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Let’s talk about Mental health

Brain is the most important part of our body, God has given all the powers to human brain, it has all you
think, thinking even starts from the brain, hence it has been kept at the top, and covered with a skull for
protection, all the emotions is controlled by the brain. Hence mental health is very important, brain has
to be fed with happiness, it has to be exercised, it has to be tabled with sleep time and has to be woken
up at its time. Mental conditions of the human easy noticed by the face mirror whatever is going in the
back of our brain thoughts ,our dreams ,our full day adventures or our work is all been stopped once we
sleep and hence brain has to rested at proper time.

In ancient days Yoga was or even today is the best thing we can provide our brain to be kept health
through yogic exercises, meditation is the first thing we can do to rest our brain

Mental health is gain through peace of mind, to refresh our thoughts we have to keep our brain in
happiness away from all the anxiety, anger, greed, pain and above all we should not be demanding to all
the things ,the virtual world can not fulfill all our desires hence we should have at the givers end .People
who are anxious of loosing or gaining what is not ours is the first step where we loose our mental health
which ends us at a hospital bed or on a counselor’s office, Doctor suggest us to be on medicine and
counselor advice us to be alone ,away the things which makes us emotionally attached or which hurts
us. Human heart is controlled by our brain .some of the following exercises of yoga

Even our surrounding atmosphere affects our mental health ,we see people laughing we laugh we see
people celebrating we are happy, all the good things makes our mental health happy and all the bad
things depressed and affect our brain.

Hence be happy and always smile to keep our surroundings green and clean smile and smiles…….

Ayesha Engineer

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