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Music Therapy: A Useful Therapeutic Tool for Health, Physical and Mental

Article · October 2017


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Geeta Yadav Sarita Yadav

Government Post Graduate College, Noida (Sector 39) National Botanical Research Institute - India


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International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
Contents available at

International Journal of Music Therapy

(ISSN 2249-8664)
Volume 2, Issue 1-2/2012, Pages 13-18

Music Therapy: A Useful Therapeutic Tool for Health, Physical and

Mental Growth

Ashwani Kumar Goyal#, Geeta Yadav and Sarita Yadav

Km Mayawati Govt. Girls P. G. College, Badalpur, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U. P.
Department of Botany Govt. P. G. College Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U. P.
Division of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, NBRI, Lucknow, U. P

Article Information Abstract

Article history: Music is one of the few activities that involve using the
Received: 14.03.2012 whole brain. It is intrinsic to all cultures and can have surprising
Revised: 26.09.2012 benefits not only for learning language, improving memory and
Accepted: 08.10.2012 focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and
Keywords: development. It is also effective therapy for pain, reducing blood
Music therapy pressure, medicine for the heart, stroke, alzheimer, autism,
Health speeds post-stroke recovery, chronic headaches & migraine
Physical activities remedy. Music boosts immunity, enhances intelligence, learning
Mental performances and IQ. Music improves concentration, athletic performance,
IQ body movement and coordination, productivity, fatigue fighter,
mood and decreases depression. Relaxing music induces sleep
and reduces stress and aids relaxation. Listening to music helps
control negative aspects of our personalities like worry, bias and
anger. Of course, music can be distracting if it's too loud or too
jarring, or if it competes for our attention with what we're trying
to do. But for the most part, exposure to many kinds of music has
beneficial effects.

© 2012 IAMT. All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION: and Ayurveda have been welcomed globally

From time immemorial, music has and have been given scientific
been a part of Indian culture. In the Vedas endorsements for their therapeutic values
too, music has an important place. The Music is the art and science of
'Samveda' is full of music. Music therapy combining vocal or instrumental sounds or
has a long history dating back to ancient tones in varying melody, harmony, rhythm
Orphic school in Greece. Pythagorus, Plato and timber, esp. so as to form structurally,
and Aristotle, all were aware of the complete and emotionally expressive
prophylactic and therapeutic powers of composition. The sound waves cause your
music. India has been known for its rich year drums to vibrate which causes a chain
cultural heritage and traditions and many reaction in our middle and inner ear. This
Indian traditional healing systems like Yoga eventually causes nerve impulses to reach
International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
our brain that are perceived as sound. 2. MUSIC THERAPY IMPROVES OUR HEALTH:
Environmental sounds are part of our Effective for reducing blood pressure
everyday lives. Everybody likes to listen By playing recordings of relaxing
music. We all consider music as a mode of music every morning and evening, people
relaxation or entertainment; very few of us with high blood pressure can train
view it as a medicine having magical healing themselves to lower their blood pressure -
and therapeutic properties. Several and keep it low 2. According to research
scientific studies have been conducted to reported at the American Society of
indicate the healing power of music. These Hypertension meeting in New Orleans,
interesting studies have given rise to a new listening to just 30 minutes of classical,
form of therapy called Music therapy. Celtic or raga music every day may
Music therapy involves using music to significantly reduce high blood pressure.
promote physical, emotional and Effective therapy for Stroke
psychological wellbeing. Music has been The patient enters the room of the
used for healing since ancient times. therapist in his wheelchair. The therapist
In India the practice of music therapy is not asks him to utter “I am thirsty” Having
widespread but it’s slowly gaining significance suffered a stroke that has damaged the part
here also. Music is capable of improving of his brain involved in speech, the patient
happiness, peace, health and concentration. tries to speak but to no avail. The therapist
It is believed that music stimulates the then chants “I am thirsty” as a song and
pituitary gland, whose secretions affect the asks the patient to repeat. “I am thirsty” He
nervous system and the flow of blood. The sings back. This patient is undergoing music
right kind of music helps one relax and therapy known as Melodic Intonation
refresh. Even during the course of working, therapy. The stroke patients who do not
light music improves efficiency. In addition, it show any improvement after speech
can help cure headache, abdominal pain and therapies, often experience positive
tension. So, in this regards music is stands for- changes after music therapy. Gottfried
M - Man’s and other living beings Schlaug, a neurologist from Harvard has
U - Under a range of frequencies of been conducting clinical trials to find out
S - Sound more about music therapy. “So far the
I - Influence the results of the trials have been really
C - Common and Crucial life. positive” says Gottfried. In the stroke
Music therapy is an allied health patients who participated in these trials,
profession and one of the expressive the left side of the brain had been
therapies, consisting of an interpersonal damaged. The left side is the one
process in which a trained music therapist responsible for speech. Through music
uses music and all of its facets—physical, therapy these patients were able to tap into
emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and similar areas in the right side of the brain.
spiritual- to help clients to improve or The right brain showed some structural and
maintain their health. Traditionally, music functional changes when compared before
therapy also integrates spirituality and and after the therapy. Once the stroke
addresses the imbalance between mind, victims learned to sing sentences, they
body and spirit in improving health. Music could easily learn to speak out those
therapy has been used in the treatment of sentences.
several diseases and illnesses, physical and Effective therapy for pain
mental performances. Some of them with Overall, music does have positive
which music therapy has been associated effects on pain management. Music can
are discussed here – help reduce both the sensation and distress
International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
of both chronic pain and postoperative disease” says Concetta Tomaino, executive
pain. Listening to music can reduce chronic director of Institute for Music and
pain from a range of painful conditions, Neurologic function. Concetta has been
including osteoarthritis, disc problems and carrying out research for more than 30
rheumatoid arthritis, by up to 21% and years to study the effect of music on brain.
depression by up to 25%, according to a She conducted a study where dementia
paper in the latest UK-based Journal of patients were subjected to 1 hour of music
Advanced Nursing 3. Music therapy is therapy 3 times a week for 10 months.
increasingly used in hospitals to reduce the Their scores on the cognitive-function test
need for medication during childbirth, to were found to improve by 50% at the end
decrease postoperative pain and of the therapy.
complement the use of anesthesia during Effective therapy for Autism
surgery 4. Autistic children have problem
Therapy for Heart diseases communicating with others which keeps
We all know about the effects of them confined in their personal world.
music on our breathing rate, heart beat and Music touches them emotionally thereby
blood pressure. A study conducted by motivating these children to interact with
researchers at Italy’s University of Pavia others and express themselves freely.
confirmed the benefits of music for our Music therapy activities like singing songs
cardiovascular system. Dr. Bernardi and his and rhythm exercises improve their focus
colleagues conducted the study on music to and memory.
further expand its use in hospitals for heart Music improves mood and decreases
patients. In this experiment involving 24 depression
test volunteers, the volunteers were asked Music is a great stress reliever. In a
to listen to the play list composed of six research conducted by Hanser and
different styles of music with 2 minutes Thompson, music could uplift the mood of
pauses between each piece of music. The elderly people suffering from depression.
study came up with the following When it comes to depression it’s better to
observations–Music with faster beats had a listen to an inspiring and exhilarating music
stimulating effect while slow music had rather than sad songs which could make
more relaxing effects. you feel worse. The power of music is yet to
During the pauses, the heart beat, be explored fully but there is no doubt that
blood pressure and breathing rate of the music has a profound effect on our body,
volunteers returned to normal levels mind and soul. So whenever you find
sometimes even healthier levels when yourself in a gloomy mood, your boss
compared to the level before listening to doesn’t seem to stop yelling at you or your
music. The Mayo clinic in Rochester uses stressful life is driving you crazy, you know
music to reduce tension and stress in what to do. Instead of venting out your fury
patients who have undergone and frustration just grab your iPod, plug in
cardiovascular surgery. This aids in faster your earphones and switch on your favorite
recovery by causing the patients to relax music. Get carried away by the musical
and adopt an optimistic state of mind. waves and you will feel relaxed and happy
Effective for Alzheimer in an instant 5.
In the people suffering from Effective for Speeds Post-Stroke Recovery
Alzheimer’s and dementia, music has been A daily dose of one's favorite pop
known to restore lost memory. “Music melodies, classical music or jazz can speed
stimulates the dormant areas of brain that recovery from debilitating strokes,
cannot be accessed due to degenerative according to the latest research. When
International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
stroke patients in Finland listened to music decrease levels of stress-related hormone
for a couple of hours each day, verbal cortisol. Higher levels of cortisol can lead to
memory and attention span improved a decreased immune response 12, 13.
significantly compared to patients who Music therapy improves physical
received no musical stimulation, or who performance:
listened only to stories read out loud, (the Effective for athletic performance
study reports)6. Choosing music that motivates you
Useful for Chronic headaches & migraine will make it easier to start moving, walking,
Music can help migraine7 and dancing, or any other type of exercise that
chronic headache8 sufferers reduce the you enjoy. Music can make exercise feel
intensity, frequency, and duration of the more like recreation and less like work.
headaches. Furthermore, music enhances athletic
Useful In epilepsy performance 14-15. Anyone who has ever
Research suggests that listening to gone on a long run with their iPod or taken
Mozart's piano sonata K448 can reduce the a particularly energetic spinning class
number of seizures in people with epilepsy. knows that music can make the time pass
This has been called the Mozart’s effect9. more quickly.
Effective for adolescents with mood Therapy for improving body movement
disorder and coordination
Adolescents have identified many Music reduces muscle tension and
benefits of listening to music, including improves body movement and coordination
emotional, social, and daily life benefits, . Music may play an important role in
along with the formation of one’s own developing, maintaining and restoring
identity. Music can improve one's mood by physical functioning in the rehabilitation of
reducing stress and lowering anxiety levels, persons with movement disorders.
which can help counteract or prevent Therapy for Fatigue fighter
depression 10. As children make the Listening to upbeat music can be a
transition into adolescence they become great way to find some extra energy. Music
less likely to sit and watch TV, an activity can effectively eliminate exercise-induced
associated with family, and spend more of fatigue19 and fatigue symptoms caused by
their leisure time listening to music, and monotonous work 20. Keep in mind that
activities associated with friends. listening to too much pop and hard rock
Ethnomusicologist Alan Merrim (1964) once music can make you more jittery than
stated that music is a “universal behavior;” energized. Vary what you listen to and find
it is something that everyone can identify out what type of music is most beneficial
with. Among adolescents, music is a for you. You could try classical music one
unifying force, bringing people of different day, pop the next day and jazz the third and
backgrounds, age groups, and social groups can observe the effect of these type of
together. music.
Therapy for boosting immunity Useful for improves productivity
Music can boost the immune Many people like to listen to music
function. Scientists explain that a particular while they work. There may be many
type of music can create a positive and reasons for wishing to listen to music in the
profound emotional experience, which workplace; it really improves your
leads to secretion of immune-boosting productivity 21. According to a report in the
hormones 11.This helps contribute to a journal Neuroscience of Behavior and
reduction in the factors responsible for Physiology 22, a person's ability to recognize
illness. Listening to music or singing can also visual images, including letters and
International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
numbers, is faster when either rock or mentally. Musical training has even better
classical music is playing in the background. effect than just listening to classical music.
Music therapy improves Mental There is clear evidence 25, that children who
performance: take music lessons develop a better memory
Music enhances intelligence, learning and compared with children who have no musical
IQ training.
The idea that music makes you Therapy for improve concentration and
smarter received considerable attention attention
from scientists and the media. Listening to Easy listening music or relaxing
classics improves the duration and intensity
music or playing an instrument can actually
of concentration in all age groups and ability
make you learn better.
levels. It's not clear what type of music is
Emotional intelligence
better, or what kind of musical structure is
Earlier it has been thought that
necessary to help, but many studies have
listening to classical music, particularly shown significant effects 26.
Mozart, enhances performance on Relaxing music induces sleep
cognitive tests. However, recent findings 23 Relaxing classical music is safe, cheap
show that listening to any music that is and easy way to beat insomnia. Many people
personally enjoyable has positive effects on who suffer from insomnia find that Bach
cognition. Listening to music enhances our music helps them. Researchers have shown
concentration and creativity. It has also that just 45 minutes of relaxing music before
been found to improve our cognitive ability. bedtime can make for a restful night
Psychologist George Lozanov conducted 27
.Relaxing music reduces sympathetic
a study to test the effect of music on nervous system activity, decreases anxiety,
memory and learning. The study found that blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate
when students learning foreign languages and may have positive effects on sleep via
listened to classical music they could learn muscle relaxation and distraction from
around 1,000 new words in a day. Their thoughts.
memory and retention rate increased to a Music reduces stress and aids relaxation
very high level. Listening to slow, quiet classical
Useful for improve memory performance music, is proven to reduce stress 28. Countless
The power of music to affect memory studies have shown that music's relaxing
is quite intriguing. Mozart's music and effects can be seen on anyone, including
baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute newborns. One of the great benefits of music
beat pattern, activates the left and right as a stress reliever is that it can be used while
brain. The simultaneous left and right brain you do your usual deeds so that it really
action maximizes learning and retention of doesn't take time.
information. The information being studied 3. CONCLUSION:
activates the left brain while the music Music plays a vital role in re-create
activates the right brain. Also, activities which harmony and health. Modern music therapy
engage both sides of the brain at the same provides healing Systems as a non medical
time, such as playing an instrument or modifier and protector of the impacts of
singing, cause the brain to be more capable of disorders. It is an integration of ancient healing
processing information. Listening to music practices and musical traditions coupled with
facilitates the recall of information 24. the recent modifications derived based on the
Researchers have shown that certain types of modern day practice and the knowledge gained
music are a great "keys" for recalling by current clinical studies. In present music
memories. Information learned while therapy open great scope in health care sector
listening to a particular song can often be and further research.
recalled simply by "playing" the songs
International Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1-2): 13-18 ISSN No.:2249-8664
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