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Round 1

1. "I like my cars like I like my relationships,

2. I like my kisses like I like my wine,
3. I like my chemistry like I like my fireworks
4. I like my encounters like I like my lingerie
5. "I like my adventures like I like my lovers
6. I like my nights out like I like my whiskey
7. "I like my jokes like I like my desserts
8. I like my hobbies like I like my medicine

Round 2
1. Afraid - Know any good rope jokes? I'm a frayed knot
2. Mug - Why do coffee cups avoid the city? They're afraid to get mugged
3. Jurassic - Why shouldn't you argue with a dinosaur? You'll get jurasskicked
4. Patience - I want to be a doctor, but I don't have enough patience.

Round 3
1. Pirate + fashion = Why did the pirate wear a patch over his eye during fashion week?
Because he couldn't arrrgg-gue with the latest trends!
2. Zombie + dance = Why don't zombies ever win dance competitions? Because they've
got no body rhythm, just a lot of soul!
3. Astronaut + gardening = Why did the astronaut start a garden on the moon? Because
he wanted to see if the plants would rocket-grow!
4. Vampire + beach = Why don't vampires go to the beach? Because they're allergic to
5. Clown + detective = Why was the clown hired as a detective? Because he always
found the punchline... even in a crime scene!
6. Superhero + laundry = Why did the superhero do laundry in outer space? Because he
needed to get his capes clean without any "stains" in gravity!
7. Wizard + grocery shopping = Why did the wizard bring a wand to the grocery store?
Because he wanted to "bag" some magical deals!
8. Dragon + job interview = Why did the dragon fail the job interview? Because it couldn't
handle the "fiery" questions!
9. Mermaid + karaoke = Why don't mermaids ever win karaoke competitions? Because
they always sing off-scale!
10. Werewolf + hair salon = Why did the werewolf go to the hair salon? Because it wanted
a howling makeover!

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