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Analyzing the Text Questions Act II

1. What he means when he says that Juliet is like the sun is because of how much happiness that
she brings to him and how beautiful she is. This wording appears later when Romeo is talking to
Friar Laurence.
2. She says that because Romeo is a part of the Montagues which is an enemy of her families and
she says that they can still be married and be in love apart from that difference.
3. They think that it would be better if they did that because it would happen right away so that
they can escape any further things down the line.
4. He thinks that they are trying to get married to early and he only agrees to marry them is
because he thinks that it will turn around the family feud that the 2 families are having.
5. Juliet’s relationship with her nurse is the nurse wants the best for her, but Juliet sometimes does
not like the nurse because she gets on her nerves. She also thinks that she would be well with
Romeo after she saw him.
6. Romeo would most likely not take his advice and he would get too into the love and he would
ignore it which would be bad for him.

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