare, illuminated by flickering
torchlight. Here, under the cloak of darkness, traders peddle in stolen goods, magical artifacts, and
secrets worth more than just gold. The Understone Exchange is not just a marketplace but a meeting
ground for those who operate in the shadows of society, where alliances are forged in whispers, and
fortunes can be made or lost with the exchange of a hidden glance. It’s a place where the thrill of the
illicit draws a diverse clientele, from rogue adventurers seeking powerful relics to nobles donning
disguises to partake in the thrill of the forbidden.

 Maelis Shadowcloak:
A former noble turned rogue; Maelis is the enigmatic leader of the Understone Exchange. After
losing everything to political intrigue, Maelis turned to the underworld, rising to power through
cunning and a strict code of honor among thieves.

The Catacombs
After passing through the entrance, visitors descend into the catacombs beneath the manor. These
corridors, lined with torches casting eerie shadows, lead to various chambers repurposed as market
stalls and vendors.
The Iron Gate
The entrance to the Central Chamber, guarded by trusted mercenaries. Entry requires knowledge of an
existing member, ensuring only those meant to can enter.

The Central Chamber

The heart of the Understone Exchange, where buyers and sellers gather. The ceiling is supported by
ancient stone pillars, and a large, dimly lit chandelier hangs above. This area is used for auctions,
exchanges, and as a meeting point for discussing deals.

The Shadowed Forge

A covert smithy where a skilled blacksmith crafts and sells illegal and cursed weaponry and armor. The
forge operates under strict secrecy, with its products known for their exceptional quality and often
dangerous power.

 Varik Darkanvil
Varik, owner, and blacksmith of The Shadowed Forge, is a dwarf expelled from his clan for
dabbling in dark magic, combines his ancestral forging skills with forbidden sorcery to create
unique, powerful weapons.

The Silk Shadows

An area within the Exchange dedicated to the trade of illicit substances, rare poisons, and unique
alchemical components. Dealers and buyers here operate under a code of silence, with many goods
being available nowhere else.

 Seraphine the Veiled

The owner of The Silk Shadows, Seraphine is an alchemist and poisoner of unparalleled skill,
Seraphine wears veils to hide her identity. She is a master of disguises, never showing her true
face to anyone. She speaks in riddles and metaphors, making her intentions and meanings often
cryptic and layered.

The Whispering Corner

A dimly lit tavern within the Exchange, serving as a gathering spot for information brokers, thieves, and
adventurers. It’s a place where secrets are traded like currency, and alliances are formed in hushed

 Jorik Whisperwind
Owner of The Whispering Corner, Jorik is a retired adventurer who lost his hearing in a battle
with a powerful sorcerer, Jorik now excels at reading lips and gathering information.
Other Notable NPCs who live in Fredericktown
 Willow Greenbottle:
A cheerful and devout follower of Lathander from Fredericktown, known for her halfling
heritage, healing abilities, and unwavering faith. With medium-length red hair, bright green
eyes, and a youthful appearance, Willow is a beacon of light and hope in the community. She
resides near The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, where she is often seen tending to her meticulously
cared-for flower garden. Willow’s presence in Fredericktown not only brings spiritual and
physical healing but also adds a layer of warmth and kindness to the town’s atmosphere, making
her a beloved figure among the residents.

Organizations in Fredericktown

Church of Lathander

Temple of Bahamut

Town Council of Fredericktown

As of the late 15th Century DR, Fredericktown was home to Farmers, Miners,
Merchants, and Ranchers.

Items from Fredericktown

Cannabis, also known as weed, was a type of pipeweed – a plant green in color with an earthy, musky
scent indigenous to the northern areas of Anchorome, specifically the Tisdale region.

Other Names

Grows in
Per 1lb (450g) 250 gp

Cigars, Pipes

The flowering bud of the plant could be smoked in pipes, similarly to pipeweed of Faerun, but was also
possible to roll them in cigars. Specially grown to exhibit psychoactive and mild hallucinatory effects, it
was largely used in the Tisdale region as a medicinal plant, becoming legalized when Frederick
Shoeslapper III became mayor.

Sealed pots of cannabis buds from Fredericktown were available to purchase across the Tisdale region.

Cannabis was sold in smoke shops and some taverns in Fredericktown, Porcupine, and Tisdale, and
offered a wide variety of strains and fruit-infused cannabis blends, including Sunset Ridge cherry,
grapewood, apricot, and apple.

None yet. Probably has magical properties, so a material component for a spell?

Notable Users
Em Darkmagic, the Half-Elf wizard of Tisdale smoked both cannabis and tabacco in a pipe.

Nestled on the shores of the tranquil Porcupine Lake, this quaint village
exudes an atmosphere of rustic tranquility. Surrounded by towering pine trees and
verdant forests, Porcupine is a haven for loggers and timber enthusiasts. The sound
of axes biting into ancient trees mingles with the gentle lapping of waves against
the shore, while the village's wooden cabins and cozy lodges offer respite to weary
travelers. With its close-knit community and breathtaking natural beauty, Porcupine
embodies the essence of life in the wilderness.
The âhkihkaniw tribes
The Ăhkihkaniw tribes, inhabitants of the untamed wilderness of Anchorome, revere nature's spirits and
uphold ancient traditions that bind them to the land. Led by wise elders and shamans, they perform
rituals to honor these elemental deities, seeking their guidance for bountiful harvests and successful
hunts. Despite the presence of Faerunian settlers, the Ăhkihkaniw fiercely protect their cultural heritage,
forging alliances while preserving their ancestral lands. Their resilience in the face of change speaks to
their enduring bond with the wilderness they call home.

- Some Other Dude, Tisdale

The âhkihkaniw tribes are indigenous peoples of Anchorome, deeply connected to the land they inhabit.
With a history that stretches back countless generations, they have thrived in harmony with nature,
respecting its rhythms and honoring its spirits. The âhkihkaniw view the natural world as sacred,
believing that the land, rivers, and mountains are imbued with the essence of their ancestors and the
spirits that reside within. Living in close-knit communities scattered throughout the Tisdale region, the
âhkihkaniw lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving with the seasons to ensure sustainable resource
management and to follow the migratory patterns of game. Their settlements, often consisting of sturdy
longhouses crafted from local materials, blend seamlessly with the surrounding wilderness, camouflaged
by dense forests and hidden valleys.

Spirituality is at the core of âhkihkaniw culture, with rituals and ceremonies woven into the fabric of
daily life. They venerate a pantheon of elemental deities, representing the forces of nature such as the
sun, moon, earth, and sky. These deities are believed to dwell within the natural landscape, with sacred
sites scattered across the region serving as focal points for worship and communion with the spirits.
Central to âhkihkaniw society is the concept of kinship and communal living. Families within the tribe
share responsibilities and resources, ensuring that everyone's needs are met and fostering a sense of
unity and cooperation. Elders hold positions of reverence, their wisdom and experience guiding the tribe
in matters of governance, spirituality, and cultural preservation.

Despite the encroachment of Faerunian settlers and the ever-expanding influence of civilization, the
âhkihkaniw remain steadfast in their traditions and way of life. While they may engage in trade and
diplomacy with neighboring settlements, their allegiance ultimately lies with the land and the spirits that
inhabit it. The âhkihkaniw tribes are a resilient and resourceful people, embodying the resilience of
Anchorome's wilderness and serving as stewards of its natural beauty. Theirs is a culture rich in
tradition, steeped in reverence for the land, and bound by the sacred ties that connect them to their
ancestors and the spirits of the earth.
Wiyahkawin Village
Nestled in the shadow of the majestic Mt. Jamieson, Wiyahkawin Village is a sacred haven for the
âhkihkaniw people. Surrounded by dense forests and shimmering lakes, the village exudes an aura of
ancient wisdom and natural harmony. Here, shamans commune with the spirits of the land, while
artisans craft exquisite works of art inspired by the beauty of the wilderness. The air is filled with the
sound of tribal drums and the rustle of leaves, as the âhkihkaniw honor their ancestral traditions and
preserve the sacred bond between humanity and nature.

Wiyotayin Village
Deep within the heart of the forest east of Porcupine, Wiyotayin Village is a hidden gem waiting to be
discovered. Home to skilled craftsmen and artisans, this tranquil settlement is renowned for its exquisite
woodwork and intricate carvings. The village's rustic cabins and winding pathways blend seamlessly with
the surrounding wilderness, creating a harmonious blend of human habitation and natural beauty. Here,
the âhkihkaniw people live in harmony with the land, their lives intertwined with the rhythms of the
seasons and the cycles of the moon.

Other Notable Locations

In addition to the established settlements of the Tisdale Pact and the indigenous villages of the
âhkihkaniw, the Tisdale region boasts a plethora of intriguing locales waiting to be discovered.
Stretching across the untamed wilderness, these diverse points of interest offer adventurers endless
opportunities for exploration and adventure. From forgotten ruins to hidden valleys, the region is
teeming with secrets and wonders waiting to be unearthed. Whether seeking ancient mysteries or
untouched landscapes, there is no shortage of fascinating locations to explore in the vast expanse of the
Tisdale region.

- Eldranthor

Biggwater Lake
Nestled amidst the untamed wilderness north of the Tisdale District,
Biggwater Lake exudes a serene charm that captivates adventurers and locals alike.
Surrounded by dense forests and overlooked by rugged terrain, this tranquil oasis
offers respite from the hustle and bustle of frontier life. Its pristine waters teem with
diverse fish species, attracting anglers in search of the perfect catch. Whether you're
casting a line, paddling along its tranquil surface, or simply immersing yourself in
the beauty of nature, Biggwater Lake promises an unforgettable experience in the
heart of Anchorome's wilderness.
Biggwater Marsh
Stretching as far as the eye can see, Biggwater Marsh is a vast expanse
of wetland teeming with life. Its murky waters and tangled vegetation provide
sanctuary for a myriad of creatures, from elusive marsh birds to slithering serpents.
Lush greenery blankets the landscape, punctuated by the occasional gnarled tree or
towering cypress. Despite its wild and untamed appearance, the marsh holds a certain
mystique, drawing travelers and adventurers alike into its depths in search of
adventure and discovery.

Grenwich Cave
Carved into the rugged cliffs on the northern edge of Biggwater
Marsh, Grenwich Cave is a place of mystery and intrigue. Its dark and winding passages
are said to conceal untold treasures and ancient secrets, tempting brave souls to
venture into its depths in search of fortune and glory. The cave's damp walls glisten
with moisture, while the faint sound of dripping water echoes in the darkness. Many
have entered Grenwich Cave in search of riches, but few have returned to tell the tale,
leaving its secrets shrouded in darkness.

Tisdale Cemetery
Situated south of Tisdale near the banks of the Great Mattagami River, is a serene resting place
surrounded by natural beauty. Shaded by ancient trees and overlooking the tranquil waters of the river,
this cemetery holds the final resting place for many generations of Tisdale's inhabitants. Weathered
tombstones adorned with moss and lichen dot the landscape, bearing witness to the passage of time
and the memories of those who have gone before. As the gentle breeze whispers through the trees, it
carries with it a sense of peace and solemnity, inviting visitors to reflect on the lives and legacies of the
dearly departed.

Mt. Jamieson
Mt. Jamieson stands tall as the commanding centerpiece of the Tisdale region, its rugged silhouette
dominating the horizon with snow-capped peaks that pierce the azure sky. Nestled within its foothills lie
picturesque landscapes of boreal forests, meandering rivers, and rolling hills, contributing to the region's
natural beauty and allure. As a prominent geographical feature, Mt. Jamieson serves as both a
navigational landmark and a symbol of the untamed wilderness that characterizes the frontier of
Jamieson Lake
Serene and tranquil, Jamieson Lake is a shimmering jewel nestled amidst
the rugged landscape of Anchorome. Surrounded by towering peaks and lush forests,
the lake's crystal-clear waters offer a respite to weary travelers and adventurers alike.
The air is filled with the gentle hum of insects and the soothing melody of birdsong,
creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Whether fishing, swimming, or simply
basking in the beauty of nature, visitors to Jamieson Lake are sure to find solace in its
serene waters.

Jamieson Forest
Towering trees and dense undergrowth dominate the landscape of
Jamieson Forest, creating a verdant wilderness ripe for exploration. Sunlight filters
through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor below. A symphony
of sounds fills the air, from the rustle of leaves to the chorus of birdsong, as the
forest teems with life. Trails wind their way through the underbrush, inviting
adventurers to delve deeper into the heart of the forest and uncover its many secrets.

Moon and Sun Lakes

Nestled amidst the rolling hills and dense forests of Anchorome,
Moon and Sun Lakes are twin jewels of natural beauty. Their tranquil waters mirror the
shifting hues of the sky above, from the golden glow of sunrise to the silver shimmer
of moonlight. Lush vegetation lines the shores, providing sanctuary to a myriad of
wildlife, from graceful swans to elusive otters. Whether paddling in a canoe or simply
lounging on the shore, visitors to Moon and Sun Lakes are sure to be captivated by
their serene beauty.

East Tower
Standing as a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the wilderness, East
Tower is a fortified structure guarding Wiyahkawin Village from potential threats. Its
weathered walls and sturdy battlements bear witness to centuries of history and
tradition, while its imposing presence serves as a reminder of the village's resilience
and strength. From its vantage point atop the cliffs, guards keep watch over the
surrounding landscape, ever vigilant for signs of danger.

West Tower
A counterpart to the East Tower, West Tower stands as a bastion of defense
against the dangers of the wilderness. Perched on the edge of a precipice overlooking
the forest below, it commands a strategic position that allows guards to survey the
land for miles around. Its stout walls and stout towers offer refuge to the villagers
of Wiyahkawin in times of need, serving as a beacon of hope and safety in the face of

Kingleigh Acres
Rolling hills and verdant pastures characterize the landscape of
Kingleigh Acres, a picturesque cow ranch located in the Tisdale district. Here,
contented cows graze lazily in lush meadows, while the aroma of freshly cut hay hangs
in the air. Rustic barns and cozy farmhouses dot the landscape, their weathered facades
a testament to the timeless beauty of rural life. Whether tending to the fields or
enjoying a leisurely stroll through the countryside, visitors to Kingleigh Acres are
sure to be enchanted by its pastoral charm.

Oakwild Farm
Nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant pastures, Oakwild Farm is a
picturesque homestead known for its bountiful harvests and idyllic setting. Here,
rows of sun-kissed crops stretch as far as the eye can see, while contented livestock
graze lazily in lush meadows. Rustic barns and cozy cottages dot the landscape, their
weathered facades a testament to the timeless beauty of rural life. Whether tending to
the fields or enjoying a leisurely stroll through the countryside, visitors to Oakwild
Farm are sure to be enchanted by its pastoral charm.

Gibbons Farm
A family-run farmstead nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Tisdale district,
Gibbons Farm is a beacon of sustainability and self-sufficiency. Here, fields of golden
wheat sway in the breeze, while orchards burst with the vibrant colors of ripe fruit.
Rustic barns and quaint cottages dot the landscape, their weathered facades a
testament to the hard work and dedication of the Gibbons family. Whether harvesting
crops or caring for livestock, visitors to Gibbons Farm are sure to be captivated by its
rustic charm and wholesome atmosphere.

Crestwood Forest
Blanketing the landscape between Tisdale and Wiyotayin Village,
Crestwood Forest is a verdant expanse of towering trees and lush undergrowth. Its
ancient oaks and towering pines provide shelter to a myriad of creatures, from elusive
deer to playful squirrels. Sunlight filters through the canopy, casting a golden glow
on the forest floor below, while the air is filled with the earthy scent of moss and the
sweet fragrance of wildflowers.
Dead Man's Woods
South of the Tisdale District lies the foreboding expanse of Dead
Man's Woods, a realm cloaked in mystery and whispered tales of darkness. The dense
canopy of ancient trees casts a perpetual shadow over the forest floor, obscuring
secrets long forgotten by time. Within this labyrinth of twisted branches and tangled
undergrowth, the Redsin Tower stands as a grim sentinel, its crumbling spires piercing
the sky like accusing fingers. Once a bastion of arcane knowledge, the tower now lies
abandoned, haunted by whispers of forbidden magic and the restless spirits of those
who dared to tread its halls. However, the true terror of Dead Man's Woods lies not in
its abandoned ruins, but in the sinister presence of Peter Mountain, a notorious serial
killer rumored to lurk within the shadows of the forest. Known for his grisly crimes
and macabre rituals, Mountain's dark legacy casts a chilling pall over the woods,
ensuring that only the bravest—or most foolhardy—dare to seek the secrets hidden
within its depths.

Redsin Tower
Once a place of arcane study and esoteric experimentation, Redsin Tower
now stands as a grim testament to the horrors that lurk within its walls. Perched
atop a craggy hill in the heart of Dead Man's Woods, this foreboding structure serves
as the lair of Peter Mountain, a notorious serial killer who was driven from the town
of Tisdale amidst rumors of unspeakable atrocities. The tower's sinister silhouette
looms against the backdrop of the dense forest, its crumbling stone facades tainted by
the stain of blood and betrayal. Within its shadowed chambers, Peter Mountain's
twisted legacy lingers, whispered among the trees as a cautionary tale to those who
dare to venture too close. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and the echoes of
past horrors reverberate through the corridors like a sinister symphony of suffering.
Though the tower's doors now stand sealed and barred, the darkness within beckons
to the curious and the foolhardy, promising secrets best left undisturbed. For those
brave enough to peer into its depths, the truth of Redsin Tower may prove more
terrifying than any tale whispered in the dead of night.

Conservation Park
Nestled on the tranquil western shores of Porcupine Lake, stands as a testament to the region's
commitment to preserving its natural beauty and biodiversity. Spanning acres of pristine wilderness, this
sanctuary offers a refuge for both wildlife and weary travelers seeking solace in nature's embrace.
Towering trees canopy the park, their verdant leaves whispering secrets of ages past, while meandering
trails beckon adventurers to explore the hidden wonders that lie within. From the gentle lapping of the
lake's waters to the melodious chorus of birdsong that fills the air, Conservation Park is a symphony of
sights and sounds, inviting visitors to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the untamed spirit of
Anchorome's frontier.
Old Fred Mine
Old Fred Mine, christened in honor of the intrepid prospector Frederick Shoeslapper, lies nestled amidst
the rugged landscape to the north of Fredericktown. This historic mine stands as a testament to the
pioneering zeal that once gripped the Tisdale region, symbolizing the spirit of adventure and ambition
that drove settlers to explore the untamed wilderness of Anchorome. Frederick Shoeslapper's
serendipitous discovery of valuable ore within these rocky hills marked the genesis of a mining frenzy
that would significantly shape the destiny of Tisdale and its neighboring settlements. Despite its current
state of abandonment and weathered appearance, Old Fred Mine continues to serve as a poignant
reminder of the dreams and aspirations that spurred westward migration in pursuit of prosperity and
new horizons.

Tisdale Mine
Tisdale Mine, situated on the outskirts of the bustling town of Tisdale, stands as a testament to the
region's rich mining heritage. Established by early settlers seeking fortune in the untamed wilderness of
Anchorome, this mine has been a cornerstone of the local economy for generations. Its cavernous
depths echo with the sounds of pickaxes and machinery, as miners tirelessly extract precious minerals
from the earth's embrace. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks over the years, Tisdale
Mine remains a symbol of resilience and determination, reflecting the indomitable spirit of the frontier
pioneers who carved a living from the land.

Porcupine Mine
Nestled amidst the serene landscape near the tranquil shores of Porcupine Lake, Porcupine Mine is a
vital cornerstone of the local economy, fueling the growth and prosperity of the surrounding
community. Founded by enterprising settlers drawn to the promise of riches hidden beneath the earth,
this mine has stood the test of time, weathering challenges and adversities with unwavering resolve.
Within its labyrinthine tunnels, the echoes of pickaxes and the rumble of machinery resonate, as miners
toil tirelessly to unearth precious ores and minerals. Despite its remote location and the inherent
dangers of mining, Porcupine Mine serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those who call the
Tisdale region home, embodying the pioneering spirit that defines this untamed frontier.

Iron Vein Camp

Located to the south of Fredericktown, deep within the southern forests of the Tisdale region lies Iron
Vein Camp, a small settlement of huts and tents, a large firepit, slave cages, and other things a bandit
might have want for.
The Yard of Iron
Hidden far from sight, nestled deep in the northern forests of the region lies The Yard of Iron, a large,
formidable base of operations for the Iron Vein Clan. Home to Garret Gray, their intimidating leader, The
Yard of Iron is a barracks and stronghold for this ruthless clan of bandits.

Not much is known of this location, other than traffic headed in that direction has picked up
dramatically. and large walls and buildings are being erected.

Locations in The Underdark

Duskrend, the City of Shadows, is a beacon of defiance and freedom in the depths of the Underdark.
Tucked away in the labyrinthine tunnels beneath the Tisdale region, this hidden city is a testament to
the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants. The architecture of Duskrend reflects its rugged surroundings,
with structures carved from the living rock of the cavern walls and reinforced with sturdy timber and
metal salvaged from the depths. Tangles of roots and vines hang from the ceilings, while bioluminescent
fungi and crystals provide a dim, otherworldly glow. At the heart of Duskrend lies the Great Bazaar, a
bustling marketplace where traders from across the Underdark gather to barter and exchange goods.
Here, you can find everything from rare gems and magical artifacts to exotic creatures and forbidden
knowledge. Despite its lawless reputation, Duskrend is not without its own code of honor. The city is
governed by a council of elders and tribal leaders, each representing a different faction or community
within the city. Decisions are made through consensus and debate, with disputes settled through trial by
combat or ritualistic challenges. Duskrend is a haven for outcasts and adventurers seeking refuge from
the dangers of the Underdark. Its streets are filled with colorful characters, from roguish smugglers and
fearless mercenaries to wise mystics and eccentric scholars. In Duskrend, anyone with the strength and
cunning to survive can carve out a new life for themselves, far from the watchful eyes of the surface
world. As the shadows deepen and the echoes of distant horrors reverberate through the tunnels, the
people of Duskrend stand united against the encroaching darkness. For in the City of Shadows, defiance
is the only law, and freedom is the greatest treasure of all.
Other Notable Factions, Organizations, or Movements
Unraveling the Tapestry of Power
In the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of the Tisdale region, numerous factions
and organizations vie for influence, each with its own agenda and ambitions. From economic
powerhouses to clandestine societies, these groups shape the destiny of Anchorome's
frontier, wielding influence, and authority over the lives of its inhabitants.

The Ironpick Consortium

Establishing Dominance in Anchorome's Frontier

The Ironpick Consortium stands as a formidable economic
and political force in the untamed frontier of Anchorome.
Born from the ambition and vision of its founder, Magnus
Ironpick, this powerful consortium has carved out a dominant
presence in the region's mining industry, shaping the
economic landscape and exerting considerable influence over
local governance.

Founded in the early days of Anchorome's colonization, the
Ironpick Consortium emerged as a key player in the
exploitation of the continent's vast mineral wealth. Led by the
shrewd and enterprising Magnus Ironpick, the consortium
swiftly established a network of mining operations across
Anchorome, exploiting rich veins of ore and precious metals
to fuel its rapid expansion. In 1420 DR, FDX and the Ironpick
Consortium clashed over control of the Porcupine Mine in the
Tisdale District. Mediators intervened, brokering a
compromise that allowed both factions to share ownership,
averting further conflict and preserving economic stability.
Lingering tensions remain between the two factions.

Structure and Operations

At the helm of the Ironpick Consortium is Magnus Ironpick
himself, a savvy businessman with a keen eye for opportunity
and a ruthless determination to see his vision realized. Under
his leadership, the consortium operates a vast network of
mines, processing facilities, and trading outposts, strategically
positioned to maximize efficiency and profitability.

Impact on the Region

The Ironpick Consortium's dominance in Anchorome's
mining industry has had far-reaching implications for the
region's economy and society. While the consortium's
operations have brought prosperity to some, they have also
led to environmental degradation, labor disputes, and social
unrest, as local communities grapple with the consequences
of unchecked industrialization.

Controversies and Challenges

Despite its success, the Ironpick Consortium has not been
immune to controversy and challenges. Accusations of
exploitation, corruption, and unethical business practices
have plagued the consortium, tarnishing its reputation and
sparking calls for greater oversight and regulation.
Additionally, the rise of rival factions and the emergence of
new threats pose significant challenges to the consortium's
continued dominance in Anchorome's frontier.

Relations with other Factions

They have a business-oriented relationship with the Shadow
Vein Division, engaging in trade and economic cooperation
despite occasional conflicts over resource ownership.
They have a somewhat adversarial relationship with the
Greenheart Alliance, as the Consortium's industrial activities
often come into conflict with the Alliance's conservation
efforts. They may have limited trade relations with FDX, but
ideological differences regarding environmental impact may
strain this relationship.

With Punk Movement

The Ironpick Consortium views the Punk movement with a mix of skepticism and opportunism. While
they recognize the movement's growing influence as a potential threat to their operations, they also see an
opportunity to exploit the movement's creativity and rebellious spirit for economic gain. The Consortium
might attempt to co-opt Punk events or icons to improve their public image or to quell dissent among the

As Anchorome's frontier continues to evolve and new
challenges arise, the Ironpick Consortium remains a central
figure in the region's economic and political landscape.
Whether it can adapt to changing circumstances and
overcome its myriad challenges will ultimately determine its
fate in the untamed wilderness of Anchorome.

The Greenheart Alliance

Wilderness Defenders of Nature, Keepers of Tradition
The Greenheart Alliance traces its origins to a coalition of
indigenous tribes, environmental activists, and druids who
joined forces to protect the natural landscapes and wildlife of
the Porcupine region from exploitation by outsiders. United by
their reverence for nature and a shared commitment to
preserving the wilderness, they formed the alliance to
safeguard the ecological integrity of their ancestral lands and
ensure its survival for future generations.

At the core of the Greenheart Alliance's mission is the
resistance against the encroachment of industrialization and
development in the Porcupine region. They advocate for
sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and the protection
of indigenous rights, striving to maintain the ecological
balance and biodiversity of the area. By preserving the
wilderness, they seek to uphold the cultural heritage and
spiritual significance of the land to the indigenous
communities who call it home.

The Alliance is governed by a council of tribal elders,
environmentalists, and spiritual leaders from the indigenous
communities of Porcupine. Drawing upon their traditional
wisdom and deep connection to the land, they guide the
alliance's decisions through consensus-based governance,
ensuring that their actions align with the values of respect,
reciprocity, and stewardship. Their leadership embodies the
alliance's commitment to honoring the land and its spirits,
preserving the sacredness of the wilderness.

In pursuit of their goals, the Greenheart Alliance employs a
variety of methods, ranging from peaceful protests and legal
advocacy to grassroots organizing and direct action. They
engage in dialogue with policymakers and stakeholders,
advocating for policies that prioritize environmental
conservation and indigenous rights. Additionally, they may
resort to more confrontational tactics, such as blockades and
nonviolent resistance, to protect sacred sites and sensitive
ecosystems from harm.

Historical Events
In 1405 DR, the Greenheart Alliance, and indigenous tribes
convened at Moon and Sun Lakes to craft a treaty
safeguarding Anchorome's environment. This landmark
agreement protected the lakes and surrounding wilderness,
fostering cooperation and unity among the alliance and native
peoples to preserve the region's natural beauty for future

Relations with other Factions

They have a positive relationship with FDX, as both factions
prioritize environmental conservation and sustainable
development. They have a tense relationship with the Shadow
Vein Division, as they often clash over land use and
environmental policies. Their relationship with the Ironpick
Consortium is somewhat neutral, as the Consortium's industrial
activities sometimes conflict with the Alliance's conservation efforts.

With Punk Movement

The Greenheart Alliance finds natural allies within the Punk movement, sharing common ground in their
respect for the environment and opposition to unchecked industrialization. The Alliance is supportive of
Punk efforts to use art and activism to promote conservation and may collaborate on projects or protests
aimed at protecting the Tisdale region's natural beauty. However, they might also caution against the
movement's more anarchistic tendencies, seeking a balance between rebellion and constructive change.

As steadfast guardians of the Porcupine wilderness, the
members of the Greenheart Alliance stand united in their
dedication to preserving the ecological integrity and cultural
heritage of their ancestral lands. Through their collective
efforts and unwavering commitment, they strive to uphold
the principles of sustainability, justice, and respect for all
beings, ensuring that the wilderness remains a sanctuary for
generations to come.

The FDX Corps

Forging Frontiers, Unveiling Horizons

The FDX Corps traces its origins to the Woodsmen's Guild's
recognition of the burgeoning demand for exploration and
expansion into uncharted territories. Comprised of skilled
adventurers, scouts, and pioneers drawn from diverse
backgrounds, the Corps was formed with the mission to
venture into the unknown, chart new lands, and establish
footholds in untamed wilderness.

In 1420 DR, FDX and the Ironpick Consortium clashed over
control of the Porcupine Mine in the Tisdale District.
Mediators intervened to broker a ceasefire and negotiations,
leading to a compromise where both factions agreed to share
ownership of the mine. Though animosities linger, the
resolution prevented further bloodshed and preserved the
region's economic prosperity.

Governance of the FDX Corps is entrusted to a council of
seasoned adventurers and esteemed guild leaders, whose
collective wisdom and expertise guide the organization's
strategic direction. Tasked with coordinating expeditionary
missions, allocating resources, and making critical decisions,
the council ensures that the Corps operates efficiently and
effectively in pursuit of its objectives.

Relations with other Factions

They have a strong alliance with the Greenheart Alliance,
sharing similar values and goals regarding environmental
protection and sustainable development. They have a hostile
relationship with the Shadow Vein Division, as FDX views
them as exploiting the region's resources without regard for
environmental consequences. They may have some trade
relations with the Ironpick Consortium, but it's likely limited
due to ideological differences regarding environmental impact.

With Punk Movement

The FDX Corps appreciates the Punk movement's spirit of exploration and its challenge to societal norms.
Recognizing the potential for innovation and societal progress within the movement, the Corps may offer
logistical support or sponsor Punk initiatives that align with their goals of sustainable development and
environmental protection. However, they remain wary of the movement's more radical elements that
could disrupt the stability and economic prosperity of the region.

The Shadow Vein Division

Mastering Shadows, Shaping Destinies

Founded by the Iron Throne, a formidable mercantile and
political entity rooted in Faerun, the Shadow Vein Division
emerged as a clandestine arm dedicated to the pursuit of
wealth, power, and influence. Specializing in covert
operations and exploration of uncharted territories, the
Division operates on the fringes of society, its origins
shrouded in secrecy and intrigue.

The Shadow Vein Division's overarching objective is the
acquisition of valuable resources, strategic intelligence, and
territorial expansion in service to the Iron Throne's
ambitions. Employing a blend of stealth, subterfuge, and
manipulation, they seek to exploit untapped natural wealth,
establish strongholds in key regions and weaken rival
factions through covert machinations.

Commanded by an enigmatic council of influential figures
within the Iron Throne's inner circle, the Shadow Vein
Division operates under the guidance of powerful merchants,
seasoned spymasters, and astute political operatives.
Operating from the shadows, these clandestine leaders wield
their influence discreetly, manipulating events to serve the
interests of the Iron Throne and further its agenda.

Relations with other Factions

They have a strained relationship with the other factions,
particularly with the Greenheart Alliance and FDX.
They see themselves as the dominant force in the region and
often clash with the other factions over territory and
resources. They may have a more neutral or even slightly
positive relationship with the Ironpick Consortium due to
shared economic interests, but it's still marked by
competition and occasional conflict.

With Punk Movement

The Shadow Vein Division sees the Punk movement as both a nuisance and a potential tool for furthering
their own secretive goals. They might engage in covert actions to manipulate the movement, either by
inflaming its more destructive tendencies to destabilize rivals or by undermining its credibility to
maintain the status quo. The Division's operatives could infiltrate Punk groups to steer their activities in
ways that inadvertently serve the Iron Throne's interests.

Punk in the Tisdale region

The punk movement in the Tisdale region, emerging during the winter of 1492 DR, represents a cultural
counterresponse to a period marked by external threats and internal unrest. As the region reeled from
rumors of infernal activity and the valiant efforts of its heroes to protect their homeland, a collective
yearning for change began to simmer among its people. The punk subculture, rooted in the underground
gatherings of artists, musicians, and rebels, quickly blossomed into a significant force, embodying a stark
defiance against the oppressive structures threatening the freedoms of Tisdale's inhabitants. This
movement symbolized more than just a musical or aesthetic preference; it was a declaration of
individuality, self-expression, and the power of community. The younger generations, in particular, found
solace and identity within the punk ethos, viewing it as a platform to voice their dissent and vision for a
future where diversity and freedom are paramount. With key figures like Kalmeia leading the charge, the
punk movement revitalized the local art scene, influenced political discourse, and fostered new social
dynamics that challenged traditional norms. As it continued to grow, the punk spirit of Tisdale promised
not only to reshape the region's cultural landscape but also to inspire future generations to dream of a
world unbound by convention.

Notable Figures
The punk movement in the Tisdale region represents a vibrant force of defiance, self-expression, and
community. Spearheaded by figures like Kalmeia, a Tiefling bard whose music embodies the call for
change, it draws a diverse crowd from artists to adventurers. Jorah "The Voice" Thornridge, known for
his incisive lyrics, challenges the elite, echoing the movement's core messages. Em Darkmagic, a Half-Elf
Wizard with a penchant for ancient mysteries, adds a unique blend of arcane knowledge and punk ethos,
inspiring others to seek beyond conventional bounds. Together, these figures are pivotal in shaping a
punk culture that champions freedom, individuality, and social justice in the Tisdale region.

Impact on Art and Politics

The punk movement's influence extends deeply into both art and politics within the Tisdale region,
catalyzing a cultural and social revolution. It has transformed the visual landscape, turning public spaces
into vibrant canvases that showcase murals, sculptures, and installations rich with punk ethos. These
artistic expressions not only challenge societal norms but also spark public dialogue and reflection,
bridging the gap between art and activism. Politically, the movement has become a formidable force
against established authorities, advocating for substantial social reforms. Through punk-driven
campaigns, it has successfully championed the rights and freedoms of marginalized communities in
Tisdale and Porcupine. This intersection of art and activism underscores the movement's significant role
in reshaping societal values and policies, highlighting its capacity to drive historical change.

The Future of Punk in the Tisdale region

The future of punk in the Tisdale region is poised for significant growth and continued influence. As it
evolves, the movement is set to deepen its impact on cultural, artistic, and political landscapes, driving
progressive changes and challenging traditional norms. Its commitment to resistance, creativity, and
community will inspire and empower generations, advocating for a society that values freedom and
individuality. With each passing day, punk's voice in the Tisdale region becomes louder and more vibrant,
promising a dynamic and inclusive future.

Expanding Cultural Impact

The punk spirit in the Tisdale region goes beyond mere rebellion; it represents a profound cultural shift,
challenging the status quo and fostering a space where creativity and dissent coalesce into a powerful
force for change. This movement, deeply rooted in the essence of the region, has become a beacon for
those disillusioned with societal constraints, offering an alternative ethos where freedom and self-
expression reign supreme.
New Social Dynamics
The emergence of punk has introduced new social dynamics within the communities of Tisdale region.
It's not uncommon to see traditional taverns hosting punk bands, their music echoing the populace's
growing discontent and desire for change. These performances often serve as rallying points for
discussions about liberty, equality, and the future of the region, creating a sense of solidarity among
disparate groups.

Punk Havens and Spaces

Within the Tisdale region, certain areas have become known as punk havens, safe spaces where the
subculture thrives. These areas are characterized by their eclectic mix of punk aesthetics and makeshift
community centers where workshops on art, music, and social activism are held. Such havens are not
just hideouts but symbols of the punk community's resilience and its commitment to fostering a
supportive environment for all its members.

Fashion and Symbolism

Punk fashion in the region has become a symbol of resistance, with its distinct style featuring a mix of
leather, metal, and DIY embellishments that defy conventional norms. This fashion statement extends to
armor and weapons, which are often customized to reflect individual personality and allegiance to the
punk cause. These visual markers serve as a form of non-verbal communication, signaling membership
and solidarity within the movement.

The Role of Magic

In a world where magic permeates everyday life, the punk movement has embraced arcane arts as a tool
for expression and activism. Enchanted graffiti that changes to reflect the community's sentiments,
musical instruments imbued with spells that stir the heart and mind, and art installations with illusion
magic challenge viewers to question their reality. Magic, in the hands of punk practitioners, becomes
another medium through which to challenge authority and advocate for social change.

Interaction with Other Factions

The punk movement's rise in the region of Tisdale has sparked diverse interactions with other factions,
intensifying the region's political dynamics. Tensions with conservative elements, viewing punk as a
subversive threat, contrast with alliances formed with like-minded groups advocating for social change.
These complex relationships highlight punk's influential ideology, prompting re-evaluation of established
norms and encouraging a broader dialogue on freedom and individuality. Such interactions underscore
the movement's role in shaping the region’s future, blending cultural defiance with political activism to
foster a more inclusive society.
Conservative Elements and Traditional Factions
The punk movement's emphasis on challenging the status quo and advocating for radical freedom and
rights has put it at odds with Tisdale's more conservative elements. These groups, often representing the
established order and traditional values, view punk's rebellious nature as a direct threat to their
authority and societal norms. Tensions have manifested in public standoffs, policy debates, and cultural
clashes, with punks leveraging their art and public demonstrations to critique and oppose conservative
policies and attitudes.

Ironpick Consortium
The relationship between the punk movement and the Ironpick Consortium is complex, characterized by
a blend of conflict and cautious engagement. While punks decry the Consortium's exploitative labor
practices and environmental impact, there is a pragmatic acknowledgment among some within the
movement that dialogue and negotiation can lead to incremental improvements. Efforts have been
made to lobby for better worker rights and environmental protections, leading to tense but necessary
conversations between punk activists and Consortium leaders.

Greenheart Alliance
The punk movement finds a more natural ally in the Greenheart Alliance, sharing common ground in
their commitment to environmental conservation and protection of marginalized communities. Punk
activists and Greenheart members have collaborated on various initiatives, from organizing
environmental clean-up campaigns to staging joint protests against developments threatening local
ecosystems. This partnership underscores a shared belief in grassroots activism and community-driven

FDX Corps
With the FDX Corps' focus on exploration and expansion into uncharted territories, the punks'
relationship with them is marked by a cautious optimism. Punks are drawn to the Corps' adventurous
spirit and their efforts to establish sustainable practices in new settlements. Collaborative projects, such
as cultural exchanges and joint exploration missions, have emerged, aiming to blend punk's innovative
ideas with the Corps' resources and reach.

Shadow Vein Division

The punks' stance towards the Shadow Vein Division is one of overt opposition, given the Division's
clandestine operations and perceived undermining of regional autonomy. Punk songs, art, and protests
frequently target the Division, calling out their manipulative tactics and the threats they pose to Tisdale's
freedom. This opposition has solidified punk as a vocal critic of the Division, rallying the public against its
secretive agenda.
Legacy and Evolution
As the punk movement matures, its legacy continues to evolve, influencing not just the present
generation but shaping the aspirations of those to come. The ideals of punk have begun to permeate
more traditional structures, challenging them to adapt or risk becoming obsolete. This cultural evolution
promises to keep the spirit of punk alive in the region of Tisdale, continually reshaping its identity in the
face of new challenges and opportunities.

Guardians of Tisdale
In the Tisdale region, the Guardians stand as both a safeguard and an aid for adventurers
embarking on their journeys. These mystical protectors can be toggled on or off at the start
of the campaign, offering flexibility based on the preferences of the players and the Dungeon Master.
When activated, the Guardians provide additional support and guidance, making the region more
forgiving for newcomers and those seeking a less challenging experience. However, for those craving a
greater test of skill and strategy, the option to deactivate the Guardians allows for a more traditional
and potentially perilous adventure. It's important to note that with the feature turned off, Eldranthor,
the ancient dragon guardian, will still appear as an NPC, but won't assume dragon form or offer
assistance to the players in any way. This adds an extra layer of challenge for those seeking a more
authentic and immersive journey through the Tisdale region.

The Aurora Guardian manifests in the mortal realm in the form of a majestic white
moose, her fur imbued with the shifting hues of the aurora borealis. She stands tall and
proud, her antlers reaching towards the heavens like gleaming crowns adorned with
ethereal light. As she moves, her every step leaves behind a trail of shimmering energy,
casting a surreal and enchanting aura that captivates all who witness her presence. With
eyes that sparkle like the stars above, Luminara embodies the mystical essence of the
northern lights, embodying the beauty and wonder of the celestial realm in the mortal

Eldranthor, the Platinum Dragon

Eldranthor, the Platinum Dragon, is a revered guardian of the Tisdale region. Often
appearing in the guise of a wise and enigmatic human, he ensures the safety and prosperity of its
inhabitants. Though rarely seen in his true draconic form, his presence is felt throughout the land,
offering protection against any threat. With his immense wisdom and power, Eldranthor stands as a
steadfast defender, inspiring courage, and resilience in times of
Creatures of the Tisdale region
The wilderness of the Tisdale region is rife with new creatures and threats, here are some examples:

Notable peoples of the Tisdale region

Dr. Maridiana Greywall

Dr. Maridiana Greywall epitomizes resilience and compassion
in the rugged frontier of Porcupine. A middle-aged human healer and doctor,
Maridiana's journey began as a vital member of Elenor Stonehammer's intrepid group,
dispatched by FDX Corps on their inaugural expedition to Anchorome. Hailing from
the bustling metropolis of Waterdeep. Maridiana's upbringing instilled in her a deep
sense of duty and a thirst for adventure. Renowned for her unparalleled skill and
expertise, honed in the vibrant streets of Waterdeep, Maridiana now channels her
healing prowess into a thriving clinic nestled amidst the wilderness of Porcupine.
Assisted by her steadfast companion, Richard Webstrider, a weathered forest gnome,
Maridiana tirelessly tends to the ailments and injuries of the local populace,
embodying the unwavering spirit of hope and care in the face of adversity.

Richard Webstrider
With a lifetime of experiences etched into the lines of his weathered
visage, Richard Webstrider stands as a steadfast pillar of support and wisdom in the
community of Porcupine. An elderly forest gnome of dark brown complexion, Richard's
journey to Anchorome began with aspirations of adventure and discovery, only to find
solace and purpose in the tranquil embrace of Porcupine's verdant forests. Originally
drawn to the promise of opportunity in Fredericktown, Richard's fate took a fortuitous
turn when he crossed paths with Dr. Maridiana Greywall. Bound by a shared commitment
to service and compassion, Richard found kinship and belonging in Porcupine, where he
now assists Maridiana at her bustling clinic. His gentle demeanor and unwavering
dedication embody the resilience and camaraderie that define the indomitable spirit of
Anchorome's frontier.
Peter Mountain
Peter is the bastard son of Horwald Mountain, a miner in Tisdale.
Growing up with his alcoholic mother, Abigail Stormweave, was tough for Peter as she
neglected him often. Peter would often act out by torturing local wildlife, and
bullying the local children, all of which were terrified of Peter. During his teenage
years, Peter began to grow tired of the animals he had become accustomed to torturing
and killing and his lust for murder started to become too much to restrain. Peter
eventually murdered his first victim in his early 20's and was brought to justice and
ran out of town, eventually taking up residence in the Redsin Tower of Dead Man's
Woods. Here he would carry out various dark rituals and horrifying tasks, often easily
capturing adventurers who dare wander too close to the Redsin.

Horwald Mountain
Horwald Mountain's dreams of prosperity and adventure were cut
short by the unforgiving wilderness of Anchorome. A hopeful miner drawn to the
promise of riches in Tisdale, Horwald's journey was tragically cut short by the
merciless jaws of fate, succumbing to the savage predators that prowled the
treacherous expanse of Dead Man's Woods. His untimely demise cast a shadow over the
burgeoning frontier, leaving behind a legacy steeped in tragedy and unfulfilled

Abigail Stormweave
A prostitute from Neverwinter brought along with the Iron
Throne' s expedition that founded Tisdale. Abigail easily found work in the newly
established Tisdale, with its bustling economy, which led to her forming an alcohol
addiction. Abigail accidentally got pregnant with a client, Horwald Mountain, and
gave birth to his child named Peter. Even though Horwald was never around, his death
so early in Peters life caused her to become erratic and aggressive, often hitting or
even forgetting to feed Peter. Her neglect of her son and her rampant alcoholism
meant she was unaware of the monster he was becoming behind her back. When Peter
committed his first murder and was run out of town, Abigail was among the crowd
angrily jeering and shouting, turning her back on her son once and for all.

Mayor Thaddeus Ironspear

A stern but fair leader, Mayor Thaddeus Ironspear is
deeply committed to the prosperity and safety of Tisdale. With a background in
mining, he understands the importance of balancing economic growth with
environmental preservation. His decisive leadership and unwavering dedication have
earned him respect throughout the district.

Captain Amelia Runeforge

A seasoned veteran of the Tisdale town guard, Captain
Amelia Runeforge is known for her unwavering courage and tactical brilliance. With a
keen sense of justice and a strong moral compass, she ensures law and order are
upheld in Tisdale. Her steel determination and loyalty to the town make her a
formidable ally and a respected leader among her peers.

Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III

Continuing the legacy of his esteemed grandfather,
Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III leads Fredericktown with a blend of tradition and
innovation. Raised with tales of adventure and entrepreneurship, he brings a youthful
energy and fresh perspective to the town's governance. With a keen eye for business
opportunities and a deep-seated love for his community, he strives to uphold his family's
name while guiding Fredericktown into a prosperous future.

Captain Valeria Ironclad

A seasoned warrior and skilled tactician, Captain Valeria
Ironclad commands the Fredericktown town guard with discipline and efficiency.
Her unwavering dedication to duty and commitment to protecting the town have
earned her respect and admiration from her subordinates and the townsfolk alike.
With a keen eye for strategy and a strong sense of justice, she ensures
Fredericktown remains safe and secure.

Mayor Roderick Thorne

A wise and compassionate leader, Mayor Roderick Thorne
oversees the bustling village of Porcupine with a steady hand and a kind heart. With a
background in agriculture and community development, he prioritizes the well-being of
the residents and the sustainable growth of the village. His deep connection to the
land and its people foster a sense of unity and harmony within the community.

Captain Elara Swiftblade

A skilled warrior and natural leader, Captain Elara Swiftblade
commands the Porcupine village guard with grace and determination. Her quick
thinking and decisive action ensures the safety of the village and its inhabitants. With a
strong sense of duty and unwavering loyalty to her people, she stands as a stalwart
defender against any threat to Porcupine's peace and prosperity.

He presents himself as a formidable figure cloaked in mystery and
authority. In human form, he exudes an aura of ancient wisdom and celestial
knowledge, often clad in robes adorned with intricate silver patterns reminiscent of
celestial constellations. While his origins remain shrouded in mystery, Eldranthor's
role as protector of Tisdale is undisputed. As a subtle overseer, he guides the region's
inhabitants with his unparalleled insight and wisdom, instilling a sense of security in
those under his watchful gaze.

Elenor Stonehammer
A seasoned adventurer of formidable stature, Elenor embodies courage
and resilience. Raised in a humble village near Baldur's Gate, Elenor's upbringing
instilled in her a strong work ethic and a yearning for adventure. When the
opportunity arose to lead the inaugural expedition of the Woodsmen's Guild's FDX
Corps, Elenor seized it eagerly, driven by her thirst for exploration and the unknown.
Her chestnut hair cascades down her shoulders, complementing her piercing dark brown
eyes that mirror her unwavering determination. Throughout the formation of
Porcupine, Elenor played a pivotal role, her leadership guiding the nascent settlement
through its early challenges. Now retired from her adventurous endeavors, Elenor calls
Porcupine home, where she enjoys the tranquility of village life alongside her loyal
companion, Rascus, a faithful dog who has accompanied her on many journeys. Despite
her retired status, Elenor's presence in Porcupine serves as a reminder of the pioneering
spirit that laid the foundations of the thriving community.

Jorah “the voice” Thornridge

Jorah was born into a small, marginalized orc community on the outskirts of the Tisdale region. From a
young age, he faced the harsh realities of prejudice and discrimination, not only from humans but from
other races as well. However, instead of succumbing to bitterness, Jorah found solace and expression in
music. His powerful, gravelly voice and poignant lyrics quickly caught the attention of the underground
punk scene in Tisdale.

Chapter Three: Character Creation

The region of Tisdale is home to many races, some of them immigrants from other worlds who found
their way here in ancient times when gates and portals were more plentiful, and easier to traverse.
Others are relative newcomers to the world, still finding a place for themselves among the long-
established races. The civilizations of the elder races have declined, while those of the younger races are
flourishing and spreading ever outward.

The character races described in the Player's Handbook are all found in the Realms, along with some
subraces unique to Toril. Each character race has all the traits of the primary race, as given in the PHB,
plus traits for each subrace that are unique to those individuals. This chapter provides racial traits for a
subrace only when they differ from or replace those given in the Player's Handbook and/or the Sword
Coast Adventurers Guide.

The information in this chapter is specific to the âhkihkaniw subrace, for information regarding the races
and subraces of the Realms, please refer to the Player's Handbook and/or the Sword Coast Adventurers
The âhkihkaniw (Human Variant)
The âhkihkaniw are a unique subrace of Humans indigenous to the lush forests and
woodlands of Anchorome. Their connection to nature runs deep, shaping not only their
physical appearance but also their way of life and spiritual beliefs. With skin tones ranging
from rich browns to vibrant greens, their complexions mirror the hues of the dense foliage
that surrounds them. Their hair, reminiscent of the canopy above, varies in shades of green
and brown, often adorned with leaves or woven with natural fibers, serving as a tangible link
to the forest.
Keen observers may notice the subtle markings on their skin, resembling patterns found in
nature, which are believed to be symbols of protection or guidance passed down through
generations. These markings, along with their piercing eyes that reflect the wisdom of the
wilderness, hint at a deep spiritual connection to the natural world. Indeed, the âhkihkaniw
possess an innate understanding of the forest and its inhabitants, often communicating with
animals and plants in ways that seem almost magical to outsiders.
Physically, the âhkihkaniw are well-adapted to their environment, with lithe and agile frames
that allow them to move swiftly and silently through the dense undergrowth. Their senses
are finely tuned to the rhythms of the forest, enabling them to navigate even the most
challenging terrain with ease. Despite their affinity for the wild, the âhkihkaniw are not mere
primitives; they possess a rich cultural heritage, steeped in traditions that have been passed
down through countless generations.
In the hearts of the âhkihkaniw, the forest is not just their home but also their sanctuary
and their source of sustenance. They live in harmony with nature, taking only what they need
and giving back to the land in return. For them, the forest is a sacred place, filled with spirits
and guardians that watch over them and guide them on their journey through life.

âhkihkaniw Subrace Traits

 Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

 Age: âhkihkaniw mature at the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens and
living up to about a century.

 Alignment: âhkihkaniw tend to be neutral, valuing the balance and harmony of nature above all
else. However, individuals may vary widely in their alignment.

 Size: âhkihkaniw are similar in size to humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

 Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

 Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
you to sleep.

 Forest Affinity: You are proficient in the Survival skill. Additionally, you have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in forest terrain.
 Speak with Small Beasts: Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with
small or smaller beasts.

 Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan, the language of the fey
creatures that inhabit the forests.


Frontier Prospector
You were drawn to the untamed wilderness of Anchorome by rumors of vast riches hidden
beneath its rugged surface. As a frontier prospector, you spent years braving the dangers of
the wilderness, scouring the landscape for valuable minerals and gems. Whether you were
part of the initial expedition or arrived later seeking your fortune, your skills in mining,
prospecting, and survival are unmatched. You've faced down dire beasts, treacherous terrain,
and rival prospectors in your quest for wealth. Despite the risks, the promise of striking it
rich in the Tisdale region keeps you pushing forward, driven by ambition and the thrill of

 Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Mining Tools

 Tool Proficiencies: Mining Tools

 Equipment: A mining pick, a shovel, a set of common clothes, a pouch containing 10 gold pieces,
and a map of known mining sites in the Tisdale region.

 Feature - Prospector's Insight: You have a keen eye for spotting valuable minerals and ores in
the wilderness. You can determine the presence of precious metals or gemstones in natural rock
formations with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Indigenous Scout
Born and raised in the dense forests of Anchorome, you are a member of one of the
indigenous tribes that call the Tisdale region home. From a young age, you were trained in
the ways of the forest, learning to navigate its paths, hunt its wildlife, and commune with its
spirits. As an indigenous scout, you serve as a guardian of your people's lands, patrolling the
wilderness to ensure its safety and protect it from intruders. Your intimate knowledge of the
land and its inhabitants make you a valuable asset to any party venturing into the untamed
wilds. While you may feel torn between your loyalty to your tribe and the outside world
encroaching upon your homeland, your connection to the natural world remains

 Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Stealth

 Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit

 Equipment: A longbow, a quiver of arrows, a hunting trap, a set of tribal clothes, a pouch
containing 10 gold pieces, and a token of your tribal affiliation.

 Feature - Forest Guardian: You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track
creatures in forested terrain, and you can communicate simple ideas with beasts and plants as if
under the effects of the speak with animals and speak with plants spells, but only with creature'
s native to the Tisdale region.

Punk Revolutionary
In the heart of the Tisdale region, amidst the clashing cultures and burgeoning industries, you found
your voice within the vibrant and defiant punk movement. Born into a society fraught with inequality
and oppression, you were drawn to the punk scene's messages of rebellion, freedom, and unity against
the prevailing injustices. As a Punk Revolutionary, you channel your frustrations and aspirations into art,
music, and activism, striving to make a difference in the world around you. Your experiences in the punk
community have honed your skills in organizing, communication, and resilience, making you a
formidable ally in any endeavor that challenges the status quo.
 Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Performance

 Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, one type of musical instrument

 Equipment: A musical instrument (associated with punk culture, such as an electric guitar or
drums), a bandana or patch bearing the symbol of a punk faction, graffiti supplies (including
spray paint and stencils), a set of casual clothes, a pouch containing 15 gold pieces, and a zine or
pamphlet spreading punk ideology.

 Feature - Voice of the Streets: You have an uncanny ability to influence and inspire others
through your words and actions. You can find a place to perform in any settlement where the
punk movement has a presence, gathering a crowd of locals, travelers, or fellow punks who are
sympathetic to your cause. Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
made to interact with members of the punk movement and other allied factions who appreciate
and support the cause of rebellion and change.

Nature's Guardian
You have honed your connection to nature, granting you enhanced
protection against natural hazards. You gain the following benefits:

You have advantage on saving throws against environmental hazards such as

extreme weather, poisonous plants, and natural traps.

You can spend 10 minutes in natural surroundings to regain hit

points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
once per long rest.

Forest Whisperer
You have a natural affinity for communicating with woodland
creatures, allowing you to call upon their aid when needed. You gain the
following benefits:

You can cast the animal friendship spell once per long rest without
expending a spell slot. The spell affects only beasts with an
Intelligence score of 3 or lower.

You have advantage on Charisma (Animal Handling) checks when interacting

with beasts.

Wilderness Lore
Your knowledge of the natural world is extensive, allowing you to
navigate and survive in the wilderness with ease. You gain the following benefits:

You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you are already proficient,
you double your proficiency bonus for checks made with this skill.

You can forage enough food and water for yourself and up to five
other creatures each day while traveling through wilderness terrain.

You excel at navigating through difficult terrain, forging paths where
none exist. You gain the following benefits:

Your movement speed is not reduced by difficult terrain, and you can
move through non-magical difficult terrain without expending
extra movement.

You can spend 1 hour to mark a trail in natural surroundings,

making it easier for others to follow. Creatures following your
trail have advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks to navigate the

Forest Stalker
You are a master of stealth in wooded environments, able to move
silently and unseen among the trees. You gain the following benefits:

You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in forest terrain.

You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage,
branches, or other natural elements.

Urban Rebel
Your experiences in the streets and alleyways of the Tisdale region's urban centers have honed your
abilities to navigate, resist, and rally in the concrete jungle. Whether through dodging the city watch,
spray painting revolutionary slogans on walls, or leading a flash mob in protest, you've become a
symbol of defiance and change. You gain the following benefits:

 Advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to gather or influence a crowd in

urban environments.

 Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in urban terrain, reflecting your skill at moving unseen
through the streets, back alleys, and rooftops.

 Special: Rally the Crowd: Once per long rest, you can give an impassioned speech or
performance in an urban setting that rallies people to your cause. For the next hour, you and up
to ten allies who heard your rally gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).
Chapter Four: Items and Equipment
Welcome to the realm of adventure and discovery, where heroes rise, and legends are forged. In this
land of untold wonders and perilous challenges, the acquisition of gear and magic items plays a
pivotal role in shaping the fate of adventurers.

Adventuring Gear

Basic Equipment

• Forest Wanderer's Pack: A rugged backpack crafted from durable leather and canvas,
designed to withstand the rigors of the wilderness.

• Woodland Bedroll: A warm and comfortable bedroll made from soft, fur-lined fabric,
perfect for resting beneath the stars or in the shelter of the forest.

• Trail Rations: Nutritious and hearty provisions consisting of dried fruits, smoked
meats, and hearty bread, sustain adventurers on their journeys through the untamed

• Nature's Flask: A sturdy waterskin crafted from supple animal hide, capable of holding
water fresh and cool for days on end.

• Torch: A simple wooden torch, providing a steady source of warm light to illuminate
darkened paths and fend off the shadows.

• Silent Rope: A length of enchanted rope that moves silently through the air, ideal for
climbing or securing items without alerting nearby creatures.

• Nature's Grasp: A finely crafted grappling hook adorned with intricate nature-themed
carvings, allowing adventurers to ascend cliffs or descend into ravines with ease.

• Wilderness Crowbar: A sturdy iron crowbar with a wooden handle, essential for prying
open stubborn doors or chests encountered during exploration.

• Forgehammer and Iron Stakes: Tools used for securing tents or constructing
makeshift structures, crafted by skilled artisans from sturdy iron and hardened wood.

• Earth's Spark: A small flint and steel set in a carved wooden case, enchanted to produce
sparks even in damp or windy conditions.

Survival Gear

• Wildheart Tent: A spacious tent crafted from durable canvas and reinforced with
wooden poles, providing shelter from the elements during long journeys through the

• Frostfang Blanket: A thick, woolen blanket woven from the fur of arctic creatures,
offering warmth and comfort on cold nights beneath the stars.

• Cook's Cauldron: A sturdy iron cauldron with a hook for suspending over a fire,
essential for preparing hearty meals to fuel adventurers on their quests.

• Astral Canteen: A magical canteen that draws water from mystical sources, ensuring
adventurers remain hydrated even in the most parched environments.

• Celestial Compass: A finely crafted compass adorned with celestial motifs, guiding
adventurer true in their travels through the wild and untamed lands.

• Ethereal Map: An enchanted map that updates itself as adventurers explore new
territories, revealing hidden paths and points of interest along the way.

• Eternal Tinderbox: A small wooden box containing enchanted tinder that ignites
instantly when struck, allowing adventurers to start fires quickly and easily.

• Celestial Whetstone: A magical whetstone that sharpens blades with celestial precision,
ensuring weapons remain razor-sharp and ready for battle.

• Sylvan Snare: A compact and lightweight trap-making kit, containing all the tools
necessary for crafting snares and traps to catch prey or deter enemies.

• Guardian Bear Trap: A heavy iron trap adorned with intricate carvings of forest
creatures, capable of ensnaring even the most fearsome of foes.

Specialized Equipment

• Locksmith's Picks: A set of finely crafted lockpicks made from hardened steel,
essential for bypassing locked doors or chests encountered during stealthy

• Shadowcloak Tools: A specialized set of tools used by rogues and burglars for
picking locks, disarming traps, and navigating through the shadows unnoticed.

• Healer's Satchel: A leather satchel containing bandages, herbs, and salves for
treating wounds and injuries sustained during perilous adventures.

• Venom's Vial: A vial containing potent poisons and venoms, harvested from the
deadliest creatures of the wild, ideal for coating weapons or crafting traps.

• Illusionist's Disguise: A kit containing various props, cosmetics, and garments used for
altering one's appearance and assuming different identities for covert operations.

• Wildheart Climbing Gear: Specialized climbing gear designed for traversing treacherous
cliffs and rocky terrain, allowing adventurers to ascend to new heights with

• Alchemical Arsenal: A collection of alchemical concoctions and substances, ranging

from alchemist's fire to smoke bombs, providing adventurers with versatile tools for
overcoming obstacles and foes.

• Wardrobe of the Wilds: A magical cloak that blends seamlessly with the surrounding
environment, providing camouflage and stealth to those who wear it.

• Beastmaster's Gloves: Enchanted gloves that enhance dexterity and agility, ideal for
handling animals or performing delicate tasks with precision.

• Explorer's Haversack: A magical haversack imbued with an extradimensional space,

capable of holding a vast array of items without adding bulk or weight to the wearer.

Magical Gear

• Scroll of Knowledge: A magical scroll inscribed with arcane symbols and spells,
providing valuable insights and information to those who decipher its secrets.

• Wand of Enchantment: A wand capable of imbuing mundane objects with magical

properties, turning ordinary items into powerful artifacts with a wave of its tip.

• Amulet of the Elements: A mystical amulet attuned to the elements, granting the wearer
resistance to fire, frost, lightning, and other elemental forces.

• Ring of Warding: A ring adorned with protective runes and sigils, providing an
additional layer of defense against magical attacks and hostile spells.

• Cloak of Shadows: A magical cloak that shrouds the wearer in darkness, granting
invisibility and concealment to those who cloak themselves within its folds.

• Bag of Conjuring: A small bag with an extradimensional space, capable of summoning

forth various items and objects at the whim of its owner.

• Boots of the Fey: Enchanted boots that grant the wearer increased agility and speed,
allowing them to move with the grace and swiftness of woodland creatures.

• Gloves of Telekinesis: Enchanted gloves that grant the wearer the ability to manipulate
objects with their mind, allowing them to move and manipulate items from a distance.
• Staff of Stars: A magical staff adorned with celestial motifs, capable of channeling the
power of the stars to cast powerful spells and unleash devastating attacks.
Indigenous Tools and Weapons

 Echoing Tomahawk:
Nature's Fury: Once per day, the wielder can channel the primal forces of nature through the
tomahawk, causing it to emit a powerful shockwave upon impact. This shockwave damages and
knocks back enemies in a 10-foot radius around the target.

 Spirit Drum:
Harmonious Invocation: When played with skill and intention, the spirit drum can summon
spectral allies to aid the party in battle. Once per day, the drummer can use the drum to
summon a pack of spirit wolves to fight alongside them for a limited duration.

 Obsidian Spear:
Piercing Gaze: The obsidian spear is infused with the keen sight of predatory birds. Once per
day, the wielder can focus their gaze through the spear, gaining advantage on attack rolls and
ignoring half or full cover against a target within range.

 Dreamcatcher Pendant:
Dreamwalker's Respite: When worn during rest, the dreamcatcher pendant creates a protective
aura around the wearer, granting them peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. This aura repels
creatures of the night, preventing random encounters while the wearer rests.

 Wildfire Flint Kit:

Inferno Ignition: With a spark from the wildfire flint, the wielder can summon forth a small
elemental flame that dances at their command. This flame can be used to ignite objects, light
fires, or distract enemies with its mesmerizing dance.

Magic Items

 Forest Whisperer's Amulet

This amulet, adorned with a small green gemstone, allows the wearer to communicate with
woodland creatures and gain advantage on Charisma (Animal Handling) checks when interacting
with them.

 Torch of Everburning
This enchanted torch never goes out, providing a steady source of light in dark places. It can also
be used as a magical focus for spells requiring fire.

 Cloak of the Wilds

Woven from the fibers of enchanted plants, this cloak grants its wearer advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made in natural environments, such as forests or mountains.

 Aurora Blade
This longsword shimmers with the colors of the aurora borealis, granting its wielder a bonus to
attack damage rolls. Additionally, the blade can emit a brilliant light, illuminating the area
around it and potentially blinding foes.

 Starfall Staff
Crafted from a rare wood infused with celestial energy, this staff allows its wielder to cast the
Guiding Bolt spell once per day without expending a spell slot. It also grants advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made at night.

Mounts and Services



 Description: Horses are the most common mounts found in the Tisdale region, prized for their
speed, agility, and versatility. They are well-suited for traveling long distances and navigating
various types of terrain.

 Services: Stables and breeders in towns like Tisdale and Porcupine offer a selection of horses for
purchase or rental. Adventurers can also find specialized breeds suited for different tasks, such
as riding, hauling, or combat.

Pack Mules

 Description: Pack mules are sturdy and reliable animals used for carrying heavy loads and
supplies. They excel in traversing mountainous terrain and narrow trails, making them
invaluable companions for transporting equipment and provisions.

 Services: Mules can be hired from traders and outfitters in towns like Fredericktown and
Porcupine. Experienced handlers are available to assist with packing and securing cargo for safe
Dire Wolves

 Description: In the wilder parts of the region, dire wolves are sometimes tamed and trained as
mounts by skilled handlers. These powerful creatures are swift and formidable in combat,
making them favored companions for those brave enough to ride them.

 Services: Certain tribes and settlements, such as the Ăhkihkaniw villages of Wiyahkawin and
Wiyotayin, offer dire wolves as mounts to trusted allies and adventurers willing to earn their

Mount Type Rental Cost (per day) Purchase Cost

Horse 3 Gold Pieces 100-200 gold pieces (depending

on their quality and breed)

Pack Mule 5 Gold Pieces 50-100 gold pieces (trained and


Dire Wolf N/A 500-1000 gold pieces (if



Carriage Services

Description: Carriage services provide a convenient means of transportation

between settlements in the Tisdale region. Carriages are typically pulled by
horses or mules and offer comfortable seating for passengers.

Routes: Carriage routes connect major towns and settlements like Tisdale,
Porcupine, and Fredericktown, allowing travelers to reach their destinations
safely and efficiently.

Guide Services

Description: Experienced guides are available for hire to lead adventurers

through the wilderness, providing navigation assistance, local knowledge, and
protection against potential dangers.

Skills: Guides possess intimate knowledge of the region's geography, wildlife,

and hazards, making them invaluable companions for explorers seeking to
uncover hidden treasures or traverse uncharted territory.

Smithing and Repair

Description: Blacksmiths and craftsmen offer services for repairing and

maintaining equipment, weapons, and armor. They possess the skills and tools
necessary to forge new items or restore damaged ones to their original

Locations: Smithies and workshops can be found in towns and settlements

throughout the Tisdale region, providing essential services to adventurers and
locals alike.

Service Cost

Carriage Ride 10-20 gold pieces (depending on distance)

Guide Services 10 gold pieces per day, plus expenses

Smithing and Repair Prices vary depending on the extent of repairs or

services needed.

Random Encounters
In the untamed wilderness of the Tisdale region, adventurers must always be prepared for the unexpected.
Random encounters add an element of surprise and excitement to the journey, reflecting the diverse and
unpredictable nature of the environment. While traveling through forests, mountains, and marshes,
players may encounter a variety of creatures, from wandering wildlife to bandits lurking in the shadows.
These encounters provide opportunities for exploration, combat, and roleplaying, enriching the
storytelling experience and keeping players on their toes. The frequency and difficulty of random
encounters can be customized by the Game Master to suit the tone and pacing of the campaign, ensuring
that each journey through the Tisdale region is a unique and memorable adventure.

Random Encounter Table

ro description rol description ro description ro description

ll l ll ll

1 Entrance of 26 Hunting camp 51 Man in top-hat sells 76 A perfectly round

strange flooded abandoned illegal wares from
crypt recent. cart hole in a stone wall.

2 Elf Wizard with 27 Smooth pillar of 52 Small lumber camp 77 Shrine dedicated to
Human milky glass. run by fat dwarf. Lathander.

3 Tipped over 28 Decorative 53 Deep stone well 78 Earth has split into a
halfling cart. bridge marker. with no echo. ravine.

4 A suspicious 29 Lean-to of elven 54 An empty but 79 Brambles have

scarecrow craftmanship. hastily dug grave. overgrown the path.

5 Carpenter shop 30 A small tavern 55 A tree is growing 80 Toppled tree blocks

owned by old under some upside down. the road.
elf. trees.

6 A wounded 31 A half buried 56 Gnome patrol 81 A field growing

unicorn. 12ft. tall stone riding large flowers.
idol. creatures.

7 Man-sized statue 32 Dwarf stuck on 57 A bridge of 82 Human bones

of local ruler. a wreckage of spidersilk among scree on the
bridge road.

8 Half-elf bard 33 Witch’s hut 58 Metal rod floats 83 Scree on road makes
looking for with fence of vertically over the travel dangerous.
group. bones. road

9 A titanic skull 34 A locket with 59 Burned-down 84 A half-dwarf cobbler

that doubles as a strange symbols farmstead. on a crazy journey.

10 Muddy boots 35 Half-giant 60 Beach with washed 85 Boulders moved to

near a fast- nomad camp. up river trow. block the road.
flowing river.

11 Suspended stone 36 Bugbear is 61 A thick fog rises 86 The rotting corpse of

slabs form a meditating from a valley. a giant horse.
bridge nearby

12 Lonely farmer 37 Old covered 62 Huge stone steps 87 A group of dwarf

invites party bridge. lead up a hill. miners.
13 Music coming 38 A marionette 63 A twenty-foot 88 An old man with
from a hollow lies by the marble cylinder. long white beard.
tree. roadside.

14 Dragon ruler 39 Punk Bard 64 Overgrown 89 Skeletal remains of

carved in rock looking for watchtower. large flying creature.
wall. group.

15 Dwarf smith 40 A traveler was 65 Fortress of ancient 90 A rugged half-giant

next to a small bitten by a dragons lies in warrior on a horse.
stream. snake. rubble.

16 A herd of wild 41 A dusty mill on 66 Farmstead with 91 Willows whisper

cattle tramples a hillock. welcoming maid. prayers to Gaea.

17 Young boy lost 42 Gnoll gypsy 67 Pillaged longhouse 92 Group of three

in woods. camp with punk with weird hunting halflings.
music. markings.

18 Dirty cloak 43 Roots of tree 68 A group of 93 A lost milk cow

draped on a tree have human traveling punks. belongs to farmer.
stump. faces.

19 A collapsed 44 Wind chime 69 Abandoned farm 94 Young trapper stuck

tower blocks the suspended on with glowing in his own snare.
path. tree fireplace.

20 A collapsed 45 A pouch of 70 A crone and archer 95 Unconscious human

farmhouse metal divination carved in a rock merchant.
nearby. rods. wall.

21 Monolith of 46 Wooden rack 71 Stone bridge 96 Warrior has dropped

basalt on with drying fish. covered in ancient his axe in a ravine.
horizon. runes.

22 Bustling dwarf 47 A young black 72 Strange animal 97 A snake-oil

mine. goat tied to tree totem carved from a salesman is chased
tree. by a mob.

23 A circle of 48 Traveling dwarf 73 Bronze door leads 98 Cart with broken

pebbles around a priest whistling. into collapsed spokes by roadside.
skull. tunnel.
24 A pool filled 49 A cluster of 74 Cave paintings on a 99 A copper statue of a
with blood like wicker dolls on sheltered wall. snake.
liquid. dead tree

25 Wooden barn 50 Arcane symbols 75 A punk band 00 Group of punks

with one horse appear in mud. heading to a tavern heading to a show.
left. gig.

Sidekicks in the region of Tisdale

Willow Greenbottle
Level 1, Halfling Cleric of Lathander, Lawful Good

Raised in the heart of Fredericktown, Willow Greenbottle found her calling beneath the radiant dawn
skies, symbolizing Lathander’s presence. Guided by the teachings of Father Aelar at The Radiant Vein
Sanctuary, she embraced the principles of renewal and compassion. Her peaceful life within the
sanctuary’s walls contrasted with the tales of darkness and need beyond, stirring desire to extend
Lathander’s light. Vowing to venture forth, Willow seeks ancient relics to inspire hope, her journey fueled
by faith and a resolve to illuminate the shadows. Her commitment to spreading hope, matched with her
innocence and deep connection to her deity, sets her on a path of service and adventure, determined to
embody the dawn’s promise in a world eager for light.

Acolyte – Willow grew up in the service of The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, where she was surrounded by
positive teachings and the beauty of dawn. Her days were filled with learning, prayer, and community
service, grounding her in the faith and practices that guide her path as a cleric of Lathander.



Petite and nimble, with sun-kissed ivory skin and flowing red hair. Her green eyes sparkle with a mix of
mischief and kindness.
 Height: 4’3”
 Weight: 82 lbs.
 Eye Color: Green eyes that sparkle with a mix of mischief and kindness.
 Hairstyle and Color: Long, flowing, and red. Often adorned with feathers or trinkets.
 Skin Tone: Sun kissed ivory, speckled with freckles.
 Notable Features: Willow carries the light of Lathander not just in her heart but in her very
being. Her red hair, often adorned with sunrise-colored ribbons and feathers, serves as a symbol
of her devotion. A small pendant of Lathander, glowing softly with dawn's light, is always around
her neck, a gift from Father Aelar on the day she became a cleric.
 Clothing/Armor Style: Willow wears simple yet functional robes that are bright and reflect the
colors of the dawn—soft yellows, vibrant oranges, and pale reds. Her attire is often adorned with
symbols of Lathander, including sunbursts and motifs of the rising sun. She may also wear a
pendant or brooch that bears Lathander's insignia, emphasizing her devotion.
 Body Language: Willow's movements are graceful and deliberate, radiating a sense of calm and
warmth. Her posture is welcoming, often seen with open arms and a gentle smile, ready to offer
aid or a kind word to those in need.
 Presence: Despite her petite stature, Willow has a presence that feels like a comforting embrace.
Her optimism and genuine kindness shine through, making her a beacon of hope and warmth in
any gathering.

Natural ability to soothe emotional wounds and bring comfort to those in distress.

Often hums or sings softly to herself, especially at dawn.

Willow enjoys gardening and caring for plants, seeing it as an extension of Lathander's work—nurturing
life and witnessing the miracle of growth and renewal. She also spends time crafting small trinkets and
symbols of faith to give as tokens of hope and protection to others.

Willow is compassionate, optimistic, and fiercely loyal to her faith and friends. Her youthful enthusiasm
is balanced by a wisdom beyond her years, inspired by her deep connection to Lathander. She approaches
challenges with a hopeful heart, believing in the potential for renewal and goodness in all situations.

Believes strongly in new beginnings and the potential for goodness in everyone.

Feels a deep connection to her hometown and aims to one day ensure its prosperity.

Flaw or Secret
Struggles with self-doubt, fearing she might not live up to her deity’s expectations or her own.
Signature Equipment
Willow carries a holy symbol of Lathander, often a beautifully crafted amulet that glows softly at dawn.
She also possesses a small, well-used prayer book containing verses of hope and renewal, which she turns
to for guidance and inspiration.

Seeks to retrieve a lost artifact of Lathander and bring hope to a struggling community. Reward: Blessings
of Lathander, which may manifest as a magical item or boon.

Players can gain Willow’s trust and friendship by showing acts of kindness and supporting her quest. She
can be particularly helpful in situations requiring healing or dealing with undead.

Plot Hook
The disappearance of a sacred chalice from The Radiant Vein Sanctuary has thrown Fredericktown into a
state of unease. Rumors suggest it’s been taken to a shadowed grove, cursed and forgotten, where sunlight
never penetrates. Willow is determined to recover this relic, believing its loss to be a test of her faith and a
call to bring Lathander's light to dark places.

Side Bar 1
Service and Sanctuary - Explores Willow's life within The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, detailing her daily
rituals, lessons in faith, and the sense of community among Lathander’s followers. It highlights how these
experiences have shaped her understanding of service and compassion.

Side Bar 2
Lathander's Teachings - Discusses the core tenets of Lathander's doctrine—renewal, creativity, youth,
vitality, and the dawn. It elaborates on how these principles influence Willow's actions and outlook,
driving her to seek out darkness not just to vanquish it but to transform it with light and hope.

Stat Block
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 8 (1d8)
Speed: 25 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 16, CHA 15
Saving Throws: WIS +5, CHA +4
Skill Proficiencies: Insight +5, Medicine +5
Senses: passive Perception 13
Languages: Common, Halfling
Class Features:

 Spellcasting: As a cleric of Lathander, Willow can prepare and cast cleric spells. At level 1, she
has access to cleric cantrips and level 1 spells, with a focus on healing and light-based spells due
to her deity’s domain.
 Domain: Light. Willow has access to the Light domain spells and features, granting her abilities
like Warding Flare and additional spells related to her deity’s theme of renewal, hope, and light.

 Channel Divinity (1/rest): Radiance of the Dawn. Can be used to dispel darkness and deal
radiant damage to foes.

 Halfing Nimbleness: Willow can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger
than hers.

 Lucky: When Willow rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, she
can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

 Brave: Advantages on saving throws against being frightened.


 Mace Attack: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 bludgeoning

 Spellcasting: Willow can cast cleric spells. Primary spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
13, +5 to hit with spell attacks)

Radbert Stormtrack
Level 1, Human Fighter, Neutral Good

Born and raised in the tranquil town of Porcupine, Radbert Stormtrack comes from a long line of skilled
woodsmen and loggers. Surrounded by the natural beauty of towering pine trees and the serene majesty of
Porcupine Lake, Radbert developed a profound respect for the wilderness that shaped his character and

Outlander (Forester) – Radbert’s life in Porcupine revolved around the lumber industry, where he honed
his skills as a lumberjack, managing the forests and ensuring the sustainability of their resources. His
work in the wilderness taught him not just about the land and trees but about survival and the balance of



Broad-shouldered and rugged, Radbert’s physique is a testament to his years of physical labor. His hair is
a shade of brown not unlike the bark of a pine tree, his eyes reflect the deep blues of Porcupine Lake.
 Height: 6’1”
 Weight: 258 lbs.
 Eye Color: Deep Blue
 Hairstyle and Color: Short and brown, with a thick masculine brown beard.
 Skin Tone: Rosy and sun tanned.
 Notable Features: Very muscular figure, and a prominent brow and jawline.
 Clothing/Armor Style: Often wears plaid flannel work jacket, and a hand-knit black wool winter
hat. A chainmail shirt is usually worn under his casual attire, along with leather bracers and leg
armor in times of combat.
 Body Language: Radbert's body language is confident yet approachable. He stands tall, with his
weight evenly distributed, ready to spring into action or lend a hand. His gestures are broad but
controlled, indicative of a man who is used to working with his hands and expressing himself
 Presence: Despite his imposing physical stature, Radbert carries himself with a calm and
unassuming air. He has a reassuring presence, making those around him feel protected and safe.
His deep voice, carrying a hint of a chuckle, often lightens the mood, reflecting his underlying
gentle nature.

Exceptional skill with axes, both in felling trees and enemies alike. Honed through years of logging and
training in combat.

Radbert often strokes his beard when deep in thought and has a habit of carving small figures from wood
during downtime, a not to his roots in the lumber industry.

Radbert has a deep appreciation for woodcarving, a skill he honed from a young age alongside his work
in the forests. In his spare time, he crafts intricate wooden figures, depicting animals of the forest,
mythical creatures, and scenes from local folklore. This hobby not only showcases his artistic side but
also serves as a form of meditation, allowing him to connect with the wood and the stories of his
homeland. He occasionally gifts these carvings to friends, family, and visitors, spreading a piece of
Porcupine's culture and spirit.

Though he may seem imposing, Radbert is a gentle giant at heart. He is quiet and contemplative, with a
solid moral compass and a dry sense of humor. His actions are measured and deliberate, reflecting a man
who thinks deeply about his place in the world.

Stewardship – Radbert believes in responsible guardianship of the forest and the natural world,
advocating for sustainable practices that ensure the wilderness thrives for generations to come.
His strongest tie is to the town of Porcupine and its people, particularly the logging community he grew
up in. Radbert is fiercely loyal to his family’s legacy and the well-being of his hometown.

Flaw or Secret
Despite his tough exterior, Radburt harbors a deep-seated fear of magical creatures and the unknown,
stemming from an encounter in his youth with a creature that devastated part of the forest.

Signature Equipment
Radbert's signature equipment includes his trusted double-bit axe, used both in his work as a lumberjack
and as his weapon of choice in combat. The axe, named "Heartwood Splitter," has a handle carved from
the strongest oak and a head forged from the finest steel, symbolizing Radbert's connection to the forest
and his strength. Additionally, he carries a sturdy leather pack containing tools for survival in the
wilderness, a testament to his skills as a forester.

Radbert is on a mission to track down and eradicate a threat to the forests surrounding Porcupine,
believed to be originating from ancient, corrupted magic. Reward: Radbert offers his enduring loyalty and
a share of any treasures found during the quest. Additionally, he promises to teach valuable axe combat

Players will find Radbert a dependable ally by showing respect for the natural world and supporting his
mission to protect Porcupine. Demonstrating bravery and wisdom in the face of environmental challenges
will earn his trust and friendship.

Plot Hook
The forests surrounding Porcupine have become increasingly dangerous, with sightings of twisted,
corrupt creatures attacking the local wildlife and threatening the town. Radbert has noticed unusual
markings and blights upon the trees, suggesting a deep, unnatural corruption spreading through the forest.
He seeks brave adventurers to investigate the source of this corruption, fearing it may be linked to
ancient, dark magic long buried in the woods. This quest will lead the adventurers deep into the heart of
the forest, where they must confront the source of the corruption and find a way to cleanse the land, with
Radbert providing crucial knowledge and aid in their journey.

Side Bar 1
"The Lumberjack's Code" - A detailed insight into Radbert's philosophy on forestry and logging,
emphasizing sustainable practices that ensure the health and growth of the forest. It also touches on
traditional techniques passed down through generations of woodsmen in Porcupine, showcasing Radbert's
deep respect for nature.

Side Bar 2
"Guardians of Porcupine" - Explores the community of Porcupine and the unspoken bond among its
inhabitants. It highlights Radbert's role within the town not just as a logger but as a protector, standing
against the encroaching darkness with his axe and courage. This section emphasizes the importance of
community and standing together in the face of adversity.
Stat Block
Armor Class: 16 (chain mail)
Hit Points: 12 (1d10 +2 from CON modifier)
Speed: 30 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 16, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 11
Saving Throws: STR +5, CON +4
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +5, Survival +3
Senses: passive Perception 11
Languages: Common

 Fighting Style: (Great Weapon Fighting) Allows Radbert to reroll 1s or 2s on damage dice when
using a weapon wielded with two hands, as long as the weapon uses d10 or d12 for its damage.

 Second Wind: As a bonus action, Radbert can regain hit points equal to 1d10 + his fighter level.
Once used, this feature can’t be used again until he finishes a short or long rest.

 Great Axe Attack (Heartwood Splitter): Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit (STR modifier +
proficiency bonus), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12 + 3 slashing damage.

 Handaxe (Thrown): Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit (DEX modifier + proficiency bonus),
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 slashing damage.

Level 1, Tiefling Bard, Chaotic Neutral

Born into a nomadic troupe of performers that roamed the Tisdale Frontier, Kalmeia’s life was always
intertwined with the arts. Music and storytelling weren’t merely interests but ways through which they
connected with the world, especially given their experiences on the autism spectrum. This unique
perspective allowed Kalmeia to resonate deeply with their audience, using their talents to express
emotions and ideas in ways that transcended conventional communication. Their discovery of an ancient,
arcane musical guitar marked the beginning of a quest not just for self-discovery but for societal change.

Entertainer (Troupe Performer) - Kalmeia, with roots in a nomadic troupe, harnesses music and
storytelling as mediums of connection and expression, blending art with an innate drive for societal
change. Their performances, enriched by experiences on the autism spectrum, transcend traditional
communication, resonating deeply with audiences. The discovery of an ancient, arcane musical
instrument marks the beginning of their quest for self-discovery and societal revolution. Through their art,
Kalmeia seeks to challenge norms and inspire cultural shifts, wielding their talent as both shield and
statement against oppression.


Non-Binary, Fem Presenting

Kalmeia, a vibrant purple skinned Tiefling Bard with golden eyes and long, choppy hair dyed in shades of
deep reds or midnight blues. Their appearance is accented by bold, black tattoos of musical notes and
punk elements, reflecting their anarchistic ideals and personal expression.

 Height: 5’10”
 Weight: 143 lbs.
 Eye Color: Golden eyes, which burn with an intense, introspective fire.
 Hairstyle and Color: Long, flowing, and choppy. Dyed in shades of deep reds or midnight blues.
 Skin Tone: Vibrant purple, accentuated with bold, black tattoos that tell stories of rebellion and
 Notable Features: Tattoos include musical notes that seem to dance with Kalmeia’s movements,
symbolizing their life’s rhythm.
 Clothing/Armor Style: An eclectic mix of traditional Tiefling garments and punk elements like
studded leather, band patches, and plaid, most of which are DIY, reflecting their anarchistic ideals
and personal expression.
 Body Language: Despite a punk-rock exterior, Kalmeia often exudes a calm, composed
demeanour, with moments of sudden animated expressiveness when excited or passionate.
 Presence: Commands attention through a unique blend of quiet intensity and sudden bursts of
energetic expression, reflective of their inner fire and creativity.

A prodigious musician, often using their performances to communicate emotions and thoughts in ways
words alone cannot, finding a deeper connection with their audience.

Prefers clear, direct communication and oftentimes misses social cues. Kalmeia might focus intensely on
their interests, especially when discussing music, performing, or one of their many other hobbies or
interests. Additionally, she often stims by singing certain parts of her sentences, turning communication
into a unique, melodic expression of her thoughts and feelings.

Crafting and modifying their own clothes, instruments, and equipment, infusing them with personal
meaning and punk aesthetics.

In contrast to her vibrant stage presence, Kalmeia is fundamentally introverted, often finding solace in her
music and the company of close friends. Her punk-rock spirit isn’t just a musical genre preference but a
core aspect of her identity, embodying defiance, independence, and a critical view of societal norms.
While she might seem reserved at first, Kalmeia’s performances and actions reveal a deep-seated desire to
challenge the status-quo and transform the world around her, using her art as both a shield and a

Freedom and Rebellion – Values the freedom of expression above all, using their performances as a
means to transcend conventional communication and connect on a more profound level. Beyond personal
freedom, she harbors a rebellious spirit against any form of oppression or rigidity in society. Kalmeia’s
performances often carry undercurrents of anarchistic ideals, challenging her audience to question norms
and embrace individuality and change.

Holds a deep loyalty to their troupe, the first to embrace and understand Kalmeia’s unique view of the
world and offer a platform for their talents.

Flaw or Secret
Fears misunderstanding and isolation due to their different way of interacting with the world. Kalmeia
worries that their art might not always be understood as intended.

Signature Equipment
“Rebel’s Echo,” a lute with intricate designs symbolizing freedom and change, capable of amplifying
Kalmeia’s magical performances.

Kalmeia has discovered hints of an ancient, subversive melody rumored to have the power to literally
shake the foundations of the mightiest empires. She seeks this melody not for power, but to inspire a
cultural revolution, challenging the status quo and empowering the oppressed. Reward: Upon successfully
aiding her quest, Kalmeia offers a one-of-a-kind performance that imbues listeners with a fierce spirit of
resistance, granting them permanent advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and
inspiring creative thinking in overcoming societal obstacles.

Kalmeia appreciates those who show genuine interest in her cause and respect her need for personal
space. Engaging her in discussions about music theory, subversive art, or societal critiques can pique her

Plot Hook
Rumors of a lost city imbued with ancient magic and untold stories draw Kalmeia’s interest, hinting at a
power that could amplify their cause but at great personal risk.

Side Bar 1
Punk in Tisdale – The punk subculture in Tisdale is a vibrant beacon of defiance and creativity.
Originating from underground gatherings, it has grown into a significant force, influencing art, music, and
politics. It represents a fight against oppression, celebrating individuality and community. Figures like
Kalmeia have become icons, using their art to inspire change. This movement has not only challenged
societal norms but also fostered a sense of belonging and driven political activism. As it continues to
evolve, punk remains a powerful voice for freedom and diversity in Tisdale, shaping its cultural and
societal landscape.

Side Bar 2
Musical Magic in Tisdale – In the Tisdale Frontier, music intertwines with magic in profound ways,
creating a unique cultural phenomenon where bardic talents like Kalmeia's are not just performers but
pivotal figures in society. Musical magic, as practiced by bards and other magically inclined individuals,
harnesses melodies and rhythms to weave spells that can inspire allies, dishearten foes, and even alter the
fabric of reality.

Stat Block
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 9
Speed: 30 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 16
Saving Throws: DEX +4, CHA +5
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics +4, Insight +3, Performance +5, Persuasion +5
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Infernal

 Darkvision: Due to her Tiefling heritage, Kalmeia can see in darkness up to 60 feet.

 Hellish Resistance: She has resistance to fire damage, a trait inherited from her infernal lineage.

 Infernal Legacy: Kalmeia knows the Thaumaturgy cantrip. At 3rd level, she can cast Hellish
Rebuke as a 2nd-level spell once, recharging this ability after a long rest.

 Bardic Inspiration (d6): As a bard, Kalmeia can inspire those around her to greatness. She can
use this feature a number of times equal to her Charisma modifier (3 times per long rest). A
creature that has the Bardic Inspiration die can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving
throw it makes.

 Rapier Attack: Kalmeia can make a melee weapon attack with her rapier, using a +4 to hit,
reaching up to 5 ft., and dealing 1d8 + 2 piercing damage on a hit.

 Vicious Mockery (Cantrip): Kalmeia can unleash a string of insults laced with subtle
enchantments at a creature she can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes
before the end of its next turn.

 Tasha’s Hideous Laughter: Kalmeia induces uncontrollable laughter in a creature she chooses
within range. A target that perceives everything as hilariously funny must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand for the duration.
 Dissonant Whispers: She targets one creature within range, filling its mind with dreadful noises.
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately
use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from Kalmeia. The creature
doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as fire or a pit.

Elamaris Silentblossom
Level 1, Wood-Elf Ranger, Lawful Neutral

Elamaris Silentblossom, born under the emerald canopy of the Tisdale region’s densest woods, is a Wood-
Elf whose life is inextricably linked with the wilderness. From and early age, he was taught the ancient
ways of the ranger, learning to track, hunt, and survive in harmony with the forest. A silent guardian of the
natural world, Elamaris has taken it upon himself to protect the balance between civilization and the wild,
often operating from the shadows to guide lost travelers or thwart those who would harm his verdant

Outlander - Elamaris Silentblossom, a Wood-Elf Ranger of the Tisdale region, embodies the essence of
the Outlander background. Raised under the emerald canopy, his life is woven with the wilderness, where
he mastered ancient ranger ways. A protector of natural balance, Elamaris operates in the shadows,
guiding those lost or defending against harm. His deep connection to the forest, expressed through
exceptional archery and intimate knowledge of the land, marks him as a quintessential guardian of the



Elamaris, with sharp hazel eyes and dark, tied-back hair, wears forest-inspired green and brown armor.
His vine tattoos signal a deep connection to the woods, embodying its silent vigilance.

 Height: 6’4”
 Weight: 191 lbs.
 Eye Color: Hazel eyes gleaming with a keen, observant light.
 Hairstyle and Color: Long, dark brown hair often kept tied back, or in a top knot.
 Skin Tone: Auburn skin that bears the marks of the forest.
 Notable Features: Faint, intricate vine-line tattoos winding along his left arm, symbolizing his
deep connection to the forest.
 Clothing/Armor Style: Wears light leather armor, dyed in shades of green and brown, adorned
with elements mimicking the natural environment around the Tisdale region. His attire is
functional, designed to blend into the woodland surroundings seamlessly.
 Body Language: Moves with a deliberate, almost ethereal grace, betraying his awareness and
harmony with the natural world. His gestures are subtle but meaningful, indicating a deep
 Presence: Tall and lean, with the graceful poise of a predator.

Exceptional archer, capable of hitting a target from great distances with remarkable precision.

Communicates more through actions than words, often using gestures, or sign language to convey his

In his downtime, Elamaris enjoys sketching the flora and fauna of the Tisdale region, as well as mapping
out its hidden groves and secret paths. This hobby aids him in his guardian duties by documenting
changes in the ecosystem and serves as a personal collection of the beauty he’s sworn to protect.

Stoic and serene, Elamaris embodies the calm of the forest. He is respectful of all living things and
possesses an innate wisdom that seems beyond his years.

Balance – Upholds the belief that all life is interconnected, striving to maintain the equilibrium of the
natural order.

Feels a deep connection to the forests of the Tisdale region, viewing them as both his charge and

Flaw or Secret
Elamaris harbors a deep-seated mistrust of cities and their inhabitants, stemming from a tragic incident in
his past that led to the destruction of a sacred grove.

Signature Equipment
A longbow named “Whisperwind,” crafted from the heartwood of a tree struck by lightning and
enchanted to be as silent as the falling night dew. Accompanied by a quiver of arrows, each fletched with
feathers from the rare silent falcon of Tisdale.

Seeks to recover an ancient artifact that once protected the forest from corruption. Reward: Elamaris may
offer his unparalleled skills as a guide through the wilderness or teach the secrets of woodland survival.

Earning Elamaris’ trust requires demonstrating a genuine respect for nature. He is particularly valuable in
scenarios requiring stealth, tracking, or survival skills.
Plot Hook
The sacred grove Elamaris once protected is under threat again, this time from an unknown magical blight
spreading from its heart. He seeks heroes to delve into the grove’s depths, confront the source of the
corruption, and uncover a conspiracy that ties his past to the forest’s current plight.

Side Bar 1
The Ancient Ways of the Wood-Elves – The wood-elves of the Tisdale region are known for their deep
connection to nature and mastery of survival in the wilderness. Their ancient ways, passed down through
generations, emphasize harmony with the natural world, skillful archery, and the ability to move unseen in
the dense forests. Elamaris Silentblossom, having been raised in these traditions, represents a bridge
between the old world and the new, carrying forward the wisdom of his ancestors.

Side Bar 2
Sacred Groves and Forest Guardians – The sacred groves are vital to the ecological and spiritual health of
the Tisdale region’s forests, serving as focal points of natural energy and sanctuaries for rare flora and
fauna. Guardians like Elamaris Silentblossom are sworn to protect these sacred spaces from corruption,
deforestation, and other threats.

Stat Block
Armor Class: 14 (leather armor)
Hit Points: 10 (1d10)
Speed: 35 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 10
Saving Throws: STR +3, DEX +5
Skill Proficiencies: Nature +3, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

 Favored Enemy: Monstrosities. Elamaris has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track
Monstrosities, and on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

 Natural Explorer: Boreal Forests. Elamaris can move stealthily at a normal pace, and has
advantages on survival checks to track, forage, and navigate in boreal forests.

 Longbow (Whisperwind): Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit:
1d8 + 3 piercing damage.

 Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 piercing
Lumi Brightfeather
Level 1, Âhkihkaniw Druid, Neutral Good

Born in the serene village of Wiyahkawin, Lumi Brightfeather’s early years were cradled by the whispers
of the wilderness. From a tender age, her soul resonated with the vibrant chorus of life thrumming
through the forest, leading her to the druidic path. Her journey was not merely a choice but a calling – to
serve as a guardian of nature’s delicate balance. Under the tutelage of the village’s elders, Lumi harnessed
her innate abilities, learning to weave the ancient magics that pulsed beneath the soil and danced in the
wind. She emerged from her years of seclusion not just as a druid but as a fervent protector of all living
things, armed with the wisdom of the âhkihkaniw and the resolve to face the encroaching shadows
threatening her homeland.

Indigenous Scout - Lumi Brightfeather's journey as an Indigenous Scout encapsulates her profound bond
with the natural world. Raised amidst the lush expanses of Anchorome's forests, her life has been
dedicated to mastering the ancient druidic magics and protecting the delicate balance of nature. This
background has imbued her with unmatched survival and stealth skills, an intimate understanding of the
land, and the ability to communicate with its creatures. A true guardian of the wilderness, Lumi's presence
is a testament to the resilience and wisdom of the Ăhkihkaniw tribes, serving as a bridge between her
people and the encroaching world outside.



Lumi stands tall, a presence as commanding as the ancient trees she communes with. Her long hair flows
like the rivers of her home, its hues a cascade of autumn's palette, while her eyes — deep, verdant pools
— mirror the unyielded vitality of the forest.

 Height: 5’11”
 Weight: 193 lbs.
 Eye Color: Vibrant green, a reflection of her connection to the wild.
 Hairstyle and Color: Long, flowing hair that changes with the seasons, embodying the essence
of the wild.
 Skin Tone: Earth-toned, reflecting her deep connection to the land.
 Notable Features: A series of delicate, leaf-like tattoos that spiral along her arms, glowing
faintly with druidic magic.
 Clothing/Armor Style: Garments crafted from the forest’s bounty, blending seamlessly with her
surroundings. A cloak of woven leaves and moss cloaks her shoulders, offering camouflage and
 Body Language: Lumi moves with the grace of a breeze, her gestures fluid and deliberate,
betraying a serene strength.
 Presence: She carries the tranquil majesty of the wilds, an aura of peace tempered with a fierce

Beyond her ability to communicate with animals, Lumi can coax plants to grow and heal, bending the
flora around her to her will and nurturing life in barren places.

In moments of unease, her fingers dance unconsciously over the bark of her wooden amulet, drawing
comfort from its connection to the earth.

Lumi finds solace in tending to a secret garden, a hidden grove where rare and magical plants flourish
under her care.

Beyond her quirks, Lumi possesses a depth of empathy that transcends human understanding, feeling the
joys and sorrows of the natural world as her own. Her laughter, like the rustling of leaves, brings light to
even the darkest paths.

She champions life in all its forms, advocating for coexistence and teaching those who listen about the
sacred balance of nature.

Lumi’s heart is intertwined with the fate of Wiyahkawin, its people, and the unspoken pact she shares
with the spirits of the land.

Flaw or Secret
Her phobia of fire is a vulnerability she guards closely, a scar upon her soul from a tragedy that once
threatened to consume her essence.

Signature Equipment
A staff of living wood, crowned with a crystal that pulses with the heart of the forest. It serves as her
focus, a conduit for her druidic powers.

The search for the cure drives her, but it’s her desire to heal the wounds of the world that defines her
quest. The promise of a Druidic charm or a rare seed is but a token of the greater reward she seeks – the
restoration of harmony.

To win Lumi’s trust is to show a genuine respect for the sanctity of life and a commitment to the
preservation of nature’s wonders. Her guidance through the wilds is unmatched, her knowledge of its
secrets a treasure for those who earn her friendship.
Plot Hook
The blight in Wiyahkawin is but a symptom of a deeper malaise. Unraveling its origins could lead
adventurers into forgotten corners of Anchorome, where ancient evils stir and the fate of the land hangs in
the balance.

Side Bar 1
Lumi’s garden is a haven for creatures both mundane and mythical, a sanctuary where the rarest of
blooms offer healing, wisdom, and sometimes, a whisper of prophecy.

Side Bar 2
Her fear of fire, while a weakness, is also a crucible for her strength. Confronting this phobia might not
only heal her own scars but also prevent a future catastrophe, as flames once again threaten the forest she
calls home.

Stat Block
Armor Class: 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points: 9 (1d8 + CON modifier)
Speed: 35 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 11
Saving Throws: INT +3, WIS +5
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling +5, Medicine +5, Nature +3, Survival +5
Senses: passive Perception 13
Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish
Class Features:

 Spellcasting: Lumi can cast prepared druid spells. At level 1, knows 2 druid cantrips and has a
number of spells prepared equal to her Wisdom modifier + druid level.

 Druidic: Lumi can speak Druidic, a secret language of the druids.

 Wild Shape: Not available until 2nd level, but integral to druidic abilities.

 Circle Spells (Forest): At 2nd level, Lumi gains additional spells based on her chosen terrain,
which are always prepared and don’t count against the number of spells she can prepare each day.
For the Forest land type, she gains access to:

 3rd level: Barkskin, Spider Climb

 5th level: Call Lightning, Plant Growth


 Spellcasting: Lumi can cast spells such as Entangle and Healing Word.

 Quarterstaff: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (or 1d8 if used
two-handed) bludgeoning damage.
Malvrae Helviana
Level 1, Drow Sorcerer, True Neutral

Born and raised in the enigmatic city of Duskrend, a hidden jewel of defiance and freedom deep within
the Underdark beneath the Tisdale region, Malvrae's life has always been shrouded in the city's shadowy
veils. This secluded city, carved from the living rock of the cavern walls and illuminated by
bioluminescent fungi, has been both a cradle and crucible for her burgeoning arcane powers. The vibrant
marketplace of Duskrend, with its myriad traders and rare artifacts, fueled Malvrae's early fascination
with the arcane, leading her on a quest for knowledge that would eventually take her to the surface world.
Her pursuit of ancient magics and forbidden lore is driven not just by a desire for power but by a deep-
seated need to understand the mysteries of her sorcerous heritage and to challenge the status quo of both
the Underdark and the surface realms.

Sage - Malvrae Helviana, embracing the Sage background, has dedicated herself to the study of arcane
secrets and ancient lore. Her life in Duskrend, a city of magical and commercial renaissance hidden
within the Underdark, has provided her with unique access to rare artifacts and esoteric knowledge. This
relentless pursuit of understanding not only fuels her sorcerous powers but also drives her to challenge the
status quo across both the Underdark and the surface worlds. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge,
Malvrae seeks to uncover the mysteries of her heritage and the arcane, making discoveries that could shift
the balance of power and insight.



Malvrae Helviana, a Drow sorcerer from Duskrend, stands at 5’7” with a pale amethyst skin tone. She has
heterochromatic eyes—one Drow red, the other a blind white—accented by a long, natural black braid
with a white streak. A noticeable scar crosses her right eye. Her attire, a mix of dark navy and black robes,
elegantly falls off her shoulders, embodying her mystical and noble heritage.
 Height: 5’7”
 Weight: 145 lbs.
 Eye Color: Heterochromia; left eye Drow red, right eye blind white
 Hairstyle and Color: Long, natural black hair worn in a Dutch braid, featuring a striking white
streak and face-framing pieces.
 Skin Tone: Pale amethyst, a hallmark of her Drow lineage.
 Notable Features: A prominent scar across her right eye, from her forehead down her cheek, a
silent testament to her tumultuous past.
 Clothing/Armor Style: Adorned in elegantly crafted dark navy blue and black robes, Malvrae's
attire is accented with a cloak that drapes off her shoulders, blending the opulence of arcane
academia with the practicality needed for her ventures.
 Body Language: Malvrae commands attention with a poised and dignified posture, her
movements imbued with a grace that belies her formidable power.
 Presence: She exudes an aura of mystery and quiet confidence, her gaze alone capable of
piercing through deceit and darkness.

A master of shadow magic, Malvrae can weave the darkness to her will, creating illusions and bending the
fabric of reality in subtle but powerful ways.

Often lost in thought, she has a habit of tracing her scar when deep in contemplation or crafting spells, a
physical reminder of her enduring resilience.

Malvrae finds solace in the study of ancient texts and artifacts, dedicating her free time to unraveling the
secrets they hold. Her academic pursuit is not just for personal gain but to preserve the knowledge for
future generations.

True Neutral in her outlook, Malvrae balances her ambition with a profound respect for the natural order
of the world. She is introspective, often weighing the consequences of her actions in the broader tapestry
of fate.

Knowledge and Power - Malvrae believes that true understanding comes from the acquisition of arcane
wisdom and the careful application of power.

Her loyalty lies with those who aid her in her quest for knowledge, especially her mentor who first
recognized her potential and guided her path.

Flaw or Secret
Malvrae harbors a deep-seated fear of losing her sight completely, a vulnerability that could unravel her
carefully laid plans.

Signature Equipment
"Shadowveil," an ancient, arcane musical guitar whose strings resonate with shadow magic, allowing her
to cast spells with a melody.
Malvrae seeks the "Tome of the Eclipse," a legendary grimoire said to contain the essence of void magic.
In return for aid in her quest, she offers insights into the arcane and potentially a spell or two from the

Approaching Malvrae with new knowledge or arcane lore can quickly gain her favor. Respect for her
quest and understanding of her guarded nature will be key to forging an alliance.

Plot Hook
A series of arcane disturbances traced back to a long-forgotten Drow enclave suggests the awakening of
an ancient entity. Malvrae believes these signs are linked to the "Tome of the Eclipse" and its dark secrets.

Side Bar 1
The Sorcery of Shadow and Light from Duskrend - Malvrae Helviana's sorcerous powers are a reflection
of her upbringing in Duskrend, a city where the perpetual twilight of the Underdark meets a unique
cultural renaissance of magic and commerce. Unlike the traditional Drow focus on Lolth-centric worship
and the associated dark magics, Duskrend champions a more eclectic and individualistic approach to
arcane practice. This has allowed Malvrae to explore and refine a blend of shadow magic that
incorporates elements of illusion, manipulation of light and darkness, and even the rare art of shadow
healing. Her magic is as much about the nuances of shadowplay and the subtle interplay between
visibility and obscurity as it is about the brute force of sorcery. This unique heritage makes her abilities
particularly versatile, able to adapt to the diverse challenges of the Tisdale Frontier and beyond.

Side Bar 2
A Haven in the Shadows - Nestled in the vastness of the Underdark beneath the Tisdale region, Duskrend
is a paradox of danger and sanctuary. Known among the few surface dwellers who have heard its tales not
as a typical Drow city of deceit and intrigue, but as a haven for those who seek freedom from the
oppressive hierarchies that dominate much of Drow society. Its Great Bazaar is legendary, a place where
goods, secrets, and magics from across the Underdark and beyond are traded under the watchful eyes of
the city's enforcers. Duskrend's culture, with its emphasis on personal achievement, the value of
knowledge, and a certain respect for mutual benefit over backstabbing, has shaped Malvrae into a sorcerer
who values her independence and the pursuit of power through knowledge. Yet, it also instills in her a
sense of responsibility towards those less fortunate, driving her quest for arcane truths that could uplift or
protect those in need.

Stat Block
Armor Class: 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points: 6 (1d6)
Speed: 30 ft.
Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 16
Saving Throws: CON +3, CHA +5
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana +4, History +4
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Elvish, Undercommon
Class Features:

 Sorcerous Origin (Shadow Magic): This unique heritage allows her to manipulate the shadows
to her advantage, granting her spells and abilities linked to darkness and the unseen.

 Darkvision: Thanks to her Drow heritage, Malvrae can see in dim light within 120 feet of her as
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.

 Drow Magic: Malvrae knows the Dancing Lights cantrip and gains additional spells at higher

 Spellcasting: Malvrae is a spellcaster whose spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13,
+5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared:
 Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Ray of Frost, Minor Illusion,
Mage Hand
 1st level (2 slots): Mage Armor, Witch Bolt

Bonus Actions:

 Shadow Cloak: As a bonus action, Malvrae can wrap herself in a cloak of shadow after casting a
spell that deals damage. This cloak grants her resistance to radiant damage and advantage on
saving throws against spells and magical effects until the end of her next turn.

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