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LESSON 6 6th Lesson

Sixth Lesson
How does your mom look like? She is short and beautiful
How does your brother look? He is tall and thin
Is your sister tall? Yes, she is / No, she is not.

My mother is Nidia Noguera, She lives in United States, she is short and beautiful, she has
short and dark brown hair, her eyes are dark, she likes shopping, she also likes to watch tv, her
favorite food is lasagna, she also likes salads

Describe your father


Who ? ¿Quien / quienes ?

Where ? ¿Dónde ?
When ? ¿Cuando?
What ? ¿Qué / Cuál ?
Which ? Cuál ? ( seleccionar entre pocas opciones)
How old ? ¿Que edad ?
Whose ? ¿De quién /quienes?
Why ? ¿Porqué?

Who is your teacher? My teacher is Mrs. Smith

Where is your brother? He is at school
When is your birthday? It is on September 9th
What is this? It is my project
How old is she? She is 21 years old
Which is your car? It is the red one
Whose that cell phone? It is my cell phone / It is mine
Why are you late ? Because there was a traffic jam


Who is your mother? ________________________________________________

How old is your father?______________________________________________
What do you do? __________________________________________________
Where does your uncle live? __________________________________________
Do you have pets? __________________________________________________
Whose cellphone is it? ______________________________________________
When is your birthday? _____________________________________________
Is your mother 40 years old? _________________________________________
How old are you? __________________________________________________
Do you live here? ___________________________________________________

Can you describe your mate (husband / wife ) _______________________________


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