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I'm here to tell you about our bushcraft courses. Since 2007, we've
been teaching people the necessary skills to stay alive in the wild by using the
things around them. So what are weekend courses like? On Saturday morning,
your guide will pick you up for your adventure
(1)_______________________and drive you to our main office. First you'll
need to repack your backpack with just the essential equipment and then it's
time to walk to the forest camp.The first lesson is how to use the equipment, for
example you will learn (2)________________ so that you don't hurt yourself or
others. The next job is (3)_____________________________. It doesn't need
to be beautiful but it will be your place to (4)__________________, as it will get
cold. But don't worry, your guide will have an
(5)____________________________ for the group to sleep in if necessary.
You'll learn how to (6)____________________, although I can't promise you'll
be lucky enough to get one. If you do, I'll show you how to prepare it and we'll
have it for lunch. We'll also go fishing in the river but whatever we catch there,
we will have (7)__________________________. Those are the rules in this
area. Over the rest of the weekend you'll learn how to find drinking water, use
(8)_____________________________to navigate and
(9)__________________________for rain or a change in temperature. Please
visit our website for more details but if you have any specific questions, please
email me on [name] at bushcraftskills dot com, that's
(10)__________________. Or if you prefer, you can telephone us. Our number
is (11)__________________. There's someone in our office from Monday to
Friday from ten to five.

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