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I don't agree with the idea of 'prescriptivism' because I think every

language should be respected. One language should not be valued more

than others because there are people who are used to speaking with a
local accent. You can't force them to speak according to a social norm
because it's difficult for them to change. For example, in Vietnam, the
accents of each region have their own characteristics. For example, in
the West, the accent of Vietnamese people is different. They are gentle,
but northerners are warm. Even though we are different, we can still
understand each other, so I don't think there should be a standard for

Every year several languages die out. Some people think that it is not important because life will
be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this opinion?

Every year several languages die. Some people say it doesn't matter
because life would be easier if the world had fewer languages. In my
opinion, I don't think it's true because losing a place's language leads to a
loss of culture. The world's linguistic diversity and reduced grammatical
diversity greatly affect the lives of indigenous people. As the languages
around them gradually disappear, it becomes difficult to live and
maintain their cultures. More difficult, it is more difficult for them to
integrate into the community because they have to re-learn a common
language to be able to communicate with everyone. For example,
currently in Central South America near Peru and Bolivia or other places
is at risk of losing its own language. If this region loses it, the ways
people there relate to the world will become more difficult, scientific
and medical knowledge will be threatened, they will lose the culture
they have tried to build. We should have solutions to protect languages
that are easily lost instead of allowing them to disappear completely to
avoid their loss. the diversity of languages in the world today as well as
protecting the cultures of many countries. So I think I will disagree with
the above opinion.

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