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The film: plot, good and bad points, visual/sound effects, soundtrack,
actors ́ performance, etc.

Plot: When the Uruguayan plane carrying players from Montevideo´s Old
Christians Club rugby team crashes in the remote heart of the Andes
mountain range, the survivors are forced to depend on each other to
Good points: The film is very well made and the actors have gone through
very strong physical changes to film it.

Visual/sound effects and soundtrack: the makeup of the actors, the

crashed and destroyed plane are very real ande the sound effects contains

original soundtrack and has six special effects.

Actors performance: They are Uruguayan and Argentine actors, they are
young people who have played a film based on real events.

4. Conclusion: personal opinion about the film and the story.

The movie is very heavy because of everything they had to do to survive in
real life, this movie has a well-deserved Oscar for the acting of the actors,
the effects...

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