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You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that

your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust.
Many appreciate you, admire you and love you.
Throughout of my entire life, there’s one person who influenced me the most
and when I talk about an ideal person, one person comes to my mind and it was my
brother namely Jayson. Though he was not perfect, his life embodied what I would refer
to as the ideal personality. I eventually see him as one of the ideal person that
everyone’s want to be. He’s typically a man who has lots of dreams because he is a
man with high ambitions in life. He works everything just to pass and graduate even
though his parents are already gone because of super typhoon Yolanda and now he
had stand independently, acting like a brave student and working during night time as
well. In other words, he was typically a man that does not depending on other people no
matter how hard life he had been experiencing. What I like him the most is that he’s
always fully sincere with his work, always has a smile on his face no matter what he is
facing, he’s always ready to change. He never looks down on people but sees the good
qualities of others and tries to inculcate them and most of all many people see how he’s
always passionate to his dreams and always enthusiastic with a shine on his face and I
never see him
I admired him so much for thousandths of reasons and some of those I saw
him as a responsible person. He is not just only a friend of mine but for me he is my
best friend and a teacher too. He has means a lot to me. He was my inspiration and the
reason that keeps on motivating me to improve my studies even more. There’s an
instances also that he was good in comforting other people and I could say that he was
the right person that could totally considered as a trustworthy person because no matter
what the situation is, you will realize that he’s always willing to listen all your thoughts
and feelings. He’s the one who made me realized that from time to time, you need to dig
deep into the black hole within your soul that scares you the most. You need to look into
that hard mirror of truth and tell yourself the things you fear the most. You need to walk
through that hurting path, because you need a fresh start. Often times I experience a
kind of depression but because of her personality push me to become a better woman.
He really made me realized that too many people get used to struggles and we even
start to see that as a way of life. Struggling is not totally avoidable but then one must
have the right perspective of how life and struggles are connected. To achieve anything
great, you definitely have to do some reasonable amount of struggling. However, life
could be beautiful even regardless of the struggles. It usually made me think that
despite of all the problems, you don’t have to be stuck on the struggle that you refuse to
be a part of life, there’s so many people waiting on you to show them that they deserve
to live, so breath a bit and live life even in the struggles.

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