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Leonardo Da Vinci:

 He studied anatomy

 He was an extraordinary scientist.

 He understood the importance of PRECISE SCINTIFIC OBSERVATION

 He loved nature (when he was a child he was fascinated with trees, plants, florwers, birds, etc)

 His ideas for his inventions, came from his observations

 He never completed his planned works.

 His theories are contained in notebooks, but they did no come to light because they were very
difficult to understand

 He wrote with a special kind of shorthand (escribió con una letra especial) that he invented

 He also mirrored his writing (tambien “reflejó su letra), starting from the righ to the left

Different reasons to understand why he used mirror writing:

1-He made his writing difficult to understand for people who wanted to read and steal (robar) his ideas.

2-He was hiding (estaba escondiendo) his ideas from the Catholic Church

3-He was trying to prevent to make something dirty: writing from the left to the right was a messy because
the ink (la tinta) would smear as his nads moved across it (escribir de izquierda a derecha era un
desorden porque la tinta mancharía cada vez que moves la mano)

 He anticipated many discoveries of modern times. For example: discoveries in meteorology and
geology, etc.

He invented :

1-many ingenius machines,

2- many useful (muchos útiles)

3- a diving suit (un traje para bucear)

4- A flying devices (aparatos que permitían volar) that worked on the principles of aerodynamics

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