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Бердилиева Айгуль, преподаватель

Туркменского Государственного университета имени Махтумкули,

Анадов Шамаммед, студент 5-го курса
Туркменского Государственного университета имени Махтумкули
г. Ашхабат, Туркменистан
Актуальность использования поэзии в обучении иностранным языкам
заключается в том, что поэзия обогащает лингвистический опыт учащихся,
развивает их языковые навыки и способствует лучшему пониманию
культуры страны, язык которой изучается. Целью данной статьи является
рассмотрение методов использования поэзии в процессе обучения
иностранным языкам, а также анализ эффективности такого подхода.
Ключевые слова:
Поэзия, обучение иностранным языкам, методика, эффективность,
культурное понимание.
Berdiliyeva Aygul, teacher
Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Anadov Shamammed, undergraduate student of
Magtymguly Turkmen State University
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The relevance of using poetry in teaching foreign languages lies in the fact that
poetry enriches the linguistic experience of students, develops their language skills
and contributes to a better understanding of the culture of the country whose
language is being studied. The purpose of this article is to consider methods of
using poetry in the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as to analyze the
effectiveness of this approach.
Poetry, foreign language teaching, methodology, effectiveness, cultural
In the context of globalization and increasing cultural exchange, teaching
foreign languages is becoming an integral part of modern education. However, to
effectively master a foreign language, it is necessary not only to master vocabulary
and grammar, but also to have a deep understanding of the culture and mentality of
the country whose language is being studied.
Literature review
In modern linguistics and educational practice there is an extensive body of
literature devoted to the use of poetry in teaching foreign languages. Research
results and practical experience demonstrate the value of poetry as an effective tool
in teaching foreign languages.
One of the classic works in this area is the book by G. Lazar “Literature and
Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers” [2, p. 73]. In this book,
the author examines in detail the methods of using literary works, including poetry,
in the process of teaching foreign languages. She highlights the importance of
literary text as a means for understanding the cultural characteristics of the country
and the language being studied, and focuses on the development of communication
skills through the analysis of poetic works.
Another important source is the work of H.D. Brown “Teaching by
principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy” [1, p. 92]. The author
emphasizes the importance of interactive teaching methods, including working
with poetry, in developing language skills and cultural understanding. He offers a
number of practical recommendations for using poetry in the classroom, and also
explores the psychological aspects of students' perception and adaptation of poetic
An undoubted contribution to the development of methods of teaching
poetry in foreign languages was also made by A. Meili and A. Duff in their book
“Drama Techniques in Language Teaching: A Collection of Communicative
Exercises for Language Teachers” [3, p. 45]. In this work, the authors present an
extensive arsenal of exercises and techniques based on dramaturgical techniques,
including the use of dialogue and poetry to develop students' oral language and
communication skills.
Main part
Methodology of using poetry in teaching a foreign language. The
methodology for using poetry in teaching a foreign language is varied and depends
on the learning objectives, the level of students and the context of the educational
process. One of the most common methods is to read poems aloud, followed by a
discussion of their content, linguistic features and emotional overtones. This
approach allows students not only to become familiar with new words and phrases,
but also to understand the context in which they are used and to feel the emotional
charge that each poem carries with it.
Another method is to analyze the structure of the poem, including rhythm,
rhyme, and the use of figures of speech and metaphors. This helps students
understand how language works, what language is used to express certain ideas
and emotions, and how language can be played with to achieve certain effects.
The use of poetry in various aspects of teaching. Poetry can be involved in
learning in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to develop reading and
listening skills, as well as to develop writing and speaking skills. Poems can serve
as the basis for writing an essay, discussing a particular topic, or leading a debate.
In addition, poetry can be used to broaden students' horizons by allowing them to
become familiar with different cultural traditions and historical events through
exposure to poems from different countries and eras.
The effectiveness of using poetry in teaching a foreign language. Many
studies show that using poetry in foreign language teaching can significantly
improve students' language skills. Poems encourage students to develop skills in
perceiving, analyzing and interpreting text, and also help them master complex
lexical and grammatical structures. In addition, poetry promotes the formation of
an emotional connection with language, which can increase student motivation and
improve learning outcomes.
Integrating poetry into the educational process: challenges and prospects.
However, despite all the advantages of using poetry in teaching a foreign language,
there are also challenges. Some students may have difficulty understanding poetic
texts due to their metaphorical nature and non-standard structure. Therefore, it is
important to provide students with suitable teaching materials and systematically
work on developing their skills in working with poetry.
The use of poetry in foreign language teaching is a powerful tool for
promoting the development of language skills, cultural understanding, and
emotional connection to the target language. However, for maximum effectiveness,
this approach requires competent methodological preparation and constant
improvement of the educational process, taking into account the needs and
characteristics of each group of students.
List of used literature:
1. Brown, H.D. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language
pedagogy. Published by Pearson Education. 2007, p 92.
2. Lazar, G. Literature and language teaching: a guide for teachers and
trainers. Cambridge University Press. 1993, p73.
3. Meili, A., & Duff, A. Drama techniques in language teaching: A
collection of communicative exercises for language teachers. Cambridge
University Press. 2005, p 45.

©Berdiliyeva A., Anadov S., 2024

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