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Sponsored content is a digital marketing strategy consisting of the creation and

dissemination of relevant and quality content, with the aim of promoting a brand, product or

Unlike traditional ads, sponsored content seeks to engage the target audience in a subtle
and non-intrusive way, offering useful and interesting information.

Sponsored Content offers a number of benefits for brands that use it as a marketing strategy.
Some of the main benefits are: increased brand visibility, audience engagement, credibility
and trust, audience segmentation, and measurement of results.

Sponsored content can be spread in different formats, such as articles, infographic videos,
podcasts, and more. The idea is to create content that is relevant to the target audience and
that is aligned with the values and goals of the sponsoring brand.

Some consequences are: increase in conversion rate, generate interest and engagement,
highlight products, services, content, etc.; Improves company positioning, increases brand
recognition, increases brand recognition, reaches niche audiences, greater benefit from

The consequences for the public are a greater desire to buy a certain product because of the
way in which the advertising was reported, and, consequently, a greater spending of money
on unnecessary things.

Nike: Shared inspiring stories about athletes and their journeys of overcoming.
IBM: Created relevant content on innovation and technology for IT professionals.
Salesforce: Shared insights on sales and leadership.
Adobe: Focused on creativity and design.
HubSpot: Addressed marketing and sales topics.
Dell: Shared customer success stories and enterprise solutions.

You can avoid always looking for the veracity of this type of advertising disguised as news,
or relevant information, observing who is disseminating, and above all, never trust things that
are too flashy, unless they are spread in reliable media

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