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Cariaga, Kurt Patrick T.


The only thing I follow is three phases of exercise program The three phases of exercise
are the warm-up, the workout, and the cool-down. Each phase plays an important role in
helping you reach your fitness goals and stay safe and healthy.

The warm-up prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing your heart rate,
blood flow, and muscle temperature. It also helps to improve your flexibility and range of
motion. A good warm-up should last for 5-10 minutes and include dynamic exercises such
as walking, marching, arm circles, and leg swings.

The workout is the main part of your exercise session. This is where you will challenge
yourself physically and work towards your fitness goals. The type of workout you do will
depend on your individual fitness level and goals. However, it is important to include a
variety of exercises in your workout to target all the major muscle groups.

The cool-down helps your body to gradually return to its resting state. It is important to
give your body time to recover from exercise, as this is when it repairs and builds muscle
tissue. A good cool-down should last for 5-10 minutes and include static stretches such
as holding a hamstring stretch or quadriceps stretch.

Each phase is important for different reasons, and all three phases should be included
in every exercise routine.

It is also important to find exercises that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle. If you
don't enjoy your workouts, you are less likely to stick with them. So, find activities that
you look forward to and that challenge you without being too difficult.

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