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Western and eastern philosophy summarizes that in the west, they strive or
make an effort to find and prove "the truth." It simply means that to find and prove
the truth, you need to make an effort, be practical enough to do work, and be
scientific to make good progress. On the other hand, in the east, they accept the truth
as given and are more interested in finding the balance. This implies that the truth is
acceptable for them to attain balance regarding our emotions, spiritual behaviors,
perspectives, and many more related to the concept.
For me, the difference between western and eastern philosophy is that they
have different beliefs, perspectives, and approaches to the "truth." Western and
eastern philosophy concepts can be applied to our daily lives in terms of
characteristics, beliefs, perspectives, and so on in how we act as humans. Each of
these aspects can help you become more conscious and aware of the benefits and
drawbacks of each personality or characteristic and how this affects people and
I realized that both eastern and western philosophical perspectives influenced
my human personality, characteristics, perspectives, and beliefs. The eastern concept
is that they are very religious and apply virtuousness to everything they do to find the
balance of all human beliefs, perspectives, and so on. They are efficient in western
concepts, doing work for the well-being of society and finding paths to prove the
"truth." I like both of their concepts because you can relate to becoming fully aware
and conscious of your capabilities and capacities to contribute to a specific society.

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