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Crisannthy Medallo

STEM 12 - Dela Cruz

Comparative Anatomy
Sympatric Speciation
the comparative study of the body
structures of different species of speciation that occurs when two groups of
the same species live in the same
animals geographic location
Molecular biology
processes of biological
phenomena involving molecules.
Evidence for Allopatric speciation

study of the geographic evolution Speciation and speciation that happens when two
distribution of plants, animals, and species concepts populations of the same species become
isolated from each other due to
other forms of life
geographic changes.

Parapatric Speciation
Fossil record This occurs when the groups that
the remains or imprints of
organisms from earlier geological DESCENT WITH evolved to be separate
species are geographic neighbors.
periods preserved in sedimentary
rock. MODIFICATION Peripatric Speciation
It is a mode of speciation in
which a new species is
formed from an isolated
peripheral population.

Natural Selection
process through which populations Extinction
of living organisms adapt and
change Patterns of evolution Extinction is a term
applied to a species that
Genetic Drift has no living members
Mechanism of
change in allele frequency in a evolution

Divergent Convergent
Coevolution evolution
Gene Flow process whereby groups
process of reciprocal process in which
The movement of genetic material (by evolutionary change that organisms that are not
interbreeding) from one population of from the same common occurs between pairs of
ancestor evolve and species or among groups closely related
a species to another
Mutation accumulate differences, of species as they interact independently evolve
resulting in the formation with one another similar features.
alteration in the genetic material of new species
(the genome) of a cell of a living

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