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Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850

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Food Research International

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / f o o d r e s


Aphrodisiacs from plant and animal sources—A review of current scientific literature
John P. Melnyk, Massimo F. Marcone ⁎
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of aphrodisiacs dates back thousands of years in Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Roman, and Greek cultures.
Received 16 December 2010 Although the scientific basis of these substances was not understood, aphrodisiacs were valued for their
Accepted 27 February 2011 ability to enhance the sexual experience. Their use allowed for human procreation and the ability to obtain a
sexually fulfilling relationship. Aphrodisiacs used historically include ambrein, Bufo toad, Spanish fly,
yohimbine, Tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, muira puama, MACA root, Panax ginseng, nutmeg, saffron, and
Sexual enhancement
cacao. Previous studies on these substances have shown potential aphrodisiac properties using animal models
Erection and in human clinical trials. Aphrodisiacs were shown to relax corpus cavernosum smooth muscle tissue in
Sildenafil animals, improve erection quality in humans and animals, or increase sexual behavior and satisfaction in
Libido humans and animals. Although most studies showed positive effects of aphrodisiacs on sexual enhancement,
Corpus cavernosum smooth muscle more studies are needed to understand their mechanism of action. The need for clinical trials using larger
Traditional medicine populations is also evident to prove the effectiveness of aphrodisiacs for human use. This paper will review
recent scientific studies conducted on these commonly used aphrodisiacs, and determine whether the results
support or refute their use for human sexual enhancement.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
2. Aphrodisiacs with sexual enhancing properties supported with scientific studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
2.1. Ambrein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
2.2. Bufo Toad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
2.3. Spanish fly (Cantharides) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
2.4. Yohimbine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
2.5. Tribulus terrestris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
2.6. Horny goat weed (Epimedium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
2.7. Muira puama (potency wood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
2.8. MACA root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
2.9. Panax ginseng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
2.10. Nutmeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
2.11. Saffron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
2.12. Chocolate (cacao) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
3. Historical aphrodisiacs supported with limited scientific studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
3.1. Plant-based aphrodisiacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
3.2. Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
3.3. Phallic symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
3.4. Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849

Abbreviations: ED, erectile dysfunction; CCSM, corpus cavernosum smooth muscle; TT, Tribulus terrestris; PTN, protodioscin; ICP, intracavernous pressure; NO, nitric oxide.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 519 824 4120x58334; fax: + 1 519 824 6631.
E-mail address: (M.F. Marcone).

0963-9969/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850 841

1. Introduction headaches, rheumatism, common colds, and constipation due to its

alleged anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties (Sandroni,
The reliance on aphrodisiacs by society has been demonstrated for 2001; Shamloul, 2010; Taha et al., 1998). It has also been used to
thousands of years. In historic Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Roman, and enhance sexual performance, with recent studies supporting its
Greek cultures, such substances were used in traditional remedies for validity as a natural aphrodisiac.
the purpose of enhancing the sexual experience (Elferink, 2000). The In a 1998 study, Taha and colleagues studied the ability of isolated
scientific basis of these natural aphrodisiacs was not understood, but ambrein to reduce the effects of vasoconstricting hormones on various
the observed sexual enhancing properties popularized their use in animal smooth muscles (Taha et al., 1998). Ambrein was shown to
these cultures. reduce spontaneous contractions of rabbit jejunum, rat uterus, and
Procreation was the single most important goal in historic cultures, guinea pig vas deferens in vitro at concentrations of 10–250 μg/mL. It
and the inability to procreate drove efforts to discover natural sources was also shown to reduce acetylcholine-, adrenaline-, prostaglandin-,
of sexually enhancing substances (Elferink, 2000; Yakubu, Akanji, & and oxytocin-induced contractions in various smooth muscles (Taha
Oladiji, 2007). Aphrodisiacs could be used to aid in a family's ability to et al., 1998). The ability of ambrein to reduce muscle contractions
have children, but would also allow for sexual fulfillment within a shows the potential of the aphrodisiac to facilitate erection due to
marriage which was otherwise unsatisfactory (Yakubu et al., 2007). In increased blood flow.
Aztec cultures, a large family was encouraged and was both respected A 1995 study by Taha's group showed that ambrein increased
and admired within society (Elferink, 2000). A childless marriage was sexual behavior in male rats. After being administered 100 and
considered to be a failure within the family. For these reasons, 300 mg/kg body weight of ambrein, the rats increased their number of
aphrodisiacs were highly sought and valued. penile erections in the absence of females, as well as increased
The term aphrodisiac is derived from Greek mythology, where intromissions and anogenital investigatory behavior in the presence
Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty (Shamloul, 2010). The of females. Based on the results, the authors concluded that sexual
Greek word ‘aphrodisia’ means sexual pleasure (Krychman, Gubili, behavior in rats is modified by ambrein which supports its historical
Pereira, Holstein, & Cassileth, 2007). The modern definition of use as an effective aphrodisiac (Taha, Islam, & Ageel, 1995).
aphrodisiac can vary, but is generally regarded as a substance that
increases sexual desire (i.e. libido) and/or sexual pleasure. The 2.2. Bufo Toad
definition has been extended to include those substances which
enhance sexual performance or aid in the proper functioning of the The skin and gland secretions of Bufo Toad have traditionally been
male and female sex organs (Sandroni, 2001; Shamloul, 2010). used for medicinal and aphrodisiac purposes (Abdel-Rahman, Ahmed, &
Substances include foods, beverages, vitamins, minerals, and other Nabil, 2010). The ancient Chinese medication Chan su and Indian
natural and synthetic chemicals (Krychman et al., 2007). aphrodisiac ‘Love Stone’ are produced from these secretions and contain
Aphrodisiacs can be classified according to their effects when the psychoactive ingredients bufotenine (Bick, Poindexter, Sweney, &
consumed or administered. Aphrodisiacs can have psychological Dasgupta, 2002). Chan su has been used to treat heart conditions,
effects, thereby increasing sexual desire and pleasure through provide local anesthetic, and control bleeding, although the mecha-
hallucinogenic properties or other mood stimulating properties. nisms are unclear. However, its aphrodisiac properties may be explained
Aphrodisiacs can also act physiologically, enhancing erection through by the presence of bufotenine and its O-methylated derivative 5-
hormonal changes, increased blood flow, and smooth muscle-relaxing methoxy-M,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) contained in Bufo
properties (Sandroni, 2001). Toad, which is a hallucinogenic that provides stimulatory effects
Society is currently relying on synthetic products such as sildenafil (Sandroni, 2001). Sexual enhancement due to topical application
(most commonly sold as Viagra) and tadalafil (most commonly sold providing anesthetic has also been suggested as a possible explanation
as Cialis) to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). However, these for its aphrodisiac properties. Studies have demonstrated the negative
substances can produce negative side effects such as headache, effects of Chan su and Bufo Toad secretions on heart rate and
muscle pain, and blurred vision, and may have dangerous interactions cardiomyocyte contractibility but have not related any findings to
with other medications (Sandroni, 2001). These products also do not increased or decreased sexual performance (Abdel-Rahman et al., 2010;
increase libido (Shamloul, 2010). The ability of these synthetic Bick et al., 2002).
products to treat ED has heightened the search for natural substances
that can enhance the sexual experience without the negative side 2.3. Spanish fly (Cantharides)
effects. Interest has also increased in the area of finding libido
enhancing products to treat those with low sex drive (Shamloul, The Spanish fly (Lytta vesicatoria) is the most well known of a
2010). This review will present recent work conducted on natural collection of blister beetles traditionally used as aphrodisiacs. The
aphrodisiacs and assess their potential as sexual enhancers. The beetle secretes cantharidin, a toxin used as part of its defense
substances focused on are those that have been scientifically studied, mechanism. At high doses cantharidin is toxic to humans, but despite
either in vitro, in vivo on animal models, or in human clinical trials, and the risk, it has historically been used to enhance sexual function
show potential as an aphrodisiac. Major outcomes of the studies are (Karras, Farrell, Harrigan, Henretig, & Gealt, 1996; Tagwireyi, Ball,
summarized in Table 1. A brief section on less common aphrodisiacs Loga, & Moyo, 2000; Waddell, Jones, & Keith, 1981). Its use has been
that lack scientific studies is also included in the review. dated back 2000 years in Chinese and African herbal remedies by
grinding the beetle to a powder before dissolution in a solvent for
2. Aphrodisiacs with sexual enhancing properties supported with ingestion (Tagwireyi et al., 2000). When ingested, urethral irritation
scientific studies occurs which may cause priaprism in both males and females (Karras
et al., 1996; Waddell et al., 1981). This occurs by inhibition of
2.1. Ambrein phosphodiesterase and protein phosphatase activity by cantharidin,
which stimulates β-receptors, inducing vascular inflammation of the
The triterpene alcohol Ambrein is a major constituent of genitourinary tract (Karras et al., 1996; Sandroni, 2001).
Ambergris, formed in the intestinal tract of the sperm whale (Physeter In 1969, Leavitt tested the ability of cantharidin to enhance sexual
catodon) (Taha, Raza, & El-Khawad, 1998). Historically, its use ranged behavior in rats. Rats were administered 0.67 mg/kg cantharidin and
from perfume preparations to the treatment of health conditions. In placed in a test chamber with females brought to estrous (Leavitt,
traditional Middle Eastern medicine, Ambergris has been used to treat 1969). No differences in sexual behavior (mounts, intromission, and
842 J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850

Table 1
Major findings of studies conducted on aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiac Preparation/bioactive In vitro/in vivo model, Observation Reference

constituent tested human, or animal subject

Ambrein Dissolved ambrein Rabbit jejunum, rat uterus, 10, 50, and 250 μg/mL reduced spontaneous Taha et al.
solution and guinea pig vas deferens in contractions in smooth muscle (1995)

Ambrein Male rats in the presence and 100 and 300 mg/kg body wt. increased penile Taha et al.
absence of females erections, intromissions, and anogenital (1995)
investigatory behavior
Spanish Fly Cantharidin Long-Evans hooded rats 0.67 mg/kg showed no difference in mounts, Leavitt
intromissions, and ejaculations compared to (1969)
control group. 2 mg/kg resulted in 8 deaths
demonstrating toxicity

Yohimbine Yohimbine capsules 48 males with psychogenic ED The 10 week placebo-controlled, double-blind Reid et al.
study increased erections in 46% of males after (1987)
receiving 18 mg/day

Yohimbine capsules 63 males with psychogenic ED 15 mg/day yohimbine combined with Montorsi
trazodone for 8 weeks in a randomized, et al. (1994)
placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
increased erectile function, ejaculation,
interest in sex, and sexual thoughts
Yohimbine capsules 31 males with psychogenic The double-blind, placebo-controlled study Mann et al.
and organic ED showed an improvement in erectile function (1996)
in the psychogenic group after 7 weeks of
consuming 15 mg/day yohimbine. No effect
was observed in organic group
J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850 843

Table 1 (continued)
Aphrodisiac Preparation/bioactive In vitro/in vivo model, Observation Reference
constituent tested human, or animal subject

Yohimbine Yohimbine hydrochloride 86 males with ED 30 mg/day for 8 weeks improved sexual Vogt et al.
capsules (psychogenic and organic desire, sexual satisfaction, and penis rigidity in (1997)
undetermined) this double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Yohimbine capsules 100 males with organic ED 18 mg/day showed a non-significant increase Morales et al.
in penile function in this randomized, (1987)
placebo-controlled study
Yohimbine hydrochloride 22 males with organic ED 100 mg/day showed a non-significant Teloken et al.
capsules increase in penile rigidity in this 30 day (1998)
randomized, placebo-controlled study
Yohimbine 18 non-smoking males with 16.2 and 32.4 mg/day yohimbine for 4 weeks Guay et al.
organic ED increased sexual intercourse and penis (2002)
rigidity, but was observed in only subjects
with mild ED
Yohimbine In vitro, human corpus Pre-contracted CCSM was relaxed 94% with Filippi et al.
cavernosum from 7 impotent 100 μM yohimbine (2002)
Yohimbine In vitro, human corpus Pre-contracted CCSM was relaxed 100% with Freitas et al.
cavernosum from 12 males 100 μM yohimbine (2009)
Tribulus terrestris TT extract containing 40 castrated male Sprague– 5 mg/kg TT for 8 weeks significantly increased Gauthaman
protodioscin Dawley rats mount frequency and intromissions, and et al. (2002)
decreased mount latency, intromissions, and

TT extract containing 40 male Sprague–Dawley rats 5 and 10 mg/kg for 8 weeks increased mount Gauthaman
protodioscin and intromission frequency et al. (2002)
TT extract Primates, rabbits, and rats 2.5 to 10 mg/kg (rabbits and rats) or 7.5 to Gauthaman
30 mg/kg (primates) for 8 weeks increased and Ganesan
serum testosterone levels (2008)
TT extract 21 healthy young males The double-blind, placebo-controlled study Neychev and
showed no increase in serum testosterone, Mitev (2005)
androstenedione, or luteinizing hormone
levels after 4 weeks of consuming 10 or
20 mg/day TT
Horney goat weed Icariin In vitro isolated corpus Icariin relaxed smooth muscle pre-contracted Xin et al.
cavernosum from New with phenylephrine (2001)
Zealand white rabbits


Icariin In vitro isolated corpus The aphrodisiac mechanism of icariin involves Jiang et al.
cavernosum from New the No-cGMP signal and increases levels of (2006)
Zealand white rabbits cGMP in smooth muscle
Purified icariin extract 32 castrated male Wistar rats 1 or 5 mg/kg for 4 weeks increased ICP Liu et al. (2005)
Purified icariin extract 58 male Sprague–Dawley rats 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg for 4 weeks increased ICP Shindel et al.
(cavernous nerve-injured) (2010)

(continued on next page)

844 J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850

Table 1 (continued)
Aphrodisiac Preparation/bioactive In vitro/in vivo model, Observation Reference
constituent tested human, or animal subject

Horney goat weed Epimedii herba extract 50 male Wistar rats 300 and 750 mg/kg of a lipid-based feed Makarova et al.
containing icariin containing 3% and 20% icariin for 10 days (2007)
increased intromission and ejaculations, and
decreased ejaculation latency
Muira Puama Herbal vX containing HV- 202 healthy females 150 and 1050 mg/day HV-430 for 10 days Waynberg
430 and Ginkgo biloba resulted in a self-assessed increase in sexual and Brewer
satisfaction, intensity of sexual desire, (2000)
excitement of fantasies, ability to reach
orgasm, and intensity of orgasm

Alcoholic extract of New Zealand white rabbit 10 mg injections relaxed smooth muscle Antunes et al.
Ptychopetalum olacoides corpus cavernosum, in vitro (2001)
MACA root Ethanolic extract of MACA 45 male and 90 female mice, 40 mg/kg for 22 days significantly increased Zheng et al.
90 male Wistar rats mating and 45, 180, and 1800 mg/kg for (2000)
20 days improved erectile function

Pulverized MACA root 120 male and female 15 and 75 ml/kg for 15 days decreased Cicero et al.
Sprague–Dawley rats mounting, intromission, and ejaculation (2001)
Hexane, methanol, and 100 male and female 52 mg hexane, 870 mg methanol, 24 mg Cicero et al.
chloroform extracts of Sprague–Dawley rats chloroform extract for 5 days decreased (2002)
MACA root intromission latency and increased frequency
Gelatinized Maca capsules 57 healthy males In the 12 week double-blind, placebo- Gonzales et al.
controlled trial, 1500 and 3000 mg/day of (2002)
MACA increased sexual desire
MACA capsules 20 depressed males and 3000 mg/day of MACA for 12 weeks increased Dording et al.
females sexual desire (2008)
MACA capsules 8 athletic males 2000 mg/day for 2 weeks increased self- Stone et al.
assessed sexual desire (2009)
MACA capsules 50 males with ED 2400 mg/day for 12 weeks increased erectile Zenico et al.
function and sexual satisfaction (2009)
Powdered MACA 14 post-menopausal women The double-blind, placebo-controlled study Brooks et al.
showed that 3500 mg/day for 6 weeks (2008)
resulted in a reduction in sexual
Panax ginseng Korean red ginseng 60 males with mild to The double-blind, placebo-controlled study de Andrade
capsules moderate ED showed that 3000 mg/day for 12 weeks et al. (2007)
resulted in improved erection rigidity,
penetration, and maintenance

Korean red ginseng 64 males with organic and The placebo-controlled study showed an Choi et al.
capsules psychogenic ED improvement in libido, erection, sexual (1999)
satisfaction, and arousal after 12 weeks
Korean red ginseng 50 males with psychogenic ED The placebo-controlled study showed that Choi (2001)
capsules 1800 mg/day for 8 weeks resulted in
improved erection and sexual satisfaction
Korean red ginseng 45 males with ED The double-blind, placebo-controlled study Hong et al.
capsules showed that 2700 mg/day for 8 weeks (2002)
resulted in improved erection, penetration,
and maintenance
Crude extract of ginseng Smooth muscle of New 0.2 to 8 mg relaxed rabbit smooth muscle pre- Kim et al.
saponin Zealand white rabbit corpus contracted with phenylphrine (1998)
cavernosum, in vitro
J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850 845

Table 1 (continued)
Aphrodisiac Preparation/bioactive In vitro/in vivo model, Observation Reference
constituent tested human, or animal subject

Panax ginseng Korean red ginseng 28 menopausal women The double-blind, placebo-controlled study Oh et al.
capsules showed that 3000 mg/day for 8 weeks (2010)
resulted in improved sexual arousal
Nutmeg Nutmeg ethanolic extract 24 male Swiss mice (2003), Single dose and 7 day feeding of 500 mg/kg Tajuddin et al.
(dissolved in water) 30 male albino increased mounting behavior, mating (2003),
Wistar rats (2005) performance, and sexual activity Tajuddin et al.

Saffron Aqueous saffron extract, 66 male virgin Wistar rats Extract (80, 160, 320 mg/kg body wt.) and Hosseinzadeh
crocin, and safranal crocin (200, 400 mg/kg) increased mounting-, et al. (2008)
intromission-, and erection frequency.
Safranal had no effect.

Aqueous saffron extract 20 males with ED 200 mg for 10 days improved tip and base Shamsa et al.
capsule containing crocin rigidity and tumescence. Self-reported (2009)
and safranal increases in erectile function, sexual desire,
and satisfaction were significant
Saffron ethanolic extract 346 males with ED 30 mg/day for 12 weeks showed a decrease in Safarinejad
capsule intercourse and satisfaction compared to et al. (2010)
Chocolate Reporting of chocolate 163 women Daily chocolate consumers had significantly Salonia et al.
consumption habits higher sexual desire (no difference when (2006)
adjusted for age)

(cacao pod)

ejaculations) were observed between the control group and cantharidin- 1985). Traditionally, the extract has been used to treat impotency and
fed group, suggesting that this substance has no positive effects on sexual increase libido. Today, the same bark is used as the raw material, with
activity of rats. yohimbine being packaged into pill form for oral administration. The
The many cases of death reported due to Spanish fly/cantharidin drug is legal in USA and Canada for sexual dysfunction treatment by
ingestion suggest that it is unsafe as a sexual performance enhancer prescription, however is found in over-the-counter natural health
(Karras et al., 1996; Tagwireyi et al., 2000). The study by Leavitt products. Yohimbine is an α2-adrenoreceptor blocker that has been
discussed above reported the deaths of 8 rats at the high cantharidin shown in vivo to have effects in three major sites: the central nervous
dose (2 mg/kg) supporting its toxicity and potential for death in system, autonomic nervous system, and penile tissue and vascular
humans (Leavitt, 1969). Doses as low as 10 mg have been reported to smooth muscle cells (Vogt et al., 1997). Studies on Yohimbine
be deadly to humans (Tagwireyi et al., 2000). investigated its effects on both psychogenic ED, caused by psychological
complications, and organic ED, the inability to achieve or sustain
2.4. Yohimbine erection due to physiological problems. The effect of Yohimbine on
treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction has been well studied in
Yohimbine is an alkaloid extracted from the Yohimbe (Pausinystalia randomized placebo-controlled trials, with results confirming its ability
yohimbe) trees of West Africa (Ernst & Pittler, 1998). Traditionally to treat erectile dysfunction (Mann et al., 1996; Montorsi et al., 1994;
yohimbine was consumed as a drink, after boiling Yohimbe bark in hot Reid et al., 1987; Vogt et al., 1997). Dosages of 15 mg–30 mg/day
water and sipping the extract. Modern yohimbine extraction and yohimbine were administered orally in the studies. Studies on organic
purification for pill formation is achieved through ethanol or chloroform erectile dysfunction have disagreed on yohimbine's potential as a sexual
solubilization. The yohimbe bark is ground and submerged in the enhancer, with dosages ranging from 15 to 100 mg/day (Guay, Spark,
solvent, followed by filtration and evaporation of the solvent (Miller, Jacobson, Murray, & Geisser, 2002; Mann et al., 1996; Morales et al.,
846 J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850

1987; Teloken, Rhoden, Sogari, Dambros, & Souto, 1998). The studies on significantly increased ICP in the icariin-fed group compared to
psychogenic and organic erectile dysfunction used comparable treat- control group demonstrating the potential of Epimedium to improve
ment periods ranging from 4 to 10 weeks. Results have shown limited erectile function (Liu et al., 2005). In 2010, the results were confirmed
organic ED improvement and mainly on subjects with mild erectile using cavernous nerve-injured rats fed 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg body
dysfunction. Table 1 summarizes the results. weight of icariin (Shindel et al., 2010).
Studies have also shown yohimbine to have relaxation effects of The aphrodisiac properties of icariin were also demonstrated by
almost 100% in human corpus cavernosum smooth muscle (CCSM) studying the sexual behavior of rats fed 300 or 750 mg/kg body
which demonstrates the potential for yohimbine as an effective weight of a lipid-based feed containing 3% and 20% icariin,
aphrodisiac (Filippi et al., 2002; Freitas et al., 2009). respectively (Makarova et al., 2007). Results showed that the number
of complete intromission and ejaculations increased, while the latent
2.5. Tribulus terrestris period of ejaculation decreased significantly.

Tribulus terrestris (TT) is a flowering herb found in temperate

2.7. Muira puama (potency wood)
climates all over the world (Shamloul, 2010). The plant and its
extracts have traditionally been used as medicines in Asia and India to
Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is a genus of flowering
treat urinary, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal disorders as well as
plants found primarily in Brazil with historical use as a sexual
being used as a sexual stimulant (Gauthaman, Adaikan, & Prasad,
enhancer (Shamloul, 2010). A clinical study in 1994 showed that a
2002). The aphrodisiac properties are due to the steroidal saponin
60% increase in libido was seen in men with initially low libido,
protodioscin (PTN).
while a 50% increase in erection ability was observed in men with
In a 2002 study by Gauthaman, aphrodisiac properties of TT extract
erectile dysfunction (Waynberg, 1994). The libido enhancing
containing PTN were tested on normal and castrated rats fed either
properties of the herbs bioactive extract, HV-430 mixed with Ginkgo
water, testosterone (10 mg/kg), or PTN (castrated only) (5 mg/kg).
biloba were also demonstrated in women (Waynberg & Brewer,
The castrated rats fed testosterone or PTN showed a significant
2000). After administration of 60 tablets, either 2 or 6/day contain-
increase in frequency of mounts and intromissions and a decrease in
ing 175 mg HV-430 and 16 mg G. biloba per tablet, libido improved.
latency of mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations compared to the
The women reported statistically greater frequency and intensity of
water-fed castrated rat (Gauthaman et al., 2002). The aphrodisiac
sexual desire and sexual intercourse, satisfaction with sex life,
effects are thought to be due to increases in androgen levels in the
excitement of fantasies, ability to reach orgasm, intensity of orgasm,
PTN-fed groups. The results of this study were confirmed by
and frequency and excitement of sexual fantasies. It is important to
Gauthaman's group in 2003 using non-castrated rats at various TT
note that some of the positive effects may be due to the presence of
concentrations (2.5, 5, 10 mg/kg) (Gauthaman, Ganesan, & Prasad,
G. biloba and further research using random, placebo-controlled
2003). The study also confirmed an increase in intracavernous
trials must be conducted to confirm the role of muira puama on
pressure (ICP), which is a widely accepted index of penile erection.
sexual enhancement.
The suggested increase in ICP is due to nitric oxide (NO) release from
Muira puama was also shown to have corpus cavernosum smooth
endothelial or neural cells causing smooth muscle relaxation and
muscle-relaxant effects in rabbits similar to that of T. terrestris and
increased blood flow to the penis (Gauthaman et al., 2003). Further
Epimedium (Antunes et al., 2001). At 10 mg dosage, relaxation was
studies observed increases in testosterone and dihydrotesosterone
observed with rapid onset but short duration. The same study showed
indicating a T. terrestris-induced increase in male sex hormones
similar results utilizing Catuama, a 4-component commercial drug
(Gauthaman & Ganesan, 2008).
containing plant extracts of Paullinia cupana (guarana), Trichilia
T. terrestris aphrodisiac properties were tested on human subjects
catigua (catuaba), Zingiber officinalis (ginger), and Ptychopetalum
in one study (Neychev & Mitev, 2005). The results determined that
olacoides (muira puama).
after feeding healthy young males either 10 or 20 mg/kg body weight,
there was no significant increase in testosterone, androstenedione, or
luteinizing hormone levels. No mechanisms were offered, and further 2.8. MACA root
studies are needed to determine why clinical trial results differed
from the rat models previously discussed. MACA (Lepidium meyenii) is a plant belonging to the mustard
family that is found growing almost exclusively in the Andes (Shin,
2.6. Horny goat weed (Epimedium) Lee, Yang, Lim, & Ernst, 2010). Historically, it has been used to
enhance fertility and increase sexual desire. Animal studies have
Epimedium (Epimedii herba) is a genus of flowering plants used in demonstrated its potential to increase sexual behavior (Cicero,
traditional Chinese medicine to treat a range of medical conditions as Bandieri, & Arletti, 2001; Cicero et al., 2002; Zheng et al., 2000). In
well as to improve sexual function (Shamloul, 2010). The effects are the study by Zheng, mice were fed ethanolic extract of MACA at a dose
attributed to its biologically active component icariin, a flavanol of 40 mg/kg body weight and rats were fed 45, 180, or 1800 mg/kg
glycoside obtained from the aerial part of the plant (Shindel et al., with results showing a significant increase in mating and improved
2010). It has been attributed to improved cardiovascular function, erectile function compared to the control group (Zheng et al., 2000).
hormone regulation, immunological function, and anti-tumor activity Behavioral results were confirmed using doses of 15 and 75 mg/kg
(Makarova et al., 2007). body weight MACA extract (Cicero et al., 2001) and 24, 52, and
A 2001 study by Xin and colleagues tested the effects of icariin on 870 mg/kg body weight of MACA chloroformic, hexanic, and metha-
enhancing penile erection due to its ability to relax cavernosal smooth nolic extract, respectively (Cicero et al., 2002).
muscle (Xin, Kim, Tian, Lin, & Guo, 2001). Corpus cavernous tissue The effect of MACA extract on sexual behavior in humans has also
from New Zealand white rabbits were tested in vitro with results been studied. In a double blind, placebo-controlled study, men who
proving that icariin has relaxation effects on smooth muscle that has consumed either 1500 or 3000 mg MACA reported significantly
been pre-contracted with phenylephrine. The action is believed to be improved sexual desire compared to placebo (Gonzales et al., 2002).
due to NO release such as was determined with T. terrestris (Jiang Results were confirmed in similar studies of male or female subjects
et al., 2006; Xin et al., 2001). Icariin aphrodisiac effects were also using comparable dosages (Brooks et al., 2008; Dording et al., 2008;
tested in vivo using Male Wistar rats (normal and castrated) fed either Stone, Ibarra, Roller, Zangara, & Stevenson, 2009; Zenico, Cicero,
water or icariin (1 or 5 mg/kg body weight). Results showed a Valmorri, Mercuriali, & Bercovich, 2009).
J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850 847

2.9. Panax ginseng 400 mg/kg body wt.) significantly increased mounting-, intromission-,
and erection frequency, while decreasing the latency period before
Ginseng is a slow growing perennial plant native to Korea within mounting, intromission and ejaculation compared to control. Safranal,
the Panax genus (Shamloul, 2010). Red ginseng, which has been however, showed no effect on sexual activity.
cultivated at six years of age or older, has the most reported More recently, saffron has been shown to ameliorate the problems of
aphrodisiac effects which are due to its bioactive constituents ED in humans. In a 2009 study, 20 males with ED were fed 200 mg of
known as gensenodides. A recent placebo-controlled study looked saffron/day in tablet form for 10 days. At the end of the study, subjects
at the efficacy of Korean red ginseng to improve ED (de Andrade et al., showed a significant increase in penis tip rigidity, tip tumescence, base
2007). Sixty men with mild to moderate ED were fed 3000 mg ginseng rigidity, and base tumescence (Shamsa, Hosseinzadeh, Molaei, Shakeri,
daily or placebo with results showing a significant improvement in & Rajabi, 2009). Subjects also reported a significantly higher score for
erection, including rigidity, penetration, and maintenance in the erectile function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall
ginseng group. The results of this study confirmed those found in satisfaction using the international index of erectile function (IIEF-15)
other clinical studies (see Table 1), demonstrating red ginsengs questionnaire. However, a 2010 study testing similar parameters found
potential to treat ED (Choi, Choi, Adaikan, & Jiang, 1999; Choi & Choi, no effect of saffron on sexual satisfaction (Safarinejad, Shafiei, &
2001; Hong, Ji, Hong, Nam, & Ahn, 2002; Jang, Lee, Shin, Lee, & Ernst, Safarinejad, 2010). This study fed 346 males with ED two 30 mg
2008). The 2001 study by Choi also tested ginseng's effect on sexual capsules/day (15 mg saffron/capsule) for 12 weeks and then sildenafil
desire and frequency of intercourse with no significant differences for 12 weeks or vice versa, with a 2 week wash-out period between
between the ginseng and placebo groups. Mechanisms suggested NO treatments. Results showed lower scores in the saffron group compared
release from endothelial or neural cells causing smooth muscle to sildenafil group for orgasm function, sexual desire, intercourse
relaxation and increased blood flow to the penis. Panax ginseng was satisfaction, and overall satisfaction. Results also showed a decrease in
shown to relax smooth muscle in rabbits, in vitro strengthening the intercourse and satisfaction in the saffron group compared to
argument for this proposed mechanism (Kim, Woo, Lee, & Kim, 1998). pretreatment. Differences in study design may help explain the
In the most recent study on the aphrodisiac effects of ginseng, discrepancies between the 2009 and 2010 study. The 2009 study used
sexual arousal was studied in menopausal women (Oh, Chae, Lee, a higher dosage saffron extract (200 mg/day, versus 30 mg/day)
Hong, & Park, 2010). In the placebo-controlled randomized trial, although the treatment period was shorter. The 2009 study also used
women received either 3000 mg ginseng or placebo per day with dried saffron stigma, whereas the 2010 study used ethanolic extract.
results showing a significant increase in sexual arousal compared to The 2010 study did not report on amounts of bioactive saffron
the control group. Through questionnaire, the ginseng group reported components present in their tablets. The 2009 study did not specify
higher arousal frequency, arousal level, and sexual satisfaction. The type of ED (organic or psychogenic). Neither study utilized a placebo-
results of the studies discussed above demonstrate the potential of control. The differences in the two studies demonstrate the need for
ginseng to treat both physiological and psychological barriers to more testing to determine the efficacy of saffron to improve sexual
sexual performance. desire.

2.10. Nutmeg 2.12. Chocolate (cacao)

Nutmeg is derived from the seeds from the fruit of the Myristica Chocolate is prepared using a variety of ingredients including
fragrans tree, a bushy evergreen indigenous to India, Indonesia, and Sri cocoa derived from the seeds of Theobroma cacao trees which are
Lanka (Tajuddin, Ahmad, Latif, & Qasmi, 2003). Historically, nutmeg native to tropical regions in South America and Africa (Afoakwa,
was cultivated for use as an aphrodisiac and medicinal drug, with 2008). Chocolate was generally regarded as an aphrodisiac in ancient
treatment ranging from pain reduction to appetite enhancement and times, but there is little scientific evidence to support the claim
nerve stimulation. Despite the well documented use of nutmeg as an (Salonia et al., 2006). In a 2006 study, the sexual health of women was
aphrodisiac, scientific studies are almost nonexistent and have only compared to their self-reported chocolate consumption (Salonia et al.,
recently been conducted using animals. Tajuddin has studied the 2006). The study showed that women who reported daily chocolate
sexual behavior of rats fed nutmeg (Tajuddin et al., 2003; Tajuddin, intake had a significantly higher sexual desire than the non-chocolate
Ahmad, Latif, Qasmi, & Amin, 2005). Results showed that 500 mg/kg consumers based on the female sexual function index (FSFI).
body weight at a one time feeding increased mountings onto females However, no differences were found between the groups regarding
1 h after treatment (Tajuddin et al., 2003). It was then shown that sexual arousal, satisfaction, or distress. The sexual desire scores also
500 mg/kg feeding for 7 days was most effective in increasing did not show significant difference once results were adjusted for age.
mounting frequency and intromission frequency, while reducing The aphrodisiac effects of chocolate, although still debatable, are
mounting latency and intromission latency (Tajuddin et al., 2005). thought to be attributed to its pharmacologically active substances
Doses of 100 and 250 mg/kg were effective for some parameters, but (Salonia et al., 2006). Phenylethylamine has been reported to induce
not any other dosages. The effect of nutmeg on increasing sexual pleasurable sensations as well as affect serotonin and endorphin
behavior may be attributed to its nerve stimulating properties. levels in the brain, both of which improve mood and increases sexual
desire (Afoakwa, 2008). Phenylethylamine has also been reported to
2.11. Saffron raise blood pressure, increase heart rate, and heighten sensations
similar to the effects of dopamine and adrenaline (Afoakwa, 2008). N-
Saffron (Crocus sativus) is the dried elongated stigma and styles of acylethanolamines contained in chocolate may also activate cannabi-
the blue-purple saffron flower native to the Middle East (Melnyk, noid receptors or increase endocannabinoid levels which increases
Wang, & Marcone, 2010). The ground spice has been used for sensitivity (Afoakwa, 2008).
centuries as both a flavoring and coloring agent, as well as medicinal
ingredient in food preparations. In 2008, the aphrodisiac properties of 3. Historical aphrodisiacs supported with limited scientific studies
the spice were tested in rats by observing their sexual behavior after
consuming an aqueous extract and the bioactive components crocin 3.1. Plant-based aphrodisiacs
and safranal (Hosseinzadeh, Ziaee, & Sadeghi, 2008). Results showed a
positive effect of saffron on sexual behavior after single dosage. Shamloul (2010) has reported on some plant-derived aphrodisiacs
Aqueous extract (80, 160, 320 mg/kg body wt.) and crocin (200, and with limited scientific studies making it difficult to validate their
848 J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850

aphrodisiac properties (Shamloul, 2010). The list includes Camellia 3.4. Alcohol
sinensis, a Chinese tea which has been shown to increase sexual
behavior in rats by inhibiting anxiety and elevating serum testoster- Alcohol is widely believed to enhance sexual arousal and increase
one levels (Ratnasooriya & Fernando, 2008). Aframomum melegueta desire for sexual activity. Traditionally, Mamajuana in Dominican
(Guinea pepper) is a spice from the ginger family obtained from the Republic and Mead in Ireland have been used as aphrodisiacs. Although
seeds of the plant. It has been shown to increase rat sexual behavior increased sexual arousal may be experienced by many who consume
and improve penile erection (Kamtchouing et al., 2002). The dried alcohol, studies have concluded negative effects of alcohol on sexual
fruit of Piper guineense (West African Pepper) has also been shown to performance (Cheng, Ng, Chen, & Ko, 2007; Chew, 2009). Alcohol is a
have the same properties as determined in the same study by nervous system depressant, which can slow normal brain function, act
Kamtchouing. Curculigo orchioides (Kali Musli) is claimed to enhance as an anesthetic, and decrease blood circulation, thereby decreasing
sexual behavior and erection in male rats (Chauhan, Rao, & Dixit, sensation and inhibiting normal erectile function and vaginal secretions
2007). The African tropical plant Microdesmis keayana has also shown (Peugh & Belenko, 2001). Chronic alcohol use further inhibits sexual
increased sexual arousal and erectile function in rats treated with its ability by increasing sexual dysfunction in males (O'Farrell, Kleinke, &
alkaloid extracts (Zamble, Sahpaz, Brunet, & Bailleul, 2008; Zamble et Cutter, 1998). The negative physiological effects of alcohol are evident,
al., 2009). The tropical legume Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean), the however it has been more difficult to determine alcohol's psychological
Indonesian flowering plant Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali), and effects and its ability to increase sexual arousal. Intoxication can cause
the Asian flowering plant Ferula harmonis (Zallouh Root) have also disinhibition, giving consumers ‘liquid courage’ which increases desire
showed similar effects on male rats as the studies discussed above to engage in sexual activity and enjoy the experience (Shamloul, 2010).
(Ang & Sim, 1997; Suresh, Prithiviraj, & Prakash, 2009; Zanoli et al., However it is still unknown if alcohol affects sexual desire otherwise.
2005). These plants have origins in India, Africa, or Asia and are
attributed to increased sexual activity and enhanced penile erection. 4. Conclusion
However, studies are limited to animal models with proposed
mechanisms that need further investigation. The results presented in this review demonstrate the potential of
Other plants with traditional uses as aphrodisiacs include many natural plant and animal products to be used as aphrodisiacs.
Terminalia catappa seeds (Indian almond), Garcina kola root (bitter Ambrein, horny goat weed, muira puama, and P. ginseng have been
kola), Carpolobia alba bark, Euphorbia hirta plant, Musa paradisiaca shown to relax corpus cavernous smooth muscle or other smooth
plantain, and Damiana tea (Turnera aphrodisiaca) (Krychman et al., muscles in animal models, in vitro. Others, such as T. terrestris and
2007; Yakubu et al., 2007). A scientific literature search shows animal horny goat weed have been shown to increase erection quality in
studies on T. catappa and T. aphrodisiaca (Damiana tea) only, with animals by observing an increased ICP, while yohimbine, ginseng, and
unclear results regarding aphrodisiac activities of each (Helmrick & saffron increased erection quality in humans. Ambrein, T. terrestris,
Reiser, 2000; Ratnasooriya & Dharmasiri, 2000). Using rats, both horny goat weed, MACA, nutmeg, and saffron have demonstrated the
plants were shown to positively affect some sexual behavior in the ability to increase sexual behavior in animals. Self-reported sexual
rats while having no effect or a decreasing effect on other behaviors. enhancement and pleasurability have been observed in humans due
More studies are needed to clarify these contradictory results. to yohimbine, muira puama, MACA, ginseng, saffron, and chocolate.
Although the data presented shows promise for the use of many of
3.2. Spices the foods for sexual enhancement, more studies are needed to prove
their function. Studies investigating muscle-relaxant properties of
A wide variety of spices have been used historically due to their corpus cavernous smooth muscle were able to show a positive effect
alleged aphrodisiac properties. Among them are cloves (Syzygium in animal models, in vitro, however studies on human tissue are scarce.
aromatcum), sage (Salvia), ginger (Zingiber officinale), basil (Ocimum This makes the need for more studies evident not only to determine the
basilicum), garlic (Allium sativum), anise (Pimpinella anisum), fennel effect of these substances on human smooth muscle tissue, but to
(Foeniculum vulgare), and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (Krychman understand the mechanisms that aid in erection. Many of the substances
et al., 2007; Sandroni, 2001; Yakubu et al., 2007). Of the spices, only studied, such as ambrein and horny goat weed, showed positive
cloves and sage have been studied scientifically with results showing aphrodisiac properties in animals but were not studied in human clinical
positive sexual behavior in male rats (Islam, Tariq, Ageel, Alsaid, & trials. The need for human studies is evident before conclusions can be
Alyhya, 1991; Tajuddin et al., 2003). The anxiolytic properties of the made about the effectiveness of these substances for sexual enhance-
spices are thought to be responsible for their positive effects on rats. ment. Studies on human sexual behavior and the enhancement of the
sexual experience were often not controlled with placebo. Many of them
3.3. Phallic symbols also did not offer any mechanisms of action. Further studies that
understand how these substances are affecting a person psychologically
Many foods historically used as aphrodisiacs have maintained (i.e. greater sexual desire, more intense fantasies etc.) are needed before
their reputation as effective sexual enhancers due to their phallic the effects can be attributed to these substances.
appearance. Foods resembling the male or female genitals or those The continued interest in natural aphrodisiacs has resulted in an
traditionally consumed in romantic settings are popularized due to increase in studies to better understand their effects on humans,
their associations with sex. Documented aphrodisiacs include rhinoc- physiologically and psychologically. The discovery of effective treat-
eros horn, asparagus, carrots, celery, bananas, oysters, strawberries, ments can help strengthen relationships, increase self-esteem, and aid
and truffles (Krychman et al., 2007; Yakubu et al., 2007). in procreation. Currently, there is not enough evidence to support the
Seafood is also thought to have aphrodisiac properties because widespread use of these substances as effective aphrodisiacs, whether it
Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality is believed is to improve the sexual experience or treat males who have ED. The
to have been born from the sea. Seafoods include oyster, lobster, limited number of studies, unclear mechanisms, and lack of knowledge
mussels, and scallops (Krychman et al., 2007). regarding potential side effects make the use of these products
Other phallic symbols include animal genitals cooked and potentially hazardous and without guaranteed benefits. With sound
consumed whole or in soup. Cow cod soup (Bull penis) in Jamaica, clinical studies, well-understood mechanisms, established lower and
deer penis in China, Ballut (fertilized duck egg) in Philippines, and upper limits, and known drug interactions, prescription and over-the-
boiled goat or ram testicle are traditional examples still used today counter use of these aphrodisiacs for treating sexual inadequacies can
(Shah, 2002; Yakubu et al., 2007). become a reality.
J.P. Melnyk, M.F. Marcone / Food Research International 44 (2011) 840–850 849

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