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To make things easier to read, we color code static in Salmon , dynamic in Yellow , precise in Ocean Blue ,
reactive in Blue , speed in Violet , evasive in Blurple .

About this document

This document is a collaborative effort between Voltaic and other collaborators from the community and VT
Team such as MINI, Cartoon, Yrup, Trustemix and more. It includes instructions for specific issues like
Smoothness & Precision, Speed, and Reactivity.

The goal of this document is to combine all the issue-specific routines in one document and provide
alternative routines for those interested. There is also a lack of interest in some of the more useful issues such
as static target acquisition, so with this document, we hope to shed light on all of them.

More resources
1. Want to understand the theory behind aiming? Read Voltaic's Aim journey
2. Still looking for answers? Check Voltaic’s advice FAQ
3. Join the Voltaic discord for more resources, help or information
4. Follow Voltaic twitter, sini’s twitter to stay up to date

Cartoon, MINI, Yrup and Trustemix are all World Record Holders on many Static Scenarios in Aim Lab, such as
Sixshot, 1w6ts, 1w4ts Voltaic, 1w2ts and Valorant Smallflicks. Both Trustemix and Cartoon have also won the
Aim Lab Skills/Community Challenge.

Weaknesses targeted
● Initial flick accuracy
○ The accuracy of the first movement in an attempt to hit a target
● Micro-corrections
○ Tiny movements to correct flaws after initial flick
● Click-timing
○ The timing of your clicks on a target
● Target Acquisition
○ Acquiring targets on screen with your peripheral vision

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

● Target Confirmation
○ The speed in which you click to eliminate a target after acquiring it
● Pathing, Pacing and Chaining
○ Everything to move your mouse as efficiently as possible from one target to another
● Speed
○ Moving your mouse as quickly as possible to a target

The balanced version of this routine will help you with mastering the basics of static. If you understand the
basics, you can push further by developing your own style by using the Advanced version of this routine.
Static is all about minimizing the time between killing two targets. In order to better adapt static into real
games, the suggested method for traveling from one target to another target is one large "initial flick," then a
small "micro-correction" and click. You do not need to draw perfect lines between two targets all the time.

Why does this work?

Static is easy to improve upon if you’re practicing with the correct methods. Playing pokeball and holding
down MB1[Left Click] helps you with finding the right amount of pressure you should apply onto your mouse
while making large or fine movements. If you can do that, you can start clicking while trying to replicate the
feeling of playing pokeball.



Playable at any level

Duration: 27 minutes


1. VT Sideshot Large - 3m
a. Description: Two large static targets that spawn side by side. The spawns are exclusively
b. How: Focus on keeping straight lines when going from target to target and timing your
switches. Targets are large enough to land your initial flick directly onto them, so avoid
c. Why: This task helps with speed target acquisition skills, a good way to build up fundamental
habits and make clean switches from one target to another on a horizontal axis.
2. VT Twoshot Pokeball Wide Large - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate two large static targets that spawn on a Wide Wall.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
over-flicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Make a quick
micro-adjustment after your initial flick if needed. While you are performing this
micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This task helps with speed target acquisition skills, a good way to build up fundamental
habits and make clean switches from one target to another.
3. VT Oneshot Reflex - 3m
a. Description: One Static sphere that spawns with a certain delay after each elimination.
b. How: Swiftly acquire the target and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

c. Why: This static scenario works on your reflexes and the speed of your target acquisition
and hit-confirming.
4. VT Sideshot Pokeball Med - 3m
a. Description: Two static targets that spawn side by side with low health. The spawns are
exclusively horizontal.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
over-flicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Make a quick
micro-adjustment after your initial flick if needed. While you are performing this
micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This task helps with speed target acquisition skills, a good way to build up fundamental
habits and make clean switches from one target to another on a horizontal axis.
5. VT Chainshot - 3m
a. Description: Multiple static targets on a wall in close proximity to one another.
b. How: Smoothly approach each target and transition into the next one with controlled
c. Why: This scenario works on your pathing, chaining by introducing constant target clusters,
which inevitably improves your speed and target acquisition on clusters.
6. VT Threeshot Micro - 3m
a. Description: Three Static spheres that spawn on one wall.
b. How: Flick in rapid succession to eliminate the targets as quickly as possible. Try not to
over-flick and maintain a straight line from target to target.
c. Why: This task helps with developing finer, more detailed mouse control in relation to small
flicks and micro-adjusting.
7. VT Fiveshot Small - 3m
a. Description: Five small spheres that spawn on one wall in front of you.
b. How: Do your best to keep clean lines on your initial flicks and follow them up with
micro-corrections that land directly on the bot. Identify if either your accuracy or speed is
holding you back and then adjust your practice to account for this.
c. Why: Static flicks are a common mouse control scenario that arises in all sorts of competitive
fps games. Being able to keep these motions controlled and deliberate will favor you heavily
in these situations.
8. VT Clustershot Four - 3m
a. Description: Static Spheres that spawn in clusters of four on one wall.
b. How: Smoothly approach each target and transition into the next one with controlled
speed. Due to the constant clusters, you are expected to go at an accelerated pace.
c. Why: This scenario works on your pathing, chaining by introducing constant target clusters,
which inevitably improves your speed and target acquisition on clusters.
9. VT Multishot 180 - 3m
a. Description: Several medium to small sized bots spawn randomly within the horizontal field
of view outlined by the scenario name, being 180°. The bots are stationary, single-click
elimination, and will appear on the three walls in front of the player as well as the floor.
b. How: Since the targets are slightly on the larger side and closer together, you want to try to
directly land your initial flick as often as possible. Identify if either your accuracy or speed is
holding you back and then adjust your practice to account for this.
c. Why: Builds speed in static flicking by presenting a partial cluster situation where rapid
eliminations with slightly diminished accuracy is favored.


Playable at any level, recommended from Platinum - Master on Static Benchmarks

Duration: 27 minutes

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic


1. VT Sideshot - 3m
a. Description: Two static targets that spawn side by side. The spawns are exclusively
b. How: Focus on keeping straight lines when going from target to target and timing your
switches. Targets are large enough to land your initial flick directly onto them, so avoid
c. Why: This task helps with speed target acquisition skills, a good way to build up fundamental
habits and make clean switches from one target to another on a horizontal axis.
2. VT Pulseshot Four - 3m
a. Description: Four Static Spheres that are closing in on you as time passes, a new target
spawns upon each elimination.
b. How: Swiftly acquire the target and eliminate it as soon as possible.
c. Why: This static scenario works on your reflexes and the speed of your target acquisition
and hit-confirming.
3. VT Twoshot Pokeball Wide Small - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate two small static targets that spawn on a Wide Wall.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
over-flicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Make a quick
micro-adjustment after your initial flick if needed. While you are performing this
micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This task helps with precision & speed target acquisition skills, a good way to build up
fundamental habits and make clean switches from one target to another.
4. VT Oneshot Reflex Small - 3m
a. Description: One small static sphere that spawns at a certain time after each elimination.
b. How: Swiftly acquire the target and eliminate it as soon as possible.
c. Why: This static scenario works on your reflexes and the speed of your target acquisition
and hit-confirming.
5. VT Vibeshot Four - 3m
a. Description: Four small spheres that spawn on one wall in front of you and vibrate ever so
b. How: Do your best to keep clean lines on your initial flicks and follow them up with
micro-corrections that land directly on the bot. Identify if either your accuracy or speed is
holding you back and then adjust your practice to account for this.
c. Why: Helps with fine micro-adjustments on targets for when still targets move sporadically.
Static flicks are a common mouse control scenario that arises in all sorts of competitive fps
games. Being able to keep these motions controlled and deliberate will favor you heavily in
these situations.
6. VT Multishot Pokeball Small - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate small static spheres with low health that spawn on multiple walls
around you on a 180 degree plane.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
over-flicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Make a quick
micro-adjustment after your initial flick if needed. While you are performing this
micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This task helps with larger angles and precision & speed target acquisition skills, a
good way to build up fundamental habits and make clean switches from one target to
7. VT Threeshot Micro - 3m

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: Three Static spheres that spawn on one wall.
b. How: Flick in rapid succession to eliminate the targets as quickly as possible. Try not to
over-flick and maintain a straight line from target to target.
c. Why: This task helps with developing finer, more detailed mouse control in relation to small
flicks and micro-adjusting.
8. VT Hexshot Extra Small - 3m
a. Description: Six tiny spheres that spawn on one wide wall in front of you.
b. How: Do your best to keep clean lines on your initial flicks and follow them up with
micro-corrections that land directly on the bot. Identify if either your accuracy or speed is
holding you back and then adjust your practice to account for this.
c. Why: Specializes in exceptionally precise and wide angles to improve your target acquisition,
switching and kill-confirming ability. In addition, static flicks are a common mouse control
scenario that arises in all sorts of competitive fps games. Being able to keep these motions
controlled and deliberate will favor you heavily in these situations.
9. VT Threeshot Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Three small stationary bots spawn in random locations on a square X/Y plane.
The target surface is relatively close to the player, and the bots placed upon it are eliminated
with a single click.
b. How: Do your best to keep clean lines on your initial flicks and follow them up with
micro-corrections that land directly on the bot. Identify if either your accuracy or speed is
holding you back and then adjust your practice to account for this.
c. Why: Static flicks are a common mouse control scenario that arises in all sorts of competitive
fps games. Being able to keep these motions controlled and deliberate will favor you heavily
in these situations.


Matty, ARDD and Lorys are World Record Holders (Celestial) on many Dynamic Scenarios in Aim Training, such
as Popcorn, Pasu, mpXY, Angleshot, Waveshot, Bounce, Bouncehsot and Arcshot. Lastly, ARDD placed second
& Lorys third in the latest Aim Lab Community Challenge. Both Lorys and Matty have also won numerous Aim
Training Competitions.


Will help in all sorts of FPS Games such as Overwatch when playing Cassidy, Ashe, Widowmaker or even
Sojourn with right click. All these heroes use single-fire, click-type weapons. In addition, it’s common to need
to execute similar types of motions in-game, which this routine heavily emphasizes.

When using click-type weapons such as the Wingman, 30-30 Repeater, G7 Scout, Hemlock, Snipers and any AR
set to single tap fire.

Note: This routine will not help with any form of recoil control or leading. It will help with the technique and
execution of certain motions that will carry over to Apex.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

Some of the scenarios in this routine will help in some of the harder aim moments in TacFPS (in the event they
do occur).

Note: This routine is not designed for Valorant specifically, and therefore won’t be the most effective training
tool for Valorant. We recommend playing our Aim Lab Valorant Routine instead, and to manually decide on
which ones you want to add to personalize your training program.

While not all scenarios on this routine will be applicable to the above games, there are a few that have relation
to Valorant:
● VT Angleshot
● VT Skyshot
● VT Paceshot
● VT Hypershot
● VT Dashshot
● VT Strafeshot
● VT Floatshot*

*Not part of the routine, but part of our recommended scenarios

● Target Reading
○ The interpretation of the target's movement and position.
● Click-timing
○ The timing of your clicks on a target
● Target Acquisition
○ Acquiring targets on screen with your peripheral vision
● Target Confirmation
○ The speed in which you click to eliminate a target after acquiring it
● Speed
○ Moving your mouse as quickly as possible to a target


This routine was created with our top Dynamic Aim Training players to cover all the important aspects of
Dynamic Clicking, including Multi-Clicking, precision, speed and click-timing. You will find varying movement
patterns and different types of motions (such as horizontal, diagonal, vertical, arcing, X-Y-Z and backwards


These sets of scenarios encompass most of the erratic or precise & predictable movement patterns. Using
this routine you will improve your reading skills so that when you stumble across these types of motions
in-game you will be able to recognise them and use the appropriate approach to efficiently and effectively
eliminate your targets.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic



● For all scenarios
○ Make sure your transitions between targets are smooth so that you can effectively read the
next bots movements.
● Angleshot, Flowshot, Boltshot, Blinkshot, Dashshot and Strafeshot
○ Track each target for a short period of time in order to confirm you’ll hit it, while avoiding
being misdirected by a sudden direction change.
● Skyshot, Hypershot
○ Quickly acquire each target and click aS soon as you’ve confirmed your hit.
● Leapshot 360, Popshot
○ Read each target briefly in order to confirm you’ll hit it, while approaching the target
● Arcshot Multi, Surgeshot Multi
○ Acquire, track and read a target’s movement while mimicking its strafes smoothly and
clicking it at least 3x times to eliminate it.
○ After, move to the next target and repeat the former steps, while keeping transitions
smooth and efficient.


Playable at any level, recommended from Silver and beyond on Dynamic Benchmarks

Duration: 30 minutes


1. VT Skyshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Two single-click targets move in long horizontal directions, while making slow
and easy to read directional changes. The bots are placed at multiple different height levels,
and make smooth yet subtle vertical transitions.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speedy flicks, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
2. VT Flowshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in diagonal at various angles on a square X/Y Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes and colliding with one of the scenario’s four
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with both vertical and horizontal target reading, timing your clicks, and
3. VT Paceshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Two targets spawn on a narrow and distant plane while strafing horizontally at
a relatively quick speed.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speed, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
4. VT Rainshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate single-click targets as they rain down from the sky.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
5. VT Angleshot 180 Smooth Novice - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in straight lines at various angles on a square X/Y
Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes and spawning in a 180 degree map
around you.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with larger angle target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
6. VT Popshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Single click targets leap vertically at varying arc lengths and depths in a 360
plane around you.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with precise target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
7. VT Arcshot Multi Novice - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets leap in mid-high arcs on top of a flat surface confined close
to the player while vertically being affected by gravity. The bots change depths as they
traverse, and may horizontally change directions when they bounce. Each target needs to
be hit at least 3 times to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, precision, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive times to be
8. VT Curveshot Multi Novice - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets travel in all directions at various angles on a X/Y/Z Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes. Each target needs to be hit at least 3 times
to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with target reading against erratic moving targets, timing your clicks, and
smoothness. Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive
times to be eliminated.
9. VT Dashshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Five single-click targets travel and dash at various angles on a square X/Y/Z
Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
10. VT Strafeshot Novice - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel horizontally at various angles including back and
forwards movements, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.


Playable at any level, recommended from Platinum and beyond on Dynamic Benchmarks

Duration: 30 minutes


1. VT Skyshot - 3m

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: Two single-click targets move in long horizontal directions, while making slow
and easy to read directional changes. The bots are placed at multiple different height levels,
and make smooth yet subtle vertical transitions.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speedy flicks, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
2. VT Flowshot Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in diagonal at various angles on a square X/Y Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes and colliding with one of the scenario’s four
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with both vertical and horizontal target reading, timing your clicks, and
3. VT Paceshot - 3m
a. Description: Two targets spawn on a narrow and distant plane while strafing horizontally at
a relatively quick speed.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speed, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
4. VT Rainshot Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate single-click targets as they rain down from the sky.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
5. VT Angleshot 360 Smooth Med - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in straight lines at various angles on a square X/Y
Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes and spawning in a 360 degree map
around you.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with larger angle target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
6. VT Popshot - 3m
a. Description: Single click targets leap vertically at varying arc lengths and depths in a 360
plane around you.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with precise target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
7. VT Curveshot Multi Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets leap in mid-high arcs on top of a flat surface confined close
to the player while vertically being affected by gravity. The bots change depths as they
traverse, and may horizontally change directions when they bounce. Each target needs to
be hit at least 3 times to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, precision, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive times to be
8. VT Axishot Multi Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets travel in all directions at various angles on a X/Y/Z Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes. Each target needs to be hit at least 3 times
to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with target reading against erratic moving targets, timing your clicks, and
smoothness. Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive
times to be eliminated.
9. VT Blinkshot - 3m

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: Five single-click targets travel and blink frequently at various angles on a
square X/Y/Z Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
10. VT Strafeshot Med - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel horizontally at various angles including back and
forwards movements, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.


Playable at any level, recommended from Master and beyond on Dynamic Benchmarks

Duration: 30 minutes


1. VT Skyshot Small Double - 3m

a. Description: Two single-click targets move in long horizontal directions, while making slow
and easy to read directional changes. The bots are placed at multiple different height levels,
and make smooth yet subtle vertical transitions.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speedy flicks, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
2. VT Flowshot - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in diagonal at various angles on a square X/Y Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes and colliding with one of the scenario’s four
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with both vertical and horizontal target reading, timing your clicks, and
3. VT Hypershot - 3m (tamspeed 2bp/2bps/2bpes, easier than hypershot vers - beanclick 250%)
a. Description: Two targets spawn on a narrow and distant plane while strafing horizontally at
a relatively fast speed.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with speed, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
4. VT Rainshot Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Eliminate single-click targets as they rain down from the sky.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
5. VT Angleshot 360 Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel in straight lines at various angles on a square X/Y
Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes and spawning in a 360 degree map
around you.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with larger angle target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness
6. VT Curveshot Multi Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets leap in mid-high arcs on top of a flat surface confined close
to the player while vertically being affected by gravity. The bots change depths as they

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

traverse, and may horizontally change directions when they bounce. Each target needs to
be hit at least 3 times to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with vertical target reading, precision, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive times to be
7. VT Leapshot 360 - 3m (leapcorn pure - 360 degree map with popcorn/bounce hybrid bots)
a. Description: Single click targets leap at varying arc lengths and depths in a 360 plane around
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with precise target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
8. VT Surgeshot Multi - 3m
a. Description: Multi-click targets travel in all directions at various angles on a X/Y/Z Plane,
while making unpredictable directional changes. Each target needs to be hit at least 3 times
to be eliminated.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with target reading against erratic moving targets, timing your clicks, and
smoothness. Specifically in situations where the target needs to be clicked consecutive
times to be eliminated.
9. VT Boltshot - 3m
a. Description: Four single-click targets travel and blink occasionally at various angles on a
square X/Y/Z Plane, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.
10. VT Strafeshot Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Single-click targets travel horizontally at various angles including back and
forwards movements, while making unpredictable directional changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactive clicking, target reading, timing your clicks, and smoothness.


Lorys & Matty are World Record Holders (Celestial) on many Precise Scenarios in Aim Training, such as
Suavetrack, Smoothbot, Smoothpill, Controlsphere, Air Angelic, Angelic Sphere, PGTI, Mini Sphere and
Minitrack. Krascsi also has many top scores on Aim Training and has contributed to many Voltaic routines in
the past. Lastly, Lorys placed third place in the latest Aim Lab Community Challenge. Lorys has also won
numerous Aim Training Competitions.


Will help in all sorts of FPS Games such as Overwatch when playing Soldier 76, Bastion, Sombra, Tracer and
Symmetra. All these heroes use fully automatic, track-type weapons. The most relevant use case for this
training will be for Soldier 76 and Bastion. The use cases for Sombra, Tracer and Symmetra are niche, due to
their effective range being at close range.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

When using track-type weapons such as the R301, Flatline, Alternator, Volt, Spitfire and R99. With most of the
SMGs having more niche use cases, due to being more effective up close.

Note: This routine will not help with any form of recoil control or leading. It will help with the technique and
execution of certain motions that will carry over to Apex.

🢒 Accuracy & Precision
🢒 Your reproductive ability to be accurate and exact.
🢒 Tracking
🢒 Your ability to maintain your crosshair on the target for an extended period of time while
reacting to direction changes.
🢒 Target Reading
🢒 The interpretation of the target's movement and position.
🢒 Target Acquisition
🢒 Acquiring targets on screen with your peripheral vision.
🢒 Smooth Speed
🢒 Moving your mouse as steady as possible while matching its speed.

The routines below will help with your smoothness and precision. Your scores on these scenarios will improve
as your smoothness and precision improves. Pick a routine based on your skill level and do it prior to your
regular routine. If you feel yourself plateauing in some scenarios, try the alternative scenarios or move onto
the next routine in difficulty.


This training was created with many of our top precise players, in order to assemble the best scenarios that
you can use to work on your precise tracking and stability. It involves all types of movement types such as
horizontal, diagonal, and vertical XYZ-axi.


Focusing specifically on being smooth in tracking scenarios will strengthen your fine motor skills in regards to
smoothness and stability. This routine works because the scenarios include bots with relatively easy to read
movement patterns, therefore you can focus more on tracking precisely rather than reading the target’s
movement. Many situations in games such as Overwatch and Apex require a good amount of stability and
precision in order to track the target well.

Playable at any level, recommended from Iron - Gold on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 33 minutes


Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

Back-up link: VT Smoothness & Precision in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Precise Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Centering II 180 Easy - 3m

a. Description: Track a thin cylinder that moves horizontally across a 180 degree map.
b. How: Focus on being as smooth as possible while attempting to horizontally center your
crosshair within the bot. Consider trying to track the bot towards the vertical edges for an
additional challenge.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
2. VT Smoothplaza - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical shaped target that makes smooth horizontal strafes and
occasionally dashes away.
b. How: Try to remain smooth and on-target while tracking the target in one smooth motion.
c. Why: This helps improve fundamental tracking skills, necessary for most FPS games.
3. VT Suavetrack Novice Precise - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical target that flies around wide angles.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
4. VT mpXY Invincible - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target which moves diagonally in all directions and is
b. How: This task requires smoothness with both horizontal and vertical movement. Precisely
track the bot until it reappears in the center then begin tracking again.
c. Why: This helps with overall smoothness, as the bot movements and shape lends itself to
requiring more precision to maximize score.
5. VT Smooth Reactsphere Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target with smooth direction changes.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
6. VT Air Angelic Close Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in various angles and dodge patterns.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
7. VT Air Angelic Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in various angles and dodge patterns.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
8. VT Minisphere Vertical Silver - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that jumps and falls exclusively on a vertical axis.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

b. How: Track the target smoothly as it ascends or descends.
c. Why: This task serves as a foundation for building your vertical precision and smoothness.
9. VT Bouncesphere Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target which bounces at various heights.
b. How: Track the target smoothly while reading its movement and trajectory throughout the
map. Keep your crosshair on-target the entire time.
c. Why: This task helps with tracking in relation to reading movement.
10. VT A180 TI Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target which bounces at various heights.
b. How: Track the target smoothly while reading its movement and trajectory throughout the
map. Keep your crosshair on-target the entire time.
c. Why: This task helps with tracking in relation to reading movement.
11. VT Anti-Centering 90 NS Easy - 3m
a. Description: Track a thin cylinder that moves horizontally and doesn’t change directions
across a small triangle shaped map designed to take up ninety degrees of the player's view
sphere. NS stands for No Strafe.
b. How: Focus on being as smooth as possible while attempting to horizontally center your
crosshair within the bot. Consider trying to track the bot towards the vertical edges for an
additional challenge.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.

Playable at any level, recommended from Platinum - Master on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 30 minutes


Back-up link: VT Smoothness & Precision in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Precise Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Thinbot Raspberry - 3m
a. Description: Track a thin cylinder that moves horizontally.
b. How: Focus on being as smooth as possible while attempting to horizontally center your
crosshair within the bot. Consider trying to track the bot towards the vertical edges for an
additional challenge.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
2. VT Suavetrack Intermediate Close - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical bot through a large map that has bias towards getting close
to your POV.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
3. VT Angleswitch Wide Regen - 3m
a. Description: Track various spherical targets that spawn on wide angles and move at an

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

b. How: This task requires smoothness with both horizontal and vertical movement. Precisely
track the bot until it reappears in the center then begin tracking again.
c. Why: This helps with overall smoothness and target acquisition on wider angles, as the bot
movements and shape lends itself to requiring more precision to maximize score.
4. VT Wavetrack Invincible - 3m
a. Description: Track an invincible spherical and wave-like moving target.
b. How: This task requires smoothness with both horizontal and vertical movement. Precisely
track the bot until it reappears in the center then begin tracking again.
c. Why: This helps with overall smoothness and target acquisition on wider angles, as the bot
movements and shape lends itself to requiring more precision to maximize score.
5. VT Glidetrack Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical shaped target as it glides through the sky.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming. There’s less emphasis on
reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
6. VT Glider Track 360 Med - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical shaped target as it glides through the sky on a 360 degree
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
7. VT Regenspheres Med Small - 3m
a. Description: Track relatively small spherical targets that strafe smoothly and regenerate
health periodically.
b. How: Smoothly acquire each target and track it as cleanly as possible.
c. Why: Enforces smooth tracking habits, as it only rewards clean eliminations, as the target
will otherwise regenerate more than damage is being dealt.
8. VT Adjust Track Intermediate - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that dashes constantly as it is being damaged.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
9. VT Air Angelic - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in various angles and dodge patterns.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
10. VT Bouncesphere - 3m
a. Description: Track a small spherical target which bounces at various heights.
b. How: Track the target smoothly while reading its movement and trajectory throughout the
map. Keep your crosshair on-target the entire time.
c. Why: This task helps with tracking in relation to reading movement.
11. VT Anti-Centering Air Angelic - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in various angles and dodge patterns, all
while your character is being moved automatically.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

b. How: Track the target smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.

Playable at any level, recommended from Master or above on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 30 minutes


Back-up link: VT Smoothness & Precision in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Precise Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Thinbot Raspberry AIO - 3m

a. Description: Track a thin cylinder that moves horizontally and varies in dodge patterns
throughout the scenario.
b. How: Focus on being as smooth as possible while attempting to horizontally center your
crosshair within the bot. Consider trying to track the bot towards the vertical edges for an
additional challenge.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
2. VT Suavetrack Goated - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical bot through a large map that has bias towards getting close
to your POV.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
3. VT Controltrack Advanced - 3m
a. Description: One invincible spherical and blinking target makes wide circular-esque motions
on a rectangular X/Y plane at varied speeds.
b. How: Try to keep your mouse steady as you accelerate to keep up with its speed. Stay
smooth and account for the unique adjustments that need to be made as a result of the
bots verticality.
c. Why: Builds a player’s understanding of awkward angles with mixed verticality, while also
continuing to assess smoothness.
4. VT Suavetrack Glider - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical shaped target as it glides through the sky.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
5. VT Glider Track 360 - 3m
a. Description: Track a cylindrical shaped target as it glides through the sky on a 360 degree
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming on the long strafes.
There’s less emphasis on reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
6. VT Precision XYZ Grandmaster - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in the XYZ pattern.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
7. VT Angelic FSS Small - 3m
a. Description: Track a small spherical target that strafes in various angles and dodge patterns
with a bias toward faster short strafes.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
8. VT Precision Adjust Track - 3m
a. Description: Track a small spherical target that dashes constantly as it is being damaged.
b. How: Track the bot smoothly while reacting quickly to its changes in movement, then
correcting your aim back onto the target.
c. Why: While mostly focusing on smoothness, this task incorporates some degree of
reactivity. This will help with improving your ability to smoothly micro-correct your aim
during movement changes.
9. VT Regenspheres Varied - 3m
a. Description: Track relatively small spherical targets that strafe smoothly and vary in period
regenerative health.
b. How: Smoothly acquire each target and track it as cleanly as possible.
c. Why: Enforces smooth tracking habits, as it only rewards clean eliminations, as the target
will otherwise regenerate more than damage is being dealt.
10. VT Overhead Tracking Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that spawns between two narrow walls.
b. How: Focus on being smooth and precise while mostly arm-aiming. There’s less emphasis on
reactive directional changes and more so on smooth tracking.
c. Why: This task serves as an introduction to smoothness and will be a very useful foundation
with which to build additional mouse control principles.
11. VT Bounce House - 3m
a. Description: Track a bouncing target while automatically traversing around the map.
b. How: Track the target smoothly while reading its movement and trajectory throughout the
map. Keep your crosshair on-target the entire time.
c. Why: This task helps with tracking in relation to reading movement.

Matty is a world record holder, Celestial Complete and Redbull Ready-Check Champion, Viscose achieved Astra
in Season 3 & holds many top scores in tracking. Clover and Buckshot both hold many tracking world records.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

Especially helpful for games with higher-ttk, and tracking dominant weapons. It will help in situations where
enemies are trying to make themselves harder to hit by strafing fast, and changing directions to throw off
your aim.

By developing both your target reading and reactivity, you will be able to track targets more efficiently and

On Overwatch imagine using heroes like Soldier 76, Tracer, Symmetra, Zarya and Sombra.

Helpful when using fully automatic weapons such as the R301, R99, Flatline, Volt, Alternator, cAR, and many

When using the Lightning Gun or Machine Gun.

When using any fully automatic Assault Rifle, LMG or SMG.

On medium with the AKM, FCAR, on heavy with the Lewis or M60, and on light with the Xp54 or m11.


This routine focuses heavily on improving your reactivity so that you can react to direction changes of
enemies quicker. Note that reactivity is already an inherent component of most tracking scenarios, which
makes this routine entirely optional. Players can see it as a means to offer a more focused/challenging
method to work on it.


When you’re at a particular level, one way to attain significant improvement is by challenging yourself more.
The scenarios in this playlist provide just that—they’re newly created scenarios catered to improve reactivity
at an increased rate. Note that players should not insist on playing scenarios that are far too difficult for them.
In fact, it may be beneficial to play the regular tracking scenarios instead or easier versions and work on
technique first.

Remember that even in easier scenarios there’s still a lot of improvement to be made, and reactivity isn’t
limited to extremely fast/hard scenarios. The risk of developing bad habits comes when a player’s
fundamentals are lacking behind, which may lead to over-predicting due to being overwhelmed by the
target’s movements.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

Our thought process with these scenarios & playlists was to create something difficult and unpredictable, to
push your raw reactivity limits as much as possible.

Disclaimer: Due to the difficulty of some of these scenarios, even advanced players might want to start with
the intermediate routine, and only move on when they’re ready for a bigger challenge to work on raw

All tracking scenarios below are played the same way:

Focus on the target, and track it in singular clean motions while not overreacting to changes in direction to
optimize your time on target. Avoid predicting, try to react as fast as possible to direction changes while still
making smooth motions.

Some good habits that you should strive for when playing these scenarios, as they will also aid you in-game,
depending on the situation:

- Try to underaim as much as possible, this is where you intentionally place your crosshair closer to the
opposite edge of the target so that you have a larger time window to react to its direction changes.
- This is harder to achieve in scenarios with shorter strafes, and those that involve verticality,
and it will take some time to develop your reading skills, before you can do this properly.
- Try to make fine adjustments when the target is rapidly strafing left-right.
- A good rule of thumb is that when a target is short strafing, you don’t need to move your
crosshair as much.
- Try not to predict direction changes, keep tracking the target in one smooth motion as long as
possible, especially when it moves in one direction.
- A common pitfall is where players try to compensate for their lack in reactivity by
overtensing and tracking a target in stuttery/jittery movements.
- If this happens too often, it might be a good idea to develop fundamentals on easier
scenarios first.

Playable at any level, recommended from Iron - Gold on Reactive Benchmarks

Duration: 25 & 1/2 minutes.


Back-up link: VT Reactive Tracking Novice in Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Reactive Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Swaytrack Smooth Easier - 3m

a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in a swaying motion while making smooth
direction changes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves fundamental tracking capabilities by introducing core tracking principles
with easier to follow direction changes.
2. VT Pilltrack Varied Novice - 3m

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: One invincible pill-shaped bot makes erratic horizontal strafes, both long and
short, around the player’s 360° view. The bot will remain anchored to the floor shared with
the player for the duration of the scenario.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your horizontal tracking and reactivity.
3. VT Reactsphere Novice - 3m
a. Description: One invincible spherical bot makes medium to small erratic strafes vertically
and horizontally, while occasionally making a single imperceptibly fast strafe to force a
sudden adjustment. The bot is placed on a rectangular X/Y plane.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your target acquisition, tracking and reactivity by introducing verticality, and
4. VT Trackstop Air Novice - 3m
a. Description: One invincible pill-shaped bot makes erratic horizontal strafes and emphasizes
common stops.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reacting to targets that make sudden stops, a common occurrence in FPS
5. VT MFSI Novice Bigger - 3m
a. Description: a horizontal tracking scenario that features a target with very fast acceleration
that performs short strafes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your horizontal tracking and reactivity at midrange.
6. VT Airtrack Novice - 4.5m
a. Description: One invincible spherical bot makes various vertical and horizontal strafes with
different levels of consistency, ranging from long and predictable to short and erratic. The
bot will execute these movements around the player, making use of the full 360° horizontal
view space.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your tracking and reactivity by introducing verticality.
7. VT Tensiontrack Novice - 3m
a. Description: a horizontal tracking scenario that makes short and fast strafes and long
strafes randomly, a light indicator tells the player when to tense their grip or be calmer.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your overall tracking and reactivity, and emphasizes tension control.
8. VT Shuffletrack Novice - 3m
a. Description: An invincible spherical target that makes medium to small erratic strafes
vertically and horizontally while occasionally making a single fast dash to force a sudden
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why:Helps train overall reactivity to strafes and the dash helps with target acquisition.

Playable at any level, recommended from Platinum - Master on Reactive Benchmarks

Duration: 31 & 1/2 minutes.


Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

Back-up link: VT Reactive Tracking Intermediate in Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite)
or simply search for Voltaic Reactive Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Pilltrack Varied Med - 3m

a. Description: One invincible pill-shaped bot makes erratic horizontal strafes, both long and
short, around the player’s 360° view. The bot will remain anchored to the floor shared with
the player for the duration of the scenario.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your horizontal tracking and reactivity.
2. VT Reactsphere Med - 3m
a. Description: One invincible spherical bot makes medium to small erratic strafes vertically
and horizontally, while occasionally making a single imperceptibly fast strafe to force a
sudden adjustment. The bot is placed on a rectangular X/Y plane.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your target acquisition, tracking and reactivity by introducing verticality, and
3. VT Verticalpill Med - 3m
a. Description: a pill shaped target on a long flat wall that makes large and reactive vertical
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with purely vertical reactivity.
4. VT Trackstop Varied - 3m
a. Description: One invincible pill-shaped bot makes erratic horizontal strafes and emphasizes
common stops.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reacting to targets that make sudden stops, a common occurrence in FPS
5. VT Pausetrack - 3m
a. Description: One invincible pill-shaped bot makes erratic horizontal strafes and emphasizes
common stops. the target slows down and can either keep going in the same direction or
change directions.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reacting to targets that make sudden stops, a common occurrence in FPS
6. VT Ztrack Med - 3m
a. Description: Spherical scenario that makes frequent strafes in the z axis.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps to learn how to read targets that are moving back and forth.
7. VT Tensiontrack Med - 3m
a. Description: a horizontal tracking scenario that makes short and fast strafes and long
strafes randomly, a light indicator tells the player when to tense their grip or be calmer.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your overall tracking and reactivity, and emphasizes tension control.
8. VT Airtrack Intermediate - 4.5m
a. Description: One invincible spherical bot makes various vertical and horizontal strafes with
different levels of consistency, ranging from long and predictable to short and erratic. The
bot will execute these movements around the player, making use of the full 360° horizontal
view space.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your tracking and reactivity by introducing verticality.
9. VT ZacXYZ Med - 3m

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: Spherical target that flies around the player and frequently blinks.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps with reactivity and target acquisition after blinks.
10. VT Angletrack Reactive Med - 3m
a. Description: a spherical target on a flat wall that makes long and short horizontal and
vertical strafes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: isolates only the X and Y axis for focused training.

Playable at any level, recommended at Grandmaster and above on Reactive Benchmarks

Duration: 31 & 1/2 minutes.


Back-up link: VT Reactive Tracking Advanced in Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Reactive Tracking if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Swaytrack Advanced - 3m
a. Description: Track a spherical target that strafes in a swaying motion.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves fundamental tracking capabilities by introducing core tracking principles.
2. VT Axitrack Advanced AIO - 3m
a. Description: a scenario featuring all the movement types of VT Axityrack Advanced that
randomly changes between them.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: The bot randomly changes movement profiles so it makes it harder to react to and
forces the player to adjust in real time.
3. VT Angletrack Reactive Advanced - 3m
a. Description: a spherical target on a flat wall that makes long and short horizontal and
vertical strafes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: isolates only the X and Y axis for focused training.
4. VT YZTrack - 3m
a. Description: Spherical scenario that makes frequent strafes in the z axis while also moving
vertically at quick speeds.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps train vertical reactivity with targets that also move back and forth.
5. VT Despairtrack - 3m
a. Description: a pill shaped target that moves at very high speeds and randomly varies
between short and long strafes while also flying around the player.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: helps train pure reactivity due to its unpredictable nature.
6. VT Groundtrack Reactive Advanced - 3m
a. Description: a thin pill shaped target that makes short and long strafes at a medium range
that occasionally flies around and blinks.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: helps combine all the skills together in a hard but still readable scenario.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

7. VT Demontrack - 3m
a. Description: pill shaped target at a medium range that makes very short and long strafes
with instant acceleration. The target can also slow down, blink and stop randomly.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: helps train pure reactivity due to its unpredictable nature.
8. VT MFSI Despair - 3m
a. Description: a horizontal tracking scenario that features a target with very fast acceleration
that performs short strafes.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your horizontal tracking and reactivity at midrange.
9. VT Airtrack Advanced - 4.5m
a. Description: One invincible spherical bot makes various vertical and horizontal strafes with
different levels of consistency, ranging from long and predictable to short and erratic. The
bot will execute these movements around the player, making use of the full 360° horizontal
view space.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Improves your tracking and reactivity by introducing verticality.
10. VT Whisphere Advanced - 3m
a. Description: a small spherical gently flying target that moves around the player at different
distances and speeds.
b. How: Click here to see how to play
c. Why: Helps combine reactivity with smoothness for proper technique.

Viscose holds many world records or was a previous world record holder (Celestial scores) for many popular
target switching scenarios. Matty won the first Aim Training LAN to date, the red bull ready-check.
Lowgravity56 created all the scenarios in the training below.



Especially helpful for games with low-ttk and fully automatic dominant weapons. All games listed above have
a relatively low to mid time to kill, which allows players to essentially maximize their speed when approaching
targets. This is because multiple players can be eliminated in the same clip when firing a gun, as long as the
player aims accurately, and switches fast enough from one target to another.

Flicking speed when target switching is essential when playing games with a lower time to kill as it allows you
to eliminate multiple enemies without reloading, which is very useful for getting yourself out of unfavorable
situations or taking advantage of smart flanks. Developing strong speed isn’t only useful in lower ttk games
either, even in higher ttk situations being able to flick onto your target quickly and accurately will give you an
advantage in the duel, as long as you are able to balance speed and accuracy.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

This training was created with one of the best speed target switch players to assemble multiple playlists that
will help players put a higher emphasis on their raw speed while still maintaining accuracy. It involves a wide
variety of scenarios at various angles.

These playlists feature various speed switching scenarios, including edits of benchmark tasks and entirely
new tasks with the goal of making players more comfortable flicking quickly between targets. Some scenarios
focus more on raw flick speed while others attempt to help build comfort with switching between targets at
non-standard angles to ensure that the training will cover a variety of in-game situations.

Be sure to hold down the fire button when playing these tasks to get the most out of your training.


There are two main features this playlist has that make it effective at building speed

1. Evo style scenarios

2. Shorter scenarios

Evo scenarios are tasks where the targets gradually shrink as you play, with the goal of developing comfort
when flicking fast on smaller targets, as the speed gained on the larger targets should carry over to the
smaller ones. This is emphasized within this playlist through having an easier scenario proceed the evo
scenario, meaning players get very accustomed to holding a certain pace on the easier scenario before trying
to maintain it as the targets shrink on the evo task. Following this is a harder task with smaller targets, the
goal here should be to maintain as much speed as possible.

The shorter scenarios are also used to encourage players to push themselves to flick faster. The standard task
length within aim trainers is 60 seconds, which promotes consistency to get a good score. By making the task
shorter, players are able to push themselves to go at speeds they wouldn’t be able to hold for a full minute,
which also contributes to this playlist helping build confidence when flicking quickly.

Playable at any level, recommended from Iron - Gold on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 12 minutes.


Back-up link: VT Speed & Switching in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Speed Switching if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Speedswitch 180 Warmup Novice - 90 seconds.

a. Description: A 180 scenario that involves slow moving and low-ttk targets.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
overflicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Take extra time on micro
adjustments. While you are performing this micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately. Focuses on speed because of the target size and short duration.
2. VT Skyswitch Raw Speed Novice - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
3. VT Skyswitch Evo Novice - 50 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets start big and get smaller the
more you eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
4. VT Skyswitch Novice Smaller - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
5. VT Sphereswitch Raw Speed Novice - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a rectangular prism at various depths
and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots need to
be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. More verticality than Skyswitch.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
6. VT Sphereswitch Evo Novice - 50 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
7. VT Sphereswitch Novice Smaller - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
8. VT Speedswitch 90 Precision Novice - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 90 degree task that involves slow, low-ttk targets.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately.
9. VT Skyswitch Evo Viscose - 60 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets get smaller the more you
eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Serves as a benchmark scenario because the biggest and smallest size are more
extreme than the other Evolving scenarios in the playlist.

Playable at any level, recommended from Platinum - Master on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 12 minutes.


Back-up link: VT Speed & Switching in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Speed Switching if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Speedswitch 180 Warmup Med - 90 seconds.

a. Description: A 180 scenario that involves slow moving and low-ttk targets.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
overflicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Take extra time on micro
adjustments. While you are performing this micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately. Focuses on speed because of the target size and short duration.
2. VT Skyswitch Raw Speed Med - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
3. VT Skyswitch Evo Med - 50 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets start big and get smaller the
more you eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
4. VT Skyswitch Med Smaller - 90 seconds.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
5. VT Sphereswitch Raw Speed Med - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a rectangular prism at various depths
and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots need to
be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. More verticality than Skyswitch.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
6. VT Sphereswitch Evo Med - 50 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
7. VT Sphereswitch Med Smaller - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
8. VT Speedswitch 90 Precision Med - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 90 degree task that involves slow, low-ttk targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately.
9. VT Skyswitch Evo Viscose - 60 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets get smaller the more you
eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Serves as a benchmark scenario because the biggest and smallest size are more
extreme than the other Evolving scenarios in the playlist.

Playable at any level, recommended from Master or above on Precise Benchmarks

Duration: 12 minutes.

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic


Back-up link: VT Speed & Switching in the Steam Workshop and hit subscribe (consider a like/favorite) or
simply search for Voltaic Speed Switching if the link above doesn’t work.

1. VT Speedswitch 180 Warmup Advanced - 90 seconds.

a. Description: A 180 scenario that involves slow moving and low-ttk targets.
b. How: Hold down the shoot button, focus on switching targets as fast as possible while not
overflicking and keeping a straight line from target to target. Take extra time on micro
adjustments. While you are performing this micro-adjustment, have the next target in mind.
c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately. Focuses on speed because of the target size and short duration.
2. VT Skyswitch Raw Speed Advanced - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
3. VT Skyswitch Evo Advanced - 50 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets start big and get smaller the
more you eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
4. VT Skyswitch Advanced Smaller - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
5. VT Sphereswitch Raw Speed Advanced - 90 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a rectangular prism at various depths
and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots need to
be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. More verticality than Skyswitch.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Big size to
promote speed as much as possible.
6. VT Sphereswitch Evo Advanced - 50 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

c. Why: Forces speed at first and teaches you to maintain it as the targets get smaller.
7. VT Sphereswitch Advanced Smaller - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 180 task that involves slow, low-ttk and long strafing targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: Forces extremely refined target switches with minimal wasted movements. Smaller size
promotes more accuracy while still keeping speed.
8. VT Speedswitch 90 Precision Advanced - 90 seconds.
a. Description: A 90 degree task that involves slow, low-ttk targets.
b. How: Focus on smoothly tracking each bot with as little jitter as possible before switching to
the next one. Try to make smooth and clean motions that land directly from one target to
c. Why: This trains your target acquisition speed and accuracy, so that you can switch targets
faster and more accurately.
9. VT Skyswitch Evo Viscose - 60 seconds.
a. Description: Bots move in slow, long horizontal lines in a deep rectangular prism at various
depths and heights. Horizontal direction changes are very slow and predictable and the bots
need to be tracked for a short period to be eliminated. Targets get smaller the more you
eliminate them.
b. How: Make sure to force full kills as much as possible, leaving as little partials up as possible.
Attempt to land your initial flick directly on the bot with no micro-correction and keep this
action consistent on both small and large switches.
c. Why: Serves as a benchmark scenario because the biggest and smallest size are more
extreme than the other Evolving scenarios in the playlist.



Below are people who have provided feedback or have assisted in creating these routines, including some
trivial information to understand why their help is valuable:
● Mini
● LowGravity56
● Cartoon
● Yrup
● Lorys
● Herro
● aRandomDeadDude
● Yams
● Matty
● Deseo
● Buckshot
● Clover
● Viscose
● Empyrean

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

● sini

Weakness specific aimtraining routines & instructions by Voltaic

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