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2 Time’s Winged Chariot

Copyright © 2021

Smart Abavo

All rights reserved.

This book may not be copied or reproduced without the written

permission of the author.

Smart Abavo

3 Time’s Winged Chariot


In loving memory of Late Miss Idemudia - Omosefe Ofure Esther who

lost her life from the pipeline explosion at Abule – Ado, Lagos Nigeria, on
15th March, 2020
4 Time’s Winged Chariot


1. Preface

2. The Land of the Mighty by Nkeiruka Amanda Ifeanyi

3. 24 Hours Each Day – What For?

4. Why Do I Live?

5. Ofure

6. The Busyness of Today‟s World

7. But I Attend Church Services

8. Time Determines Eternity

9. How Does God Want Me to Live?

10. The Urgency of Purpose

5 Time’s Winged Chariot


Have you heard the statement “how time flies”? That statement is an expression of

the brevity of life. Can you take a moment to reflect? Pause and think about your

childhood. What earliest childhood experience can you recall? For me, I recall when I

was a little boy in primary school. I recall when I represented my class in an interclass

quiz competition in Primary Four at Odeogberin International School, Oshodi, Lagos

Nigeria. I recall when I prophesied to my primary school friends and it came to pass

on two different occasions. I recall when I cried and begged my parents to allow me

remain in primary school, just so I could play the drums during the morning assembly,

even though my colleagues were moving on to secondary school. What an experience!

That little boy has now become a man!

A man was asked on his 70th birthday how it felt like to be seventy. His reply was apt,

exciting and thought-provoking, “Just recently, I was twenty and suddenly I turned

seventy.” Like this man, every one of us will look back one day and suddenly realize

that we are grandparents already. But the question I need you to ponder on as you

read this book is: “When I clock seventy or eighty, would I look back and be proud of

how I lived my life?”

Smart Abavo
6 Time’s Winged Chariot

The Land of the Mighty

We have come to the land
Finally! The land of the great and mighty
For so long we anticipated
And like honey, we craved for it

We are here!
Oh yes! Here we are!
We can at last be free and wild as the bird
To move and roam about like
Sheep without a shepherd
A land of the independents

From afar we‟ve looked at it -

A city on the hill blessed with green nature
Now, at the gate we stand
With hands akimbo, we survey around
Excitement lit in our eyes:
Dazzling fiery fire
Joy! Joy! Joy!
At last! Joy!

What is stopping us from making a grand entry?

Let‟s step in for a better view;
Let‟s move in and live life to the fullest;
Harvest all the goodies we can lay our hands on.
7 Time’s Winged Chariot

Tools you say?
We do not need them.
Of what use are they
When we can easily grab all with our hands?
Let us make a grand entry, fellas!
We have arrived.

Quickly, slowly, we entered.

Suddenly, our chins dropped!
Our mouths agape!
What is happening?
Why is everyone in a haste?
Hustling and bustling
Adulthood isn‟t supposed to be like this.
It was supposed to be about freedom and fun.
No time again!

Busy bees – maybe we missed the road.

Maybe we did! Yes!
We should have carried tools.
We can‟t go back now
To the age of seed sowing;
The age of preparation
That gate is shut!
Nkeiruka Amanda Ifeanyi
8 Time’s Winged Chariot

24 Hours Each Day – What For?

If you are sincere with yourself, you would realize that there are days you just stayed

doing nothing meaningful. Now, with the advent of the Internet, it is very easy to

waste twenty-four hours in a day. It is very easy to sit with your mobile phone

throughout the day, not for business purposes, but for pleasure. It is very easy to sit in

front of a computer or television set, watching movies throughout the day. Have you

honestly asked yourself of what use is twenty-four hours?

Twenty-four hours a day is available to everyone on the surface of the earth. A poor

man has only twenty-four hours in a day, the same with a wealthy man. A slave has

only twenty-hours in a day, the same with a king. The difference between these people

is not time; it is the utility of time. Some „spend‟ time and others „invest‟ time. The

difference between an A student and an F student is the utility of twenty-four hours.

What do you do with the precious gift of twenty-four hours?

9 Time’s Winged Chariot

Why Do I Live?

Myles Munroe of blessed memory said, “When the purpose of a thing is not known,

abuse is inevitable.” Have you ever pondered on the fleeting nature of life? We live on

earth for a period of time and then depart to „elsewhere‟. Since we all do not stay here

forever, there must be a reason for journeying through life. But do you have an

understanding of this reason? Do you know the essence of your life? Do you know

how you should live your life? The truth is that you may never have a clear

understanding of why you live if you do not know your origin/source.

Everyone on earth is a messenger sent with a message from God. Everyone is a voice

designed to echo the yearnings of God. Everyone is a product specially made by the

greatest Manufacturer in existence for His divine purpose. Have you heard the

statement “God gives and God takes”? Indeed, God is the Giver of life and He

expects us to give that same life back to Him in consecration. You really do not own

yourself. He owns you and expects you to live as His priceless possession.
10 Time’s Winged Chariot


Ofure Omosefe of blessed memory was a dear friend before she went to be with the

Lord on the 15th of March, 2020. Few months before her demise, we were together in

Benin City, Nigeria. We discussed her plans to get a good job and then further her

education, preferably abroad. Fortunately for her, she got a well-paying job in Lagos.

Little did she know that she would never return to her parents alive. Her death was

indeed shocking and painful. This book is dedicated to commemorate my dear friend,

Ofure after one year of her departure from this sinful world.

I was present all through her funeral and watched as she was laid to rest. At that

point, the scripture in Ecclesiastes 7:1 that says “A good name is better than precious

ointment; and the day of death than the day of one‟s birth” became very real to me.

The Holy Spirit whispered to me: “Son, one day, it will be your turn.” Those words

reignited in me the fire to live purposefully and intentionally.

Dear Reader, I am reechoing the words of the Spirit to you, “One day, it will be your

turn.” One day, you will be taken away from your family, whether you are prepared to

leave or not. One day, all the degrees and certificates you have acquired will be of no

use anymore. One day, all the wealth – cars, money, houses, businesses, etc., will be

enjoyed by other people. Your time on earth is short. Use it wisely!

11 Time’s Winged Chariot

The Busyness of Today’s World

Do you realize that the busyness of today‟s world is a carefully crafted strategy by the

devil to shift our focus from God to the pursuit of money and means of survival? It is

not God‟s intention for us to live a day without Him. He wants us to be in constant

fellowship with Him every second of the day. Unfortunately, many believers are

carried away by the busyness of today‟s world.

In a city like Lagos Nigeria, the average man wakes up at 4 a.m., hurries out to work at

5 a.m. and arrives late at night, sometimes as late as 10 p.m. On an average day, a

Lagosian spends about 12 hours out of his house in a bid to survive and fend for the

family. Is that why we live? The average man‟s definition of life is to get educated, get

a job, start a business, get a spouse, give birth to children, live long enough to be

called a granny, and then die. What a wasted life!

Someone might be asking, “What is wrong with this definition of life?” Everything is

wrong with it. There is no room for the pursuit of God and His purposes. It is merely

a life of survival. The focus is US and not GOD. And that is exactly what is wrong

with this definition of life. It is good to seek quality education, get a job/start a

business, get a spouse and procreate, but ensure you are living to fulfill the purpose of

the One who made you.

12 Time’s Winged Chariot

Let it be Him dictating to you how to live, not the society and not your ambition.

Jesus‟ model says to always do the will of the Father, regardless of how it affects your

feelings or plans (Hebrews 10:7; John 9:4; John 4:34). If that job/business of yours is

not helping you to know or preach Jesus, then it is a waste of time. It is not worth

doing. If Jesus cannot be found in your marriage, then it is a meaningless adventure. If

you are not using your expertise and influence to please Jesus, then it is a waste of

resources. We have no life outside Him. He is all that matters.

13 Time’s Winged Chariot

But I Attend Church Services

Your attendance in a church service does not mean you live for Jesus. Going to

church certainly helps you grow as a child of God but it does not replace your

relationship with Jesus. Yes, you have a consistent attendance record in church. Fine.

But do you have a consistent attendance in the Secret Place? Do you have a track

record of living for Jesus at your place of work? Can your next door neighbour attest

that you are indeed a child of God? If we only sing praises, dance and preach at

church services without living lives that portray what we preach, then we are


Your time on earth is not for you to become a religious person; it is for you to

become an ambassador for Jesus. It is for you to represent His interest and serve His

purposes in the territory where you find yourself. It is for you to pray His kingdom

come and His will done in your territory. This territory could be your family; area of

residence; workplace; school, etc.

14 Time’s Winged Chariot

Time Determines Eternity

The word of God establishes the foundation that whatever we do in TIME will be the

determining factor of our eternal life. Everyone is eternal because we were all made by

the eternal God. However, not everyone will live with Jesus eternally. Some will be

eternally damned solely because they did not maximize their time on earth in knowing

and following the person of Jesus (Mark 16:16; Matthew 13:41-42; 2 Thessalonians


When we all finally leave this fleeting world, it would no longer be a question of how

much money we had. It would no longer be a question of how many houses we built

and how many cars we bought. No one would talk about the number of degrees we

acquired. Everyone, both great and small would stand to be judged by the Great

Monarch and Judge of all (Acts 17:31; Revelation 11:18). Do you want to live forever

with Jesus or you want to be eternally damned? The choice is yours to make.
15 Time’s Winged Chariot

How Does God Want Me to Live?

 He wants you to live as His ambassador on earth, reconciling others unto Him,

using different Spirit-inspired strategies (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). You can reconcile

others to God by your words, your deeds and your lifestyle. It is not enough to

tell people to be saved; you must show them a saved life.

 He wants you to live as the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). The earth without

you is utterly dark. This is what it really means. Until you live with this

consciousness, you may never really live for Jesus. Being the light means that you

dispel darkness everywhere you go. There should be light in your territory because

you are there. If darkness still prevails around you, it is proof that you have not

started living out your Godly calling. Problems should be solved at your arrival.

Satan and his demons should be expelled around you. Evil patterns should cease

in your territory because you are the light of that territory. Therefore, shine!

 He wants you to live as a priest and as a king (Revelation 5:10). God expects you

to dominate and rule the world like a king. You are to live as the ruler of your

territory. As a king, you have legitimate authority to declare and it comes to pass.

As a student, are you being oppressed by a lecturer or a fellow student? Why not
16 Time’s Winged Chariot

address the issue like a king that you are? Elijah understood this. An entire army

could not arrest him (2 Kings 1).

Not only should you live as a king, you should also live as a priest. One major

feature of a priest is a consistent prayer life. Do you have an effective altar where

you perform your priestly duties regularly? Can you call heaven to intervene in

earth‟s affairs in a twinkle of an eye? This is why the God expects us to pray

always, whether our flesh agrees or not (Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). For

many believers, the busyness of life has taken away their prayer life. Instead of

praying, they spend the whole day looking for what to eat.

 He wants you to always acknowledge Him (Proverbs 3:5). God is interested in all

that concerns you. He is not only interested in your salvation; He is also interested

in your marriage, finance, education, etc. God is not just a Spirit who lives very far

in the third heavens. He is a person who lives in and with you as a Father and

Friend. He wants you to share your burdens with Him. He wants you to enjoy His

divine presence every time of the day.

 He wants you to live a life of love (Mark 12:30-33; Matthew 5:43-48). One of the

key proofs of your salvation is a heart of love. Love is not just a feeling of
17 Time’s Winged Chariot

affection towards others; it is a revelation of the nature of God bequeathed to you

and expressed through you by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). You are expected to

love God and man. If you love God and hate man, then you are a hypocrite. You

cannot love God without loving man. Your love for God is demonstrated in

obedience. Loving God is obeying what He says (John 14:15,21; 15:10).

 He wants you to live for Him (Romans 12:1). There is no better way to live.

Living for Jesus means that He takes the first place in your life. It means you will

never take any important decision in life without His approval and guidance. It

means that you will constrain and deny yourself certain pleasurable things, just to

make Him happy. Living for Jesus means consecration. Consecration is a very

scarce commodity in today‟s Christianity. Many people take up jobs because of

the pay, not because they want to please Jesus. There are Christians who get

married to become citizens of another country. Does God approve of your

decisions? Is God involved in every important aspect of your life? Is He the

director or is He merely a spectator?

18 Time’s Winged Chariot

The Urgency of Purpose

There are people who keep postponing their manifestation of the life of God. They

keep postponing their dealings with the Spirit of God. When will you begin to walk in

your God-ordained purpose? When will you become useful and useable by God?

When will you forsake the pleasures of this world to follow the One who gave His all

for you? There is urgency in the heart of the Father. There are barren territories

seeking to bear fruit for Jesus. There are families crying for deliverers. There are

homes in need of the miraculous touch of God.

But guess what – God is waiting for you. He stands at the door of your heart,

knocking. He wants to express Himself in and through you. He wants to use you as a

theatre for the display of His majestic presence and glory. He wants to use you to

mend broken hearts and restore laughter to the faces of millions. He needs your

hands to heal that sick person. He needs your voice to proclaim liberty to the


There are many lives connected to you. There are many destinies tied to yours. Many

will never find God if you do not arise. Many will die sick if you do not arise. Many

will die as prostitutes if you do not arise. Many will die in masturbation if you do not

arise. God has a plan for your life. You are not a biological accident. You may feel
19 Time’s Winged Chariot

unqualified but that even makes you the best candidate for the job He wants to

commit into your hands. The time is now!

Arise! Take up the mantle of your ordination. Arise! Seek the face of God as a matter

of life and death. Arise! Pay the price for the anointing. Arise! Arise! Arise! The time is

20 Time’s Winged Chariot

I am convinced that this piece has blessed you tremendously. Kindly share with your
friends and loved ones. I would also like to know your thoughts about this piece.
Please, reach me via the contacts below.

I am a Motivational Teacher, Author and Leadership Mentor. My message is centred

on implanting God‟s kingdom in the hearts of the young and raising leaders who will
transform society. Other titles by Smart Abavo include – 27 Important Lessons Life
Has Taught Me, and Who Cares about Love?

For bookings, contact or +2347034591402.

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