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Q3. Discuss the condition of sub-continent before the advent

of Islam?
Ans: Before Islam, the Indian subcontinent was culturally
diverse, with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism prominent. It
was politically fragmented, with various kingdoms and empires.
The caste system defined social structure, while trade
flourished, and intellectual pursuits thrived. The region was a
hub of civilization and commerce before Islam's arrival.
Q4. Difference between Hindu and Muslim cast system.
Ans: In the Hindu caste system, membership in a Jati
determines the rules and regulations regarding food and touch
ability for the members through socio-religious rituals of purity
and impurity. In contrast the notions and rituals of pure and
impure are virtually absent in Muslim Pakistan.
Q5. Discuss the decline of Muslim society Mughal emperor.
Economic Instability:
 Depletion of treasury due to costly military campaigns.
 Decline in revenue collection and fiscal mismanagement.
Political Fragmentation:
 Rise of regional powers challenging Mughal authority.
 Disintegration of centralized governance leading to
Weak Leadership:
 Succession struggles and inadequate leadership.
 Incompetent rulers unable to address internal challenges.
Religious Intolerance:
 Aurangzeb's policies alienated non-Muslim subjects.
 Religious discord weakened social cohesion.
External Threats:
 Maratha and Sikh rebellions challenged Mughal
 British and Persian invasions weakened empire's territorial
Socio-Cultural Decline:
 Decline in patronage of arts and scholarship.
 Caste discrimination and social unrest.
Technological Stagnation:
 Lack of technological advancement compared to European
 Dependency on outdated military tactics and weaponry.

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