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CANDIDATE STATEMENTS UNITED STATES SENATE—FULL TERM Cordie Williams | REPUBLICAN I'm Dr. Cordie Williams. I'm a husband, father, Marine Veteran, and doctor. When the government began its response to COVID in early 2020, | felt the rights of Americans Were being violated. | knew | had to be the leader to stand up and speak out. | picked up @ megaphone and began speaking up in defense of liberty all across California, | spent years in the Marines fighting to make America free and to protect each of our lives from enemies foreign and domestic. In 1998, | took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. My oath did not end when | left the Marines. I'm running for the U.S. Senate because career politicians are destroying the California Dream by turning it into an unrecognizable third world nation. But | still believe in the American dream because I've lived it. Through my unshaken faith, raising a family, service to Country, and business experience, | have witnessed the greatness of this Country. | believe to my core that through limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberty, we can and will restore the American spirit. As your next U.S. Senator, | will Be a strong advocate for personal and medical freedom, the restoration of parental rights, and economic opportunity. | humbly ask for not only your vote but your trust. Let me do what a Marine does, fight for you. Visit to learn more about our campaign and where | stand on the issues, 1818 Marron Road, #103, Carlsbad, CA 92008 E-mail: | | Facebook; cordiedsenate Twitter: @creordiew | Instagram: @drcordiewiliams No Photograph Submitted Don J. Grundmann | no QUALIFIED PARTY PREFERENCE In my campaign for sanity my background and qualifications are: The poisonous fake vaccines don’t work, stop infection or transmission. Over one million VAERS injuries. Brandon Pollet. Michael Granala. documents immediate and long term debilitation, Public are guinea pigs. Masks are uselessijoke against a virus. Vaxxing children is a crime. Covid is biological warfare against humanity. Vaccines kill you (systemic inflammation) and your God created immune system. Build it by natural methods, | am chairman of the Constitution Party of California and created “Contract, with California” (found at and; also (Normal, Natural, Healthy, Sane);;;, [AmADomestic Nationalize Federal Reserve. Get honest/real money, permanent fantastic prosperity for everyone, and stop being slaves to Fed private banking cartel. See Only 2 genders. Transgender does not exist, only psychotic broken people. Ban mutilating and indoctrinating children, Ae91 “Climate Change” is a total lie—they are too cowardly to debate. Say no to Homer Simpson fake "97% science.” The sky is not falling. 2020 election stolen by Deep State including ultra-corrupt media which will steal all future elections, Write Supremacy = Planned Parenthood public healtn menace. They have killed 20 million + blacks; see Universal soul poison = hatred resentment of parents = personal and societal breakdown. Antidote = Use to fight Mass Formation Psychosis/Social Engineering. Free Deep State palsy Sirhan Sirhan, Reject suicidal Green New Deal Insanity. Promote nuclear fusion. 2010 El Camino Real, #351, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Tel: (510) 895-6789 | E-mail: | fight-the-power.og 14 | candidate Statements the stron was deter

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