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Escape to the country – should you?

Picture this: You’re living your most tranquil life, without worries or hurdles, glazing at the
night’s starlit sky and having a good time in the countryside. A wonderful image, isn’t it?
Well, that’s something that anyone would like, due to it being mostly unreal. Whenever someone
explains urban life they always complain about the noises the traffic and every single problem
they encounter. On the other side, people from the countryside like to explore the positive side
which is why most of us have a flawed perception of how it feels to live there.|
Many things aren’t discussed enough in rural life. One of those would be its economy, and how
hard it is to provide for your family sometimes. You rely heavily on the weather, hoping for rain
and wishing for relief from the scorching sun, with a small chance of your crops surviving. If
that’s not enough, tons of insects or parasitical creatures can infest your plantation and even
reduce the soil’s fertility. Raising animals is just as challenging as growing crops, with their wild
behaviour you don’t know what to expect when one is about to rage and cause damage to its nest,
which you will have to repair, or how you will help it when it gets sick and there are no doctors
around. The same privileges that people in the urban life take for granted are the same ones you
will be missing at the country-side. No internet, hardly accessible communication, higher fees for
certain products due to different supply and demand, and many others.
In the end, it is our choice whether we enjoy the country life or not, and we must stand by our

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