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Title: The Omen of Scales

Adventure: 5th Edition - Title: Shadows Over Damara

GM: Sly

Opening Scene:

The night is dark, the wind is cold. You try to keep warm near the fire but the mood in the tavern is so
sullen, that it dampens the coals of the hearth.

A fair minstrel sings a sweet song, but it is drowned by the ghostly breeze.

A wench calls out to you as she serves you a chipped plate of hot food, "Here ye are, strang'a". The smell
of warm and broth certainly welcome when your own clothes reek of wet mud and sweat.

Suddenly, a man draped in a brown cloak stumbles into the tavern clutching his side. Startling some
patrons and drawing the wide eyes of others, he tries to yell out in help but instead tumbles hard to the

The inn goes silent.

Two burly men, drinking buddies by the smell of cheap drink, maneur and hard labor between them,
amble over from their from their seats to their morbid curiousity. One of them pulls back the still man's
hood revealing a half-scorched face as if by dragon fire above hideous grimace of pain. Perhaps a dozen
spectators draw near behind the two to get a closer look.

“Eh, Rugden ... is'at no' the tenth one I seen this month?", Emerick, the larger of the two regulars, asks his
companion as he grunts to standing from his crouch, wiping his hands on his workpants.

"Some sort o’ plague I reckon.", Rugden replies.

"Talona must really 'ave it out f'us dis season.", Emerick shakes his head in grim acknowledgement.

“Aye, but he been stabbed too it looks like. Best call a guard”, Rugden points to the pool of blood
growing from beneath the still man on the floor.

Suddenly, there is a scuffle and commotion from the back of tavern. A young lad of perhaps 16 or 17
winters and dressed in naught but muddy sandles and a discoloured grey robe pushes and pleads at the
crowd of onlookers.

"Please good sirs, please, I beseech you, let me through ... ", his cowled head covers most of his face
beneath shadow save for his rosey mouth, "... I must be let through".

Emerick and Rugden look at each other skeptically for a moment. Then in knowing synergy step forward
shoulder to shoulder to block the the young lad's path to the fallen man on the floor.
"Wha'ave we 'ere then? And what are ye 'bout, boy?", Emerick spits out in accusation as he grabs the
youth by the left bicep and pulls him close, "Come to loose the last copper o' the poor popper's pocket,

"Aye, a rogue's ploy ... ", Rugden adds pessimistically as he works to grabe the young lad's other bicep to
immobilize him, " .. an' one I won't fall fer agin, truth be told.

Pessimistic laughter and condemnation echo from the crowd as Emerick and Rugden tighten their grips
and begin to lift the boy by his arms.

"No! Stop! Please ... he's dying. Let me to his side before it's too late! I just want to help", as the boy
struggles a few inches above the ground, the boy's cowl falls from his head.

Suddenly Emerick and Rugden look upon the youth's face for the first time; a scarred and afflicted visage.
There grips ont he boy slacken as their bullying merriment melts into spoiled stew in their mouths.

The boy braces to land on his feat but fumbles and lands hard like a pile of chains on the tavern floor just
two feet from the dying traveller. Emerick and Rugden take a few steps and join the onlookers watchng
the youth crawl to the bleeding man's body.

"Hold fast, good sir ... I can help you ... ", the boy comforts the man's pain ridden face, taking his chilly
shaky hand into his own, "I will help you ...", shutting his eyes with slim furrowed brows he whispers a
melodic verse into the still man's scorched ear.

"What is broken will bind, The frayed and frail breath sorrow, Still tonight a hearth you find, And keep
your soul tomorrow ".
Town Name:
- a dreary and drafty hole in the landscape on the fridges of Damara with few guards, and even fewer
clergy to make the place respectable

Notable Places in ?
Tavern Name:

Abandoned Temple of ....


Notable People

Rugden and Emerick

- two burly regulars at the Tavern, smell of days old sweat, manuer and cheap ale
- have taken note of an increased number of travelers and locals

- a stout and gruff figure of authority, and seemingly jaded Capt of the Guard/Watchmen
- ignorant and superstitous, he routinely sends the infected to get burned to prevent the sickness from
spreading ... even those not quite dead

- (Mayor of Ufmere and this town

The Scarred Half-Giant Tribal Man Valanur (Bob)

- adorned in as many battle scars as skeletal trophies

The Half-Elf Zefyr


The Young Cleric of Ilmater

- a bright eyed and fair skinned lad of perhaps 16-17 winters, huwearing only a worn grey cloak over
rusty armor and muddy sandles

Jiang Li
- a far traveller from the far East (Kar-Tur)
- dressed in
- distinct accent

Notable Events or Mysteries

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