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Ancient egypt vs

ancient greece
When it comes to ancient civilizations, Ancient Egypt and ancient
Greece are definitely two of the most fascinating and breath-
taking civilizations known to man. They were both very interesting
civilizations with very interesting cultures. And while they were
both quite different cultures, and had very different aspects due to
them being located in different geographical regions, they also
had very similar aspects as well.

Ancient Egyptian art started as rock carvings depicting the order
of life or the stories of the gods while on the other hand, Greeks
mainly worked on clay and mud to form statues. Egyptian art was
different from Greek art ,Rather than striving to create the most
accurate or artistically profound pieces of art. Egyptians had the
goal of depicting balance and history to keep the rigid principles
God had laid out in the universe, much of Egyptian art tells stories
or uses symbols to convey a specific message. The Goodbye Art
Academy, for instance, emphasizes how people were depicted in
different sizes and skin tones as a way to distinguish occupation,
gender, and class. As such, the methodology behind Egyptian
paintings focused on giving out as much information as possible.
Greek art served both as a means of conveying information and
as a way for practicing celebrated principles. Some later pieces of
Greek art were sometimes signed by their creators, which is
probably something you wouldn't have seen with the traditional
Egyptian art, Greek style is commonly associated with anatomy
and the celebration of the human figure.

There was a difference in how ancient Greeks and Egyptians

perceived religion. The Egyptians believed the pharaoh was some
sort of god who was only answerable to higher gods. The ancient
Egyptians thought that life doesn't end on earth. they thought that
when they died they would meet Osiris in the afterlife, the
Egyptian god of rebirth,just like the Greeks, the Egyptians
attributed human characteristics to their gods: the physical body,
shadow, name, spirit, personality, spirit or soul….etc

The Greeks also had a very interesting religion system with

different gods. Zeus was the king and ruler of the other gods, and
there were many gods and goddesses that the Greeks believed ,
such as the god of war (Ares) and the goddess of love

On the other hand,the greeks also thought that life didnt just end
on earth and souls got judged as the souls entered the
underworld to be judged by (Hades) the god of the underworld,.
Therefore , both the Egyptians as well as the Greeks placed a
great deal of importance on death and the afterlife.

Government systems
The Egyptians had a system where one king ruled over the entire
land. On the other hand, ancient Greeks believed that every city-
state should have its own government and leader.

Most scholars thought that the want for large buildings, such as
the pyramids, needed hundreds or even thousands of laborers
(slaves). And a system that would give many laborers at the
service of the king was very important. Social satisfaction was
very important for the egyptians. However,both of those
civilizations had an upper class made up of landowners,and all of
these upperclassmen had their very own slaves and peasants.
Religious priests were also a part of the upperclassmen, as they
had a great impact in political things.The polis was the main
government system of Greece. It was a large community that
played a very important role in shaping Greek culture. The polis
was a hierarchical society built on the belief of citizenship. The
Greek polis consisted of three classes: upper class, middle class
and peasants ( slaves). But they didn't need the government to
give them basic necessities and paid no taxes.On the other hand
The pharaohs in Egypt had a different way of governing, the
pharaoh was the main ruler of Egypt, and, unlike the Greek
government, the general public in egypt did not have a say or in
the government.

In conclusion both civilizations of ancient egypt and ancient
greece were two very fascinating civilizations with very different
cultures but also at the sametime they had some similar talking
points such as their art, religion and government.

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