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Manuscripts, Codexes

The New Testament, the part of the Bible that talks about Jesus and the early Christian church, was
first written a long time ago. To make more copies, people wrote it by hand. These handwritten copies
are called "manuscripts" or "codices." Some were on papyrus, which is like very early paper, while others
were on animal skin.

Some of these old copies, like Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, are written in big letters, and
they have both the Old and New Testaments. Others are written in smaller, more cursive letters and
came later.

There are also translations of the New Testament into different languages, and even some early
Christian writings quote parts of it. All of these old copies and writings help scholars figure out what the
original New Testament said and how it was used in the past. They make sure the Bibles we read today
are as accurate as possible.

Codex Sinaiticus

The Siniticus Codex, also known as Codex Sinaiticus, is a very ancient manuscript of the Christian
Bible. It's thought to have been written in the 4th century and is often seen as one of the earliest
complete copies of the New Testament. This codex is in Greek and has both the Old and New
Testaments, along with some other early Christian writings.

Codex Sinaiticus was found in the mid-19th century at St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai
Peninsula by the biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf. It's highly valuable for scholars and
theologians researching the Bible because of its early origin and the excellent quality of its text.

Today, the Siniticus Codex is split among four institutions: the British Library, the National Library of
Russia, the Leipzig University Library, and St. Catherine's Monastery. It provides important insights into
the history of the Bible's text and is a crucial resource for understanding the development of Christian

Alexandrinus codex

The Alexandrinus Codex is an ancient Bible manuscript that's pretty old, from around the 5th century.
What's special about it is that it has lots of the Old Testament in Greek, which was a big deal back then,
and it also includes the New Testament.

They call it "Alexandrinus" because it somehow got linked to Alexandria, Egypt, a long time ago.
Today, most of it is kept safe in the British Library in London.
One interesting thing is that the order of the books in the New Testament is a bit different in this
manuscript compared to others. This has caught the attention of people who study the Bible closely, like
scholars and theologians.

By comparing this codex with other old versions, they can see how the Bible's text has changed and
evolved over time. So, it's like a puzzle piece in understanding the history of the Christian scriptures.

Vigilanus codex

Codex Vigilanus, also known as the "Vigilanus," it is like a really old book from the 10th century. It was
made in a place that's now part of Spain. What's cool about it is that it's not just a plain old book; it's
filled with pictures and writings. The pictures are all colorful and fancy.

Inside the book, there's talk about rules from big church meetings, laws, and things about religion.
They call it Codex Vigilanus because maybe a bishop named Vigila had a hand in making it.

This book is like a time machine that takes us back to see what life was like in old Spain. And guess
what? It's not lost or gone; it's kept safe in the Spanish National Library in Madrid. So, people can still
look at it today and learn about how things were a long, long time ago. It's like a history book with lots of
cool pictures, kind of like a storybook for grown-ups.

Ephraemi Rescriptus codex

Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus is like a super old book with a secret inside. Way back in the 5th century,
someone wrote about the Bible in Greek, especially the New Testament, in this book. But then, another
person erased those words and wrote new ones on top. These new words were by a Christian thinker
named Ephraem the Syrian.

Now, this special book lives in a big library in France, in Paris. It's like a cool mystery because smart
folks are trying to find out what the old words were. It's kind of like a treasure hunt for words that helps
us travel back in time and learn about really ancient stuff. Think of it like an old book with a hidden story
just waiting to be uncovered.

Codex Boreelianus

Codex Boreelianus is like an old book from around 1,200 years ago, and it's written in Greek. But it's
not the whole New Testament, just parts of it - the books of Luke and John.

What's neat is how they wrote it with these big, fancy letters. And, in the margins, there are notes
and comments, kind of like what you might scribble in the margins of your own books.

Today, this old book is looked after in Germany, in a place called the University Library in Leipzig.
Even though it's not as famous as some other old books, it's still a big deal for people who study the
Bible because it helps them understand how people used to read and think about it a long time ago. It's
like a peek into the past through an old book.

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