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Define humanism in the concept of sociology.

 Humanism in sociology refers to a perspective that places a strong emphasis on the

inherent dignity, worth, and potential of individuals within society. It is a theoretical
framework that prioritizes human agency, autonomy, and the pursuit of human
flourishing. Humanistic sociology views people as active agents who shape society
through their actions, beliefs, and interactions, rather than being solely determined by
social structures or external forces.

Common denominator of Heidegger and Hickel about human flourishing.

 Martin Heidegger and Jason Hickel may seem like an unlikely pairing in discussions
of human flourishing, as they come from different intellectual traditions and contexts.
Heidegger, a German philosopher associated with existentialism and phenomenology,
explored the nature of being, while Hickel, an anthropologist and activist, focuses on
issues of global inequality and economic development. However, there are some
points of convergence in their ideas when it comes to human flourishing.

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