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Mrs Jennifer Fraster

Nurse Incharge
Cardiac Rehabilitation unit

10 february 2018

Dear Mrs Fraster

Re:Mr.Robert Oldman
DOB:42 year old

Thank you for seeing Mr Oldman a 42- year old who was admitted in our hosopital with the
diagnose of Myocardial infarction following an ECG and blood test.he is now ready for discharge
today and is in need of your cardiac rehablitation.

On The 6th of february 2018 mr oldman was presented with sudden crushing chest pain.In
terms of social and past medical history he had high stress job and was hypertensive for which
took anti hypertensive medication.Additionally his labs show high cholestrol level as well as
reveling a high intake of alcohal.he has been perform limitted excercise.he was recommended
clopidogrel as allergy to asprin and simvastatin 40mg daily now his pain is relieved with GTN

Mr oldman underwent cornary angioplasty On 07-02-2018.he required education about

contineu taking statin and know about side effects also with interactions(e.g.garpefruit)along
with encourage to establishesd cardiac excercise programme with obligation in order to weight

It would be highly appreciated if you will provide him cardiac rehablitation.

your sincerely

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