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3/16/24, 1:51 AM Quiz: Article 3 Assignment

Article 3 Assignment
Started: Mar 14 at 10:16am

Quiz Instructions
After reading Article 3, answer the following questions. Each question has two parts. You can either
answer each question independently or create a short paragraph that answers both questions. Either
choice works but be sure to write your responses in complete sentences. If a question can be answered
with a "yes" or "no", there still needs to be a complete sentence.

For example, the first question asks who the author of the article is. Rather than just stating the name,
create a sentence. (The author of this article is ....).

Question 1 10 pts

Authority and Credibility:

Who is the author? (If there is more than one author, be sure to mention all of them)
What organization or institution is behind the website or article?
Are there citations or references supporting the information provided?

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3/16/24, 1:51 AM Quiz: Article 3 Assignment

Question 2 10 pts

Currency and Timeliness:

When was the article or website published or last updated?

Is the information current and relevant to the topic being discussed? Use examples to explain why or
why not. (Our topic is Social Media and Its Impact on Society).

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Question 3 10 pts

Purpose and Objectivity:

What is the main purpose of the article or website? Explain why you think this.(e.g., informative,
persuasive, entertainment)
Does the article or website present multiple perspectives or only one viewpoint? 2/4
3/16/24, 1:51 AM Quiz: Article 3 Assignment

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Question 4 10 pts

Clarity and Readability:

Is the information presented in a clear and understandable manner?

Are there spelling or grammatical errors that might impact the credibility of the content?

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Question 5 10 pts

1. Impact and Relevance:

How does the article or website contribute to the current understanding of the topic? 3/4
3/16/24, 1:51 AM Quiz: Article 3 Assignment

Is the information presented likely to have an impact or influence on its audience? Explain why or
why not.

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