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what kind: the tortoise and the hare

first step: make a base presentation

second step: investigate characteristics about the fable

A fable is a short narrative that typically features animals, plants, or inanimate objects as
characters and conveys a moral lesson or message. The main characteristics of a fable

1.- Simplified Characters: Fables often use animals or other non-human characters that
embody specific traits or characteristics. These characters are usually one-dimensional and
represent certain human qualities or vices.

2. Moral Lesson: Fables aim to teach a moral lesson or impart wisdom. This moral lesson is
usually stated explicitly at the end of the story, making it clear for the reader or listener.

3.Brief and Simple: Fables are usually short and to the point, often consisting of just a few
paragraphs or a few pages. They get straight to the moral message without extensive
character development or subplots.

4. Allegorical: Fables are allegorical in nature, meaning that the characters and events
symbolize or represent deeper ideas or principles. The characters are not meant to be taken
literally but rather as symbolic representations.

To write a fable, you can follow a simple structure:

1. Introduction: Introduce the characters and setting. Establish the problem or conflict that
needs resolution.

2. Conflict: Present the main challenge or dilemma faced by the characters. This challenge
typically relates to the moral lesson you want to convey.

3. Development: Show how the characters attempt to resolve the conflict. They may make
choices or take actions that lead to different outcomes.

4. Climax: The climax is the turning point of the story where the characters face the critical
decision or moment of truth.

5. Resolution: The story reaches its conclusion, and the characters' actions result in the
moral lesson becoming evident.

6. Moral Lesson: Conclude the fable by explicitly stating the moral lesson or message that
the story conveys.

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