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Nama : Febri Ayu Lestari

Kelas : X IPS 1

Bahasa Inggris (Subject & Object Pronoun)


1. I come to Bandung every month.

2. He spends the weekend by playing the guitar.

3. They told me that they sent email to each other everyday.

4. We plan to visit Thailand next year.

5. We can climb Bromo Mountain together on July.

6. I am going to introduce her to one of my pen pals in Malaysia.

7. Lolita told me that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in


8. My friends and I have regular meetings with pen pal seeker group. You can
join it anytime.

9. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with

10. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She
talked about it frequently these days.

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