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Sir Dante was one of my Filipino teachers in junior

high. He was a kind and understanding teacher to

me, although I often escaped his class.
He taught me different kinds of poems and their
origins, such as tanaka and haiku. He also
introduced to me the different Filipino traditional
theatrical performances, such as the moro moro
sinakulo and zarzuela. He was one of my mentors
who had contributed a lot to my personal and
academic growth throughout the years.

Sir Jason was my science teacher in seventh

grade. He is a strict but dedicated teacher. He
gave us many laboratory experiments and hands-
on projects that enhanced my practical skills as a
student, such as data collection, analysis, and
experimentation. His science subject also fosters
critical thinking skills by encouraging us to make
observations, conduct experiments, form
hypotheses, and analyze data. These skills are
essential for me to make decisions, solve
problems, and understand the world around me.

Sir Randy was my English teacher in grade 8 and,

at the same time, my adviser. He was one of my
mentors who guided me in my academic journey.
He taught me things that included enhancing my
English grammar and reading skills. He was my
guidance counselor, who supported my social,
personal, and emotional development. And i must
say he was one of the teachers who greatly
contributed not only to my academic growth but
also to my personal development.
Ma'am Marivic was my grade 11 teacher before
and my current teacher in organizational
management. My first impression of her was not
so good, and I even disliked her before. But then,
when she became my teacher in this current
semester, all my thoughts about her changed. I
came to know her, and one of the things I love
about her is that she does not tolerate us cheating.
She is strict, but I knew for sure that it was for our
own good and that she was just readying us for
our next journey. She is one of my greatly
appreciated teachers that has instilled in me a lot
of knowledge.

Eunice is one of my treasured friends. She is my

comforter, listener, and adviser. Whenever I am in
a bad situation, she gives me hope and she boosts
my self-confidence. The thing I loved about her
was that she was very supportive of me in many
ways. She makes me feel loved, and she treats
me like a sister. All I could say is that it is such a
blessing to have her in my life.
The school canteen was one of my favorite places
inside the school. Back then, the product was
student-friendly. There was a time we'd make an
excuse to the comfort room from our subject
teacher just to make our way to the canteen. It
was all fun until the school principal caught us.
Madam Mercy is my current adviser. She is nice,
and will sometimes crack a joke with us. She has
temper issues, but I kind of understand her. She
always advises us not to get married early.
Sometimes she offered some of her things for us
to use, such as her laptop and letting us use her

The school library was one of my most loved

places by then. There are so many books I can
read and explore. I really love reading books
because it makes me relax whenever I'm stressed.
I also love learning different kinds of things
because it expands my knowledge.This is just one
of the places that give me peace and joy.

Lawig National High School has been my second

home for almost 6 years now. Throughout my time
here, I have embarked on a transformative
learning journey that has enriched my mind,
expanded my horizons, and shaped me into a
lifelong learner. The academic curriculum at Lawig
has provided me with a solid foundation across
various disciplines, equipping me with the
knowledge and skills necessary for success in
higher education and beyond. I will forever cherish
the memories, friendships, and lessons learned
during my time here.

Sir klyde pagal

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest
gratitude for the invaluable lessons and guidance
you have provided throughout 3rd grading. Your
teaching style is truly inspiring. You have a
remarkable ability to foster an environment of
intellectual curiosity and critical thinking,
encouraging us to delve deeper into the subjects
and explore
new perspectives. Thank you for being more than
just a teacher. Your kindness, patience, and
genuine care for your students have made our
classroom feel like a second home. You have
created a safe space where we can express
ourselves freely, ask questions without hesitation,
and learn from our mistakes.

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