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American Psychological Association – Citations

1.) Singh, G., Nivedita, K., Minz, S. et al. (2019)

Design of Water Overflow Indicator Alarm and Controller.

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on

Microelectronics, Computing and Communication

Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol

556. Springer, Singapore.


2.) Toro Carbajal, J. A. T., & Garay Aquino, D. R. G. (2023).

Design of a River Overflow Alarm System for the

Evacuation of Vulnerable Populations in times of

Huaycos. In 7th International Conference on

Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE)

(pp. 25-30). Hangzhou, China. doi:


3.) Omer, M., & Mahmoud, D. (2016). Flood Early Alarm

System using Level and Flow Detectors. International

Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management

Sciences Paradigms, 35(01). Retrieved from





4.) Chinar, P., Saarth, P., Vinit, P., & Chinmay, V. (2022).

Water Overflow Alarm. VIVA-Tech International Journal

for Research and Innovation, 1(5). Retrieved from

5.) Abdullah, A., Anwar, M. G., Rahman, T., & Aznabi, S.

(2015). Water Level Indicator with Alarms Using PIC

Microcontroller. American Journal of Engineering

Research (AJER), 4(7), 88-92. Retrieved from

6.) N K, S., & G, P. (2014). E-Waste Recycled Water Tank

Overflow Alarm. IJSRD - International Journal for

Scientific Research & Development, 1(11), 2014.

Retrieved from


7.) Salemi Parizi, F., Fromm, J., Deshpande, S., & Patel, S.

N. (2018). IOT '18: Proceedings of the 8th International

Conference on the Internet of Things. October

2018Article No.: 10, 1–8. doi:


8.) Fuad, M. F. D. B. (2023). Alarm Flood Sensor with GSM

Output. Institutional Repository of Politeknik Sultan

Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Retrieved from

9.) Reza, S. M. K., Tariq, S. A. M., & Reza, S. M. M. (2010).

Microcontroller Based Automated Water Level Sensing

and Controlling: Design and Implementation Issue. In

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and

Computer Science 2010 Vol I (WCECS 2010, October 20-

22, 2010, San Francisco, USA) (pp. 220-224). Retrieved


10.) Hanan*, Gunawan, A. A. N., & Sumadiyasa, M. (2019).

Water Level Detection System Based on Ultrasonic

Sensors HC-SR04 and ESP8266-12 Modules with

Telegram and Buzzer Communication Media.

Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie, 18(3), 305-309.

Retrieved from


Review of Related Literatures and Studies

1.) It is very common nowadays that the water reservoirs

often overflow, as there is only one pump operator who

has to manage filling up several water tanks in many

blocks all by itself and often the pumps are switched off

after much delay. This causes a lot of wastage of very

precious water needed by the human race to survive.

Even the underground water basins would run out of

water in some years in the near future. The main concern

is that roughly all the households face the problem of

wastage of water because of the water overflow tank.

According to a study, we waste around 45% of the water

because of the tank overflow. To remove this problem,

companies have come up with an overflow tank.

Countries like the USA and some European countries are

on it and arousing water level indicator and controller

alarm for preventing water to be wasted. India along with

some other Asian countries is contributing quite high in

wasting of Water. As the water level rises or falls,

different circuits in the controller send different signals.

These signals are used to switch ON or switch OFF the

motor pump as per our requirements.

2.) This research shows that the negative consequences of a

natural disaster can be avoided. In this case we refer to

the overflow of a river caused by a Huayco. The negative

effects of this disaster manifest each year in different

regions of Peru. For this reason, we present the design

of an alert system for the approach of landslides and river

overflows in high-risk populations. The investigation is

made up of four fundamental parts; the first is the

development of a river overflow sensor; the second is a

system that transforms the signal emitted by the sensor

into an audible alarm; the third is the design of a

concrete infrastructure to locate the sensor outputs and

finally, a system that transports energy to feed the

circuits used and the electrical signal of the sensor.

Likewise, calculations were made to be able to determine

and take advantage of the use of transistors in the river

overflow sensor to arrive at a correct commutation of this

device and thus be able to be used as a water level


3.) To avoid the repeated disaster of the Blue Nile flood and

over flow we start thinking of an early warning system,

which gives continuous reports of river level and flow

rate. Using a microcontroller at mega16, level and

current speed detection and communication link device

that sends updated reading to part control room to make

arrangement that reduces the losses of sudden flood


4.) Generally, most of the houses depends upon the

overhead tanks as the main source of water. People

generally switch on the motor when their taps go dry and

switch off the motor when the tank starts overflowing.

This results in unnecessary wastage of water and

sometimes non-availability of water in emergency. Some

of the advantages of Automatic water level control

system in overhead tanks are Automatic system replaces

human intervention and provides hassle free

maintenance, prevents wastage of water, efficient usage

of water and energy resources.

5.) This paper shows a design of a water level indicator with

PIC microcontroller. This design is applicable for both

reservoir and main tank in home or industries.PIC

18F452 used in this design. There is also buzzer and LCD

in this design. LCD used to show the level of water in

both reservoir and main tank. Buzzer used to create a

siren to stop the pump or water coming channel. There

are 10 DIP switches used in this design. These switches

indicate water level of both tanks. PIC microcontrollers

also controls the motor which pumps the water in the

tank from the reservoir. In the auto mode, motor is

automatically turned on when water level reaches 20%

in the tank and it is turned off when water level reaches

100%. Choose PIC microcontroller for programming

flexibility, faster speed of execution since

microcontrollers are fully integrated inside the processor.

6.) A considerable amount of water will be lost every day,

during the refilling of water tank by overflowing it in our

houses. We can avoid this by introducing the simple

circuit or device which can be developed by using

available Electronic waste (E-waste) at home. This paper

aims at developing a water tank overflow alarm using the

damaged mobile charger (one of the E-waste). This type

of recycling of E-waste will greatly reduce the disposal

rate of E-waste to environment.

7.) Neglected toilet overflow can cost thousands of dollars

through mold growth and damage to furniture,

upholstery, electronics, and household appliances. We

propose RoyalFlush: a novel non-invasive overflow

system meant to detect such events in their early stages

and prevent them from escalating. RoyalFlush uses a

floating capacitive sensing technique that relies on the

sizable difference between the dielectric constants of

water and air for tracking changes in the water level.

Capacitive sensing in this way does not require any

hardware inside the toilet bowl. RoyalFlush consumes

only 150 μW of continuous power, allowing it to operate

for a couple of years on a 9 volt 625 mAh alkaline battery.

We evaluate RoyalFlush on 10 different toilets in a

controlled 60-minute experiment to validate its

functionality. Additionally, we deployed RoyalFlush into 5

homes for 24 hours to test in real-world scenarios.

During the real-world deployment, RoyalFlush identified

overflow events with a precision of 98.16% and a recall

of 100%.

8.) In Malaysia, floods are the natural disasters that happen

every year during the monsoon season from November

until January. These floods caused serious damage to

houses, roads, businesses, public facilities and even

killed people. Though many steps have been taken by the

government in order to prevent these incidents, but it

seems went unsolved. Here, the Alarm System Heat

Flood Detection and Warning System is proposed in

helping to monitor and manage this critical situation by

providing crucial information to the public and the local

authorities at the affected area. The system is able to

measure the water level and alert the public and the local

authorities by sending a notification (i.e. SMS and MMS)

regarding the flood conditions. Furthermore, the system

enables the public and the local authorities to see the live

graph data of the water level using the Android

application on the mobile phone.

9.) In this paper we introduce the notion of water level

monitoring and management within the context of

electrical conductivity of the water. More specifically, we

investigate the microcontroller based water level sensing

and controlling in a wired and wireless environment.

Water Level management approach would help in

reducing the home power consumption and as well as

water overflow. Furthermore, it can indicate the amount

of water in the tank that can support Global Water types

including cellular dataloggers, satellite data transmission

systems for remote water monitoring system. Moreover,

cellular phones with relative high computation power and

high quality graphical user interface became available

recently. From the users perspective it is required to

reuse such valuable resource in a mobile application.

Finally, we proposed a web and cellular based monitoring

service protocol would determine and senses water level


10.) Detection of water surface altitude is an indicator for

early detection of flood disasters. The research aims to

design a water surface-level detection system by using

ultrasonic sensors and the ESP8266-12E module. The

tools and materials used during the design are:

Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04, module ESP8266-12E, and

buzzer a water container with a varied water height, the

detection data will be sent to the ESP8266-12E module,

then the system will send the information an output to

sound the alarm. The ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor will

detect the mation in the form of a message through

telegram and buzzer application. The messages delivered

are several stages including standby, alert, and danger.

The methods used in this design are planning, study

libraries, collection of tools and materials, hardware plan,

and program creation on the software. The final result is

a system capable of detecting water surface level based

on the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the ESP8266-12E

module through telegram and buzzer communication


1. Water level indicator and controller alarm for managing

reservoir overflow.

2. Designing an alert system for detecting river overflows and


3. Early warning system for monitoring river levels and flow

rates to prevent floods.

4. Implementing an automatic water level control system to

prevent wastage.

5. Water level indicator with PIC microcontroller for reservoir

and tank monitoring.

6. Creating a water tank overflow alarm using damaged mobile

7. Non-invasive toilet overflow detection system using

capacitive sensing.

8. Alarm system for heat flood detection and warning during


9. Water level monitoring using electrical conductivity to

reduce overflow.

10. Designing a water surface-level detection system

using ultrasonic sensors and ESP8266-12E module.


1. The connection between the Water level indicator and

controller alarm (1) and Implementing an automatic water

level control system (4) lies in their shared objective of

managing water levels to prevent overflow. The former

focuses on utilizing alarms and controllers to monitor and

control reservoir levels, while the latter involves automated

systems for controlling water levels in tanks, both aiming to

prevent wastage and overflow by efficiently managing water


2. Designing an alert system (2) and Early warning system (3)

are interconnected as they both address the detection and

prevention of river overflows. The alert system focuses on

developing a mechanism to detect river overflows and

landslides, while the early warning system aims to

continuously monitor river levels and flow rates to provide

timely alerts and prevent floods, thereby complementing

each other in the broader goal of disaster prevention.

3. Creating a water tank overflow alarm (6) and Non-invasive

toilet overflow detection system (7) are linked through their

common objective of developing overflow detection systems

for different contexts. While the former focuses on alarms

for water tanks to prevent wastage and damage, the latter

targets toilet overflows, aiming to prevent property damage

and health hazards, showcasing diverse applications of

overflow detection technology.

4. The connection between the Alarm system for heat flood

detection (8) and Designing a water surface-level detection

system (10) lies in their shared goal of detecting flood

conditions using different methods. The alarm system

utilizes heat-based detection to warn of flood conditions

during heat floods, while the water surface-level detection

system employs ultrasonic sensors and modules to detect

water levels and issue alerts, highlighting the diversity of

approaches to flood detection and warning systems.

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