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Did you have a pet when you were younger?

Well, I used to have two cats and a dog when I was in kindergarten. I always love
having pets around because I enjoy their company, and... honestly, I’m a bit scared to
be alone in my house.

What kinds of animals do people like to have as a pet?

I believe it depends on personal preference. For me, I must say I am a hundred percent
a cat person. It is almost impossible for me to go a day without seeing my cat. But some
of my friends really prefer dogs since dogs are loyal and cheerful.

Do you think city is a suitable place to keep pets?

Yes, I mean why not. So far my cat’s been more than okay living in my apartment; he’s
clean, well-fed and very healthy. But of course, it would be more enjoyable for animals
to live in the countryside since the air is cleaner and there is a lot more space for them
to run around.

Being alone
Do you like being alone?

Oh, sometimes I do but again, all of us do once in a while, right?. But honestly, most of
the time, I would prefer not to be alone, which is why I have pets. They never fail to
make me feel warm and welcome, sometimes even more than my friends.

Is it important to have some alone time occasionally?

As I said before, yes, definitely. I always find it hard to concentrate when there are
people around, so whenever I need to work, I have to be on my own. Other than that,
spending some “me” time watching films or dancing along to your favorite songs can
be quite relaxing.

What do you like to do when you are alone?

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