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Unit Nine: World War II, the "Baby Boom," and the Birth of a (Post) Modern Nation

March 18: Preview the unit and World War II; rise of global fascism, neutrality, and Pearl Harbor

March 19: Satire with W.H. Auden; Humor with Thurber, Dorothy Parker, and E.B. White

March 20: Frost and the American home front (not really related…we are just going to study
them on the same day)

March 21: Research Essay Work Day

March 22: Junior Ring Celebration

March 25: Wartime diplomacy, D-Day, introduction to “atomic diplomacy,” prep work for
Monday’s discussion

March 26: Debating the atomic bombs; Hersey

March 27: Postmodernism: Faulkner’s Nobel acceptance speech; “The Lottery”; Marxism

March 28-April 1 Easter Break

April 2 : “Containment” strategies and Red Scare

April 3: Southern Gothic: “A Rose for Emily” and “A Good Man is Hard to Find”

April 4: The Baby Boom and 1950s conformity

April 5: New Historicism review; The Beats and the Beat Generation

April 8: Elvis and Rock ’n ’Roll; Walker’s “1955”

April 9: Review

April 10: Unit 9 Test

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