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스테파노 윤동욱t 010-2587-4776 영덕여고 해커스단어 1학년 1학기 기말고사대비 영영풀이

단어 해커스 영영풀이
Process a systematic series of actions directed to some end
Separate to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space
Attend to be present at
Appropriate suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion
Destroy to reduce to useless fragments, wreckage, or remains
Efficient performing or functioning in the best possible manner
Guilty having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong
Colony a group of people who leave their native country to form a settlement in a new land
Extend to stretch out; draw out to the full length
Vice an immoral or evil habit or practice
Resort to have recourse for use, help, or accomplishing something
Burst to break, break open, or fly apart with sudden violence
Favorable presenting conditions that are likely to result in success
Mold a hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something
Boost to increase or improve
Calculation the act or process of calculating
Soar to fly upward, as a bird
Diversify to make or become more diverse or varied
Impatience the state of being impatient, restless, or short of temper
Administer to manage or direct
Staple a basic or principal item, feature, or element
Belly the front part of the human body below the chest, containing the stomach, intestines, and other organs
Entrust to assign the responsibility of doing something to someone
Monk a man who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons, especially as a member of an order of cenobites living according to a
particular rule and under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Auction a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder
Wither to shrivel or fade away
Subtract to take away or deduct
Continuum a continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division
Dose a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time
Detract to take away a part, as from quality, value, or reputation
Subsidize to furnish or aid with a subsidy
Laborious requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance
Deterioration the act or process of deteriorating or the state of being deteriorated
Inhale to breathe in
Fuse to join or blend into a single entity
Present being, existing, or occurring at this time or now
General of or relating to all persons or things belonging to a group or category
Perspective a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something
Engage to occupy the attention or efforts of
Mechanism an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine
Enhance to raise to a higher degree; intensify
Insist to be emphatic, firm, or resolute about something
Discharge to release or let go
Wage payment for work or services
Bind to fasten or secure with a band, belt, or cord
Interrupt to stop or hinder by breaking in upon
Conceal to hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep from sight
Precede to come before in order, rank, or time
Trace a mark or line left by anything passing over a surface
Strive to exert oneself vigorously; try hard
Merchandise goods that are bought and sold in business
Prehistoric of or relating to the time or a period prior to recorded history
Dilute to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or another solvent
Prescribe to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed
Provision a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso
Deceive to mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude
Postpone to put off to a later time; defer
Spontaneous performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination
Compensate to make up for something unwelcome or unpleasant by exerting an opposite force or effect
Headquarters the main office or center of control of an organization
Decode to convert (data or a message) from a code into its original form
Microbe a microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation
Erode to eat into or away; destroy by slow consumption or disintegration
Recur to occur or appear again, as an event, experience, etc.
Choke to stop the breath of by squeezing or obstructing the windpipe; strangle
Compress to press together; force into less space
Perplex to puzzle or confuse
Reciprocate to give, feel, or do in return

스테파노 윤동욱t 010-2587-4776 영덕여고 해커스단어 1학년 1학기 기말고사대비 영영풀이

Summon to call upon to do something specified

Slender slim or slight in build or figure
Participant a person who takes part in something
Desire a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment
Industrial of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry
Attract to draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach or adhere
Distinguish to recognize as distinct or different
Urgent compelling or requiring immediate action or attention
Defend to uphold or maintain one's point or claim with arguments or evidence
Sincerely genuinely or truly
Translate to turn from one language into another or from a foreign language into one's own
Representative a person or thing that represents another or others
Innocent free from moral wrong; without sin
Profession a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science
Genuine possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin
Flip to toss or put in motion with a sudden impulse, as with a snap of a finger and thumb, especially so as to cause to turn over in the air
Privilege a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group
Herd a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live, feed, or migrate together
Diabetes any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production
Rigid stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible
Awe an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc.
Toll a payment or fee exacted by the state, the local authorities, etc., for some right or privilege
Bound obliged; certain
Respective pertaining individually or severally to each of a number of persons, things, etc.
Vicious addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral
Hinder to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in
Itinerary a detailed plan for a journey, especially a list of places to visit
Equate to regard, treat, or represent as equivalent
Barbarous uncivilized; wild; savage
Geothermal of or relating to the internal heat of the earth
Repel to drive or force back; cause to shrink or recede
Rehabilitate to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like
Impart to make known; tell; relate; disclose
Consolidate to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole
Synonymous having the character of synonyms or a synonym; equivalent in meaning
Universal of, relating to, or characteristic of all or the whole
Enchant to delight to a high degree
Recently of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening or done
Conflict a fight, battle, or struggle
Maintain to keep in existence or continuance
Motivate to provide with a motive or reason
Recall to bring back from memory; recollect
Absence the state of being away or not present
Consistent in agreement or harmony with something else
Sequence a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other
Strike to hit, wound, or kill with a missile, weapon, or other object
Molecule the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more atoms
Manufacture to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale
Defeat to overcome in a contest, competition, etc.; prevail over; vanquish
Advocate to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument
Distort to twist awry or out of shape; make crooked or deformed
Ethnic pertaining to or characteristic of a people, especially a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language,
or the like
Misconception a mistaken view, opinion, or judgment about something
Hemisphere one half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere, especially the half north or south of the equator
Render to cause to be or become; make
Fragile easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle
Testimony evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof
Sprout to begin to grow; shoot forth, as a plant from a seed
Sarcastic using irony or ridicule to mock or convey contempt
Consent permission, approval, or agreement
Dialect a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group
Avalanche a large mass of snow, ice, etc., detached from a mountain slope and sliding or falling suddenly downward
Nomadic of, relating to, or characteristic of nomads or their way of life
Integrity adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character
Despise to regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain
Dwindle to become smaller and smaller; shrink; waste away
Multitude a great number; a multitude
Eligible fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of choice; desirable

스테파노 윤동욱t 010-2587-4776 영덕여고 해커스단어 1학년 1학기 기말고사대비 영영풀이

Thesis a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections
Dispense to deal out; distribute
Shabby impaired by wear, use, etc.; worn
Ingenious characterized by cleverness or originality
Offer to present for acceptance or rejection; proffer
Refer to direct for information or anything required
Reunion an instance of coming together again
Principle an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct
Acquire to come into possession or ownership of; get as one's own
Ingredient a component or element of something
Label a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership,
destination, etc.
Abandon to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly
Substance that of which a thing consists; physical matter or material
Seal a device or substance that is used to join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from
passing between them
Publication the act or process of publishing; the communication of information to the public
Foster to promote the growth or development of; further; encourage
Gaze to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder
Descendant a person or animal that is descended from a specific ancestor or group of ancestors
Browse to look leisurely at goods displayed for sale, window-shop
Profound having deep meaning or significance; deep or intense
Discard to cast aside or dispose of; get rid of
Attorney a lawyer; a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters
Compound composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients
Devise to contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas
Depict to represent or portray in words; describe
Destiny the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events
Gratitude the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful
Merge to cause to combine or coalesce; unite
Humility the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
Reside to dwell permanently or for a considerable time
Mandatory required by law or rules; compulsory
Sanction authoritative permission or approval, as for an action
Timid lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy
Remnant a remaining, usually small part, quantity, number, or the like
Candid frank; outspoken; open and sincere
Speculate to engage in thought or reflection; meditate
Freight goods, cargo, or lading transported for pay
Specimen a part or an individual taken as exemplifying a whole mass or number
Sanitary of or relating to the conditions that affect hygiene and cleanliness

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