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Pneumonia is a prevalent and severe form of acute lower respiratory infection. To what extent immunity
provides protection and to what extent inflammation causes harm determines the course of a lower
respiratory infection. Coordinating these responses to prevent infection and safeguard the tissue are
intercellular and interorgan signaling networks. These immune responses are triggered and guided by lung
cells, with the circulation providing additional immunity effectors. Resilience and resistance depend on the
reactions of extrapulmonary tissues, such as the bone marrow and liver. In addition to being ineffective,
reactions in the extrapulmonary and pulmonary organs can cause both acute and long-term comorbidities
following a respiratory infection.


In rare cases, pneumonia can worsen conjunctivitis or otitis media (ear infection), especially in young

Breathing difficulties, fever, chills, and an accumulation of fluid or pus in the lungs' air sacs are all
indications of pneumonia. Because the lungs swell with fluid as a result of the infection, it becomes more
difficult for the lungs to expel carbon dioxide and deliver oxygen to the blood, which can result in
respiratory failure.

Pneumonia causes the body's beneficial bacteria count to drastically drop, which has a detrimental impact
on the digestive tract. Fatigue results from the body's inability to metabolize food efficiently. The body's
inability to properly absorb nutrients from food causes fatigue quickly and has an impact on general health.
You should thus constantly concentrate on consuming the proper nutrients that will support your

Pneumonia can impact the immune system by inflaming the lungs' air sacs, which leads to the
accumulation of fluid and difficulty breathing. Severe instances may result in septic shock and bacteremia,
an infection that spreads via the bloodstream. Furthermore, it can make it harder to fight off infections
since it weakens the immune system. This is especially true for those whose immune systems are
compromised, such those who have HIV/AIDS or are undergoing chemotherapy.


Following acute, severe pneumonia, patients frequently experience neurological problems. But little is still
known about the underlying mechanics. Here, researchers demonstrate that endogenous bacteria
undergoing pneumonia may translocate from the lung to the brain, contributing to the neurological
symptoms following severe acute pneumonia. The brain's bacteria may have originated from the lungs, as
evidenced by similarities between the flora species of the brain and the lungs discovered by main
components analysis.

Because of the way pneumonia affects the cardiovascular system, it can cause systemic inflammation,
which can alter blood vessels and raise the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular
problems. Furthermore, pneumonia can cause acute heart failure, worsening of underlying cardiac
arrhythmias, and an increase in heart rate, particularly in elderly individuals.
Pneumonia can have an impact on one's mental health in addition to their physical health. Psychological
effects, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and sleep difficulties, have been noted in patients with
pneumonia, according to the research. Individuals suffering from severe pneumonia are at an increased
risk of developing comorbidities and psychological illnesses such as sadness and anxiety.

Goldman, R. (2018, January 20). The Effects of Pneumonia on the Body. Healthline.

Ahc, T. R. M. L. (2022, October 13). An Inflammatory Response: Cardiovascular Complications of

Pneumonia. Pulmonology Advisor.

Arlo, L. (2023, January 3). How Does Pneumonia Affect The Digestive System? Dey HealthCare.

Ma, Q., Yao, C., Wu, Y., Wang, H., Fan, Q., Yang, Q., Xu, J., Dai, H., Zhang, Y., Xu, F., Lu, T., Dowling,
J. K., & Wang, C. (2023, October 20). Neurological disorders after severe pneumonia are associated with
translocation of endogenous bacteria from the lung to the brain. Science Advances, 9(42).

S. (2023, October 5). Can pneumonia cause hearing loss? Almond Hearing - Hearing Clinics in Central

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