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Name: ______________________________

First, Then, Finally

Read the passage, and then complete the three rows.

The sun was setting over the ancient city of Verona, casting a warm glow over the bustling
streets. Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers from feuding families, had just been married in
secret. As they walked hand in hand, their hearts were filled with hope for a future together.
However, their joy was short-lived as they encountered Tybalt, Juliet's hot-headed cousin, who
was seeking revenge for Romeo's presence at the Capulet's ball.

A heated argument ensued, and before Romeo could intervene, Tybalt drew his sword. In a
moment of desperation, Romeo's best friend, Mercutio, stepped in to defend him. The clash of
metal echoed through the air as the two dueled fiercely. Tragically, Mercutio was fatally
wounded, and as he lay dying in Romeo's arms, he uttered a curse on both the Montagues and

Consumed by grief and rage, Romeo sought vengeance for his friend's death and confronted
Tybalt. In a fit of fury, he drew his own sword and the two engaged in a fierce battle. In a
moment of recklessness, Romeo struck Tybalt down, and the streets of Verona were stained
with blood.

As the dust settled, the reality of what had transpired began to sink in. The consequences of
their forbidden love had escalated beyond their control, and the young couple found
themselves torn between loyalty to their families and their undying love for each other. The
tragic events of that fateful evening would set in motion a chain of events that would
ultimately seal their fate.




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