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Examination Response Answering File

Dear judge,
Following your suggestions,
1. As per your suggestion, I have revised the title of the paper and the Korean
expression. I referenced descriptions of specialized terminology from other KCI
papers and made modifications. The title has been changed to “기술 기반 노인 친화적
디자인 : AR 글래스 서비스 디자인 중심으로”.

2. As per your request, I have revised the incorrect Korean expressions in the abstract
and ensured that Korean spelling is more standardized and academic. ( 연구의 목적 ....
문헌연구와 케이스 스터디 -> 문헌연구와 사례연구를 통해). Please refer to the main text.

3. As per your request, I have revised the incorrect Korean expressions of the
keywords. (시니어 친화 디자인 > 노인 친화형 디자인; 시니어 컴페니언쉽 디자인
> 노인 동반자형 디자인). Please refer to the main text.

4. As per your request, in the “Ⅳ. Needs analysis of the elderly” section, firstly, I
have supplemented the information contents of the user interview and made Table 2.
Furthermore, I have refined the visual of Figure 4 to enhance its readability. Finally, I
have supplemented the reason for utilizing immersive companion AR glasses systems.
Please refer to the main text for the updated content.

5. As per your request, in the “Ⅴ.1. The conceptual framework of Immersive

Companionship AR Glasses System for the Elderly” section, I have enriched the content of
Figure 6 to enhance its clarity and ease of understanding. Please refer to the main text.
And this part of the content will be my next step in research: Exploring and focusing
on the feasibility and innovation of AR technology in elderly-friendly design, more
interactive modes in virtual scenes can be enriched in the development of new
technologies in the future.

Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions for this study, your suggestions
have been helpful for further research and exploration.

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