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Respected Sir,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We write to you with a concern
that has persisted over an extended period—the matter of the dress code within our
institution. Despite our initial reluctance to voice our grievances, the persistence of issues
has compelled us to bring this matter to your attention.

On a daily basis, upon entering the premises, we are subjected to scrutiny by a group of
security guards who meticulously assess our attire based on what they perceive as "decent"
and "formal wear." If our clothing does not meet their standards, we are required to contact
our parents for an explanation. Subsequently, we are expected to draft a letter of apology
before being permitted to attend our classes.

While we acknowledge that dress codes can serve various objectives, such as fostering
decorum, professionalism, and safety, the current atmosphere we experience does not align
with these principles. The enforcement of the dress code, as described earlier, lacks
professionalism and does not contribute to a conducive and serious educational

The recent atmosphere prompts us to question how the existing dress code contributes to
our safety. Moreover, concerns of inclusivity arise when observing the disparate treatment of
formal wear between male and female students. We do not contest the concept of a dress
code but rather the subjective definitions attached to "formal wear" and the administration's
perspective on clothing deemed as "revealing" or a potential distraction.
Having adhered to dress codes throughout our twelve years of schooling, it is disheartening
to face similar concerns at this mature stage in our educational journey. The question arises:
why subject us to moral policing now, when we are expected to make our own decisions and
exercise mature judgement?

The youth within our college represents a diverse and vibrant community. While we
understand the importance of balancing personal expression with maintaining a social
decorum, our fear lies not in facing the external world but in the scrutiny within our own
college premises. We place our trust in your leadership and respectfully request that
appropriate actions be taken to address these concerns.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Students of VNRVJIET

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