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Ionics9 & 10(1983)851-858 851

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A3M2(PO4)3 : A = Li, Na, Ag, K ; M = Cr, Fe.

F. d'Yvoire, M. Pintard-ScrGpell, E. Bretey and M. de la Rochsre.

Laboratoire de Chimie AppliquGe, Universitg Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay (France)

Phosphates A3M2(P04)3 (AMP) with A = Li, Na, Ag, K and M = Cr, Fe have been prepared
by direct synthesis, flux methods and cation exchange in molten salts. The Li, Na and
Ag-compounds are solid electrolytes structurally related to Nasicon (NaMP, AgMP and
I-LiMP) or to monoclinic Fe2(SO4)3 (II-L%'). Their conductivities are about l&?cm'
at 300°C. Below 35O"C, NaMP and II-LiMP undergo several reversible phase transitions
accompanied by slight changes of the crystal lattice and probably associated with a
disordering of the A+ ions. These transitions range from first order ones to transitions
spread over a wide range of temperature. Their effect upon conductivity is presented.
KFeP has a particular structure with a 3D network of linked P04, Fe06 and Fe05 poly-
hedra. The K+ ions occupy an interstitial space which presents too narrow bottlenecks
to allow a fast ion transport.

Since the discovery by Hong et al. (1, 2) of 1.1.1. Direct syntheses are achieved by heating
fast Na+-ion transport properties in the "Nasi- mixtures of phosphates, oxides and/or carbonates
con" system Nal+xZr2SixP3_xOl2 with a maximum with total molar ratios A/M and P/M equal to 3/2
conductivity for the composition Na3Zr2Si2PO12, (D.S.1 process) or superior to 3/2 (D.S.2 pro-
numerous studies on phosphates of similar compo- cess). For each compound, several starting
sition, Na3M$11(P04)3, and similar structure mixtures and heating temperatures can be
have been published (3 to 23). By replacing Na+ used (4, 5, 8). Those listed in table 1 have
by another cation, different structures can be been selected for giving the purest phases. The
formed (6). In order to better understand the general procedure is the following : the finely
relationship between structure and ion transport, ground mixture is placed in a Pt-crucible, pro-
a series of phosphates of the general formula gressively heated up to the temperature Tm and
A3M2(P04)3 where A = Li, Na, Ag, K and M = Cr, then cooled in several hours by switching off
Fe has been investigated. These compounds will the furnace. Two or three successive heatings
be designated by AMP (e.g. NaFeP, LiCrP). The separated by grinding operations are often neces-
present paper reports on their synthesis, crys- sary to complete the reaction. In the D.S.2
tallographic data, phase transitions, ion process, the product is finally washed with water
exchange properties and ionic conduction. Other and HCl 1M in order to eliminate the excess
results concerning the detailed crystal struc- alkali phosphates and other possible impurities.
tures and their modifications with temperature
In the case of LiCrP, some modifications were
are reported elsewhere (7, 24).
brought to this general procedure in order to
improve the attack of Cr203 and minimize the
weight lost due to decomposition at high tempe-
rature : the starting mixture was slowly heated
1.1. Chemical syntheses
up to 800°C then cooled, finely ground and pressed
Two general methods were used : direct synthesis at 300 MPa into cylindrical pellets. The pellets
(D.S.) and ion exchange reactions (I.E.). were slowly heated up to llOO"C, then rapidly up

Table 1. Experimental conditions for the direct synthesis of the compounds

Compound Process Starting mixture Tm ("C)

D.S.2 Fe203 + 3.6 NaH2P04 + 2.2 Na4P207 1000

D.S.2 Cr203 + 3.7 NaH2P04 + Na4P207 1050
D.S.1 2 FeP04.2 H20 + 1.5 Li2C03 + NH4H2P04 950
D.S.1 Cr203 + 1.5 Li2C03 + 3 NH4H2P04 1310
D.S.1 Fe203 + 3 KH2P04 860
D.S.2 Fe203 + 4 KH2P04 + 0.4 KHC03 860

0 167-2738/83/0000~0000/$03.00 01983 North-Holland

to 131O"C, maintained for 5 mn at this temperature Table 2. Pellets thermal treatment for sinterini:
and air quenched. In these conditions, III-LiCrP
is formed (see § 2.3). II-LiCrP "as obtained by
Heating Time Cooling
annealing the pellets at 1060°C and I-LiCrP by Gas Tmax
Compound rate at Tmax rate
heating them at 1430°C for 2 mn and quenching. flow ("0
("C/mn) (mn) ("C/mn)
Except for KFeP, the above described methods do
not lead to single crystals of sufficient sizes NaFeP O2 IO 920 I 100
for an X-ray diffraction study ; in particular,
NaCrP IO 1245 5 1ou
NaFeP, which crystallizes as an eutectic compo- N2
nent, is obtained in a finely powdered form. II-LiFeP O2 3 930 IO 100
Sing& CC@&&& of NaFeP and NaCrP have been
AgFeP air 3 550 5 10
prepared by flux methods : (i) NaFeP, from a
mixture Na3Fe2(P0$)3 + 2.1 NaP03 + Na4Pz07 which KFeP O2 3 770 45 IO
"as melted at 870 C, cooled down to 775 C at a
rate of 150°C/h, maintained for 10 mn at 775°C
and then quenched, (ii) NaCrP, from a mixture
1.4. Conductivity measurements
Na3Cr2(P04)3 + 3 NaP03 + 3 Na4P207 which "as
heated at 115O'C by introduction In a preheated The conductivity was measured in the temperature
furnace and cooled at a rate of 150°C/h except range 50 % 35O'C on polycrystalline pellets by
in the range 900-68O'C where the cooling rate the complex impedance technique, using a Hewlett-
"as 15"C/h. In both cases, the product contained Packard 4800A vector impedance meter with R
a glass slowly soluble in water and square plate- frequency range of 5Hz to 5OOkHz.
lets or cube shaped crystals of NaMP (0.05 to
For I, II and III-LiCrP, the pellets were pre-
0.5 mm in edge length). Very few crystals were
pared as described above (I 1.1.1). For the
untwinned. Between crossed polars, the square
other compounds, the following procedure "as
sections of the crystals show symmetrical extinc-
used : the solids were finely ground for IOh in
tion with the higher index parallel to the [loo],
a ball mill in presence of ethanol then dried
[OlO] or [IlO] direction of the pseudohexagonal
and pressed at 300MPa to form cylindrical pellets
cell (see 5 2.1.2).
(bmm in diameter, 1 to 5mm thick) or rods (about
I x 1 x 5mm). The pellets and rods were sintered
1.1.2. Ion exchange reactions. Like Nasicon, the
according to the conditions reported in table 2
phosphates NaMP exhibit cation exchange properties
which has to be completed by the following
in molten salts. Therefore I-LiMP and AgMP have
remarks : (i) too long heating of the NaFeP
been prepared by reaction of NaMP with large
pellets at Tmax causes crystallite growth and
excess of molten LiN03 and AgN03 : mixtures
makes the pellets very brittle probably as a
Na3M2(P04)3 + n LiN03 (or AgN03) with n Q 100 consequence of the anisotropic contraction and
were heated for 2 h at 300 and 25O'C respectively,
phase transitions occuring on cooling ; (ii)
then cooled, washed with water and dried. Three
the heat treatment of NaCrP and KFeP may induce
successive treatments were carried out in order
a slight decomposition with the crystallisation
to shift the equilibrium toward the maximum
of Cr203 and Na3Cr3(P04)4 in the first case (see
exchange. Analysis of the final products led to I 2.1.1) and of an unknown phase, X, in the
compositions A,Na3_xM2(P04)3 with x = 2.96 for second case (see 5 2.4.2). An additional heating
A = Li, M = Fe or Cr and x = 2.90 for A = Ag,
of the pellets up to 1070 and 71O'C respectively
M = Fe. Thus, in all the cases the exchange "as re-forms the initial phase.
not quite complete. However, for simplicity, the
solids will be represented by their ideal formu- The bulk densities after sintering ranged from
lae : Li3M2(P04)3 and Ag3M2(P04)3 (or LiMP and 80 to 90 Z of the theoretical ones except for
AgMP). the AgFeP pellets (60 Z). The pellet faces and
rod ends were coated with gold by vacuum evapo-
1.2. X-ray diffraction ration or with platinum or silver paints. During
all the measurements, the conductivity cell "as
?owder diffraction photographs'were made using
kept under a dry gas flow.
a Guinier camera with CoKur radiation. For accu-
rate d-spacing measurements, aluminium tetraneta-. For each compound, dc conductivity measurements
phosphate (26) was added as an internal standard. were carried out with Au or Pt blocking elec-
Intensities were estimated visually or measured trodes. They showed the electronic conductivity
by diffractometry. A high temperature Guinier to be a negligible fraction (< 10-s) of the
camera with a Pt-Rh grid resistor as sample total one.
holder (27) "as used in some cases. Weissenberg
and precession photographs were made at room 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
temperature and at controlled temperatures up to
180°C using a hot gas blower. The investigated compounds belong to three main
structural types :
1.3. Differential thermal analysis a) Nasicon (I),
b) monoclinic Fe2(S04)3 (28, 29),
The DTA curves were obtained with a B.D.L. appa-
c) K3Fe2(P04)3 (7).
ratus equipped with a semi-microprobe. The
transition enthalpies were determined using a These structures are made of a three-dimensional
Perkin Elmer DSC4. skeleton "'2(X04)3 (M' = Zr, Fe ; x = sit p, s)
F. d’Yvoire et al. /Phase transitions and ionic conduction 853

and an interconnected interstitial space which

can contain A+ ions. The structural type adopted
by a given AMP phosphate depends chiefly on the
nature (apparently the size) of the A' ion as
shown in table 3.

Table 3. Structural types of the compounds

0.0, C
0 ; :-

-0.01 I R Y
50 100 I 50 T('C)

Fig. 1. DTA scan of a) NaFeP b) NaCrP c) AgFeP.

7%)Attempts to synthesize K3Cr2(P04)3 failed. Heating and cooling rate : IOO"C/h. Sample mass :
5mg. Note that the AT-scale of 6 and c is four
times that of U.

&I. A = Na (a-structural type)

DTA and X-ray diffraction experiments performed
at controlled temperature show that the compounds
NaMP undergo several reversible phase transitions
between room temperature and 180°C. If we call N
and y the room and high temperature forms respec-
tively, the transitions can be represented by :
M = Fe : ct+fi at 95'C ; Bey at 145°C
M = Cr : ~1s~' at 75"~ ; a’= R at s 138'C

B=y at x 166OC. a

2.1.1. On DTA curves, the Fe-compound transitions

appear as narrow peaks (fig. la and 2), typical Tf'C)
of first order transitions while the Cr-compound 92 Pb 96 98 " 144 146
a'=B and fi'+y transition peaks are not com-
pletely separate : they rather form a broad Fig. 2. DTA scan of NaFeP small crystals.
endo- (or exe-)thermic effect spreading from Heating and cooling rate : 20"C/h. Sample mass :
about 120 to 175'C with two maxima near 138 and 5mg. Average mass of each crystal : % IOe3mg.
166'C. Hysteresis between transition temperatures
observed on heating and cooling is very small in
all the cases except for the a&a' transition. monoclinic deformation while the B-forms are
The t~a&GLiurz cmtho..Lpi~ are : trigonal. Moreover, a-NaFeP is.a superstructure
of y : if we neglect the presence of some very
M ==Fe : Cx-bB : 3.0 + 0.2 kJmole-'
weak reflections (on both single crystal and
B+y : 0.7 + 0.1 "
powder photographs) ,+the_supersructure czn be
M=Cr: a-+a’ : 0.25 + 0.05 " described as G = 2ay ; b4 =_2bs ; $ = c
a'-+y : 2.0 + 0.4 " with possible space groups P3cl or P3cl. 1 t'is
similar to that reported by Tran Qui et al. (20)
For both compounds, the DTA curves do not show
for B-Na3Sc2(P04)3.
any other peak before melting is reached, i.e.
at 965'C for NaFeP and about 1230°C for NaCrP. (iii) The fioorn h~~pUtiu/r& IY.-~O~JT!A. The Fe and
The latter melts incongruently with the crystal- Cr a-forms present a weak monoclinic distortion
lization of Cr203 and Na3Cr3(P04)4 as previously and a superstructure. The superstructure reflec-
reported (5). tions are too weak to be observed on powder
diffractograms. These can be interpreted (4, 5)
2.1.2. X-ray diffraction experiments at room and with a monoclinic subcell (z, x;', G) similar
controlled temperatures show the a to y phase to the unit cell proposed by Hong (1) for
transitions to be associated with slight changes Na3Zr2Si2P012 : Z = 4, space group C2/c or Cc.
in the crystal lattice. The lattice distortion can be visualized by
choosing- a pseudohexagonal
. cell (a-. p. c-1
(i) The y-dutirnnare rhombohedral (see table 5),
similar to the y hexagonal cell and related to
isotypic with NaZr2(P04)3 (1).
(aY, z, c:) by 2 = (?l+i;;)/2,i? = (-z+G))/2 ,
(ii) The iti~.m~_diate fiahm4 CL’ and B : single cT= a1+3c?
- ; the parameters are listed in table
crystals investigations on these forms are made 4. The supercells (a',r, 3, determined from
difficult by frequent twinning. From powder dif- Weissenberg and precession photographs, are
fractograms, the Cr al-form presents a weak related to (2, rl;;,z) by the following
854 F. d’Yvoire et al. /Phase tramitiorrs arId ionic corrductiotr

--.++ t
Table 4. u-N~~M~(PO~)~ : monoclinic subcell (al, bl, cl) and pseudohexagonal cell (a , i7 , 2,
constants determined from powder diffractograms.

0 0
M a,(l) b,(i) Cl(i) Bl(“) a'=b'(A) c'(A) B'=n-u'(O) Y'(O)

Fe 15.127(3) 8.722(2) 8.793(l) 125.15(l) 8.731(Z) 21.569(3) 90.14(l) 120.07(2)

Cr 14.959(l) 8.655(l) 8.748(l) 124.53(l) 8.641(l) 21.621(3) 89.81(l) 119.89(l)

relations : of 0, attributable to the (L--J.' and (~'4 @ tran-

sitions respectively. The &-+y transition is
cl-NaFeP: ?= z i;‘=G,?= Z+3cf
associated with a decrease of EA.
-r +
a-NaCrP : a=z-c, ,c=i;: , ?= 2a7 + 4~7 For both the iron andchrosium compounds, ; is
The lattice constants aregiven in table 5. For about 10-2R-'cm-' at 3OO'C. This value of -1100
the iron compound, the systematic extinctions are is lower than that reported by Boehm (18) for
consistent with the space groups C2, Cm and C2/m. Na3Sc2(P04)3 (2.7 x 10-2Q-'cm-') and by Goode-
However the ho1 reflections with L = 2n+l are nough (2) for Na3Zr2Si2P012 (2.10-'fi-1cm-'). In
weak and most of them seem to be absent so that the series of these four compounds, ISvaries in
the symmetry differs only slightly from CZ/c or the same direction as the molar volume V,ell/Z.
Cc. For the Cr-compound, the observed extinctions An increase of this volume is probably accompa-
or quasi extinctions lead to a symmetry close to nied by an increase of the diameter of the
PZi/n. The above described superlattices strongly bottlenecks, which might favour the sodium ions
suggest an oh&tiny CJ~the Nat ioti dt boom Xem- transport in the crystal.
~Q'Iu&ULQ, with a specific distribution for each
compound. 2.2. A = Ag (n-structural type)
AgCrP and AgFeP were prepared from their sodium
2.1.3. Conductivity. Variations of log (oT) vs.
analogues by ion exchange. Powder diffractograms
l/T are presented in fig. 3. Compared with the
show NaCrP to be rhombohedral at r.t., isotypic
previously reported results (5), the present ones
with y-NaMP (see table 5).
are more complete and reliable, particularly in
the low conductivity region. For NaFeP, the ~--+a DTA of AgFeP (fig. lc) reveals a reversible phase
transition is accompanied by a steep increase transition, c.+v, occuring at 73°C with an en-
of u, characteristic of a first order transition, thalpy of 0.22+0.06 kJmole-'. The y (high tempe-
with an increase factor of about IO. Simul- rature) form is isotypic with y-NaMP and the 3
taneously, a decrease of the activation energy (r.t.) form is a superstructure of y ; although
EA is observed (table 7). The B-+y transition the powder and single crystal diffractograms of
is associated with a slight increase of o and a j are not completely interpreted, one can note
further lowering of EA. A rather similar behaviour that many of the superstructure reflections are
has been described by Boehm et al. (18) for consistent with ahex Q 8ahexy : in the recipro-
Na3Sc2(P04)3. Concerning NaCrP, our conductivity cal space, they appear as satellites of the
data on the whole agree with that of Delmas et fundamental reflections located at a distance
al. (12). In addition, they show, near 75'C, a 3aq/8 in tile directions *- a* , 2 @and t ($-b*).
slope change and, near 14O"C, a slight increase
The conductivity of AgFeP (fig. 3 and table 7)
is much higher than that of the sodium analogue
near the room temperature and the activation
400, 300 200 100 50 energy is lower. The 6-f transition is asso-
- ciated with a small increase of conductivity.

2.3. A = Li (n and b-structural types)

Three forms of LiMP were obtained : I, II and

2.3.1. Form I is prepared by ion exchange from

NaMP (8 1.1.2) or, for LiCrP, by heating of the
forms II or III (§ 1.1.1 and table 6). It has a
Nasicon-type structure with a rhombohedral lat-
tice (table 5). The c parameter appears abnor-
mally large compared with the other AMP compounds
(A = Na, Ag). A similar observation was made by
Hong (1) in the series A3Zr2Si2P012 and intcr-
103/T(K) preted as an indication that the Lit ions occupy
positions different from the other A+ ions.
Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the conductivity
of phosphates AMP with a Nasicon type structure :
2.3.2. Form II is isotypic with the monoclinic
NaFeP ( ) ; NaCrP (------) modificationof F~z(SO~)~ (28, 29). This lacunar
AgFeP (-----------.);Iand III-LiCrP (----------.).
F. d’Yvoire et al. /Phase transitions and ionic conduction 855

Table 5. Crystallographic data.

Structural Possible
Compound a& b(i) c(i) B(“) z
type space group

a y-Na3Fe2(P04)3 + P R?lc R3c 8.733(l) 21.798(2) 6 240.0

a Y-Na3Cr2(PO4)3 + P R?c, R3c 8.622(3) 21.720(8) 6 233.0

(I ENa3Fe2(PO4)3 x r P 8.729(l) 21.725(2) 6 238.9

a a-Na3Fe2 (PO4) 3 s C2, Cm, C2/m 15.127(3) 8.722(2) 21.569(3) 90.16(l) 12 237.1

a a-Na3Cr2 (PO4) 3 s P21/n(?) 21.181(2) 8.655(l) 30.540(3) 90.61(l) 24 233.3

a Ag3Cr2 (PO4) 3 P R?c, R3c 8.698(2) 22.009(4) 6 240.3

a B-Ag3Fe2 (PO4)3 r P 8.772(l) 22.113(2) 6 245.6

a I-Li3Fe2 (PO4) 3 P R~c, R3c 8.310(2) 22.506(5) 6 224.3

a I-Li3Cr2 (PO4) 3 P R%, R3c 8.272(2) 22.219(5) 6 219.4

b II-Li3Fe2 (PO4) 3 P P21/c 8.568(l) 8.613(l) 14.690(l) 125.16(l) 4 221.5

b II-Li3Cr2 (PO4) 3 P P2,/c 8.453(l) 8.547(l) 14.520(2) 125.15(l) 4 214.4

a KxNa3_xFe2 (PO4) 3 P Rgc, R3c 8.635(5) 22.78(l) 6 245.2

a KxNa3_xCr2 (PO4) 3 P Rjc, R3c 8.567(l) 22.654(6) 6 240.0

C K3Fe2 (PO4) 3 s c2/c 16.303(2) 9.463(l) 16.691(2) 118.39(l) 8 283.2

+ : at 200°C x : at 12O’C r : data for the rhombohedral sublattice

p : data obtained from powder s : data obtained from single crystal and powder

3D skeleton structure is made of SO4 tetrahedra have the following approximate values :
sharing corners with Fe06 octahedra. The tetra- II-LiFeP : AH(a-by) = 2.1 2 0.6 kJmole-’
hedra (T) and octahedra (0) form 0T30 units II-LiCrP : AH(c(Ac~‘) = 0.6 _+ 0.2 ”
similar to those found in Nasicon, but the arrsn- AH(ct’+y) = 1.0 : 0.4 ”
gement of the units is different. A close exami-
X-ray powder diffractograms of II-LiFeP perfor-
nation of the structure shows a three dimensio-
med below and above the transition temperatures
nally linked interstitial space in which the
bottlenecks have their shortest diameter close
showed no distinct modification , suggesting
that the transitions concern the Li cations dis-
to the sum 2r(Li+) + 2r(02-) = 3.9 d. In
tribution or ordering rather than the structure
Li3M2(P04)3, where S is replaced by P, a signi-
of the M2(PO4)3 anionic network. (Possible super-
ficant increase of the bottleneck diameters
structure reflections indicating an order in the
should be expected, enabling a 3D transport of
low temperature forms would surely be undiscer-
the Li+ ions (see I 2.3.4).
nible on powder photographs owing to the low
DTA of II-LiFeP and II-LiCrP (fig. 4) indicates scattering factor of Li+).
below 35O“C two and three reversible transitions
respectively as listed in table 6. As for NaCrP, 2.3.3. Form III is found only for M = Cr (see 5
the ~1’ (or a)-+B and 6 +y transitions take place 1.1.1 and table 6). Some similarities between
over a wide range of temperature and are not the powder diffractograms of I and III suggest
completely separate . The transition enthalpies

Table 6. Phase transitions in phosphates LiMP.

(The transition temperatures are given
in “C).

I-LiFeP 570911

II-LiFeP: .&6265,y (melt. p. : 1028)

L-LiCrP -.=+I1

II-LiCrP: a &a'262.~312,y_wIII&aI

III-LiCrP -@-@$I1
Fig. 4. DTA scan of a) II-LiFeP 6) II-LiCrP.
* exothermic transition Heating and cooling rate : 200°C/h. Sample
** very slow transformation at 1OOO’C. mass : 5mg.

Table 7. Activation energies of conduction and


I, ('.-'cm-')
HA ___--
(ev) at 5O'C at 300°C

NaFeP IX. 0.83 1.2 x lo-'

b 0.55
Y 0.41 9 x lo-'
NaCrP $1 0.68 1.7 x lo-7
(1' 0.91
-4 ‘..., s I .o
‘I., Y 0.36 7 x lo-'
AgFeP D 0.37 8 x 10-s
5 .,:,
\ Y 0.4
1 5.l 2 2,5 '3 II-LiFeP u (%) 0.54 5.6 x 10-s
lO'/T(K) 0.67 1.9 x IO--'
I-LiCrP 0.8 2.5 x 10-a 3.5 x lo-'
Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the conductivity II-LiCrP c( 0.49 1.2 x lo-'
of II-LiCrP ( ), II-LiFeP (------), CL' 0.69
KFeP (---------.-) and KFeP-XG (----------_). B 0.71 7 x lo-'
Y 0.50
III-LiCrP 0.8 4 x 10-s 6 x IO-'
that III might be derived fr:m I by a deformation KFeP 1.4 “u 5 x IO-'0
and perhaps a superstructure . KFeP-XG 0.6 3 x 1o-5
2.3.4. Conductivity data are given in fig. 3 and (a) at T < IOO'C.
5 and in table 7. For I and III-LiCrP, which do
not exhibit any phase transition, the Arrhenius
law is observed in the whole investigated range 2.4. M = K
of temperature. For II-LiCrP, the a-+~' and
By iurl exchctnge in molten potassium nitrate,
u'+ 3 transitions are both associated with a
NaFeP and NaCrP lead to partially exchanged rhom-
rapid increase of 0, stretching over a certain
bohedral solids I:.J~a3_xM2(P04)3with x "J 0.95
range of temperature : (about 70 to 8O'C and 265
(see table 5). Hence, the compounds KMP cannot
to 285°C respectively). The 8-y transition is
be prepared by this method, probably as a conse-
marked only by a change of activation energy near
quence of the large size of the K+-ion. Attempts
33O'C. The II-LiFeP o-curve is a straight line
to obtain KMP by iti'&!& ~~$&he5in failed for M =
below 100°C. Beyond, the slope increases progres-
Cr but led to the wanted compound for M = Fe
sively up to 245'C, which is approximatively the
(see § 1.1.1 and table 5).
a--+fi transition-end temperature, and then de-
creases. The 0-y transition is accompanied by
2.4.1. The crystal structure of KFeP has been
a new slope increase. The y-form exhibits a
determined recently, (7).
., It consists of a 3D
constant activation energy.
network of linked P04, Fe06 and Fe05 polyhedra
and an interstitial space containing the K+ ions.
2.3.5. cumtnettis
The K+ sites are joined by passageways running be
(i) Both DTA and conductivity curves of II-LiMP
tween layers parallel to (101). However, the con--
show evidence for transitions (a or ct'-+B and
ditions for a fast ionic conduction are not ful-
B-y) stretching over substantial ranges oftem-
filledO: a) the passageways have bottlenecks of
peratures. Such transitions may be put into the
a 4.9 A minimum diameter distinc:ly shorter than
class III of O'Keefe (30).
the sum 2r(K+) + 2r(O*-) = 5.46 A ; b) no vacant
(ii) As well as NaFeP and NaCrP, which are
site having the I(+ size is present.
Nasicon-type, II-LiFeP and II-LiCrP, which are
structurally related to monoclinic Fe2(SO4)3,
2.4.2. A DTA curve of KFeP is shown in fig. 6.
undergo two or three reversible transitions below
The first peak which appears on heating is inter-
35O'C. On the contrary, the Nasicon-type I-LiFeP
preted as an incongruent melting occuring at
and I-LiCrP do not. Although these similarities
805°C : samples heated up to 815°C and quenched
and differences in behaviour are not well under-
are mixtures of a glass and an undetermined crys-
stood presently, they might be connected with
talline phase "X", while heating up to 860°C and
the relative sizes of the mobile ions and bottle-
quenching give a pure glass.
necks in the crystal : in NaMP and II-LiMP, the
sum of the A+ and 02- ionic diameters is probably
2.4.3. The conductivity data reported in table 7
close to the bottleneck diameter [see 5 2.1.3, §
and fig. 5 show that KFeP is a very poor conduc-
2.3.2 and (l)] w h'l
i e in I-LiMP (which has the
tor (0 = 3 x 10-RO-'cm-' at 400°C) as expected
same network as NaMP), this sum is smaller. The-
from structural data.
refore, the interaction between the mobile ions
and the network may be different. Previous mfasureclcnts (7) gave higher conducti-
F. d’Yvoire et al. /Phase ttmrsitions and ionic conduction 857

(8) Delmas, C., Olazcuaga, R., Cherkaoui, F.,

Brochu, R. and Le Flem, G., C.R. Acad. Sci.,
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Flem, G., Hagenmuller, P., Cherkaoui, F.
and Brochu, P., Sol. State Ionics (1981)
Fig. 6. DTA scan of KFeP. Heating and cooling 209-214.
rate : ZOO'C/h. Sample mass : 5mg. (13) Efremov, V.A. and Kalinin, V.B., Sov. Phys.
Crystallogr., 23 (1978) 393-396.
(14) Okonenko, S.A., Stefanovich, S.Yu., Kalinin,
vities (IO-5R-'cm-' at 4OO'C). In fact, the ma- V.B. and Venevtsev, Yu.N., Sov. Phys. Sol.
terial which was used contained somes traces of State, 20 (1978) 1647-1648.
X phase, probably as a consequence of a too high (15) Lazoryak, B.I., Kalinin, V.B., Stefanovich,
sintering temperature (see § 1.4). S.Yu. and Efremov, V.A., Sov. Phys. Dokl.,
25 (1980) 67-68.
To explain these high values, pellets of KFeP Stefanovich, S.Yu. and Kalinin, V.B., Sov.
were completely transformed into a mixture of Phys. Sol. State, 23 (1981) 2043-2044.
phase X and glass by heating up to 815°C and Delbecq, C.J., Marshall, S.A. and Susman,
quenching. The conductivity of this material,
S., Sol. State Ionics, 1 (1980) 145-149.
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very high (1.5 x lo-'c?-'cm-' at 4OO'C) in compa-
and Susman, S., Sol. State Ionics, 5 (1981)
rison with that of the undecomposed crystalline 311-314.
KFeP, which explains our early results (7). But
(19) Susman, S., Delbecq, C.J. and Brun, T.O.,
it is distinctly lower than the values recently
Proc. Electrochem. Sot., Spring Meet., May
reported for other potassium conductor glasses
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such as "Kasicon" (25).
(20) Tran Qui, D., Capponi, J.J., Gondrand, M.
and Joubert, J.C., Sol. State Lonics, 5
(1981) 305-306.
(21) Boilot, J.P., Collin, G. and ComPs, R., Sol.
We are grateful to Professor L. Cot (E.N.s.c.,
State Ionics, 5 (1981) 307-309.
Montpellier) and Professor M. Maurin (U.S.T.L.,
(22) Boilot, J.P., Collin, G. and Comgs, R., Sol.
Montpellier) for providing DSC and conductivity
State Comm., 45 (1983) 231-236.
measurements facilities. We thank Dr J. Doucet
(23) Boilot, J.P., Collin, G. and Colomban, Ph.,
(Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay) for
Nasicon and related Compounds : a review,
the use of a high temperature Guinier camera.
in Progress in Solid Electrolytes. Energy,
Mines and Resources, Canada. To be published.
(24) de la RochPre, PI., d'Yvoire, F., Collin, G.,
ComPs, R. and Boilot, J.P., Proceedings of
(1) Hong, H.Y-P., Mat. Res. Bull., 11 (1976) this conference.
(25) Lejeune, M., Colomban, Ph. and Boilot, J.P.,
(2) Goodenough, J.B., Hong, H.Y-P. and Kafalas, J. non Cryst. Sol., 51 (1982) 273-276.
J.A., Mat. Res. Bull., 11 (1976) 203-220.
(26) d'Yvoire, F., Bull. Sot. Chim. Fr., (1962)
(3) Hong, H.Y-P., Proc. Int. Conf. on Fast Ion 1237-1243.
Transport in Solids, Lake Geneva, U.S.A.,
(27) Doucet, J., Thesis, Paris-Sud University
May 1979, Vashishta, P. et al. (eds.), 431-
(June 1978).
433, (Elsevier, 1979).
(28) Moore, P.B. and Araki, T., N. Jb. Miner.
(4) Pintard-Scrgpel, M., d'Yvoire, F. and R&y,
Abh., 121 (1974) 208-228.
F ., C.R. Acad. Sci., 286 C (1978) 381-383.
(29) Christidis, P.C. and Rentzeperis, P.J., Z.
(5) d'Yvoire, F., Pintard-Scrcpel, M. and Bretey,
Kristallogr., 141 (1975) 233-245.
E ., C.R. Acad. Sci., 290 C (1980) 185-188.
(30) O'Keefe, M., in Mahan, G.D. and Roth, W.L.,
(611Pintard-Scrgpel, M., d'Yvoire, F. and Bretey,
E ., Proceed. 2nd Europ. Conf. on Solid State Superionic conductors (Plenum Press, 1976)
Chemistry, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, June
1982, Metselaar, R. et al. (eds.), Studies
Present address : Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale
in Inorg. Chem., 3, 215-218 (Elsevier, Ams-
Anpliq&e, Chimie des Materiaux , E.N.S.C.,
terdam, 1983).
34075 Montpellier Cgdex (France).
(7) Pintard-Scrgpel, M., Durand, J. and d'Yvoire,
Powder X-ray diffraction data will be sent by
F., Acta Cryst. (1933) C 39, 9-12.
the authors on request.

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