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so have a balanced approach

another thing is

take an integrated view in the sense

understand what are the overlapping


and even what you study in General

Studies that form a background of the


I also encounter this to uh this

particular question what is the

difference in writing answers in

optional and GS and Aristotle has made

the separation any classic of our time


philosopher scholar

ncrt classes

foreign foreign

cup of tea and I'm happy to see all of


and I hope you enjoy the subject that

will be my purpose not just that you get

to know the subject

I would ensure that you fall in love

with the subject

good afternoon all of you

and welcome to the class

and I'm happy to see all of you

and I hope you enjoy the subject that

will be my purpose not just that you get

to know the subject

I would ensure that you fall in love

with the subject and also uh I will also

ensure that you get the required

confidence which is needed for the exam

and to write good answers

now before starting political science uh

like the lecture

I would like for all of you to remember


don'ts nose don'ts and please don't do

that fine so first don't is don't

practice answer writing

fine so if you will practice answer

writing now

that will be a sheer wastage of time


answer writing of one particular topic

needs the integration of lot many things

and before knowing the subject properly

I have seen the movement I start

teaching students start writing but that

is useless

fine so there is no such need rather the

focus should be on understanding the


writing comes later

whenever you develop any knowledge or

you gain any knowledge there is always

the three components of learning

one component is always understanding

fine so focus should be only on

understanding the things

and there should be attempt for that you

understand the concept here in the class


political science is not a rocket

science it's not a big deal political

science politics is a part of our

day-to-day life

don't get yourself

overpowered by lot many narratives that

this is this you require a lot of

academic background etc for the subject

no nothing is required

the only thing that I expect that will

improve your performance is your own

feel good Factor

fine so just stay calm compost I always

suggest civil services examination is

not a knowledge examination

it is just a personality examination

it has nothing to do with gaining

expertise in the subject

don't study like a Specialists you have

to study it like a generalist not like a

specialist so the next don't is don't

run after books

there is nothing in the book everything

is in the class and finally it should

also not be in your notebook it should

be only in your mind whatever concept it

should be Implement imprinted in your


fine try to just change the way you have

been studying just feel comfortable

don't get overpowered that Plato was

some very extraordinarily great

philosopher and I will be having lot of

difficulty in understanding so we

unnecessarily complicate the things

things are not complicated things are

simple keep it simple

focus should be on understanding the


second rather than imitating the

language of any book you should come up

with your own language you should

develop your ability to express the

things that you feel

okay language plays a very important

role in Humanities and you have to

develop the language that you can speak

you will understand the day you can

explain the concept to someone only that

day you understand that I have got the

understanding otherwise no so objective

should be suppose if I discuss Plato's

theory of idea you should have that

capacity that if you meet someone you

can explain Plato's theory of idea till

that time it is not complete and the

moment you will be able to reach to that

level it's not difficult it will not

come running after books or notes it

will only come when you understand what

is being discussed in the class and try

to understand so there is no need to run

after books now the third thing is

there is a misconception that you will

get many lot of marks if you quote lot

many thinkers lot many analysts it is

not the case

fine the thing is this used to be the


but every time

you have to change you have to give

something new to The upsc Examiner

fine so political science neither

earlier anyone was teaching and I

believe not in future they will be

teaching fine so even this trend that

answer should come up with some analyst

comments Etc

this thing I started but that needs to

be changed fine don't follow don't think

that this year the topper has got marks

because of this style of writing so it

is assured that next time also this will


because you should bring fresh


and don't do anything that unnecessarily


students keep on running after the

scholars without understanding without

developing an understanding of their own

for example if we discuss India and

Pakistan relations if your concepts are

not clear

no amount of Scholars that you will

write will help Scholars should be

quoted only when you are in a position

to First write your own understanding

so no need to panic

now next no is don't consider that

political science is current affairs

okay even in international relations it

is not current affairs so don't run

madly after current affairs

political science be it international

relations it is all based on Concepts

once you understand the things

theoretically once you understand why

central Asia is important once you

understand why Afghanistan is important

even if you just do imaginary things

okay in Afghanistan it is important

India has to be there

today we may not have connectivity so we

are not present to that extent but that

does not mean in future we should not be


fine so even if few things are just

hypothetical but you know the right

thing that ultimately that should be the

end game that should be the end of

India's China policy that is more than


from exams point of view the current

things will matter which will come in

papers after prelims

I have seen in paper questions coming

just two three days before the paper


fine so from now onwards there is no

need that you panic for current affairs

consider it as a very very Dynamic it is

not dynamic

fine see India Pakistan relations the

Kashmir issue what is new into that

it is there since 1947

any change has happened

where is the current

you have to know why there is a dispute

what are probable Solutions

so don't trouble yourself with the

things which are not important and

ignoring the things where because you

have limited time

either you can do unnecessary things or

you can do Necessary Things what will

you do

Necessary Things fine so these are

certain mistakes students do and uh this

is what so no need to start writing

answers from the day even if you have

political science background

and preparation has to be balanced find

General Studies two times the marks and

political science so have a balanced


another thing is

take an integrated view in the sense

understand what are the overlapping


and even what you study in General

Studies that form a background of the


I also encounter this to uh this

particular question what is the

difference in writing answers in

optional and GS

fine so

this is not the right time to ask this

question because at present neither you

can write JS answers nor you can write

political science answers fine so right

now you should be able to develop a

mental framework suppose if I teach

India Pakistan you should have a mental

framework what is the history what is

the issue what are the challenges what

are the opportunities what should be so

you should know what you are supposed to

understand to handle a particular issue

fine and whether you had Humanities

background or not it doesn't matter if

you from today onwards if you match the


fine so go for revision but do mental


fine go just try to recollect what has

been discussed in the class

now to gain good marks in the subject

ultimately you should have command over

the language fine Now command over the

language does not mean command over

English language command over the

language of political science

okay so when I talk about command over

the language of political science it

basically means you should know that


fine you should be very clear what is

socialism and how socialism differs from


fine what is neoliberalism and how it

differs from welfare state

so the best way for revision of

political sciences

after every class whatever terms are

used just keep on noting down in one


fine have a separate register

in the today's lecture if any term come

just keep noting down these terms

and just see whether you can explain

this term to someone or not

if I use the term realism if I use the

term materialism if I use the term

imperialism colonialism

if any student come to me

with a Clarity on terminology even after

prelims they will clear the exam

thought terminology

political science

humko's language


how many terms ma'am has used

and can I explain those terms or not

Civil Service you want to go for civil

services you want to get selected so you

will do unnecessary things or necessary

so unnecessary thing is
very limited

make best use of time

or political science

rest is a story

to express what you want for that you

should have a repository of the terms

that should be taken only from the class

and this is a Humanity subject so there

is nothing wrong nothing right

anything that appears sensible for

example if I say India should not send

military to Afghanistan but you can have

a difference of opinion also

if political science is most democratic


most democratic subject means different

points of views are accepted everything

is okay subject to the condition you

have a logic to support your point of


fine so this is what is to be understood

just relax and enjoy the subject don't

get unnecessarily troubled with current

affairs terminologies thinkers

difference between political science and

GS answers

and also political science like students

always uh you should try to whenever you

have to go for civil services we should

try to maximize our strength

fine so what is your natural strength

the natural strength of yours will be of

course the optional is going to give you

a very clear perspective and a very

different type of confidence in some

papers of General Studies

fine so even if you just focus you

should have a strategy to do every

something fine so for Mains if you will

just focus on

your optional your ethics paper

and your GS2

essay essay you are anyway going to

write much better because now the

philosophical essays are coming just

focus on those four areas and Mains will

be you will have much comfort and ease

in means

there is no need to do everything with

equal emphasis you should know you

should be selective in your approach the

person who tries to do everything with

equal amount of intensity and effort

that's not a right approach

you should know the priority how to

prioritize the things and the strategy

for Preparation should keep on changing

from time to time the same strategy

cannot remain throughout

okay and I will always suggest more than

your political science you give your

time to your General Studies preparation

because prelims is also important you

prepare General Studies

major preparation of General Studies is

done while doing the prelims preparation

okay so no tensions let us start




uh we will first start with

paper one and I will dictate then you

write focus more on understanding


you first write

paper one section A

and the topic is Western political



now when I use the term Western

political thought

you should be very clear of all the

three terms


someone like these very basic things are

even asked in interview Define political

what is political thought

how political thought differs from

political science political philosophy

find political Theory though it is just

a starting thing you should be very

clear that you are studying Western

thought or you are studying philosophy

or Theory so terms are important fine so

here the first thing like Western

political thought we have to first


what is politics

or you study economic thought you may

study geographical thought similarly you

study political thoughts so what will be

the subject matter of political thought

what do we study in political thought

what is the subject matter of our


defining political

defining political is they want to


the subject matter right subject matter

subject matter what we study

subject matter from now onwards we can

also use the term scope of political


fine instead of using the term subject

matter you can write oblique scope of

political thought

scope means what what all comes under

the subject
this is not an economic thought this is

not a sociological thought this is not a

geographical thought this is a political


we have to understand the origin of this

term political

fine so whenever we go for origin of the


from like which term it has emerged fine

so we use the term

spelles where I will write actimological

Origins from where this world has

immersed okay



finding the


logical origin

means origin of the word itself fine

so the

etymological origin of the word


comes from the Greek word polis

take care of

who looks after the police


this polish word polish word is a word

used for the states

today we use the term state in Greek it

used to be police

and that time

it used to be city states


city state is not so important to


either you can say polis means


or it is okay if you say polis means



so political thought

is a thought about estate

fine so if someone asks what is the

subject matter of political science

you can simply say that political

science begins and ends with the state

so what do we study in political science

we study about a state


we study about government we study about

good governance we study about political

system we study about organization of

the state we study about functions of

the state so political theories revolve

around the concept of estate


and shastra is what Indian word for

science you know the meaning of science

I don't think so

take it so now you write

look right in order to understand

the meaning of the term political

we can trace


etymological origin


so the things which I want you should

pay attention that I tell to underline

fine and my way of giving notes is if

something is connected I'll say Arrow

calculator means implication of that



right it means


p-o-l-i-s polis

Greek term


a state

take a state underlying

liquid right originally

it used to be

City Estates

so political thought is about state

now the question is what is a state


what is a state

take care
is India a state

India is a state but what is a state

body politics political institution

what does a state do

you want to join the state


not when I say State Services means you

want to join government services why

to govern the citizen


so why what do you mean by governing the


to control what they can do

fine so what is a state what a state has

what state possess

so basically is a state and Institution

but you know what is an institution

can you define Institution

is institution and Association same


is institution and organization same



take care

what is a state


so you can simply say a state is an


what is marriages marriage and


family is an institution

what is an institution


as a weather Institution

whether Institution

and organization

is one and same

is family and organization

no marriage is an organization


state is an organization government is

an organization

government is an organization

state is an institution so what exactly

is Institution


have you ever heard this word that

democracy in India is not well


have you ever heard that

party system in India is not

properly institutionalized

so Institution


some certain set of rules


which happened

with certainty

there is a institution fine means there

is some certainty there is some

patterned way of doing things there are

some certain rules in a way

institutions can be very close to


Customs Traditions institution

institution is

a well-established practice

I'm so marriage is an institution means

there is set of practices set of norms

set of behavior set of way of doing


the state is an institution

means a state also has to do something

with some patterned way of doing things

so basically it is an institution of


so it is a


representation of power



State system power is institutionalized

there is a pattern you know who has

power on whom what is the way to get the


with some continuity

if there is no continuity you will call

it as ad hocism
take care sometimes to understand the


try to look at the opposite word what

can be the opposite of it ad hocism

it is like the question came that party

system in India is not well


discuss so it means political parties in

India they are primarily relying on


fine and the movement person goes the

future of that party is in question

but if you compare

parties in USA

are they dependent on person

no they are institutionalized

democritically institutionalized find

they are neither dependent on person nor

dependent on family

fine so they have a life of Their Own

and there is a pattern there is a

well-established rule fine so state is a

what is the function of our state so

State represent

institutionalized uh institutionalized


how power will be exercised

on the people

and which type of exercise of power is

acceptable so that is an institution

institution system


is this point clear so you have written

what is what was the question

state is organized a weather institution

or organization is same no

fine simply you have to understand what

is an institution

the right institution is a

us is a set of rules

which are

of almost


in nature

okay they say family Hindu family is an

institution there is a way of doing all

these things

simple meaning


a system of

well-established rules

well established rules

which are followed

on a regular basis

regular basis


yes you have a question



State means someone has a power

find so institutionalized power is

estate okay

definition of State

definition of State

the liquid state is a institutionalized

representation of power

underline institutionalized


a patterned way a patterned way in which

power is exercised

on a set of people


in a particular territory

take it

can we use the term state government and

institutionalized power interchangeably

state to abstract hair is

state government almost interchangeably

government what is the Indian word



Modi sarkar take care

Indian politics

take care

who has power yeah who whose government

prevails let us say in Bihar


rule foreign


parallel government

you have to see it

to understand sarkar what is sarkar and

what is government which power is the

accepted exercise of power

watch Amitabh bachchan's movie sarkar

khatam sarkar means whose will will


a government can make the rules but

people may not follow the rules

fine so sarkar is

whose rule is accepted and one who

actually exercises power


so political science is about the study

of State

or it is a study of power in both the

way you can explain

is there any difference



let me give another example that you

understand sarkar

so when prime minister when it was

Manmohan Singh in power

who was sarkar


and you go into politics for power

the political science begins and ends

with a state or it is described as the

study of shaping and sharing of power so

what one what you will study in

political science who exercises power

who should exercise power what is the

right way of exercising power

and Power

yes you had a question yeah

formal and informal both we have to

study both


institutionalized means where something

is happening with regularity

if something is not happening with

regularity there is no point in studying


organization is a structure

time where there is an allocation of

rules responsibility command Authority

fine that is an organization but the

state government is an organization our

government is organized into legislature

executive or organization

government okay institution

you can't say family as an organization

marriage is not an organization What is

marriage marriage is an institution

so there is a specific way suppose some

marriage dispute happens then the court

will inquire whether what all is

necessary to establish a marriage let us

say as per Hindu law or Muslim law these

procedures have been followed or not

fine so there is no need that you go too

much into detail that is a work of

sociologists fine so we have to just say

that it is an institutionalized

representation of power

how to Define politics yeah how politics

how to define political science

excuse me ma'am yeah when we have

understood that both institution and

organization means there's some

structure there's some rule then what is

the difference between the two because

in a state organization is not necessary

a person can also be a state

like in organizations


institutionalization you have to


how power is going to be exercised who

has power

take a powerful


power and knowledge

knowledge gives you power

fine without knowledge you cannot

exercise power

what is power

power is a capacity to influence

how do you influence other person


a person the best the most effective way

of influencing the other person is how

you speak

what you speak

so you can speak what you know

to your power is an outcome of your


no power can be exercised without


and no knowledge has any validity

without power


you want to be in power

what you are doing gaining knowledge

you are gaining knowledge for what


can you be in power without knowledge no

sleep in a political science


a club

once you know the political science yes

China or

man is the state yes

why even in India you can say so



excuse me

institutions change

rules new rules emerge they become

accepted new institutions emerge in

understanding institution is not


a form of institutionalized power

monarchy is also institutionalized power

where power lies with a hereditary


for example you can say monarchy is

institutionalized in Saudi Arabia

represent institutionalized power

what is

how to define political science


traditional approach

this approach you will understand later

traditional approach

on institutions

focus on institutions

take care

so here right I am giving you the name

of one scholar

to write

according to Garner
political science

begins and ends

with the state


political science

as the study of

state and government

what is a government

instrumentality of the state

instrumentality of the state


instrumentality of the state

take care

have you ever read article 12 of Indian


definition of State

Parliament Judiciary sorry Parliament


and other instrumentalities

government here

just a fundamental rights

are available to the people against the


the state is violating the fundamental


but can you see Indian state

no you will approach whom or you will

accuse whom government

the government is a instrumentality of

the estate
fine so if you will understand the

theory even understanding Constitution

becomes very easy

fine so whichever definition it is

telling that political science is about

government or state


what is a feature right they study

yeah they focus on process

rather than


right from this perspective

political sciences

the study of


and sharing of power

take care

underline shaping of power

take a shaping calculator

so shape what is a shape of power


it is monarchy

or is it democracy who is exercising

what is the shape in which power is

being exercised and sharing of power

means it is always something to do with

Collective power

wherever Collective things are there

personal things are there that is not

the domain of political science

so shaping of power we want to

understand in a society which type of

power who has power what is the shape

whether India is Democratic or it is

monarchy the shaping of power okay

for example

is it in the shape of monarchy

or democracy

dot dot dot there can be so many forms I

now what does this term sharing of power


sharing of power

so what you share something which is

very personal do you share

something which belongs to all or


time so sharing of power underlying

group it means

the power

which belongs to

the collective sphere

Collective sphere or collectivity

from now onwards for Collective sphere

we will use the term public sphere

take it Collective sphere means

public sphere

so politics belongs to the domain of

public sphere

what is a conventional view of politics

conventional View

conventional views

conventional view of power the

conventional view of Power Liquid right


it's one and the same but you write

conventional view of politics


according to the conventional View

politics belong to public sphere


now tell me

women traditionally conventionally

they are supposed to be in public sphere

or in personal private sphere




politics or politics is a sphere where

you see lot of women

no is politics a good profession for


then why not many women


this is a conventional View

out of all professions


is supposed to be

most masculinist profession

five so primarily in politics you will

see very less number of women

fine after such a long struggle or you

can say after such a long time is still

if you see the representation of women

is not Beyond 14

nowhere even half of the total

population in the country and that is

almost similar scenario not more than 20

30 percent in country like U.S

take care to conventionally

politics does not belong to or women we

are not considered to be the participant

in politics

normally kept out women wear part of

private sphere

personal sphere take care or Politics

the public sphere

there used to be no role of women

so the study of politics politics is for



politics is not the profession of

politics is not for women

professions are also decided on the

basis of man's gender person's gender

so women are more suitable

in the role of teachers


hardly anyone will support or Indian


there is so much what is the reason

women are not in politics

excessive criminalization

you're understanding this the women are

not conventionally supposed to be in

public sphere

so how this convention started who

started this convention

take care so this

convention was started by Aristotle


and what is the importance of Aristotle

right so Aristotle is known as father of

political science

take care to political science starts

with Aristotle

and Aristotle has made the separation


the public sphere

and the personal sphere



public sphere

means political sphere

This was meant for men

and personal sphere means family

and women are supposed to live in Four

Walls of family

fine so when we will study Aristotle's

theory of citizenship

Aristotle does not give citizenship to


fine only

men are citizens

means those who participate in the

Affairs of the city-state are citizens

if you are not participating you are not

citizen so that was a conventional View

and this is I am talking about ancient


and this tradition continued

till the modern times you can say till

19th century also

fine when there have been the movements

that women should also have right to

vote which is known as suffocate

movements Universal adult suffrage fine

and gradually women started getting the

right to vote fine


and if you see

Politics as an activity and political

science or political science theories

not only politics has been male


political theory was also masculinist

means in political Theory

women perspective was missing



against this conventional view of

understanding politics and Power

immersed the feminist perspective

fine and feminist did not accept this

artificial separation between public

sphere and the personal sphere

is still feminism is not very dominant

perspective in political science

fine out of all disciplines political

science is supposed to be very

masculinist discipline

security studies international relations

they are also very masculinist women

perspective is missing

feminism is basically the

it is a it has a dominance in other

disciplines like feminism is more

prominent in sociology

it is more prominent in Psychology fine

so in politics it is not prominent

though feminists feminism is there

feminist theory is there so feminists

have raised an objection about defining

politics in the sense that politics only

belong to the public sphere

or power belong only to the public

sphere fine so they held that there is a

power power means exploitation

you want to come to power

because you want an authority to exploit



thank you

power gives you

sense of well-being

when you dominate other

you want to come to civil services why

because you will get power

fine so what will happen if you get

power your simple answer should be it

will give me a sense of Welling

take it to sense of well-being you want

to go for civil services for what it

will give you sense of well-being


this gives me a sense of well-being


that should become your style

Cricket doing this does it gives you a

sense of well-being



sense of well-being


take care

so politics
no politician ever talks in a direct


fine so you should also not give direct

answer even if it is an interview

so this is first teaching of answer

writing no direct answers

fine so answers should open more


okay okay

so and when you go to the interview it

is not question and answer session it

should be a conversation so if you will

speak a statement that gives the final

answer then conversation ends


intellectuals speak

and how a common man speak


of politics

it starts with


total Village

starts with Aristotle Aristotle

father of political science

right he made the distinction between

personal and


personal and public

women wear confined

to the personal sphere

right thus politics

became the domain of


it became the domain of men

underlying domain of men

it is East

or west

there is a dominance

of men

in politics

why women are missing

in politics

right because


women were supposed to be

living in

living within living within the four

walls of family

Four Walls of family


now write

view of feminist Scholars

the correct feminists


the conventional way



political sphere

full stop right they raised the slogan

they raised the slogan


right which means

even personal sphere

should be

considered as

as the part of



politics represent

power relations


politics we will study who has power on


the politics represent power relations

will stop because right according to the


power relations

do exist


the fourth wall saw family


right hands


oblique personal sphere

should also come

within the scope

of the study of politics

in conventional sense politics is the

study of state or public sphere

but feminists they say that no include

family also

take care right

government of India

thank you

comma recognizing

government of India recognizing


personalist political

comma has brought

a law on

a law on domestic violence

right full stop right it shows that

violence against women

is not just

limited to

the public is fear

women public sphere


against women or power relation is not

just limited to public sphere comma

there is also a violence

against women


the four walls of family too



cannot remain

of the consideration

Family Matters cannot remain out of the

consideration of



it's not all well for the woman and


a state cannot leave woman question to

the family person what is the

traditional way the traditional

or common things needs to be discussed


These Are Family Matters

to be resolved by the persons of the

family or that community

even if we talk about triple talaq

earlier it was a family matter to be

solved by the family or by the community

as such but it has been realized that no

there is a role of State

so in politics

Family Matters personal laws they are

also to be discussed so now Family

becomes also a matter of the study of

political science from the perspective

of feminists though in general this is

not the traditional or conventional View

and feminism Still Remains a very

marginal perspective as a dominant



fear remains separate

but this change is also happening so if

if I say political science begins and

ends with a state

is it correct

partially correct

partially correct

because today

within the scope of political science we

are not just studying a state we have

expanded the scope and the family matter

we are not just studying how power is

exercised in the society outside the

family but universally whether it is

family or whether it is public is fear

so the scope of political science is not

the way it used to be in the time of

Aristotle yes

when we talk about politics it includes

democracy and monarchy both

shape uh yeah uh but when we say that

the feminist view when it is considered

uh can we say that it is more inclined

towards the Democratic approach yes you

can say so that their issue is not means

it also depends how you define democracy

if you define democracy in terms of

gender equality you can say so anything

can be linked with anything anyway

feminism is ideology of modern times

only in modern times this thing had

started emerging otherwise

conventionally societies used to be



not meant for women

and women have to struggle despite the

equality granted by the and now women

and their discrimination is not just an

issue the issue of transgenders also is

a bigger issue

we will discuss

Western political thought hey

then we will have some women perspective

but as such very limited woman

perspective okay so you can you define

the term political

political is about power

institutionalized representation of

power conventionally

limited to the public sphere but now the

separation between public and personal

sphere is no more existing


how to define define political


comma conventionally
limited to

the public sphere

but because of

emergence of

alternative perspective

that is feminist perspective

the separation between

personal and political

is no more


right thus

the scope of political science

as a subject

scope of political science as a subject

has been widened

has been widened

in our times

in our times

Western political thought


in very general sense

what is a thought fine

so we are studying the ideas of

different thinkers

but in academic sense

what is the purpose of thought what is

its importance why it is

uh like why you should be study starting

your political science with a study of

political thoughts

thought makes the foundation of the


fine the foundation of the subject means

when you study thought you will get to

know the basic concepts and the

terminology on which other theories

Etc is based so this is the significance

to start the studies with thought

from the perspective of

Common Man

political thought is

about studying

the ideas




take care

second Point look right

look right

academically speaking



the foundation

of the subject

underlying Foundation

Foundation means

bust its Concepts


vocabulary or terminology vocabulary


without thought you cannot speak

the political language okay so that

forms the foundation

now one term is Western but why we are

using the term Western because we will

later on compare Western with Eastern or

Indian so for the time being that

comparison is not required so you can

forget so political thoughts

now the issue is

what is the source

to study political thought


what is the source to study political


okay so to make the base in the subject

what is the source how do we study

political thought how are we making the


so for that

we give or we study on the basis of the


prominent Works written by these

political philosophers

take care for example Plato

so was Plato the only thinker of his


there may have been lot many but we do

not know about them

it means we have picked up

only those persons

who have been the most influential

take care

and Plato has written many books

but we don't study all the books

we study only one book of Plato

which is his masterpiece

that is called as Republic


so such books

which are class apart

a book of a thinker

fine but that is for excellence

a class in itself

a class apart

from his other works

or from the other contemporary thinkers

particular workbook classic

classics right

so in order to understand the

political thought what is the source

studying the classics

Classics are the works

of the prominent philosophers

find who have their own distinctive


we don't study every Tom Dick and Harry



we are studying even if we talk about

Indian thought

there are many people who have written


but the most influential is manu's


is a class in itself

and Manu I don't know other books but

his Manu smriti is considered as a


means a class in itself

so what is the source to study the


how to study thing what to know what we

study is called as text

is this word is a text

yes or no

pain can be is it do we study only from

the books or we can also learn from The

Book of Life

life is also a text

fine so text word should not be

understood in a very narrow sense of the


whatever we study
is a text

fine in India there was no tradition of

writing the texts so we had a tradition

of oral texts the writing of the text

codification of the Indian texts was

actually started by the British

smriti was codified or was written by

the Western scholar

and the title of the book was code of

Gen 2 laws means the code of Hindu laws

fine so you should not think that a text

can be always it has to be written

ticket cable ideas

every text is not certain texts are of

time less importance

Plato's Republic is important not just

Plato's time it is important even for

our time so we go for studying those

selective works

so from where to study the thought from

where to start you can write classics

go right classics


the term classic


inverted commas class apart

is a class apart

both Elite both privileged pakilok



texts of a




is a class

in itself

take care means which is distinguished

which is distinguished from

other works

with respect to

Point number one

the significance of the issue

that is discussed

significance of the issue

it deals with those ideas

which are of

Eternal significance

Eternal significance sometimes we also

use the term Timeless wisdom

is panchtantra classic

have you heard about panchtantra

are they classics

okay do they have a wisdom which has

relevance for our time

so they are also Classics means they are

dealing with those issues which are

going to be of permanent relevance

whenever we interact in the world of

politics they can always be a point of

reference take care of second Point what

makes them Classics licorite that depth



the depth of thinking

full stop right the depth at which

these philosophers

have dealt with

the issues

which are of


of political life

political life

next paragraph little

these Classics are

the reference books

take care because of the wisdom they

have these are the reference book

underlying reference book

right it means


we refer

we refer to the ideas

given in these books

event to solve


present problems

so the books written long time back

but relevant they are Classics so these

Scholars these authors

are class apart any classic of our time


philosopher a scholar


okay the second sex

20 21 22. yeah

you should know and find out the

classics take care


so now basically you have to read from

the books



is it easy to understand the classics

no it is difficult understanding


what are the challenges

what are the challenges

in studying classics


so it's a it's a very professional work



they contain such ideas

is studying the classics is very

different from studying the newspaper

or any

India today

or lot of background information

is required to make sense

okay so for maybe reading a newspaper

you may not require such a background


class six are very professional work

fine so it is not easy for and you

should have a good understanding

you should have a good understanding of

lot many things to understand classics

fine and second the problem also arises

because of the depth it is not

everybody's cup of tea to understand the

Deep things

fine to understand go to such deep and

deep people don't have the questions

to know certain

but people often do not have the


fine do you have questions

then do you have quality questions


so question

for Quality questions

take care

to Japanese

take it

because even if you will read Classics

and you don't know what to read

why to read what do I want to get out of


fine so reading Classics is not

everybody's cup of tea because it


lot of background knowledge to

understand because of the depth in these


that classics

is actually written in the language


to language is it easy to understand

language are we understanding each other

you understanding me

no this is your misunderstanding

it is your misunderstanding that you are



rewriting interpreting and

now another thing is when political

Scholars have written

primarily they have written against

those who are in power

the idea is to think about something


so when you are writing against those

who are in power

you cannot write in a very

straightforward manner

it means you will write

in a coded language

coded language

section 124a



and is decoding such an easy task

it is not


plus these works are written long time


so going back putting ourselves in the


of Plato and Manu

and understanding what they were

witnessing what they were writing is a

very difficult task



the biggest problem in knowing anything

is language

take care

human language

is not aesthetic

for example the term jati

which was used in ancient India

is not necessarily the way

we use today
so yes

there are many things fine to and

languages also developing

the term rashtra today we use it for


but is it really used for nation

that is


fine so language and its meanings keep

on changing

and the biggest problem is

the language itself


the language itself means human

languages very very undeveloped

we do not have words to express

whatever comes to your mind can you



and whatever I speak you can understand


suppose I tell you today I saw a brown


fine now the image of that brown dog on

the basis of which I am making an


am I able to tell you exactly which dog

what height what weight which Brown dark


is the same image emerging in your mind


so the question is another

whether these writers could write what

they wanted

and whether we can understand

what they are writing

take it

just say at times Manu is criticized


I saw

dark brown dog but is can you match the

exact color


whatever we see

whatever we feel

what we want to speak

even point zero zero one percent we


take care

and then

someone who reads

makes his own story


so can we

even if you have joined this class do

you think that you will come to know

what Plato has said

no so actually you will be

knowing my story of Plato

fine I am not going to tell what Plato


I am going to make my story

and I will tell you

and you have no option but to accept

take care of

my channel



you will get confused

take it

text is never written by the author


text is written by the reader


Plato is not alive also that I can

confirm nor I can explain you nor you

can understand me but we all have to do

this acting right that I have understood

you have understood

what is life what is Plato what is


what is truth

what is truth who is the wisest man in


you can say Buddha the enlightened

Buddha ever told truth or God exists

or not exist

TK why we call Buddha the enlightened

because Buddha accepted

that I cannot tell the truth

because man cannot understand so what

Buddha was understanding he could not


so that is why even Gandhi Gandhi says

that you experiment your truths I am

also experimenting you are also



this is these are the problems related

to classics

long time back

language evolved

Scholars have written in a coded




constitution of India is a classic


they say

is the depth

the depth of the ideas

second problem

language is not aesthetic

third problem

long long Gap

so difficult to go back to that age and


take care next

writers have not written

in a

direct language

they preferred coded language


section 124 a coded language

known as truth to power

truth to power

if you will speak truth to the person in

power you will end up in



take it the truth to power and last

thing is

human language is still


take care so neither a person who wants

to tell can tell nor person who does

acting like you all to understand can

understand okay so thank you you know

the next class right when is this Friday

Saturday Sunday come at eight o'clock

fine thank you


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