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Of Chasing Wind

We run around, go about….everyday of our lives.

We are always too busy…
to be meeting the challenges that lie before us
always hurrying up…trying to meet deadlines,
working so hard to stay alive
Worrying too much and thinking too much
about paper works to be passed
about needs to be satisfied
about wealth to be acquired
about the joy we have to live by
And all the days of our life we are filled with pride
to have achieved so much
We boast about our wisdom to get things done
We boast about the skills we have,
about the work performance
We boast about our accomplishments too many to count,
about the success we’ve enjoyed and found

Alas! Comes the time to die…and looking back…we realize

there is nothing really special about everything we’ve done
Because all our live…we are too busy
trying to chase the wind we can never really catch
Too busy to have time for ourselves and everybody else
We don’t even have time to heartily listen to the person next to us…
to hear the voice of the child in us,
to spend a while watching the sky
or learn to hand or share a smile

And it’s all useless…for when we leave this world

all that we’ve planned… all that we have and
all that we are proud of…when we die…
They all die with us
And the only thing left worth taking note of is the truth about GOD…
His love in our hearts
and the way we’ve shared our lives with others
without having to lose a single part of us.

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