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The Greatest Lesson I’ve learned in Life so far

So far so good. Throughout the lifetime that I have had experienced thus far, many things of
great and less notoriety have occurred. Such is the life of a human being. However, even if
these events, may it be good or bad, I had…no scratch that, we had to have experience those
things in order for us to grow, to develop and reign over our past self. Change is a constant
and not many people know that I fear change. Because I know that as long as time will go,
changes happen. Whether those changes cause beneficial or harmful effect, at the end of it all
a thing, a person, a place would indefinitely not be the same as it was. People who you once
call as friends may change and could have a possibility to stray away due to traits developed
over years heck decades of living. And it may result to certain things to happen such as the
destruction of a bond thought to be as strong as steel. Alas even steel rust and decay as time
passes on.

I am not writing this speech with a message that you should fear change, as I will not allow
myself to make the tone and attitude of this declamation of sorts to be a negative one. Instead
I feel like saying that, yes change is inevitable. But do not dwell on sulking due to changes.
Because even you can change. Don’t fear it embrace it. Accept that yes those were your
friends and you did have spent a lot of memories together. And that those people grew up and
it doesn’t mean that they don’t wanna spend time with you. They just have their own lives,
their own problems to solve, their own priorities. They probably met new people along with
new friends. Maybe even you met people you hang along with really well. A part of the past
will linger and will give you a statement such as “Ahhhh those were the good days”. But keep
in mind the good days are now- The present. Just stay positive because no matter what the
people who you journeyed with, are the people who you should value most.

To conclude my greatest lesson that I’ve learned as of now, is to mostly see change and hug it
as if it were a cute chubby cat. For in life the past can never be changed and instead it’ll haunt
us. But you know you live and you learn. And you welcome change with open arms.
Hopefully when in the future happens, I would read this again, for comfort.

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