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Who can be a philosopher?

Anyone can be a philosopher, but, do they make sense?

Consider it in terms of what musicians call themselves.

Who can claim to be a philosopher?

Who is the philosopher?

What does it take to become a philosopher?

What makes us a philosopher? Can anyone become a philosopher? Explain

What does it mean to be a philosopher?

Yes and you already are. However, for many philosophy can be a game of academic inventiveness or
purely abstract reasoning that actually benefits such a thinkers life very little. Peterson identifies such
persons as bloodless scholars. Philosophers and thinkers who simply preach or think things without
investing themselves in them personally. The look at ideas and life as two separated spheres of being.
Their thinking does not benefit their life this is because their approach to philosophy is wrong. It is easy
to become egotistical in field of human enquiry and philosophy is no different. When we think of
musicians we think of the greats Beethoven, Nirvana, etc. The same is true of philosophy we think of
Nietzsche, Socrates, Plato the greats in the field. But this type of feeling does not adequately recognise
all the people that play guitars and pianos badly in their rooms. The same is true with philosophy those
who try to read demanding texts and don’t grasp them is no different to a musician trying to learn to
play Mozart without learning the basic of music. To be a philosopher one has to develop one’s sense of
human reason, this is something I believe Emmanuel Kant would agree with, he wrote a big famous
book about dissecting reason himself “critique of pure reason”. But we see in Kant’s approach he was
only great to a certain extent, he was great in one narrow sphere of rational reason based philosophy.
Kant and thought and wrote with passion and he also embodied his philosophy, his fault is that he lived
and thought up a wrong philosophy that was to narrow minded and individualistic. Kant lived a life were
he favoured himself over all others even his closest relations and family members. For all his writing on
morality and the ethical imperative to act well and as if your every action will be drawn up as a universal
law for all, he failed miserably. Kant tried to use the rational and reason based part of the human mind
in his bid as a philosophers to attain a form of absolute knowledge. Not surprisingly his failure to grasp
absolute human knowledge through his rational and scientific approach lead him to the conclusion that
one could not truly know the extent of reality and knowledge fundamentally. Kant was a thinker a great
thinker but being such does not make one a great philosopher. Reason must be compromised of two
aspects that formulate and make up the human mind. These being conscious and subconscious
reasoning. Kant’s philosophy was to conscious driven and we see with so many philosophers in the
modern age these smaller paler forms of Kant running around like headless chickens. They two think like
little intellectual off spring from Kant that they can alone reason themselves consciously to knowledge -
the highest forms of knowledge a human being can grasp but they are wrong.

Hegel showed us that one must also feel one’s way to knowledge. To be a philosopher is a given. To be a
great philosopher is a better question to ask and maybe that is what you are implicitly asking? And again
I offer my affirmation that this is possible for all though perhaps only a small part of such individuals or
even the rare exemption will enjoy the fruits of their labour, because as Nietzsche states it is essential
that one examines the driving force behind ones actions is it in seeking abundance that one aims toward
the greatness of philosophical knowledge or is it due to an inherent lack in oneself that one pursues the
path to knowledge. It’s possible that both roads can lead one to absolute knowledge, However, it is only
the brave soul that is satisfied and seeks an elevation and abundance of power and knowledge that once
it is attained they will enjoy it.

Those with a lack even with all the knowledge in their hands will feel no better - the Dai Lama affirms
this perspective in his teachings - only those with compassion and empathy feel at home in the world
and these people once weaponized and able to deflect the arrows of the callous become the abundant
able to seize true knowledge form the windswept heights of Nietzschean mountain-range. As Carl Jung
describes humans experience emotions and reason in two ways through thinking or feeling it. I am a
thinker so it is easier for me to attain knowledge than a feeler through my rational mind but it is harder
for me through my emotions and sense of feelings. That it why it is imperative that i develop my ability
to feel, something I take it Kant failed to do miserably, he was also a thinker type fundamentally in the
structure of his personality that directly impacts one’s philosophical ideas. Many people are feelers they
then need to develop their logical reasoning to become a philosopher. What is it to become a
philosopher it is to acknowledge and then slowly working on fixing ones weaknessess in life, feelings,
emotions and in our reasoning. To be a philosopher is a holistic pursuit and all ways of life offer their
own unique and perceptive views of a philosophical nature. One can be a philosopher in a city or in a
rural area and the environment one lives in will affect how one thinks, feels and reasons their way to
higher forms of knowledge. To be a well rounded person is to be a philosopher to learn how to sing, to
learn how to paint, to learn how to raise a family, to learn how to stand up for oneself and be brave, to
learn to be giving without being self-sacrificing, to overcome one’s childhood, to understand ones
personality and psychology to live life without fear, to find love and marry perhaps have a family of
one’s own even to die within all these activities lays latent the purest forms of philosophical knowledge
that no book can contain or do justice too. To be a philosopher is to simply be aware of oneself and
one’s life, one’s hopes and one’s dreams. To be a philosopher is to live every day as if it were to be your

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