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Prepare answer for Weeks 1-2: Math

Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered? Provide pieces of evidence. Upload your work here in
the dropbox.

Let’s be honest, mathematics is very useful in our everyday lives. It is being used long long
time ago that we don’t even realize we are doing math at the moment, the counting of sheep in the
herd, the number of blocks in the pyramids of Egypt and the distance traveled by just walking.
Engineering would not be that accurate if there is no math in our world. According to Jeff
Dekofsky, “mathematics is an invented logic exercise with no existence outside mankind
conscious thought, a language of abstract relationship based on patterns discerned by brains built
to use those patterns to invent useful but artificial order from chaos.” And also according to
German mathematician Leopold Kronecker, “God created the natural numbers, all else is the work
of man”. To support Leopold statement, Eugene Paul Wigner’s book about “The Unreasonable
Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” Pushing the idea that mathematics is real
and discovered by people, he pointed out that many mathematical theories developed in a vacuum
often with no view towards describing any physical phenomenon have proven decades or even
centuries later to be the framework necessary to explain how the universe have been working all
along. In short Mathematics already exists but invented further more to explain how things work
in our own universe.

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