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Mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions of the modern science.

It plays an important part

in our lives, along with various apps that have become very popular and widely used.In my
leisure time, I use an app called Pinterest. It was introduced long time ago, about 10 years, and it
is really famous. Pinterest is a site with several ideas and images. We can use it in both ios and
android plattform. It is free and useful for all ages. For example, if you want ideas for decorating
your room, doing some project, or designing a dress, you can go to Pinterest, search for it and get
ideas with images. Or if you love to travel, and you want to get ideas about the place or how it
looks, you can go to that app and search for the place you are looking for. In addition, each
image might have links that take you to some websites for possible help and guidance.My
favourite app will always be Pinterest. I rated it 5 stars for all of its uses.

Cacbon dioxide can cause the greenhouse effect
I did a course in writing.
Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday depends on the cost.
She taught English to foreign students.
They walked slowly through the woods.
They're coming next week, though I don't know which day.
I have to give her some thought
It was a thorough waste of time.

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